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Nagate Negate (Matsu Ike)

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

Matsu was looking at him as she raised an eyebrow at his wanting to continue and keep trying. She wasn't opposed to a strong work ethic but she also knew the danger of pushing yourself to far, to fast. "If you believe you can then please but remember this is not a race, you have all the time to prepare yourself and often times rushing something can be more dangerous."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"I'd like to try again. I think I can handle it this time. It's just a lot more than I was ready for."

Nagate walked to the generator again and placed his hands out and became the rod once again. He felt the electricity surge to meet the new conduit that was present. He opened the pit and began absorbing as much as he could. Then he stopped before he went too far. He stepped back and turned to the sky and released all the energy and a huge bolt of lightning.

"That felt much better."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

Matsu watched him and gave a nod of her head in understanding and agreement. He was working hard and doing as needed while she stayed ready to intercede again knowing the dangers.. Plus it was at times interesting to see how much some of the people training could handle. The jedi moved and spoke going near the generator. "That is good, you're getting better at it but you'll still need to practice. Aside from the dangerous parts of absorbing a saber the only real ways to explore it is to try and act as a ground to current in water but that is dangerous."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

She was looking at him with a small smirk on her face mostly of enjoyment and contentment for some of the things. "You are not ready for that, those skills are hard for most masters to learn and use without hurting themselves. I would recommend you practice the basics before you try the more advanced techniques."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"Understood Master. Thank you for teaching me. May I ask one more question?"

Nagate wanted to learn the way of the sword. So far he'd been fighting soley based on instinct. He wished to refine himself to better combat those who would oppose the balance of life. With the Sith threat ever present and the criminal fungus from the TU and Ravens, Nagate needed to be better if he was to survive and protect the Light.

"I wish to learn the different styles of saber combat. Could you teach me any?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

"That is a complicated question, because there is a big difference between knowing and being able to teach. One can know everything but not be able to show it... but in this case you have lucked out. I am actually one of the few jedi who can claim knowledge and ability. The perks of being a generalist compared to many who choose to focus so tightly on a single aspect." She was moving and held her hands behind her back. "I prefer a more rounded and broader aspect of it all."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Nagate followed close at Master Ike's side as she spoke. He was visibly interested as he listened.

"That is great, Master, I do appreciate the help."

"Where can we start?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

Matsu looked at him while she was standing there, not really sure what he wanted to learn or know. "That depends on what you want to know, there is a great amount of knowledge with sabers but you need a place to start. What techniques were you looking to learn."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

"All of them, even the most ground uses speed to dodge and become a counter attack padawan. You are going to general and far to broad." Matsu was standing there and looking at him while she walked hoping for more information.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

Matsu looked at him. "He used makashi a form created for facing saber wielders." She was looking at him and teaching Makashi was something she could do. That would be easier actually since she rather liked it though it was limited at times when other saber users knew how to counter and break the guard.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"I would like to learn that and anything else you would offer in complement."

Nagate knew he was asking a lot of a master who was not his own, but Connor had been elsewhere as of late. Nagate appreciated everything Master Ike was doing, even if he wasn't good at showing it.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

Matsu looked at him and thought about it for a moment, compliments to makashi were generally ways to better handle the dangers of now saber fighters. Ones with guns and she had found knowing how to make a barrier was useful or knowing how to turn their energy blasts into soemthing you could use to increase yourself. Tutaminis would prove a useful technique as she stood there for a moment and spoke. "Makashi is a skilled ones form, some of the greatest saber duelest have mastered it but it has its drawbacks... notably the best way to best its users is with unorthodox tactics likie throwing objects at their feet to break their guards. One of the best techniques is learning different awareness skills."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"Understood. Where can we begin master?"

Nagate didn't know where to start, so he awaited instruction. All of his fights lately had involved improvised tactics. Using pure speed and agility to defeat his opponants. He'd need these techniques for more skilled opposition like the Sith.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

Matsu looked at him while she rolled her shoulders and held her saber, at the ready and the silver hilt gleamed in the light before she spoke. "Give me a moment, I haven't used the form on its own in awhile." She relaxed and was moving a bit as she stood there letting the blade activate with a snap hiss. Silvery purple light came out so pale and pulsed with the lightside from her solari crystals it sent a small tingle across her skin even still. "Withdraw your saber and find a comfortable stance. Your footwork will be important."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Drawing his own saber, Nagate flicked the ignition to release the pale blue blade. The Adegan crystal gave of a cool, relaxed feeling. Nagate found a stance that was comfortable. Feet slightly staggered, strong foot front, blade extended to face Master Ike.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

Matsu faced him, her blade holding still while she shifted to one hand and set the other on the bottom. Resting it but able to grip for more strength at a moment notice. "The basis for Makashi is to have better skills in dueling. Skilled users can handle several opponents but it gets tricky at first you'll be limited and in danger facing one at a time." She moved forward and brought her blade to meet his. "Defense and never losing some of the contact, you can keep them within your sight while pushing the fight your way."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Nagate nodded while master Ike spoke. He was forming a visual as she explained this style of combat.

"Understood master. Be on defense, yet control the fight."

The blades sparked when they made contact. It was a brilliant mix of purple and blue, yet white covered them both.

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