Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nathema - Tenebrae's abode

"Do not fight me Mandalorian. You heard the Jedi. Side with him and it will be your death. Join me in the hunt and we can mount his head as our trophy." Igniting his third lightsaber to function as his 'tail', Daxton began his stalk of the Jedi.
Even if the world was dead to the Force, Daxton could still tap into his reserves of the Dark side. He was stronger than the two remaining enemies plus he had the place rigged with explosives. There was no way the Jedi was walking out of this one victorious. His lightsabers hummed hungrily as if eager to sink itself into the Jedi's flesh.

Jorn Mair

Jorn cold see that it would be better to side with Daxton. He grabbed his twin blades and stood away from him. Not knowing what to do he just stood there waiting for the two to fight.

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