Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nagate Negate (Matsu Ike)

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

"Yes, it will be less about the strike. You use light movements, parries and slashes rather then strikes, stabs or heavy blows. You will need to be watching them and focused." She presented her position with her feet and was watching the boy while she held out the blade towards him. "Now show me what you can do with your blade."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Nagate wasn't sure where to begin, but he moved forwards pressing against Master Ike's blade as it ran down the length. Then he wove the around the top of her blade and pressed down the flicked his wrist away from her blade towards her face. Thankfully, he'd remembered to turn the intensity of the blade down to training mode, as to avoid possible lethal wounds.

In the event that Master Ike would counter with a slash at his exposed ribs, he stepped into the strike to hopefully subvert her reach.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

Matsu watched his movements and working to press, her blade remainign where it was for a moment as she brought her blade to pushed back at his coming near her face. She then move trying to keep contact with his blade in a flowing water cut while she moved to strike at his wrist while raising the blade and stepping into him with space for a chest bump to push him back.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Nagate utilized the propulsion that Master Ike provided the bring his blade down on the opposite blade. Spining away from the attack, Nagate kept the blade at his waist, allowing it to spin with him like the blade of a mower. Creating space.

Then once he stopped, he preformed a figure eight slash and finished with a spining horizontal slash that ended with Nagate crouched beneath Master Ike. He hoped his speed would be enough to keep the master at bay.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

Matsu moved, her blade sliding and pushing herself back as he spun to create distance. She moved her feet to create a space she could operate in. The apprentice was going more shii-cho then makashi as she moved her blade to defend. "Careful, you are slipping from fencing to attacking. Your movement needs to be careful with less jumping." Her blade moved remaining in the air as Matsu twirled backwards to avoid the figure eight but kept her blade in place with a telekinetic grip then deactivated the blade as he came down. Reactivating in a trakata style defense to try and bypass his downward strike.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"Understood Master."

Nagate rose and pressed forwards. He needed to be more decisive, not so excitable in his movements. To refrain from learning the wrong way, he shuffled forwards. He mad a swift horizontal slash, followed by another in the opposite direction. No power was put behind them, merely a testing attack, gauging the distance.

Thrusting out, Nagate shuffled his feet to stay in line with his attack, not exploiting power as much as pushing back and preventing a counter by Master Ike. Keeping the point of his saber on the Master, he could easily move to deflect and parry her attacks if needed.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

"A little better." Her blade returned to her hand as Matsu moved into a more fencers position with her body turned away from the padawan and wasn't jumping but swiftly moving back with her saber raised to meet his slashes. Testing him while she used only one hand and backed up befre switching position and turning into him with the blade twisting in her hand to lock sabers then try to toss his to the side.
Nagate allowed his blade to be pushed away and circled it down, around and back up to face the master. He poked forth with his saber and kept her blade on the end of his.

This would help him stave off any attempt to disarm or distract.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

Matsu was looking at his movements and kept her blade extended as she moved back a little to keep the distance and pushed forward with a stab. "You are doing better now, keep it up and remember your footing." She was keeping her eyes on him while moving forward and back to try and break and small lock but also try to strike for his limbs.
Nagate shifted his feet as Master Ike danced back and forth, striking at his limbs. In response, Nagate tilted the hilt of his saber so that he'd deflect each blow enough to avoid being hit.

After a parry, he retorted and stabbed forth at the midsection of the Master.

"Thank you Master."

He continued to stay light on his toes, to give him spring in his reactions and allow him the ability to dodge. Pulling back to give space, he darted in again, slashing at the forearms of Master Ike. Hopefully keeping her at bay.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

He was doing better and she kept at it, her hop back barely, just barely avoiding the strike to her stomach as the robes she was wearing showed the signs of scorch marks. She didn't look down feeling the warmth in the area of her stomach and waist. Eyes remaining focused while she rotated her wrist and saber in her hand to catch and bring her saber along her forearm to defend while she brought it back kicking her foot down to switch hands with the blade. Her skills with both hands at least giving her a small advantage. "Better but always remember that skill should be growing and changing in the situation." She stabbed towards him again at the knee and brought her one hand up as she crackled a little energy between her fingers. "You have to be ready for the trick, battling a sith will have them using dirty tricks out of the spirit of fair play, you will need to know how to counter those."
"Understood master"

Nagate placed his open hand at the ready by his side in anticipation of a strike from Masters Judgement. Nagate decided more aggressive actions would be a good counter to the tricks. If they couldn't focus on their tricks, they'd need to focus on defense and visa versa. To not allow them the opportunity to use their own abilities was the best way to stay on the advantage.

Nagate pressed forwards, keeping his mind clear to prevent distraction or tunnel vision in the duel. Allowing the blade to almost move independently as it lanced for Master Ike's waist, then he pulled the saber back and made for a lunging horizontal slash followed by a quick Force Push to keep her repelling.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

There we go, he was getting it and Matsu was falling into the small disadvantage.... She was a generalist compared to this and would normally switch to other forms and skills to protect herself as she let her feet leave the ground and she was jumping back as the force energy around her became more like a tunnel sending her back. The saber in her hand shifting as Matsu deactivated it and she stood there while looking at him. "Now you are getting it, keep practicing but be careful an expert of Makashi can defeat a saber duelest but with some small thoughts they can be decimated through force powers and the environment."
"Understood. Thank you Master. For everything."

Nagate deactivated his saber and bowed slightly to his Master. He had learned some valuable skills. Now to improve on them. It was a good start.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

"It was a very welcomed change of pace, usually ones come to me to learn.... exotic abilities or obscure powers. It isn't often I get to stretch my senses and have a little fun." She was thankful for that and stretched letting her body pop all over as the bones went before she was speaking. "Is there anything else you were hoping to see or learn?"
[member="Matsu Ike"]

As a matter of fact. If there is anything you can teach me about negating Force abilities. I know if I'm strong enough, I can resist abilities, but I to outright stop them or nullify them. Otherwise I'll just continue practicing what I've learned today."

Nagate thought it was a good idea to do as his master did and stretch out. He was a limber youth, but it was good to keep loose.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

She was looking at him. "There are ways to nullify abilities but it is a very dangerous technique that few can do. I had to spend years and travel to to find the heart of the force to learn." She remained there looking at him. "I do not know if teaching it or explaining it is entirely possible."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

Matsu was looking at him, a blank expression on her face while she was trying to think of how to explain it and his own wants. "Unless they want you to learn and see... Then nothing will happen. It is not a matter of your wanting to protect people it is a matter of what they see within your heart and soul." She straightened herself for a moment and moved to an area of grass before sitting down and removing her robes. The pale skin underneath covered in tattoo's and scars as well as signs of the force backfiring on her.

"What you seek is at the heart of the force, with for lack of a real name its architects. They created the way the universe feels the energy and they guard the real secret to immortality. Few have been before them and few actually have reference material on them to try and find the signs." She was one of the few who had but saying she found them after being severed from the force and left by Kiskla to be a drooling mess never sounded good.

They had found her afterwards and offered her the chance to heal herself while delving into the mysteries of the force. She remained seated there though and focused the energies at her hands, almost chanting under her breath as she let small crackles ripple of white energy until she held a small orb of force energy in her hand. The essence of what she had gone through and spoke.

"Meditate and clear your mind, this I was allowed to take, it is the living force and I dispersed it so it wouldn't be tarnished. You should be able to focus on it and they'll kow, if they want you to know then you will feel the location. It is hard to explain without coloring your view because it shall be different for everyone."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"I will Master, thank you for the opportunity."

Nagate looked in awe of the pure Force Essence. He could sense it's power and its ability for creating life. It was as if Masyer Ika was holding the power of a star in her hands. Nagate sat down and drew his lightsaber, holding it in front of him, he removed the casing and plucked the Adegan crystal out.

Setting down his saber parts, Nagate focused on the sphere of Force Essence. Flowing his own Force through the Adegan crystal to aid his concentration. The Spirit of the Crystal cooled the air around Nagate, smoothed his mind and began to channel the Force into the Sphere. His eyes began to burn, but not from fire, from the sensation of purity the sphere held. He concentrated on the sphere, the crystal would flow more intently, as if powered by the sphere and by Nagate.

The energy in the room would begin to fluctuate as the Living Force, and the Crystal opened up Nagate's mind to the Force.

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