Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Natural Enemies | Bothawui | CIS vs HG

Combined Clans Center Building
[member="Nam Karakk"]

As the locals ran from the Yuuzhan Sophia ran towards it. The monster needed to be stopped before any more lives were taken. She wasn't as powerful as others in the Confederacy but that didn't matter. She wished to help the citizens of this great nation of theirs in any way that she could. Sophia may be smaller than the monster but she had tricks up her sleeve that she was sure would surprise him.

One good thing about being smaller was that she could get to where he was headed quicker than he. She could judge his movements and make a decision based on what she saw. This was where her tactical mind came into play. She was born to predict the enemies next move. Normally she did this when it came to ship movements but she could apply that here.

Cutting him off she stopped in front of the building. If he wanted in here he would have to get around her first. Grabbing her light saber it hummed as she ignited it emitting a blue glow.
"Vong." One word, one word that made the amphistaff scar upon his spine give a dull ache. "The shuttles prepped, we'll be touching down in the main spaceport." A hand went to the micro-computer in his gauntlet and transmitted a strategic map of the city to Galaar, just as Emah had done for him moments before.

When Tal'Verda finished his weapons selection Norongachi looked him up and down, he never thought he'd see the blazing white of Trooper armour again in his lifetime. "Remember what I said, Emah." The dark helm motioned toward the door after that and he broke into a jog toward the turbolift and the hanger below.

[member="Galaar Tal'Verda"]

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
Upon retrieval of the data transmitted Galaar logged it into his HUD at the upper right corner. Wonderful thing technology, well, he believed so. He knew that most Vong disagreed with electronic technology on such a base level it made them look insane. The thought that he was Vong-Shaped soon crossed his mind... Would they know? Would they be able to combat him more effectively as such? It was a disconcerting thought. That he could be linked biologically to these monsters which were trashing Bothawui.

"You should most certainly pilot. Last time Calico let me I drove a repulsor truck through 2 stories of an apartment building and across a grav-line." The worst part about that? His voice was frozen over with a serious tone.

A minute to two later
Location: Nearby Spaceport to Attack Zone
Objective: Hunt down and shoot some Vong

Galaar quickly unloaded from the shuttle and looked to make sure Salem was behind him. He could already hear the insistent chatter of combat over his comm. This unit move here, this man's dead, we need a medic, etc. Bothawui was a warzone. The first thing Galaar's mind snapped to was those whom he cared about on the world. The Dread Guard that stayed behind, Isley... Voroll... They could all be in danger. Added onto that he was hearing reports of civilian deaths. He could already taste adrenaline and anger coat his mouth.

This was his world. These were still his people. These terrorists would pay for what they did. He would die trying, even if the CIS never thanked him.

"I'm ready when you, Lord Commander."

[member="Salem Norongachi"]

Josiah Saedrin

Near the Combined Clans Center Building
[member="Sophia Denko"]

"Bos sos si?" Nam shouted in Yuuzhan Vong language to the woman who was blocking his way. "Guvvuk, Vong!" He was a bit confused and surprised, yet confident of his actions. He was clearly stronger than the woman when it came to physical strength.

A lightsaber had not been seen by Nam before, so seeing one was a surprise, but he quickly overcame it. He had to. Because it was a fight. It was supposed to turn into a cool duel. Hopefully, the woman admired a great battle just as Nam did. "Young child, please move out of my way!" he spoke in Galactic Basic Standard. His accent was terribly strong, his words were nearly understood, but a person would understand his sentence.

The amphistaff which the Yuuzhan Vong heard was ready for fighting and so was the man himself. Though, yes, only if it was needed. He wouldn't fight against a woman, a woman weak in his opinion, without a need for doing so.

Nam moved towards the building, the woman being really close to him now.

"Are you going to move?"

Neskar A'toll

Hail to the King, baby
Orders: Fly around and generally annoy people by causing death and destruction, you know the rest.

Bloody Bothawui. Bloody, battle-raged Bothawui. As fun as making alliterations was, Neskar was here for a reason, you know, guarding the peace or some rubbish like that. Bah. He was getting paid to kill some fools, that he was fine about. Neskar flew around, via aid of his jet-pack, above the warring skies of Bothawui, spying on the streets below, awaiting a proper interval to deliver some righteous death from above onto some ignorant troublemakers. According to, well, the news, the screams of the dying and the shrieks of the living, Bothawui was apparently being dealt vicious condemnation by the nefarious associates of that all-hating, force-dead horde; the Yuuzhan Vong. Never such a people he had hated in the Galaxy, apart from the rest of them. Speaking of which, he had orders, apparently.

Vong. The word was guttural to emit. It brought up spit, phlegm and other disgusting substances, rather like the Vong themselves. Figuratively patting himself on the back for that amusing comparison, he tilted his body, so that the thrust of the jet-pack allowed him to hover in mid-air, above the streets and unmolested. My favourite kind of lested. He scanned the streets, seeing violence and death in all its utterly chaotic visage, a fright to behold. His eyes saw that of a rather tasty looking morsel of Vong, alone, aside from a woman it seemed to be potentially assaulting. Perfect, he thought, and smiled, as he leant forwards, slowly floating to the ground, planting solid feet on the main-street with gusto. Neskar gripped the stock of the CZ-836 Assault Rifle, a vital addition to his already decent armoury, which flew slugs at his targets with malicious intent.

He brought it forth, bringing it up to his eyes, through the visor of his beskar’gam, and eyed down the iron sights of the rifle. The aim was fixed on the rear of the head of the Vong, at the top of the spinal cord, but below the skull. Hopefully, a decent burst should stun the Vong enough for Neskar to deliver a killing blow. He heard the Vong utter guttural sounds, in the vein of Basic. Neskar vaguely understood it, and smiled for it. "Are you going to move?", it said. Fantastic, that allows for me to insert one of my killer one-liners. Neskar fingered the trigger of the rifle, holding it lightly as he fine-tuned his aim. Hopefully the Vong didn’t notice him as of yet, his jet-pack had turned itself off automatically when he landed, and his footsteps weren’t exactly louder than the sound of thousands of people being killed all at once. At least, Neskar was sure he wasn’t that much of an elephant. “She ain’t moving, but you will be, ya big bastard!” he said menacingly, a smirk coming to his face. As soon as it was said, Neskar slammed down on the trigger, gripping the rifle with a trained aim, it barely gave any recoil and the slugs flew efficiently, in a burst of around ten of them. Now the fight has truly begun. Go-time.

[member="Nam Karakk"]

Idiian Sayali

Unfettered Bounty Hunter
Spaceport, inside the Twilight Omen

Bothuwai, the capital of the Confederac. Idiian had come in hopes of finding a Templar at the Bothuwai Sanctum who could teach her how to use a lightsaber- something her current master, Curupira Hawk, could not. She still hadn't made a lightsaber of her own, so she had hoped that she would be able to borrow one from the Sanctum for training purposes as well. Probably for the better that she didn't actually have one with her now, though, or she would have been too tempted to use it.

Idiian had been checking through her cargo- mostly her personal armory she had collected over the years- since she had arrived. She had heard a loud bang when the ship landed, and at first thought one of the rockets for her PLX-1 had gone off in its case. A careful inventory showed, however, that the only thing that had gone off was one of Idiian's flashbangs, which had been knocked from a storage crate during landing, the pin catching on the scope for her FC-1 Flechette Launcher on the way down. No harm done, though Idiian figured she'd have to replace those crates with ones with working lids before she left.

Just as she was starting to put her gear away, Idiian heard a commotion, seemingly coming from outside the ship. Grabbing one of the flashbangs out of the open crate as well as a blaster rifle, Idiian went over to the open boarding ramp of her ship and peaked outside, practically going prone as she did so. Not to far away from her ship, a CIS pilot had their blaster pointed at... A Vong? The kark were the Vong doing here? The sounds of screams in the direction of the spaceport's exits gave Idiian a pretty good idea that something wrong was going on, too.

Standing back up, Idiian made her way back to her ship's cargo hold, tossing the blaster aside. She then grabbed the Golan-made Flechette launcher, a pair of blaster pistols, and a sheathed vibroblade, of which all but the former were quickly fastened to her belt. She didn't have time to throw on any armor, so she had to make damn sure she didn't get hit. Idiian them quickly ran back to her ship's boarding ramp and did a sliding kick down the ramp; She didn't know what the exact situation would be when she came out of her ship, but it was close enough to the standoff that it would certainly catch one of the two participant's attention, at least.

[member="Serin"] [member="Zahuro Ikane"]
Somwhere in the city

The sound of screams, agony, panic, and all-around fear drummed throughout the city alongside the ever-present agent of chaos as the Hrosha-Gul's invasion went into full swing in the vicinity. Azal's Yorik-et birthed from one of the larger ships originally in the sector, speeding through the atmosphere, dodging enemy fire as the small and incredibly fast craft spun, snap-turned, and dipped over and under obstacles in his path. His azure eyes scanned the ground with an intense lack of emotion. He certainly didn't feel pity for the humans and near-humans below, and reminded them of his feelings as he squeezed and held down on biot triggers that activated the Yaret-kor, or lava cannons. The heated material expelled onto the citizens below, blessing them with the agonizing death usually associated with being engulfed by flaming projectiles. A wicked smile tugged at the corners of his mouth under his veiled grill as he rounded a large building and found a place to land. A quick glance over his shoulder reminded the Vong of his objective, seeing a large black box sitting in the back of his craft. It was void of decoration, save the symbol of Hrosha-Gul adorned on the front in a slimy green hue. A bar was affixed on top of the box, allowing Azal to carry it with less effort than the alternative of having to carry it with both hands.

Stopping his Coralskipper above a street which still had a fair amount of civilians in the vicinity, Azal freed himself of the organic safety restraints strapping him to his seat; they were similar to what humans would call seat-belts. He pushed himself to his feet and reached down to grab the box. Scaling the inside wall of the ship with his hand, he commanded the organic ship to create an opening in the floor of the vessel. Seconds later, a hole was formed large enough for Azal to fall through without hindrance. Grabbing his amphistaff with his left hand, the Intendant proceeded to leap out of the ship. The drop was far, but the hardened body of Azal proved to be durable enough to withstand the fall as he landed upon a vehicle, crushing it instantly, almost enveloping himself in the middle. Shock followed as curious on-lookers stopped their fleeing to look on in awe, wondering what could have fallen, apparently, out of the sky.

Dust and debris mushroomed around Azal's position as he patiently remained crouched, regathering his composure. Then movement came. A powerful kick from his right leg pushed a piece of the vehicle away from his position so that he could advance. The broken machinery skidded until it slammed into a wall, resulting in a loud crash. Slow footsteps followed, as azure eyes opened, peering out onto the street. Without haste, the 6'8 Vong straightened, as he moved out into the open for those around him to behold. A veiled Yuuzhan Vong presented himself to his victims. His head swiveled slowly, as he looked at those in his range.


Fear gripped their hearts. Should any of them survive this day, he wanted the sound of his voice to haunt them forever more. Though he spoke the word in Galactic Basic, the incredibly strong lace of Yuuzhan Vong was unmistakable. He imagined his Voice turning their blood to ice in their veins. It was pure evil, just as much as Azal himself. Not like humans who were considered evil, but completely pure, devoid of true emotion. Azal felt no happiness, no sadness, not even anger. All he felt was pure maliciousness. He had no grasp of mercy or suffering, he was beyond sadistic. A need to harm others to amuse himself. Growling low in his throat, Azal hardened his amphistaff and speared it tail first into the concrete street with apparent ease. He knelt down to open the box, deciding to waste no further time. Sliding a massive hand over the latch to release the Dweebits, this side of the city would experience the second wave of the Invader's infestation should no one arrive to stop him.

Norongachi's boots made landfall just behind [member="Galaar Tal'Verda"] and his gaze swept across the devastation. Bodies, most mauled, littered the starport. Inside his helm he was receiving the same chatter as his Clone companion. He signalled for Tal'Verda to follow and worked his way through the aftermath toward the sound of voices. He spotted [member="Serin"] and [member="Zahuro Ikane"] squaring off near some shipping containers.

"Voxyn..." He growled when one of the eight legged monstrosities came into view. That pretty much ensured he wouldn't be going covert, the things homed in on force users like poison filled missiles. "I hope you have your dancing shoes on." He said to the clone and then stepped out, drawing his westar blaster and lightsaber in one motion. The very sight of him brought a primal frenzy to the beasts, poisonous saliva trailed from their gaping maws hissing as it bit into the ground while they charged toward him.

The foremost of the pack was the first to get within striking distance. It launched at his upper body with tooth and nail, the wide reptilian jaws snapping at the air in anticipation. What the creature found to chew on wasn't delicious force drenched flesh but a blaster bolt that slipped between its teeth and blew the back of its head off. Norongachi stepped aside as it hit the ground in a twitching of limbs and purple gore.

The Force was a song now, a hammering war drum that marched to the Lord Commanders beat. He conducted it like an orchestra, pulling in its power and setting the very air aflame. A gout of supernatural flame blossomed in the advancing pack, snapping and hissing like a serpent it took one into its twisting jaws and then another leaving ash and blackened bones in its wake.


Serin advanced on the heretic, though he hardly seemed to care for the blaster in the mans hand. He didn't need to with his Crab Armor after all. His right arm was raised and the amphistaff finally unfurled itself from around his arm. It smoothly slid into his grip and became rigid, except for the head. That instead opened its mouth and with a single slight hiss it spat.

Poison flew towards the infidel, Amphistaff Venom.

Seconds later it was followed by Serin, the massive Shaper with slayer attributes bounded forward, sending a stab of his weapon towards the Heretic and seeking to impale and kill him in one fluid go. He didn't bother with the newcommers, he could kill them later. There would always be more Voxyn, and if his kin was doing his job, then soon there would be more than enough creatures to defend the Hrosha-Gul.
@Zahuro Ikane

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
Bothawui Space Port
Objective: Kill some Voxyn and harass Serin

Galaar watched in near awe as the middle of the rushing pack was burned to Corellia's Nine Hells. Despite being dead to the Force, it was always something to fear. Always. The pack however was un-phased, still darting toward them with seemingly feral disregard for their own lives. What interested Galaar is that none seemed to focus on him. They were all moving at Salem, the Force User a few feet to his side. He wasted no time snapping to action though.

Raising his rifle he took careful aim at the new lead dog. The next split-second, he tugged the trigger of the rifle. The scent of ozone, sweet, familiar, ozone to a man like him filled the air as the red bolts arched into their target. Three shots and the first Voxyn dropped. Smoke lingered from its now hollow head like the one that Salem had previous killed.

Without hesitation he fired again with three more red, whizzing bolts of heated gases and lethal intent. A second Voxyn dropped with a loud, shrilling yelp before getting back onto it's feet and continuing its charge. This time at Galaar. "Hardly di'kut."

Before he could get another shot off, the eight-legged beast lunged at him. Instinct told Galaar to lunge and so he did. He threw his armor clad body against the beast at the apex of its leap. Galaar's shoulder slammed the jumping beast ride under it's jaw in a loud clatter of armor on flesh. The resulting impact tore the white plastoid frame free of his black body suit along with the no dismayed hunting beast which feel to the ground with a sick thud. The clone took aim and fired ending its life before it could get back onto it's feet to fight again.

"Kark it all! Lord Commander! On your flank!"

[member="Salem Norongachi"] Serin Zahuro Ikane

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Reports were slowly trickling in, it seemed there were a couple of separated locations from which the chaos all stemmed. The Central Plaza, the Space Port, a location near the Space Port, near the Combined Clans Center and half a dozen other locations around them.

Reports of monstrosities were coming in hot, and Serock could not help but yawn at all that. Maybe he should have been more concerned for the lives of the innocents civilians, but for some reason he could not care much. Reports stated that civilians were being infected by the dozens, and were spreading the virus because they were running around being idiots.

He pulled up a map of the city, and looked it over. Already he could see the effects of it all spread through it, soon it would all be over if things were not handled immediately.

<<Soldier, initiate Code “CWHB.”>>

One of his men looked at the Grand Marshal with sudden confusion, he clearly did not understand or did not know what CWHB stood for. Serock could not help but sigh. “Caveman wants his Banana, boy. Get to it.”

The face of confusion quickly changed to one of determination, and maybe a tad of sadness. The Code was simple, little pockets of marines stashed throughout the city would evacuate the civilians, escorted by SC-1 and other droids that were mentioned before.

<< They have my authority to shoot on sight, boy.>>

Again the boy did not seem to understand.

<< Boy, it is very simple. Some of the civs are infected, they might be delirious and start infecting our troops and other innocent civs. They are to be executed on the spot, if they harass our troops. Fire and Blood, son. Fire and blood.>>

They would have express commands not to engage the terrorists, only to evacuate as much people as possible and get them out of the city.

<< And put out a separate order, I want a couple of those infected alive. This won't be the last assault on our nation, and we might need them for... science. >>

There was a different situation brewing, that kept Serock wondering. How the feth did they get here? Maybe just freighters that were grounded on the planet, the interdictors and the fleet blockade should stop that. But Serock had not survived for years as a Warlord on Exocron without being paranoid. So he ordered a search for foreign ships throughout the sector, if they found them and destroyed them... well the Terrorists were rightly karked then, weren't they.
The warning came too late. The creature barrelled into his side and they went down in a mess of armour and scales. His blaster and saber skittered from his hand across the ground out of his grasp and hands now worked to keep the teeth of the creature from ripping off his face. A hand griped at its throat while the other fought through the scrabbling claws that sent sparks from his chest plate in the struggle. All the while it forced itself down on him, millimetre by millimetre those teeth were getting closer to his visor.

The armoured hand managed to grip the side of the Voxyns head and turn it just as a jet of acid shot from its mouth, missing Norongachi's head by inches and burning a line into the ground. He moved his other hand up and under its lower jaw and in one fluid, brutal motion torqued its neck until he heard it snap and give. He pushed it aside and rolled backwards up onto his feet out stretching both hands to call his weapons back to the fold. As soon as his blaster hit his palm he opened up, two rapid shots blew a hole in ones side and then his saber came into play. The Force Master spun to the right, out of harms way, and brought the green blade down in a single stroke that cleaved a lunging Voxyns head from its body.

"Right side!" He called to [member="Galaar Tal'Verda"] as two of the remaining three headed for the clone while the other went for him.
Near Spaceport
Rave Merrill, Astrian Callus

In light of the screaming, running and the monsters who seemed to be everywhere, Anastasia was ready to lose attention from [member="Rave Merrill"], her irises ever so slowly parting away from the one that didn't seem as interesting as the rest of the crowd. But then, the female had felt it, the shimmer of power in the Force. It was brief, not enough time for her to read into it as much as she wanted but her gaze returned to the oddly faced woman, her eyes not moving away from her now as she tried to let her Sense reach to her again, to read her properly. How much power was there?

But then... nothing. It was gone, what ever she had felt was completely gone. If she had been a girl as she seemed to be, Anastasia would have simply brushed it off to nothing more but imagination but who she truly was knew better than to disregard even small traces of something.

Then the grin had come though it remained only on the lips, her head tilting slightly at the sight of it but little time did she have to focus on that when she had felt it. Hunger . It was weak, almost weak that it felt like nothing but it was approaching. Anastasia didn't think at that moment, igniting the lightsaber. It was a involuntary response to what she had felt but while her next instinct had been to form the opening position, she never had a chance, seeing the odd staff whirling, noticing the liquid coming out of it. She had not been paying enough attention to take notice of it not being a staff as she had come to know them as. Her hand moved quickly, the lightsaber moving several positions in front of her to block the spit coming at it. The beam hissed at the impact, her feet shuffling backwards because while it didn't tell her what it was that was being thrown at her, the lightsaber's reaction to it didn't make it the least bit promising. Her hand raised on instinct, calling the Force her aid, zeroing on the baton. With the use of telekinesis, she focused on giving it a push long enough to distract the female though she quickly remembered she was again but an apprentice at her telekinesis at its basic level would do little or even none. In all the action, Anastasia didn't notice how close the venom had dropped, lingering on the metal protecting her shoulder. A single wrong move could make it slip towards her neck or down her shoulder.

It was only then that she noted the presence of another Force User, her attention until then completely devoted to the attack she had been given. [member="Astrian Callus"] spoke from behind and while she had now felt him, his force energy building. It was what had distracted her then. "Templar." Anastasia merely spat out, acknowledging his presence. "Hungry monsters incoming," she merely pointed out. The female really wasn't one for small talk. Especially when someone was throwing most likely dangerous liquid from a baton that looked quite alive.
Zahuro's smirk remained in place as [member="Serin"] advanced on him. Zahuro figured he had the advantage since he was armed and could fire in the blink of an eye, and he didn't see any kind of weapon on Serin's person. Then he saw the slithering outline of a serpent sliding along the Vong's raised arm. What in the world was that thing? He didn't have time to wonder about it too much as the snake looked at him. With a hiss it spat, and Zahuro jumped back as the poison hit concrete and began bubbling as it dissolved through. The Vong followed by rushing forward and thrusting with the snake which was now rigid in his hands.

Reflex took over as Zahuro rolled to his left and sprang up and counterattacked. He thrust forward with his blaster's vibrodagger attachment; figuring there to be a gap in the plate that he could exploit to stick the Vong straight in the neck. If his bayonet hit flesh, then he could follow with a blaster shot to increase the damage. It would stop any potential bleeding, but that was a small price to pay for cooking a target's insides.

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
Bothawui Space Port
Objective: Kill some Voxyn and harass Serin

Galaar stepped right on a dime as Salem warned him. Without thought the commando doubled back and reached down with one hand to yank a grenade off his belt. His fingers gropped the explosive device for the primer and soon as he found it, he clicked it and threw. As the grenade spun through the air he threw himself to the ground. A few seconds later and the explosive went off a few meters behind him and right in front of the savage beasts. It was a spectacular display of a bright white flash and the sound of whizzing shrapnel after a resounding pop.

One of the Voyxn, the one nearest to the blast, was nearly torn asunder by the shrapnel. It had taken the brunt of the blast. The two others however, had survived. One of the said two was still running at Galaar. He was prone, on his belly, and had mere seconds to react but he did so with fluid motions. Right as the beast neared, he suddenly pivoted and rolled to the side and onto his back right as the feral beast slammed downward on his previous position. It had missed by mere centimeters. Before it could react Galaar grabbed his rifle and unloaded three shots into it's neck and head.

The last Voxyn was just now staggering to its feet after being thrown by the grenade. It whined before giving another deep, hungry growl. Its growl however, was cut off by the sound of blast fire as the clone crouched and fired upon it. With the creatures dead and his energy clip for the rifle spent his head turned to Yuuzhan Vong in the square. "You need me here Lord Commander, or do you have this filthy chakaar?"

[member="Salem Norongachi"] [member="Serin"] Zahuro Ikane
Dirt and blasted permacrete rained down upon the area from the explosion and Norongachi brought a hand across his visor, the shock wave staggering him a step or two. In minutes he and Tal'Verda had handled the pups and by the looks of it they had gotten out with little more than bruising and cosmetic damage to their persons. "Not bad for an old man..." He thought, rolling his shoulders to loosen his muscles in the wake of the sudden exertion. It was then he heard [member="Galaar Tal'Verda"].

"Die proud." Was all he said to Galaar before holstering his blaster and took the bronzium hilt of his saber in both hands. The Lord Commander broke into a run then, coming at the clashing [member="Serin"] and [member="Zahuro Ikane"] from their left.
Central Plaza

[member="Hannibal Oryen"] [member="CC-953 Oddball"]n

Kraal stood to his full, massive height and stared down the tank that was incoming, skin glistening in the light of Bothawui's sun. His red eyes narrowed as he roared in defiance of the abomination - an unliving heresy created by the infidels to fight back against the swarm. As the two serpentine amphistaffs began to coil around his body all four of his arms began to pound against his colossal chest as he continued to roar in opposition of his enemies. The roar would later be translated to something like "Glory to the Yuuzhan Vong" or "Victory for the Gods".

This translation was soon followed by something akin to "Dungbeetle" as the creature Kraal shrieked, being hit by the first of the VENOM bullets the mercenary had fired. It exploded in green acid upon his rough, rocky skin. A massive talon immediately ripped into his flesh and tore the chunk off that had been splashed in acid.

Usually, bullets didn't hurt so much. But these hit like a karking train.

Nas Kraal was soon on his feet, hastening across the street with black blood following his retreat from the mercenary, disappearing into an alley opposite the rooftop. There was a bit of silence for a second or two. Then a thud.



Duracrete flew over the side of the building as it became apparent what the creature had been doing - digging into the duracrete wall with such strength as to propel himself up it, essentially scaling the building with nothing but his four claws and feet.

A trio of thud bugs were immediately unleashed in the direction of [member="Hannibal Oryen"], their wings buzzing through the air as they speedily reached their target. If they missed, they would circle around to try again.
Strask was on the move now, as bullets and blaster bolts flew into the Voxyn. He had grabbed a Verpine Shatter rifle, and his newest toy, a Nightstinger, which was across his back at the moment. Moving to the rooftop of the Intelligence building, the first thing he noticed was the forming perimeter. Good idea. "All Spynet agents, form up and support the droid formations." Them he was moving again.
Now across from the building that [member="Nas Kraal"] was scaling, he readied a sniper position. The Shatter rifle was fragile, and he would need to be careful not to break it. Laying on his stomach, he sighted the huge Vong.... like thing. Four arms? That was new. But the saying went, and he saw no reason it was wrong here: The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
He squeezed the trigger.


This is what happens when you tap the glass
[member="Nas Kraal"] [member="Hannibal Oryen"]
"This is Coyote Tango we have lost visual I repeat we have lost visual!" Oddball was secure in the tank and the giant Vong, man that sounds dirty. But the giant beast had jumped away and the tank had lost visual of him. "We got nothing over here!" Rotating the cannon the tank scanned for the beast and they couldn't see a thing still, but sensors picked up the thud bugs, if they couldn't hit the bugs they would at least hit the bugs or get their attention. "Coyote Tango engaging!" Firing up the blasters on the tank they took aim at the thud bugs, they were fast but oddball would like to see them outrun a thousand rounds a minute.

With a hail of blaster fire the tank occupied itself on shooting the bugs, they would have a very hard time finding their way to Hannibal. Or they could turn their attention to the tank either way Oddball was certain that the merc would be safe and all would be well. Besides the guy looked like he worked out and could take care of himself.
She was not a child. Sophia hadn't been a child for many many years. The time she spent with the Templars had taught her much as well as the time she spent with the Republic. Even though he towered over her she was not afraid to fight him even if it was obvious he was the stronger of the two. It would look like he had the upper hand to the untrained eye.

"No, I will not move. I will not stand back and allow you to destroy my home." She almost growled at him holding her labersaber steady ready for the fight that would ultimately now commence. Sophia had learned through years of combat training to never be the first one to make a move. You let your enemy strike first.

"You would be wise to leave now. This is your first and last warnings." She plainly stated pointing the saber at him. She wanted him to know that he didn't scare her.

[member="Nam Karakk"]

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