Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Natural Enemies | Bothawui | CIS vs HG

Blessed are the peacemakers
Animus paused in his breathing. Contrary to popular belief, you never took a breath while you had sight picture. You just stopped breathing. Animus relaxed his muscles, feeling the weight of the rifle against his shoulder. He had a bottle of Cola with him, next to a pin-pad with a pen near it, to count kills. He was about two thirds of a kilometer out from the actual battle, a safe haven for sniper. Vong, were easy targets.

He was using a big, big, mean slug-throwing rifle. One that put holes in tanks. Electronic music gently played from the player near his head, and he hummed along, before leveling the scope with a Vong swarm of bugs, heading for one, @Hannibal Oryen. Animus tapped the trigger a few times, a swath of rounds cutting into the heavy horde of bugs. He smiled.

He patched into the Spynet comms.

"Lizard, on station."
[member="Anastasia Verd"] [member="Astrian Callus"]

OOC/ Callus, dude, fifty-five droids instadropped into a duel? Bit much.

IC/ There were some days, Rave reflected, when everything just fell into place.

Supernaturally tough, immense, massive, and fast as all feth, the voxyn was something akin to a galactic apex predator. Each one could handle Knights, even Masters. Callus' arrival had just made him priority target number one for the two voxyn, which stampeded into those fifty-five droids -- urban setting, close quarters -- like bowling balls through pins on their unrelenting way to eat Callus alive. Rave's tsaisi poison hissed off Anastasia Verd's lightsabre, and Rave stepped forward as the girl tried to use telekinesis on a Vong biot. Exactly nothing happened.

She stepped in and to the left, putting Verd between her and the droids that were currently experiencing voxyn-related technical difficulties. Her tsaisi flicked low for the girl's hands, a feint; she kept moving in and to the left, right sides not far from each other, and snapped the tsaisi in for a cut to Verd's face or throat.
/VongThingy; considered those beasts you have. I disagree.

Astrian and his group of droids were charged at by two, large, ugly beasts. Who were welcomed with 50 odd slug thrower blasts and grenades, droideka blasters and grenades from the 05's over head. Astrian had to duck and leap out of the way as the beasts came head forward, tackling the droids. Crushing one of the droideka's in their way, they were on the warpath. However tough they were, the thing that causes Astrian to stumble as he returned to his feet was the toxic smell they produced, it was awful.

But, he wasnt phased for long. Using augmented speed to charge forth as the beasts backs were turned, distracted and frankly thrown around by the immense amount of explosives they arrogantly decided to attack, head on. Astrian used his entire body in swing as he went for its leg, his blade slammed into it. Cutting through thick, tough skin. His blade simmered through, but it did not cut the whole way through like he expected it to, however as he clutched his blade in his hand, the beast roared and turned to him as the droids began to pelt the beast but continued to focus on the other primarily, the beast threw back its arm at Astrian, knocking him off his feet and cracking one of his ribs. "If I'm augmented, what the hell are you?" He spoke, the beast limping towards him, death in its eyes and its large blue tongue dangling. However fast Astrian was getting up, it was faster.

It charged him, his blade still active in its back leg. Astriann clenched a metal fist, empowering the force into his hand. It was this, or get trampled. He did not like the latter, his fist was shaking as the energy of the force wheeled around it. Then, he gritted his teeth as its big ugly head came into range. He swinged, the fist crashing into its jaw with the violent crack of possibly bone. It's jaw twisting unnaturally and one of two of his knuckles being crushed on impact. He grunted, falling to the side under the swing of the creatures front leg before rolling across the ground towards its back, he entered a crouched position. Yanking the blade from the creatures leg, he took it in his saber hand. Luckily he hasn't been stupid enough to punch such a beast with it. It was his right hand he had shatters some bone in. Luckily, it was still somewhat operable. He twisted his body as he jumped to his feet, backing off from the beast as he held out the blade in its direction. He was panting, this was hard work and frankly, he could hear the droids having an easier time than him. Even if bits and pieces were flying everywhere. The beast they were fighting would hopefylly go down soon, Astrian needed help.

[member="Rave Merrill"]
Rushing to the unneeded aid of [member=Sophia Denko], engaging hostile: [member=Nam Karakk] at the Combined Clans Centre Building, Bothawui.

Old habits die hard, but unknown habits are even worse. He was late to a fight, as always. The boy in full white Fel Stormtrooper armour – which had been ‘acquired’ following his resignation of duties for that government’s Order of Imperial Knights – did not shine, it got marked with blood and dark stains of probably dirt from debris. Splatters of green and sometimes blue were also visible, although towards the left side of the armour. And what appeared to be part of the gauntlet melted and bubbled, as if left to burn and reform into something knew. It had not been much acid, but enough to visibly remodel part of the right-hand gauntlet, scarred with pocks.

If only he had thought to use a jetpack, like [member=Neskar A’toll] had done while flying through the skies shooting at things and observing others. He had the right idea: stay high and shoot from afar. It seemed like a perfect strategy, until he landed.
The Empath took a quick look around, the HUD displayed against his face highlighted all living beings, and all things droid wherever he looked; all weapons, whether held by an ally or not, were highlighted red. Voxyn were uncoloured, since technically they were not designed into the HUDs defensive-detection systems, or whatever, during the reign of the Fel Imperium. Despite this obvious drawback, he could see the big dog-demons, which was more than enough.

Across from him was a lady whom he did not recognise and a vong who he did not realise was such a monstrosity. Voroll had never witnessed a living vong, nevermind the re-formed, mutated masses of flesh they had become in order to purge this world of technological heretics. Demons. That is what they were known as. Nothing more.
The rifle slid its way from the back of the armour and into the hands of the somewhat-skilled marksman. He took a peek down the sight towards the Demon facing off against a… Templar? He checked his surroundings once again to make sure nothing popped out at him from either side, before finding a little nook in a wall – defended on all sides but two: up and where he was looking – and reaimed.
Hopefully the white of the armour would become less noticeable against the white of the building behind him. Such a thing had occurred before: with Akala, why not again?

Idiian Sayali

Unfettered Bounty Hunter
When Idiian reached the bottom of her ship's boarding ramp, she saw the Vong fire some sort of acid at the CIS pilot- Or at least she assumed that's what it was, judging from how it reacted when it wound up hitting the ground after missing the man. The Vong then lunged at the pilot, who rolled aside and made a lunge of his own; The two were too close to one another for Idiian to fire the FC-1 as intended, just filling the entire area in the Vong's direction with Flechettes... But that just meant Idiian had to adjust the canister's target distance before firing to shorten how wide the spray would go.

Idiian took aim at the Vong, aiming a bit off to the side to keep from accidentally peppering the CIS pilot, and manually adjusted the rangefinder for targets nine and a half meters further back before firing a canister at the Vong. Thanks to the adjusted range, the canister would detonate a mere half-meter away from the Vong rather than the optimal ten- As a result, the Vong would be recieving enough flak to wipe out an entire squad, mostly concentrated on his left flank. Idiian had a feeling those razor-sharp flechettes were about to really ruin that Vong's day.

[member="Serin"] [member="Zahuro Ikane"]
Hunter was in transit to the surface when the attack began. The comms began to screech with the incoming reports. Hunter's own ear-bud was filled with transmissions from other Spynet agents and the Spymaster.

The pilot began evasive maneuvers and Hunter looked out the cockpit's window port. The scene before him was barbaric. The initiators of the attack appeared to be Vong. Bodies began filling the streets as the Vong warriors clashed against the arriving defenders of Bothawui.

<All Spynet agents, form up and support the droid formations> The transmission from the Spymaster filled his ear.
Hunter responded <Red fox, this is Specter. I'm in route. ETA 30 seconds.>
Turning to the pilot, Hunter began to tell him where to land when the shuttle shook violently. Warning lights filled the pilot's console and the shuttle began a uncontrolled spiral down to the ground.

[member="Siara Kai"] [member="Strask Ak'lya"] would see as the shuttle spiraled out of control as it sped towards the Bothawui Network headquarters.

The ground raced towards them and then....impact. Blackness took Hunter.
[member="Hunter Cain"] [member="Strask Ak'lya"]
Shadow, on the move, I saw Spectre crash, I will be with him in 30 seconds.

James was a blur as he boosted his speed with the Force to get to his destination faster. Drawing a pair of vibroknives, he ducked, dodged, and slew Vong left and right as he made his way to the crash site to clear a path to his ally.

Swinging around a corner, he bull rushed a pair of Vong, knives first, rolling right up to the downed shuttle. He peered inside and with the Force, pealed back the door to the shuttle and slipped inside. Searching for Spectre was easy, when he had been tossed into the back of the ship. His seat had been dislodged and flung into a corner, seatbelt suspeneding him in midair, James unlatched his ally and placed him on the ground, rummaging for a stimpak in his gear, he found a one use Bacta-stim. Plunging it into his thigh, he would hope for Spectre to wake in the next few minutes.
Near Spaceport
Rave Merill, Astrian Callus

Useless childish tricks, Anastasia scorned within her mind. The girl hated this. Hated the fact that her powers were next to nothing once again, hated the fact that she was this teenage girl with genetic connection to two Masters who took their fething time to train her. She hated this hideous creature and her life-like staff. She hated the screaming sounds around her and the chaos it had all created. While Anastasia had never been capable of feeling the way most do, this was one thing she could feel. Hate. She hated all of this. If someone could just nuke the fething planet and be done with it, that would be brilliant.

All those lives that could be lost? Irrelevant.

Dark brown eyes noted [member="Rave Merrill"] drawing nearer and to her right, her feet instantly dancing to her own left. With the corner of her eye, she noticed eight legged things lunging themselves behind her, which made her movements even quicker to step away from the cavalry behind her. [member="Astrian Callus"] could deal with those nasties, whatever they were. Anastasia made a mental note to look all of this up later. Her limited, keep away from the galaxy's monsters wasn't good enough anymore. She needed more information.

The life-life baton came at her hands and she draw them close, feeling the heat of the beam as she jumped backwards. Quickly, she moved the lightsaber before her at check level, the tip of at the level of her eyes as the woman snapped her weapon again. The anger built within her as a memory surfaced for a split second. A sphere of energy. But that was useless as her memories only provided images of her bringing it to life centuries ago, it was still not something she had unlocked.

Quickly, she rose the lightsaber at the level neck as the staff approached her. Only now as it approached her did Anastasia actually see the face it had, the snake that ready to plunge into her skin. Her lightsaber was her defense now and if she had managed to catch the right height, it would hit the lightsaber beam. If she was wrong... this wasn't going to be pleasant one bit.
The nook in the wall was a good, solid choice for a place with adequate cover and protection from all other sides. Its only downfall, which should have been fairly obvious to the young Templar, was the fact that should something hostile spot him, the only way to go was in the direct path of this enemy. Maybe the stress of this battle had already taken its toll on the mind of one who was quite clearly not so combat-capable, or maybe it was just pure stupidity, or an over-bearing sense of invincibility. It could have been either, or a great many other reasons.

His scope was aimed directly at the Demon he knew not as [member=Nam Karakk]. He knew not of its armour being highly effective against bolts of the condensed energy, and he knew not of the approaching danger – unregistered by his HUD – until it had kicked some form of debris over with four pairs of feet. His aim dropped but the rifle swung to the non-highlighted being and, upon realisation that it was a demon-dog, he pulled the trigger of the rifle three times. It ran at him, and so he chose the best way to escape alive: to run. The bolts did nothing to the beast, but the Empath did not witness their ineffectiveness.

The demon-dog stood on and leapt over a chunk of rock that nearly obstructed its path to the prey. But the prey moved and, despite the attempt to adjust its body to land against the wall and pounce from that, it failed. The solid terracrete wall remained where it stood, even with the claw marks of two left-side paws trailing down with gravity. From a slight cloud of dust the beast arose and sprinted, tongue left hanging out from its mouth, waving and dripping acid onto everything it passed, eyes fixated on the white object moving at good speed for prey, but not fast enough.

Voroll turned the corner, he ran to the left of the nook and carried on down the street, leaving the Vong with [member=Neskar A'toll] and [member=Sophia Denko]. They were capable, he hoped. The Demon should not last long against them. He passed by a speeder, flames curling around him and licking at the armour and black bodyglove in that brief second. The flames burnt higher and brighter due to the lack of and then sudden intake of oxygen. Whatever could allow such machines to catch fire in the first place seemed to explode behind him, nearly propelling him on his feet.
Everything seemed to slow down until every beat of his heart seemed to last a minute. The smoke rose to almost a standstill and blaster fire, slugs were moving as slow as tactical examinations, or physics demonstrations. In such a state he seemed to feel euphoric amongst the chaos, blissful despite the situation and felt no fear. None of it radiated from the survived, fleeing citizens of Bothawui, or at least he perceived none of it.
The sound of slow, thudding paws crept ever louder, as did the sound of gnashing jaws and the clang of razor-sharp teeth. Instinct took over and he spun in mid-air, the speed swinging the rifle around into his grasp. The rifle fired as many shots as it would allow before overheating into the pouncing, acid-spitting demon-dog. His back slid across the floor and stopped when he hit one side of a destroyed speeder. His body spun to meet it, unintentionally, as the energy-ridden body of the beast flew over it completely. He did not know if he had managed to kill it, or even wound it. But it would not kill him.


The little girl with Force powers
Near the Spaceport

Adela was late. Adela was also very much not amused at being late. Granted, she didn't have any proper armor, but what she was wearing wouldn't impede her movement. Like, at all. So bonus.

Drawing her besk'ad, Adela crept as close as she could to the duel between Anastasia and Rave. If she was spotted and attacked, she would use her besk'ad to block the strike or, if someone was rude enough to attack with a blaster, bat the bolts away. If she managed to get close enough, Adela planned to finish the duel with Rave with a quick thrust to the back. Underhanded and sneaky, yes. Effective? Admittedly, yes.

[member="Anastasia Verd"] [member="Rave Merrill"]

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
Location: Spaceport
Objective: Break off current engagement to provide fire support elsewere

Die proud. He hadn't heard that particular phrase for a long time, not since the Clone Wars actually, it was one of the few things that brought a happy feeling to him. His response was simple yet heart-felt, embodying every tendon of his soldiering soul. "Aye-aye Sir." With that he left the Lord Commander to handle the Vong, [member="Serin"], after all it was three attacking one. He was simply unneeded. He disengaged and quickly darted down a back alley leading away from the embattled port.

The oddest thing (in Galaar's mind) happened as he traveled down the breezeway. At the end stood a figure: a White Job in old Phase One Clone Armor. The trooper was having at him, shouting his armor tally number with a sense of deep urgency. "RC-252! This way sir! This way!" The voice, clear as a holo-vid on Triple Zero, rang in his helmet. He knew it from somewhere. All of his instincts told him this Trooper couldn't be real. He began to move though; the White-Job ducked down an entrance to another ally way. The 'two' moved fast as if danger were nipping at their heels every minute. The Clone lead him around one more shadowy bend in a third direction and then seemingly vanished.

The new ally way the clone found himself in was littered with ripped bodies. Some were eviscerated whereas other simply mauled and left there. It was a grotesque crimson display and every now and then he could see, what he perceived as insects under his head rifling through the corpses. Pistol raised and aimed he made he way through until a hand reached out and grabbed his ankle.

In instinct the Clone reeled sideways and aimed the gun, until he saw a Bothan child, pup, whatever the dog things were called latched into his armored ankle with two hands. The kid had been hidden amongst the crates and bodies. It seemed by sheer luck this one young creature still lived. His brown eyes were locked on Galaar's helmet with utter silence other than the screams and sounds of combat engagement around the district. "Har'chaak." He uttered and lowered the pistol cautiously. The dog-goat-thing gave a low whimper afterwords and slipped halfway behind the crates it was hiding in.

This complicated things... A kid in the middle of a battle zone, obviously alone, obviously scared and likely wounded from either the beetles or dogs. Thoughts rushed though his head, he had to handle this and as heartless of a soldier he was trained to be he could not leave a child behind. Not like this. "Are you hurt?" It nodded and tugged itself from behind the crates exposing a mangled wound down the back of its leg. Galaar leaned down and tugged the basic med-pac that came with the ST utility belt. All he could do was clean and wrap the wound and so he did. Afterword he knelt down and faced away from the kid. "Up." He murmured under the helmet, static blurring his voice. The child climbed onto his back, piggy backing essentially and Galaar stood.

Then came the snarls; he looked over his shoulder to see a Voyxn round the corner. "Kark!" Then his legs moved, muscles pushing him off the ground again as he sprinted around a corner , unwittingly toward the location of the Confederate Tower with the beast in hot pursuit. "Why me?"

@anyone in the direction of C-Tower such as...[member="Voroll"]
Location: Inner City
Affiliation: Confederacy
Target: Anything Ugly Looking

Tycho grunted as he swung his golden sword, Murmegil, in an arc that cut off the hand of a Yuuzhan Vong warrior. Jet black blood spurted from the stump of the wrist. Tycho drew his sword back and rammed it home, driving the blade up through the Vong's chest. He put his hand on the back of the pommel, ensuring that the length of alchemized metal sunk deep into flesh. More of that impossibly dark blood spattered across his face and the front of his armor and robes. The stuff burned like acid. Tycho kicked the Vong off his blade and hurriedly wiped his face, befouling his already smirched sleeve.

The Templar bladesman leaned on his sword, panting. His once-white raiment was now irrecoverably stained with black and red blood. A pity. They had been such nice robes. More blood smeared the front of his gold-plated MX-00 Templar armor. Yet somehow, despite the grime and sweat stringing his hair together and the vitae which stained his garments, Tycho Shorn managed to maintain an air of calm dignity befitting a nobleborn. He wore a confident smile, despite the terrible odds he faced. Eyes the color of a clear, cloudless sky surveyed the city-turned-battlefield.

Vong stomped about, towering figures typically clad in that unfortunately thick crab armor of theirs, leading what could only be described as hordes of beings who had once been human. Now Tycho could only thing of them as... turned. It reminded him of the Dark Harvest. Swarms of bugs chased civilians around. Tycho himself barely escaped becoming one of those aberrations of nature. Fortunately Force Lightning seemed to work well on them, though no other Force powers did.

Tycho sighed to himself. He needed to find survivors, but first he needed to move through the sea of the enemy. The Templar embraced the Force, wrestling with that aphotic flow as it tunneled through his body. Exhaustion faded and at once the world around became crisp and clear. The sights and sounds rang in his ears and he ran into the fray, invigorated with the power of the Force.

The blonde-haired Shorn waded into a cluster of Turned, golden blade flashing as he laid about with the fury and elegance of Juyo. Tycho embraced the fight as he had embraced the Force, reveling in the contest. Thews suffused with a terrible might whipped his sword through a series of forms. Makashi. Juyo. Tapani Rake. Blood trailed from his blade in ribbons of sable and scarlet as he decapitated, dismembered, and otherwise tore through the ranks of Turned. When he felt pressed too heavily, beset on all sides, Shorn pointed his sword in front of him and unleashed his power. Lightning leapt from the tip of the blade and leapt from body to body. Corpses dropped in a line and Tycho ran through the lightning-wrought path with preternatural speed.

Shorn burst into the interior of a nearby building and brought himself up short as he caught sight of the hundreds, maybe thousands, of huddled refugees. Just as he thought. He flashed his best winning smile.

"Beg pardon, I must look quite the sight. Templar Shorn, at your service. Here to get you out of this abominable mess."

A child screamed and pointed. Tycho turned around and stared up at an impossibly tall Vong. (That's you Azal)

"The best laid plans," Shorn sighed.
[member="Anastasia Verd"] [member="Adela Verd"] [member="Astrian Callus"]

The slowly dying vornskrs were heavily engaged in the battle droid brouhaha, heavily enough that Rave felt comfortable enough in switching back from Vongsense to the Force as Anastasia's lightsabre blocked her tsaisi. Her Force presence reemerged, though the taozin amulet kept it unrecognizable. With the rush of sensation came awareness of intent from behind her. Not quite close enough to strike, but close enough to cause problems.

Emerald lightning snapped out from her fists. It arced from her right, which clutched the tsaisi, at Anastasia's lower body now that she had her sabre high. A double thunderclap came about as a near-simultaneous second bolt shot from her left at the beskad-wielding girl behind her. She took a little half-step to straighten out her stance, fists outstretched to her sides, torrents of green lightning pouring out at the Verd girls.
COMPANY: COLONEL OVERKILL [ [member="CC-953 Oddball"] ], MOOKZILLA [ @Nas Kraal ], SOME SNIPER DUDE [ [member="Animus"] ]

The gargantuan Vong clambored up the side of the building. Hannibal did not see this happen, but given that he had seen the dude run into the alleyway and heard the subsequent commotion he caused, it was an easy guess. He backpedaled away from his position at the edge of the building, fearful that the thing would try to grab him and pull him over. Fortunately that wasn't what happened, but instead the thing lobbed a trio of... Something at him. Hannibal didn't have very long to get a look at the projectiles, but knowing Vong it was probably something organic and near-useless in comparison to a blaster.

The reason Hannibal didn't get a good look could be attributed to the divine intervention of Colonel Overkill and some unseen sniper dude. Blaster bolts arced through the air just as Hannibal was bracing for the impact of the thudbugs, one of his small energy shields in his gauntlet activating and the gauntlet containing his smaller flamethrower pointed outward. Neither were needed, as it turned out. The bugs got wiped out by blaster fire mid-air.

"Holy kark."

Hannibal's shield flickered off as he instead opted to take aim at the Vong as it clung to the side of the roof, firing off a trio of shots. VENOM slugs again. It was still the same clip, after all.
So this was what the HQ looked like. Huh. Hansky did her best not to just stare, but when no one spoke to her, she permitted herself to study all she could from the corners of her eyes.

She hadn't really a clue how she'd gotten there. It was one night of mad love in some cheap motel on a hyperlane, and the next thing she knew she'd somehow become part of this, part of it all. And she had to report to [member="Siara Kai"], a woman she hadn't met before.

Did she even look the part? Faux-leather pants, a white blouse shirt. It seemed like good office attire. And it was comfortable enough to managed to deal with whatever was tossed her way.

Of course, the small detonators in her pockets would help with that, if it ever came to it.

"Agent Sweetie reporting for duty," she said as she clasped her hands behind her back.

Bollocks, Hansky had no clue what she was even doing here.


The little girl with Force powers
Rave vs. Verd Kids Duel

[member="Anastasia Verd"] [member="Rave Merrill"] [member="Astrian Callus"]

Adela managed to block some of the lightning with her besk'ad, but not a lot of it, and not very successfully. She cried out involuntarily when the emerald green lightning smashed into her, making the young girl stumble back several paces as she tried to fend off the attack.
The large, brutish, savage man came at the beast. Striking his saber down on the beast, his blade cut deep into its hide as it shrieked, it's back leg not holding up well. The other voxyn had fallen, the droids were making sure it was dead becurecturning to Astrian. "No! Help the Verd girls!" Astrian commanded, he had to face the beast alone. For the sake of the girls, he had to face it alone. 46 SC1's began to charge towards the group, 05's flying overhead to get a clear shot. Astrian yanked his blade from the hide of the beast, leaping back a few steps as the beast sky's gushy turned to him. It roared, it's big blue tongue waggling at him. Astrian could feel blood rolling off of his temple, through gritted teeth he spoke. "Coms on beasty.." He taunted, leaping forth with the force at his command, he swung for it falsely. It's good arm swinging for him, he dodged. Jumping in close he wrapped Hispanics arm around its neck, it's roar of fury expressed through its suddenly panicked movement. Astrian stabbed his blade drop into its throat and through its jaw and tongue. Which, clamped down on his hand. The song steel plate was crushed and his wrist hurt blade. He was able to hold on by his broken hand and was yanked off of its body, his hold on his Lightsaber in its jaw dug deeper through its body before its teeth released him, the Lightsaber went spinning aside, in a desperate effort. He yanked its tongue down, tearing and ripping through flesh, it's tongue came in two, part falling to the ground with Astrian. He clenched both of his fist, circulating the force energy in both. No matter how much it hurt, this wasnt over. He pushed out his fists, opening his palms as brand of white lightning shot out from them, catching the creature in its eyes and mouth and then across its body. It leapt into the air, it's wounded leg crushing under its own weight and its bkdy cane cradhing down onto itself with a violent thud.

Astrian almost had a smile on his face, his force reserves somewhat drained. He pulled his discarded saber to his palm Bruges slowly getting to his knee's. He saw the fight ahead of him, he needed to get up. Nl matter how much it hurt, he needed to get up.

[member="Adela Verd"]
[member="Rave Merrill"]
[member="Anastasia Verd"]
COMPANY: INFIDEL #1 [ CC-953 Oddball ], INFIDEL #2 [ [member="Hannibal Oryen"] ], INFIDEL #3 [ Animus ]

[member="Hannibal Oryen"] [member="Animus"]

This Yuuzhan Vong was no longer such an easy target, as big as he was.

It would now become apparent to the mercenary that the brute could travel quickly by dropping to all six of his limbs and running as though a creature would - similar to how he scaled the building so quickly - with his mutated prehensile tail whipping in the air behind him.

The Warmaster looked akin to a voxyn, chasing down it's prey.

Several green emblazoned bullets zinged over head as the creature buckled down in to a roll, parkouring over the ledge of one building to reach the rooftop that the mercenary [member="Hannibal Oryen"] stood upon with lightning speed. A serpent was uncoiled from around his waist and straightened, glowing blue as it was held above his head and thrust into the air like a spear at the man. A blue wash of energy engulfed the Warmaster as the plasma eel, a weapon of the Yuuzhan Vong, sailed towards it's victim [member="Hannibal Oryen"] with precision and efficiency.

"Do-ro'ik Vong Pratte!" The Warmaster roared, digging into the duracrete with his claws to come to an all-stop several meters away from the Mercenary.
Near the Airport
[member="Rave Merrill"], [member="Adela Verd"], [member="Astrian Callus"]

All of had attention had been focused on the baton as it met the beam of her lightsaber that she missed most of what was happening around her. That had been her first mistake. She could still feel her anger coursing through her but it wasn't anything more than a strong emotion, her dark gaze gazing at the snake-like creature.

When finally, her eyes darted away from the baton, she looked at the female she was facing but it had been too late. The corner of her eyesight noted green light but it had been too late for her too do anything and she felt the sensation over armorweave and phrik, the small feeling of burning reaching her nose. She didn't think much of the burning but somewhere in the back of her mind, she remembered the silk fabric that was essentially useless to the outfit. The impact of the hit still made her midsection move backwards, wanting pull away. Instead, she stumbled backwards, her feet following late after the rest of her body.

Despite the protection the Templar Armor gave her, it wasn't a pleasant sensation but her first instinct had be surprisingly to raise her free hand, ripping on the silk cloth coming off her shoulder. She pulled it off, letting it fall through the emerald lighting through the ground, burning on its way down. Step two, was going to be far more difficult and by the strength of that lightning wouldn't hold for long but Anastasia didn't see another way out of it as she lowered the lightsaber quickly at the level of the current, pushing it forward ever so slightly to let it take as much of it as possible.


The little girl with Force powers
Near the Airport
[member="Anastasia Verd"] [member="Astrian Callus"] [member="Rave Merrill"]

Adela knew she could not give up the fight. Even if it wasn't crucial (which, for all she knew, it might have been), Adela was a Mandalorian, albeit one with very little training. Mandalorians did not up. They did not run away. They stood, and they fought, and whenever remotely possible, they won, and damn the odds.

The young girl's eyes flicked to her sister, who seemed to be doing better than she was. Making a mental note to get hold of some armor once this was over, Adela used her rudimentary Force abilities to help fight away the electrical pain of the lightning. It worked, if only a little, but it was enough to allow Adela the mental fortitude to slowly push forward, through the lightning, besk'ad aimed and ready to strike.

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