Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nathema - Tenebrae's abode

@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""] jorn mair "Depends if you're a friend or a foe? If you don't try to kill me or my friend, I'll help you. By the way, how'd you crash your ship? And why were you in orbit of Nathema?"


Disney's Princess
Karen listened to Hulnok speak with the lost traveler. She was more concerned about Beatrice's laser than Jorn's bad piloting. But priorities were priorities,

"Remember Hulnok. There are things out here that will try to harm us. We must remain cautious."

She would listen to what Jorn had to say.

Jorn Mair

"I am a friend to all untill i am convinced other wise." Jorn stated. he didnt want to lie to the new jedi yet he didnt want to expose him self. he chose to be honest saying "Im Jorn, i stol a ship from the sith and while exitting the atmosthere i was shot at. my ship was damaged and decided to land here to fix it up. but it looks like i have done the exact oppsite." he considered on posably taking thier ship but thought of it as ingnorant and stupid to steel something from a jedi. he then asked "and might i ask what are you Jedi doing here?"

Beatrice Gwandarh

Beatrice took out a grenade, but then shrugged. She didn't need them, so she put it back. Woman didn't want to wait, so she moved on. She tried to reach the same place with a longer round, wanted to go around the forest. It was quite easy, because the forest was tiny. She reached the place and took out a remote control to turn her ship's engine off. Then she waited behind a tree. Maybe she'll see something interesting?
((occ)): @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""] Beatrice Gwandarh there is no trees because Tenebrae devoured all living things on the planet.

Hulnok looked at the castle " I sense two more beings at the palace. You're welcome to come Jorn." As he entered the castle his head started pounding and then all of a sudden something triggered his Darkside training from when he was 13 on Alzoc III, he imedeatly drew his lightsaber but did not ignite it "stay close you two, I have bad feeling about this."


Disney's Princess
Karen did not like Jorn. He was an admitted thief, a rogue, and he wore what looked a good deal like Mandalorian Iron. She would not ignore such clues as easily as Hulnok. Jorn was no ally. He was simply an 'unknown'.

"Hulnok stop. We should leave the Pilot where we found him. He has not agreed to help us in our search and I fear he is more deadly than you carelessly assume. We should not be taking him with us. Your assumption will endanger the mission."

Karen did not care that Jorn could hear her. She never took her eyes off him. He was probably ready to stab them in the back at any moment. If only in an attempt to steal her ship and go home.

"Jorn. We are moving elsewhere. So? If you choose to follow us? You must walk in front of me at all times. If you choose to stay and reclaim your ship? You are free to do so. ...Now. When our mission is complete we may consider aiding you. Until then? You are on your own."

"Make your choice."

She waited for Jorn's reply before following Hulnok into the palace. She remained outside. She would not reveal her back so easily. There were still many dangers that lurked around every corner. Karen could not be careless.

Jorn Mair

Jorn was suprised that teh woman Jedi did not trust him. but she was right not to trust him he was a mandalorian. he heard what she said to the other jedi and responded "if i were to help you with your mossion you will help me? i will accept your terms ,and you are right not to trust me but i came foward to you about steeling when anyother mandalorian wouldnt. i willl walk in fromt of you, but i would like it if you wouldnt stab me in th back." he glared at the woman jedi from under his helmet and he knew that she would be a handfull. he then turned to Hulnok and said "i can also be of some help. if you sence more people around here and they may be your foes i could be another blade in your inventory?"
They would find Daxton sitting in the throne room surrounded by husks of the former inhabitants. The Sith Apprentice will have his eyes closed, chin resting on one closed fist propped on the stone arm of the air. No weapons are visible save for the lightsaber strapped to his waist. Without looking at them, he speaks in a voice calm and devoid of all emotion, "Finally the guests have arrived. Greetings young ones. What brings you here to my humble abode?"
((ooc)): sorry I haven't been posting, on the weekend I had no power.

"Hello there" he said igniting his saber and throwing it at daxton "think fast, sith!" He said as he felt the Darkside running between them both.


Disney's Princess
Hulnok was busy apparently. Leaving Karen to look after Jorn.

"Alright pilot. You help us? And we'll help you. ...Now get in there and start helping!"

Karen sensed combat nearby, but it was the combat of the Dark Side. So she scrambled to help Hulnok. She rushed into the Palace and began wondering why Hulnok had just attacked a Kabrak swordsman? It was very un-like a Jedi to simply slaughter people without warning.

Perhaps Hulnok was turning to the Dark Side already...
"Really now. Is that any way to greet your host?" Daxton replied, clearly unconcerned at the lit light saber heading his way. Suddenly his eyes flashed open, and his own orange blade leaped to life and parried the light saber a few meters from his head. "Are all Jedi as blind as you that you give in the dark side so easily?"

The blow deflected the lightsaber enough to allow Daxton to dodge the blade as he struck the stone throne he was sitting on. "Do you really wish to fight and die? Perhaps you would do me the honor of answering my question first." With a dismissive gesture, he flicked the light saber back towards its master, hilt first.

The room was dusty, and filled with ashen statues of the former inhabitants, their faces trapped in expressions of eternal horror, eyes blind to their fate. Daxton wouldn't mind a sword fight here but he wanted to know what they were doing on this world first.

"Come now, Jedi. No witty words or empty promises? The question was simple, what brought you here to my humble abode?" As he asked the question, his orange blade switched off once more.

Jorn Mair

Jorn had pulled out his twin swords when the Zabrak asked them what he was doing here. he replied with "My ship crashed here. it was torn up already and i was trying to land it when i crashed not to far from here." Jorn didnt trust the apparent Sith to tell him that he stole the ship from the Sith and had bairly ggotten away with his life.


Disney's Princess
Watching Hulnok turn to the Dark Side was terrible indeed. Karen knew now that she was alone. Thus, she quickly departed this dead world. Leaving Jorn and Hulnok to deal with it's Master.

Outside of the Palace she called her ship to her side once again, and took off.

*ooc: exit.
Igniting his lightsaber staff in response, Daxton shrugged and said, "Sadly, you are to foolish to know when you are outmatched. Very well if it is death you seek. Come and my blades shall drink deep of your blood." Spinning the staff in one hand, he drops into a half guard position, and invites them to attack with his free hand.

Ava Solborne

OOC: I would like to say, that I don't feel like playing in this thread anymore. I am sorry. Please play, like Beatrice has already left the planet.

Jorn Mair

Jorn took out his pistol and fired a few round to keep him busy. Jorn wasnt up for much of a fight let alone a sith that looked fanular.

Jorn Mair

Jorn didnt know what was going on with the Jedi who turned rouge. he fired at the Sith and a blade into his right hand. he just hoped that he survived this encounter.

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