I would like to make a suggestion, not sure if it has been spoken before. The idea of putting it on restricted list to me makes perfect sense and I agree one hundred percent. Perhaps on top of being a restricted tech also take on a case by case basis? Or make it a significantly difficult tech to work that either a company needs to specifically specialize in it or is a large company that is capable of supporting a niche tech?
On droids that animate the dead, to me it would make sense if the droids did not bring a person back so much as just make the body keep working for a time. Thus if someone died then the droids would simply keep the body living x amount of time longer, but the personality that the person had is gone. It would be, and I fear to use this term because I really do not like the concept of it, zombies. Mindless beings that are capable of taking care of themselves in a most basic way but inhibitions or natural self preservation and other stuff related to the brain on a conscious level are no longer functional. Maybe? Just an idea.
Again this is all just some ramblings and two cents that I through together thought it might further the idea. Any which way it is taken, I would very much like the little artificials back and if they are allowed back expect some things from LOOM relatively soon, after any restrictions are met of course.