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Natural ways to induce labor?


Anzat's How it's Done
Be a man and stick your hand up there. Pull the baby out by his leg and play the Lion King theme as you bite through his umbilical. Then high five your baby.

Manliest birth ever.

In all seriousness, your baby is obviously enjoying the womb life and will come out when it's ready. There's really not much you can do except wait. :/
Large babies were born from small mothers for thousands of years before C-sections; if there is a serious risk, that's something else entirely, but a lot of doctors advocate C-sections just because they're faster (which clears up space in their obstetrics ward for more patients, which means more $$$, and sometimes it's Friday night and the doc just wants to go home and have a beer in front of the tube, dadgummit).

And given that doctors basically use the rhythm method to calculate a due date (on the faulty assumption that all women ovulate precisely fourteen days after the onset of menstruation), it's not uncommon for babies to be a week or two "late" and still be precisely on time... not to mention that inducing is the addition of a lot of powerful drugs to an infant system, which might turn out just fine, or it might not.

I agree with @[member="Jak Sandrow"]: calm down and be patient. The system is designed to do precisely what it's doing. Even if it takes a little longer, it is healthier to avoid powerful chemicals and unnecessary surgery, especially when those things will (almost) always be available as a backup plan if the time comes.


Well-Known Member
Lmao mah my lil sister did it. Lol nah we had a c section. She was in labor over 24 hrs and hadn't dilated past 1-2 cm so they figured the best bet would be a cicerion. She probably could have pushed his big headed ass out but she would have had days of labor left to go through


Well-Known Member
Lmao I probably will, my mom told me the same thing! Lol cause she actually did push me out. I had been around a 30 some inch circumference on my head. I believe it was 36. Something like that


Well-Known Member
@[member="Delila Castillon"]

Pretend for the moment that this is me liking your post since I cant, already having used my quota


Well-Known Member
Exactly. Plus it being more or less the most evil name in history, I want him to turn it around and make it something better

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