Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nathema - Tenebrae's abode

Nathema was the last place in galaxy Hulnok wanted to be, but a strange datacron had lead him here in a search for info about a man named dark lord Vitiate, the former ruler of Nathema. As Hulnok walked throw the deserted city towards the library he looked at the data files again. "Nathema was once a perfect world controlled by a Sith Lord named~~~~~~~" the datacron cut off " a boy named Tenebrae was born into a family of commoners and this boy has eyes like the void, like the endless darkness of space, and he had powers unlike any sith to ever exist. At the age of six his father questioned his mother about the powers, because neither were force sensitive, and she admited to having an afair with the sith governor. When his adopted father tried killing him, he used the force to snap the mans neck and torture his mother for weeks on end. At the age of thirteen, he was dubbed lord Vitiate by the dark council which was held on Dromund Kaas. After returning to his homeworld he gained many fanatical followers and servants. He spent another thousand years in Nathema, until one day he invited all the remaining sith after the great hyperspace war to preform an ancient sith ritual in which Tenebrae used his immense power to absorb every living thing on Nathema and entirely stripped the world of its connection to the force" with that info in mind he trudged along in the deserted streets.

((ooc)): if u are wondering where I got this info, I got it from a starwars novel called Starwars The Old Republic: Revan and I cut out the name of that sith 'cause I forgot!


Disney's Princess
Another Padawan had decided to tag along. Karen Roberts of Corellia. Her starship was still nearby and she had come alone in it. Sensing Hulnok, she approached him,

"Padawan Hulnok Yawon. I hope you don't mind me coming along. ...And um. What are we looking for today, hmm? I'm curious to see what we find."

Beatrice Gwandarh

Beatrice saw two Jedi. Mmm... Padawans, she thought. She was near these Jedi, in the woods. They weren't Beatrice's actual bounties... But she still wanted to fight or something, so she took her blaster out. Then she remembered, that Imperial Remnant might even ally with The Republic, so it would ruin everything. She put the blaster away and looked at the Jedi. Yes, they should live. Their lives just started. Like Beatrice's. Her childhood was perfect. She got everything she wanted and was trained to be a part of the most powerful Bounty Hunter guild in the galaxy. Now she is their leader and one of the most skilled ones of them... (*OOC STARTS* Beatrice, that's enough! Stop thinking you are a perfect being!*OOC ENDS*) Beatrice was still thinking. But indeed, she had a great life.
It amused Daxton to come to Nathema to meditate. This once lush fertile land was drained completely of life, leaving a husk of a planet populated grey and brown leavings of its former habitants. On this dead infertile world, Daxton could silence the demons which plagued his dreams. Here he could find a measure of peace.

Yet now he sensed a disturbance in the Force. Not pleased one bit to have his solitude disturbed, Daxton gathered his cloak tighter and rose from he was sitting. The Sith apprentice left the barren throne room, leaving nothing but footprints on the dusty floor as he sought those who dared to interrupt his meditations..
@[member="Karen Roberts"] " no, I don't mind you coming. We're looking for more about this man Lord Vitiate." "The council told me I should look into this datacron, so I don't plan on staying here long. I can't even use the force here."


Disney's Princess
"I agree we shouldn't stay long. The strange absence of Force Energies on this planet is making me sick to my stomach."

Karen activated her com's slave circuit and sent her ship into low orbit.

"Well, we are here now. So where should we go looking first? I am not picky. ...However. I would suggest extreme caution. Ashla predicts danger all around us."

Beatrice Gwandarh

Beatrice looked at the Jedi and raised his eyebrow. So soon... The fun just started, she thought and shot the woman's ship with a weapon. Not with a normal blaster, but with a far-distance gun. She hoped the laser reaches the ship. Beatrice turned around and looked at the forest. Okay... It wasn't a forest actually. There were only some trees, but... She was able to hide her ship to the 'forest' so it was good enough.

Jorn Mair

Jorn didnt particaly like stealing a space craft. he was on the run from the sith for stealing a vehicle. but he needed to get to home and as he was leaving the atmosphere he was hit with some kind of progectile that damaged the ship. he needed to land somewhere to repair it. not to far off was the planet Nathema. he had never heard of it before and so he chose to go there.

As he was entering the atmosphere the ship started to shake and shudder vilolently. red flashing lights apeared on his dash and he heard a voice echo in the cabin "warning, warning entering Nathama atmosphere warning, warning" Jorn just roled his eyes behind his helmet and mutered to him self "no shit sherlock." just adding some sarcsum made his day alittle bit better. but only by a little.

he was going way to fast to be entering the atmosphere and neede to slow down. he opened the flaps closed the engine covers and turned off the thrusters he slowed down exponentaily but still not enough. he was going to have a crash landing. he couldnt slow it down anymore. he glanced out the cabin windows to see if he could safely land somewhere. but they entire place was desolate. all he would have to do was not crash where the trees were. as he was flying over some dead forest he saw another ship hidden there and he thought that it was an older ship that was stranded here. he then saw a wide open space and directiond his ship towards the open area. after he did so he brought it down slowly and he saw what looked like people but only two. he then brought it down when he pased them in the sky and crashed. he remebered hearing metal bend moan and creak. then his head body lying foward out of the seat. and then ....... darkness.


Disney's Princess
Karen noticed a laser beam attempting to attack her ship as it departed. It wasn't a normal laser but something from a far-distance gun. Her ship had moderate shielding so she was not worried about damage from a single burst of fire. However, Karen was worried that they were no longer alone.

"Hulnok. We are not alone on this planet. I cannot sense our enemy but that laser was nearby. If we seek a palace? Then let us find it quickly. Otherwise I fear we risk capture."

Mair's ship was seen falling from the sky, but Karen paid it no mind.

"We must find this palace quickly Hulnok. Or we shall have to leave this planet with nothing. I am sorry."
Standing on the parapet of the castle, Daxton could see the ship crashing to the ground some distance away. Was it the Jedi? How dare they show their faces here of all places. Gripping the handle of his lightsaber staff, he waited patiently for the Jedi to show their faces. He would teach them that the price for trespass was high.

Jorn Mair

Jorn awoke. therer was a beam on his chest with a little help of his vibro blade he bushedd it off of him. his ship was a trash heap now there was no posabul wat to fix all of this by himself. he also doesnt know what happes after dark and he wasnt in the best shape. when he hit he must of hit his head hard enough because all the way down his arms he was numb. he did see other people and decided that he would go look for them and maybe hitch a ride. it was doubtful. but worth a shot.

leaving the wreckage he saw a temple of some kind. he didnt know where the two people went but he decided to go to the temple. they may be there. not wasnting to give up on himself he muttered "just one step at a time Jorn just one step at a time."
Daxton didn't bother to reach out to the Force, this planet was dead to the Force. That was the main reason why he came here to meditate. Now these intruders dare come here and disturb him. He could feel the rage build up inside him, almost making want to tear out someone's throat with his bare teeth. Still this meant he could not use his skill with the third blade.

A minor problem since he still had the dual bladed lightsaber staff, but not entirely without a few tricks of his own. The wrist darts were fully loaded with Yellow Fever fungus venom. The smallest scratch would cause loss of muscle and bladder control, as well as trigger random spasms for a 24 hour period. He wanted to see how his playmates would react to that as well as a host of other little toys be brought with him.
Hulnok ran towards the castle where Jorn had crashed wondering what to do " hello! Is anyone in there " he yelled charging towards the ship. When he arrived he saw Jorn limping away "excuse me! Are you okay?


Disney's Princess
Karen noticed Hulok got distracted and decided to follow him. Perhaps they would investigate the palace later.
With no one yet in sight, Daxton decided to prepare some surprises for his guests. Moving quickly, he hid small explosive devices in various parts of the castle, inside little nooks and crannies, among the husks of the former inhabitants, in doorway frames and corners. This way should it be a running battle, the Sith would have an advantage. The assortment of explosives could emit gas, smoke, flashing lights, shrapnel and even explosive sound, enough to disorient and confuse any number of foes he might have. With all his traps set, he sat down once more on the throne and waited for them to make their presence felt.

Jorn Mair

Jorn heard someone calling out to him and faced him. he saw two jedi padawans running towards him. he was limping towards them and said "i crashed the ship. can you Jedi help me?" even though he didnt perticaly like the jedi order he'll take what ever help he can get at this point.

as they came together he said again "can you guys help me?"

Beatrice Gwandarh

Beatrice still hid in the forest, but she knew, that some of the others are looking for him. She didn't want to come out. Let's play Hide and Seek! Beatrice thought and started her ship's engine. Let the Hunger Games begin! She thought and ran out of the forest, in a different direction. Now she had to hide somewhere else, but first of all, she had to cover her footprints. She took out a bottle of sand multiplication and poured it all over the place. Now she had to find the hiding place.

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