Atticus Savar said:
I am going to bring up the elephant in the room and go out on a limb here.
The original purpose of this was to strictly get the Republic Navy Pilots in a room and do a beginning development to push towards what a Military unit like the Republic Navy should be.
Then Senators and the Supreme Chancellor some how got invited and the intent got lost right around the time somebody decided to propose the idea to serve up Tython and by extension the Jedi up on a silver platter to the One Sith.
This first thread was intended as I understood it for nothing more than to let the Navy Pilots all get introduced to each other. Then a second thread was going to be created to serve as a type currently to be ironed out training scenario to serve as not only a chance for the new people, myself included, a chance to get a little OOC and IC experience in and for the veterans to evaluate and train said new people OOC and IC.
However as I hinted before at this very moment I have no idea what we are doing anymore.
I feel I should probably put this out there just to clarify. I have no problem with the interaction of Politicians with Military personnel and even Jedi with military personnel but this was not the thread to do so. That can be done with later threads as the Republic Navy as a unit gets on more solid ground.
It seemed to be pretty much a thread for everyone to talk and get more acquainted with each other, which is why military matters were discussed in order to actually give us something to talk about and organize ourselves. If not that it would have basically been a naval officer's social ball and ended very quickly. That is all a part of the original purpose, and after that we would have done the training once the chain of command for our group was established in this said meeting.
And a meeting like this was bound to have at the very least one politician in the group, which makes sense in the context of our priorities. They would have helped us built that solid ground once we had some support/backing from people in charge instead of being just some random group of people who got together. I got why you wanted to keep one of them out for OOC reasons, but having the chancellor there to put input into the meeting made it important enough to give us some legitimacy.
I might not have fully agreed with letting other factions in on the meeting, but that's not my point right now.
Darth Mierin said:
Whaaaaaaaaaat. No....we definitely don't know....
You can totes leave it alone and undefended with all the Jedi and Artifacts still there. Its a mystery.
-waves hands and disappears-
And now that proposal is out of the bag just because someone didn't like it.
We'll leave a key to it for you guys on the front porch.