Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Should we remove Nanotechnology from the Banned list?

  • Yes give us our little robots back!

    Votes: 47 64.4%
  • No little robots are lame

    Votes: 12 16.4%
  • What's nanotechnology?

    Votes: 3 4.1%
  • Ban Popo's Gas

    Votes: 11 15.1%

  • Total voters
I really wanted to ban [member="Popo"] 's gas as well but voted to bring back out little robots. There could be some great uses with this and I even have a few in mind if the rule is reversed. I'd love to see it back in the factory.

If nanotechnology is allowed I think it must have a mandatory dev thread with restrictions on the item/product.
I vote Yes, with restrictions to the actual application.

I ask that obviously common sense be used.

If it is going to make you live longer, forever, or something in a medical application that really doesn't benefit the community - throw the idea in the bin.

Cosmetic applications for missions, plot devices, etc. I'm game. Applications for plot devices such as turning an NPC into an explosive device (within reason and discussed amongst Faction Administration or something like that.) I'm game.

Throwing six dozen NPCs at me who are set to explode in an Invasion - no dice.
While, at a glance, I see the reasoning behind banning nanotechnology and how it can be unfair, I can also think of a handful of canon sources that are similar enough to nanotechnology to be... considered as such. One of which is a colony of single celled organisms that is force sensitive and can basically do whatever it wants.

If the vote passes to remove them from the banned tech list, perhapse add them to the restricted materials list instead? With some limitations on what sort of nano-tech is and isn't acceptable.
Echoing the above opinions, yeah, nanotech is similar enough to a few currently allowed materials and concepts that it's a little silly to keep it banned, but it's also rife with potential for abuse. If not banned, then restricted and carefully reviewed. It's entirely possible to accidentally create superweapons with this stuff.

Got some cool ideas of how to use it, though. Provided I can nonsense the science well enough to appease our true FJ overlords.
[member="Alyesa Organa"] - Specifically one of the modern nanotech is working to create or lengthen telomeres in DNA/cells, so that aging is slowed or stopped. At current the theoretical inclination is it won't be able to keep you alive forever (cancer, etc..), but that aging itself wouldn't kill you. I don't see that as being a problem. When you use it for regenerative purposes to never die from violence, you are violating a site rule. So no need to ban that from the Factory, it is already covered. Really being 'ageless' has no bearing on anything fairness related, that isn't covered or prevented by other rules. As well 'benefit the community' is terribly subjective, and we need to be objective here. What benefits the community changes from writer to writer. And why not an NPC bomb? It's loosely cannon, and is no worse than people rolling up in massive beskar battle tanks that are absurdly hard to destroy (And which I love personally).

I say bring them back. Restricted materials makes sense. Something akin to the A.I. challenge would be best, forcing people to detail with the medical/scientific end of it. You make people do more than handwave their toys, and 90% of those looking to abuse the tech (who are consequently usually lazy louts as well as munchkin/power gamers) will scatter like so many cockroaches in the light.
I said this before, but you have to define "nanotechnology". It's like saying "Let's ban electrical engineering." It's too broad.

IRL, we are nearly at the point where nanotechnology is not science fiction, but has commercial applications. (IIRC, there are already experimental uses of nanotech in medicine, such as delivering nanoparticles of metals like gold to destroy/mark cancer cells.)

What do you mean by nanotechnology?

Also, we need to ban electrical engineering. Electrical engineers are 100% behind all canon super weapons like the Death Star and Sun Crusher.

Ban the EE majors!


Well-Known Member
I voted to ban Pope's gas, but I'm for nanotech. The fact it was banned for someone breaking Wheaton's Law should have been taken out on the person. Little robots dindu nuffin!
I am down for the middle ground.

Certain godmodium aspects of nano-technology should definitely remain on the banned list. Such things as raising the dead, immortality, etc.

And putting a new writing challenge in place to submit them in the first place, plus the watchful eyes of Divine Spencer the Jacobs and her legion, I'm pretty sure the potential abuse will be downright minimum at best.

It's one of those things that hasn't been explored or utilized by companies. A new horizon for Chaos writers to dabble in. Sure, there are things in Canon that accomplish similar/same effects. But likewise, there are a bunch of burger joints. I could go to any of them because they have greasy meat, but dammit I want Five Guys.

But I'm broke.

Where was I going with this...

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