Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion [NEO] Tales from the Frontier | First Servile War | Open


Tags: Sinestra Sinestra Feydrik Munin Feydrik Munin Zhulghua Zhulghua Kehl Thraxx Kehl Thraxx

Ninurta stirred from a deep, drugged sleep, his mind sluggish and his body heavy with fatigue. The incessant tapping on his forehead came with an audible grunt of frustration, rousing him into a groggy awareness. His reptilian eyelids fluttered open, his vision blurred and swimming, as he blinked up at the dark-skinned face of a burly Zabrak leaning over him. The Zabrak's yellow eyes were wide with urgency, and his finger jabbed at Ninurta's forehead again, more aggressively this time.

"Wake up!" the Zabrak growled, his voice sharp with impatience. "Now's your chance!"

As Ninurta's senses slowly returned, memories began to flash through his mind in chaotic fragments—brutal slavers surrounding him, his armor stripped away, the cold bite of iron shackles on his wrists, and the sickly sweet scent of some drug forced into his system. He had been captured, taken by slavers after a battle gone wrong, and sold like a prize beast to fight in the arenas of strange worlds. His Falleen biology had resisted the worst of the drugs, but even he couldn't escape their numbing effects forever. He had fought—forced to fight—for the entertainment of cruel masters, his body pushed to the brink while his mind drifted in a haze.

But now, the haze was lifting.

The Zabrak grunted again, his thick fingers working quickly to unshackle Ninurta's wrists and ankles. The clink of the restraints falling to the floor echoed in Ninurta's ears, and suddenly, everything sharpened. A syringe was removed from his arm with a pinch and the oppressive weight of the drugs lifted like a veil being pulled away, and his mind cleared with startling swiftness. He flexed his hands, feeling the circulation return as his muscles tightened, his Falleen physiology now fully awakened. He was awake!

The first thing he noticed was the noise—the dull roar of chaos growing louder with each passing second. The air was thick with the unmistakable sounds of a riot—shouts, the clang of metal, and the unmistakable thrum of blaster fire. He could smell the fear in the air, the adrenaline coursing through the slaves around him, and the acrid scent of burning machinery. His sharp, reptilian eyes adjusted quickly to the dim, flickering lights of the holding area, and the full scene came into focus.

The slaves were revolting.

" Which way!?"
TAG: Sinestra Sinestra

Amid the chaotic roar of battle in the arena, as the slave filth gladiators turned their fists against their captors, a cold, mocking voice slithered would poise itself into Sinestra's mind, carried on the wind of the Force like a serpent to coil around her thoughts.

"All your visions," Scour's voice hissed, dripping with malice, "and yet you never saw this coming, did you?"

With some mental effort, he pushed harder into the force. Making the sound of his voice reverberated through her mind, everywhere at once, as if the very air around her carried his venomous words.

"All your foresight, all your pride in seeing what others cannot... but here you are, on the brink of losing everything. The chains you thought would hold them? Shattered. The arena you rule? It's become your grave. They are coming, right now, at any moment and they are coming...for you."

" Now beg me for aid and I will gladly order my crew to, per say, take a nice bloody stroll. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHHHHAH"


FOES: Hakon Fett Hakon Fett Domina Prime Domina Prime Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl Caeos Prahl Caeos Prahl


As the fires of the Mandalorian jetpacks lit the sky above Er'kit, another storm began to descend—one far darker and far more vicious. The Ten Thousand Fists, Scour's infamous crew of Gen'dai marauders, were plummeting from the blackness of space in drop pods, each one streaking through the atmosphere like a meteors of death.

Inside his own pod, Scour sat with a calmness that belied the chaos outside. His mind was already anticipating the carnage to come. The Mandalorians thought they had orchestrated the perfect siege, but they hadn't accounted for him or his crew. Neither the slavemasters nor the enslaved would be spared from the impending massacre. The Ten Thousand Fists lived only to kill—and on Er'kit, there was no shortage of prey.

Unless Sinestra begged otherwise. Heh. But in till that time...

As the pods hurtled toward the surface, their impact sent shockwaves through the narrow canyon of Slaver's Bay. Dust and rock exploded into the air, but the moment the pods hit the ground, they cracked open like grotesque durasteel eggs, and from within stepped the monstrous figures of Scour's crew. The Gen'dai pirates were titans in their own right, hundreds of them emerging from the pods like a legion of nightmares. Their armor was battered, scarred by thousands of years of battle, yet they moved with the precision of hunters. Their vibroswords, blastswords and arrary of heavy blasters activated in unison, casting eerie energetic crimson light over the broken rock and darkened bay. The sound of their weapons igniting was drowned by the rumble of Mandalorian jetpacks overhead and the distant roar of clashing steel, but the Ten Thousand Fists not only thrived in the violence.

They were born of it.
Molded by it.

Scour himself stood among his men, towering and wrapped in a black trench coat that fluttered like a corpses shadow in the wind. His sulferic eyes scanned the battlefield, taking in the scene: the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders swarming the slave pens, engaging with Balin's stormtroopers, while the enslaved masses cowered or fought desperately for their lives. To Scour, it didn't matter who fought or who fled—they were all targets.
With a single motion of his hand, the signal was given. The Fists surged forward, a wave of destruction, carving their path through the narrow streets of Slaver's Bay.

" MEN!" He commanded their attention and felt a smile creep over his visage with his next choice words. " Lets take a walk! "


TAGS: Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl Caeos Prahl Caeos Prahl Domina Prime Domina Prime Scour Scour

The AT-ATs were a threat, but as the aruetiise say—misery loves company, and this was one special company indeed. Grotesque pods crashed down across Slaver's Bay with the force of falling meteors, their hatches hissing open to reveal towering figures armed for war. Fett knew them well, or rather well enough—not just through the stories passed down by his Mandalorian kin, but from his years as a gun-for-hire traversing the galaxy, hearing the half-mad tales from survivors of their raids.

The Ten Thousand Fists.

Fett's gauntlet tapped the side of his helmet, opening a line to Carduul as he jetted forward, bounding across rooftops toward the Citadel with urgent speed. <"Carduul,"> his voice crackled over the coms, <"it's Fett. There's a new enemy on the field—they won't retreat.">

<"They're Gen'dai carrying a blood feud with our people.">

But Hakon wasn't one to retreat in the face of ancient vendettas. His thoughts began forming a new strategy. The Citadel was the key; its guns, the turning point.

Opening another line, he hailed Caeos Prahl Caeos Prahl , <"Prahl, report status.">

There was a plan forming. The Citadel's heavy cannons had to be turned against the Gen'dai Fists—there would be no other way to bring them down, and the Imperials on top of them.


Caeos Prahl
Location - Aboard Imperial Galleon, Slaver's Bay Airspace
Objective - 1 Slaver's Bay

Abandoned on one of many vacant seats of the Bridge, Caeos approached the aged red helmet left there. Her mother’s beskar’gam had been donned upon their exit from Mandalore for this very mission, yet she had stubbornly kept her own helmet close until the moment it called for. Maybe it was sacrilege to masquerade as the dead, but not terrible moral dilemma made itself known in her heart. Her vod had the decency to look away, though they had never been brought up in such traditional ways-Caeos slipped her golden helm off. Only briefly did she catch the lines that crept from her eyes, the silver of her hair in her mother’s visor. It had been a long time..Caeos drew in a quiet breath before she slipped the helmet on. The seal at her chin secured with a swipe of her thumb as a familiar rumble in the ship signaled its descent, landing gears making contact with the sandstone.

She hailed her brothers with two fingers toward the blast doors, troopers in alabaster armor flanked her as they rushed to the hangars. The skeleton crew was marked in slashes of red paint, a bit haphazard but one of the few signs to differentiate them from Balin’s rag tag men. Caeos only hoped there would be an issue of friendly fire, she had considered it but-more radio chatter caught her attention as the lift down halted. Hakon hailing her.

<”Careful Hakon you’ll blow my cover, we’ve successfully landed. Not sure if we’re in the clear, my warriors will seek out the turrets first.”> Caeos muttered, the hangar’s ramps unfolding as the men assembled in line at the edge. The hover carts were stacked with false provisions, and honestly just whatever scrap could be tossed into a crate. With a quick stride, Caeos made for the landing pad. The sound of the siege echoing in the near distance.

From the ship’s open hangar she was greeted with barrel blasters and Caeos couldn’t help but return the favor, drawing her pistol from her side, though she did not take aim just yet. The party sent to greet her mother clearly did not expect to see t-visor with two troopers in tow.

<”What is the meaning of this!”>

<”It’s a trap clearly-”>

<”General Voi’kryt sent me, who better to kill Mandalorians then their fellow Mando’ade. Stand down Lieutenant!”> Caeos barked,almost having to take a double look to remember rank and she motioned to her warriors waiting to start ‘offloading’ supplies. Hesitate in their rank as she pressed on, marching down the final stretch onto palace grounds. <”Take me to Colonel Balin.”>



Allies: Hakon Fett Hakon Fett | Caeos Prahl Caeos Prahl | Domina Prime Domina Prime | Scour Scour
Vicinity Of: Ines Pen-Ar-Lan Ines Pen-Ar-Lan
Carduul didn’t know much of the Ten Thousand Fists, or why they carried a blood feud as Hakon put it. The time of the Mandalorian Exiles was but a footnote in history, the ten or so years of Gilamar Skirata as Mand’alor between the fall and return of Ra Vizsla - he couldn’t remember every tidbit off the top of his head. All he needed to know today, however, was that they were in the way of the Mando’ade. Along with the rest of the threats they were engaging with.

Insurmountable odds.

Just the way it should be.

<“Understood. Keep me advised on any additional changes - it seems this gamble is going to be our best shot, now.”> He relayed over the helmet comms in reply, words inflecting a steeling resolve.

They didn’t have a regular supply of Disruptors to deal with a Gen’dai, let alone many. Blast, where was Trajan when you needed him?

Nonetheless, as his squadron took up their positions, those with jetpack rockets set up on the buildings, and his own group - the one bearing extra weapons to be given to prospective new recruits - prepared to make an appetizing bait for the Walkers. A breath inwards, then outwards, as he stared down the alleyway that would lead to the Slave Pens. Compared to the rest of the city, it didn't have nearly as much cover, perhaps as a safeguard against escaping slaves.

“These hut’uuns have more hardware than we thought, but they’ve no idea how to use it!” He decreed, with a raise of his fist into the air, Let’s show the aruetiise how!”

His jetpack ignited in a trail of flame behind him. A cacophony followed, practiced and unified, as the rest followed his lead. ATROAN, MANDO’ADE!”

The Rally Master’s visor tilted sidelong, gauging the distance of the approaching AT-AT’s. Reacting to the sudden charge, a driver adjusted the AT-AT’s guns and movement to intercept. They must think they have it easy, sitting comfortably in an iron behemoth above it all. Another pair of thunderous BOOMS, as the massive blaster fire hit just below them. Flight paths wobbled, and the shockwave knocked one out of the air just as they pushed off. Just a bit further…

<“Aerial strike team, move now!”> He ordered with urgency, as he closed the gap to his own destination. Behind him, his orders were carried out, and he was forced to push doubt from his mind to focus on his own task. He had to trust in the men and women who had followed him to war, trust in those who had looked upon them and saw fit to join in their sacred task.

He had arrived at the outlying ring of slave pens with a roar of thunderous fire and fury, wasting no time with the new additions to the fray that would be bearing down upon him shortly. From above, his heavy blaster paired with the rest of his squad’s weaponry laid down a firestorm of destruction below to clear the path during their descent. He had to work fast, for the Fists will no doubt be upon all of them soon.

The guards were the first to go. The seeds of revolt had been planted long before he had ever arrived - all it took was a heavy blaster shot to a Gamorrean jailor before the powder keg went off. The slaves knew they didn’t have a lot of options, and there was no better time than the present to take their shot for freedom. The Rally Master landed with the rest as a blaster bolt hit him in the shoulder with a jolt through his body. A grit of his teeth as he gunned down the offending party, and called out for all to hear;

“This is no place to rot, aruetiise; A spare blaster pistol was tossed over to the closest one amidst the unfolding skirmish. Several others of his Preservers obliged - they were not ones to send potential warriors into the meat-grinder. “Claim thy places amidst us in this battle, and join the Mando’ade! Or run as a coward, remain a being to be trampled underfoot forevermore.”

Behind Carduul, the first AT-AT had drawn just close enough to make this feasible, while the other had carved its way to the opposing flank in order to make space for a counterattack. One would suffice for their purpose. The Rally Master was far and away now, off to bring more into their culture. Their way.

Garrus Bralor was crouched down, peering from behind the lip of a building’s top, opposing which another squad waited with the same intent. Then he heard the crackle of the order come through. “OYA!” He shouted, being the first to climb up the lip, and dive off like a swimmer would into a pool. Moments later, that tell-tale sound of ignition heralded his rise, and the rest of this suddenly-formed strike team had begun their first task.

It’d been some time since he’d felt that wondrous feeling of rising from the ground, like the weight of the world had been lifted. He twisted in the air like a shriek-hawk would, narrowly avoiding the sudden swivel of the lighter laser cannons on the side of the behemoth’s head - a massive red blaster bolt narrowly passing in front of his body that would’ve engulfed him whole. Instead, it wreaked havoc on the troops below, who were ardently covering their foray before the enemy realized what was happening. The driver themself was reacting, but the lumbering hunk of steel could only do so much. Like prey, being encircled by predators.

He was enjoying this crusade more than he would’ve thought. Or perhaps it was a sense of purpose that fueled him? No time to ruminate. A moment later, he would be on top of it - and his Rally Master's gamble would be put to the test.
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Zhulghua had been put in a separate cell, one with bars made of impervium that he could not bend. Still, when the feral warrior launched his onslaught to freedom and beckoned the Wookiee to follow, Zhulghua knew exactly what to do. He had a hunch that the slavers had skimped on the hinges of the cell doors, considering it was a primitive cell. He tuened his back to the cage door and, using a Wartaki Silverback breathing technique, delivered a strong kick. Sure enough, the pins holding the hinges snapped, and the door came crashing to the ground.

As Zhulghua ran out of the cage, he noticed the Trandoshans were still locked in their cell and had not yet been freed. Perfect, he thought. The cell was more modern than his had been but was made out of standard durasteel. It would hold most humanoids. But for Zhulghua, it was a simple matter to rip the door out and hold it above his head as an improvised weapon. He said nothing, but the fear in their eyes and their screams said they knew what was coming. They would not get the honor of dying like warriors but like the pests they were.

Emerging from the cell, the Silverback through down the cell door that was completely stained in blood and viscera. Taking a run, he caught up to his newly found companion and began attacking the guards, doing what Wookiees were known for: ripping limbs from their sockets.[/I]

Feydrik Munin Feydrik Munin Kehl Thraxx Kehl Thraxx Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r Sinestra Sinestra



The Slaves had been freed.

Chaos engulfed the operation of the fighting pits. The gladiator pits were unbound, undone.

The Mandalorians were freed, and they found many allies to free them with.

Feydrik's mission, even if he were to die here, in these lowly pits, was a success. He had completed his objective.

And as the Mandalorians freed themselves, arming themselves with stone, stick, and vibrosword and stunstick alike-

None of the slave guards, slaves themselves, had managed to stand up to them. Feydrik had managed to procure a vibrosword. Handy. Useful. Practical. Slightly off-balance towards the hilt. But nothing he couldn't handle. The Mandalorians marched forward, their newfound slave allies joining them.

The Mandalorians moved forward, and Feydrik looked around. They were meeting more formidable foes, but still charging over them, rolling like an angry sea of righteous fury.

Feydrik had completed his task given to him by the Rally Masters and Field Marshals.

He had not lead the uprising, but rather, provided the torches to burn this place down. They needed to free themselves, to prove that they were worthy combatants, worthy to be called Mandalorian. And as he freed his brothers and sisters in captivity, they began to-


Throughout the arena, Feydrik slammed his chest, and the clash of battle was soon overtaken by the sound of rhythmic beating of wall, chest, armor, and weapons. Feydrik pushed forward, cleaving an incoming guard in half with a single swipe. He pivoted on his heel, coming up under another, driving his sword through her chest, and heard her take her last breaths. Feydrik looked her in the eyes, narrowing them. He twisted the blade, rendering her limp.

She died, weak, and without much of a fight.

The song grew louder.

Taung sa rang broka Mando'ade ka'rta!

They pushed forward, the arena, once filled with thousands of spectators, now became a bloodbath. Spectator, guard, and fellow slave alike- age old conflicts, or perhaps recent ones, sprang up. But the Mandalorians, united, pushed on. To freedom. To war. And still they sang.

Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu,
Manda'yaim kandosii adu!

They sang in a chorus of voices, united, in sync. They were without equal in this arena. They were without mercy. They were without fear.

Duum motir ca'tra nau tracinya!
Gra'tua cuun hett su dralshy'a!

They pushed on. They marched forward. They cleaved. They clawed. They punched, they kicked. They stabbed and they beat. And more importantly- they were not stopped. They could not be. They were without equal in the galaxy. The Mandalorians made the galaxy tremble in fear, hold meetings desperate for an answer on how to stop them or curve their advance. The very stars bent to the Mandalorians will, the very fabric of the galaxy was shaped by their bravery, their wars, and their honorable crusade.

An arena, filled with guards, was child's play. But a true testament to their courage, their resolve, their unflinching combat prowess. Absolute, unflinching resolve. Nothing could stop the escape of the Mandalorians, the slaughter of the Arena.

Nothing, and no one.

TAGS: Kehl Thraxx Kehl Thraxx Feydrik Munin Feydrik Munin Zhulghua Zhulghua Scour Scour

Sinestra sneered at Scour's telepathic words, her lips curling as the rage surged within her, feeding her connection to the dark side of the Force. It flowed through her veins, empowering her.

Breaking the chains.

But even in the stuporous indulgence of the dark side's unlimited power, she knew the truth: the Crucible was outnumbered—and perhaps, this time, outmatched.

Send your Gendai, Scour, she spat back through the Force, contempt lacing every thought. Quell this revolt, and you'll have a favor from me.

She wasted no more of her attention on the loathsome Gendai. With a single leap, Sinestra descended from the stands, landing in the bloodstained sands below where chaos raged unchecked. The wind tore the scarf from her neck, revealing a face twisted with hate. In an instant, her crimson lightsaber hissed to life, casting a malevolent glow over the arena.

Several slaves faltered, only to be cleaved in two before they could react, their bodies falling lifeless into the dust. Still, they came. The arena was flooded with them—Mandalorian savages, among others, relentless in their charge.

If they could not be tamed, then they would be slaughtered.

With a sharp flick of her free hand, she clenched the air, her will bending the stone and mortar of the amphitheater. Several sections of the stands trembled, groaned, and then collapsed. Massive slabs of rock crushed multiple gates below, pulverizing the rebels beneath and sealing off their only path to freedom.


TAGS: Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl Caeos Prahl Caeos Prahl Domina Prime Domina Prime Scour Scour

Forcing himself to be content with Prahl and Akahl's responses, Hakon Fett surged forth, his jetpack flaring as he landed softly upon the worn stone of the next rooftop, the city sprawled beneath him like a broken web. His visor locked onto the hulking figure ahead, a towering Gen'dai, body rippling with sinewy muscle and cords of flesh that wrapped like serpents around his colossal frame were contained only by the confines of his armor.

The behemoth roared; a gutural roar echoing across the bay, and in an instant it lunged. Fett pivoted, the thrusters of his jetpack pushing him to the side just as a massive fist slammed into the rooftop, shattering stone and sending dust spiraling into the night air.

The Mandalorian ripper in Hakon's gauntlet barked in retaliation, but the bolts merely seared the Gen'dai's skin, leaving only scorched marks. The creature laughed off the bolts, and hurled itself at the Mandalorian once more, faster than its size should allow, faster than Hakon expected.

He dodged again, but this time, the Gen'dai caught him by the leg, dragging him down with a force that rattled his bones. The Gen'dai's grip tightened, threatening to crush the beskar armor in its clasp. The Gen'dai lifted him like a rag doll, eyes burning with the promise of vengeance.

But Fett was no stranger to being outmatched. His free hand reached for his beskad. With a twist of his wrist the vibrating edge sliced through the Gen'dai's sinewy tendrils. A roar of pain erupted from the creature, and it tossed the Mandalorian aside with a bellow of rage.

Hakon tumbled across the rooftop, but his jetpack flared, halting his fall as he rose to one knee. The Gen'dai charged again. This time, the Mandalorian stood his ground. He fired off his whipcord, the cable wrapping around the Gen'dai's leg. He pulled hard, aided by the power of his crushgaunts and the giant staggered, crashing to one knee.

No second thoughts. A beskar spear flashed in the moonlight. He drove it deep into the pirate's chest, aiming for the vital cluster of organs hidden somewhere beneath the mass of regenerating flesh. The Gen'dai screamed, swinging its massive arm to knock Fett away, but the Mandalorian was already gone, his jetpack lifting him above the swipe.

The Gen'dai faltered, clutching at the spear embedded in its chest. It ripped the weapon free, its flesh already knitting together, but the damage had been done. Fett dropped from above, delivering a series of explosive charges that latched onto the creature's broad back. A click and the rooftop disappeared in a flash of fire and smoke, and the last sound was the deafening roar of the Gen'dai as it was consumed by the blast.
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


Tag(s): @Closed, single-post
Objective(s): ‘Liberation’


Sig found himself away from the majority of the continued action. While his brothers and sisters liberated those who sought to break their chains, eliminating those who sought otherwise or got in their way, Sig instead was in the outlying slave quarters. While he normally had taken the charge and took command with an unstoppable drive, today was different.

The game was underway. As sure as the Crusade began burning through the galaxy Sig was certain any day one among them would seek to lead. He knew they’d all look amongst themselves and among all the clans for that one who should lead. The one who deserves it. And amongst them he knew Hakon Fett Hakon Fett carried the potential of being that one leader.

The thought sickened Sig. Ego, arrogance, ignorance, and blindness from a vision he was dedicated to seeing through to the end, Sig was convinced nobody else deserved to lead but himself. To that end he recently made his first move, a move that nearly ended the game early.

But Hakon Fett survived, something Sig was aware of and anticipated. For now nobody had come forward to openly accuse him of sabotage and attempted murder. Though he knew there were those with their suspicions.

It was for this reason he was away from the rest of them and was instead focused on recruiting for his own clan. His own name was already spoken among the people. It eas time for Clan Dryggo to follow suit.

Walking through each small apartment resulted in the same two outcomes: Foundlings or death. There was no mercy, certainly not for the weak.

Reaching the door of the next apartment, Sig firmly grasped his two pistols before tapping the control panel. As the door slid open he moved forward, pistols raised and aimed ahead. Just as the door behind him closed he caught movement out of the corner of his eye; he instinctively fired several warning shots in the direction of whatever it was. Hands shot up followed by a distinct “wait!”

Sig straightened and lowered the muzzles ever so slightly,
“Come on out,” he responded calmly.

From behind the wall emerged three individuals: a family of slaves consisting of a father, mother, and a son, who appeared to be in his late teens. Sig smirked as he watched them walk out with their hands raised indicating they didn’t mean to fight. As they stood before him he lowered one of his pistols fully, the other raised still for any sudden attack.

“Today is your lucky day,” he continued, “Freedom calls to you. The freedom to spit back in the face of the galaxy that’s put you down.”

For a moment the family just stared. On the surface they appeared fearful, but Sig could see beneath all that. Behind their eyes he could see each had their own thoughts and feelings about the situation they found themselves in. The father was angry and through that anger was likely waiting for his moment to strike. The mother was scared but not for her life, but for that of their son. And what of the son? What did Sig see beneath those fearful eyes?

The father stepped forward, Sig’s head cocking to the right out of curiosity. “We may be slaves, but you are the weak.”

Sig nodded but a millisecond later the pistol raised dropped and unloaded a single shot into his knee. As the father fell to the ground yelling out in agony, Sig raised the pistol once more to the wife. She began crying but only started growing hysterical as the pistol turned to the young man.

“This man is weak,” he stated, a simple matter of fact. “This woman is weak,” he said, slightly nodding his head over to the sobbing mother. “Are you weak?” The young man didn’t respond but the fear within his eyes had shifted. No, the fear was gone. In its place was exactly what Sig wanted…

Taking the lowered pistol in hand, Sig tossed it to the feet of the young man. The father was still groaning in pain with vain attempts to speak up stopped in their tracks by his now charred knee. The mother went to speak but stopped as Sig’s pistol inched towards the son.
“You know who we are,” he continued, his voice in a calmer state than usual, “We are liberators. We are the ones who aren’t afraid to stand against the chaos of this galaxy.” The son examined the pistol in his hands. “Look at this man who raised you, how he’s on the floor in the dirt. This is where they want you, where the galaxy wants you! To be beaten! To be broken!” Sig turned his gaze to the sobbing mother and then to the father, who now looked on in horror as the son began to grip the pistol tightly. “If you want to be strong and rise above, if you want to seek vengeance against a galaxy that has given you nothing but suffering as a space… then do what must be done.”

Without another word he turned and walked out the door, stepping to the side and waiting. For a minute he could only hear the fighting and conflicts in the distance. Then the sound of a blaster from inside the house. A moment went by. A second shot. The young man exited, the smoke still exiting the end of the blaster’s muzzle. Sig gave a nod and spent a moment giving the young man coordinates. Not far was a small gathering of slaves, men and women of various ages who Sig encountered and who had realized the vision he was pushing.

It wouldn’t be long before he and his new Foundlings were gone from the planet and conflict. They’d regroup on Dathomir where Clan Dryggo was quickly building a foothold and where Sig’s sinister and twisted teachings of the Mandalorian Way was pressed into the minds of his followers. Suspicious eyes would surely turn to Sig and leaving the conflict before its conclusion would surely draw more eyes his way.

He didn’t care. His mission was underway and nobody was going to stop him.


As Ninurta's senses fully returned, the scene of chaos unfolded around him in sharper detail. The holding area was a grim, metallic cage, its dark walls now lit with the flashing lights of blaster fire and the glow of sparks from malfunctioning equipment. The overseers, once calm and dominant, were now frantic, trying to restore control. They wielded blasters and stun batons, herding the slaves like cattle toward the fighting pit where many had met their fate.

The slaves were losing ground, their revolt fierce but disorganized. Some were armed with scavenged weapons—metal pipes, loose chains, broken pieces of the cages that once held them—but they were up against heavily armed overseers. Bodies lay strewn across the floor—some slavers, but more slaves. The overseers, led by their chief, were systematically driving them into a tighter space, funneling them back toward the arena like it was some final act of cruelty.

Ninurta surveyed the situation. His muscles, still regaining their full strength, tensed as he rose to his full height, feeling lighter without the weight of his Beskar'gam. Faster. Even in his armor, he was fast, but like this? Without it, he was something else entirely.

The first overseer approached—a burly human with a stun baton crackling with electric energy. He aimed to take Ninurta down, his expression one of confidence, as if this was routine for him. But Ninurta moved before the man could even raise his weapon properly. With blinding speed, Ninurta slipped past the man's guard, driving the edge of his hand into the side of the overseer's throat—a Sun Fist strike, perfectly timed to collapse the man's airway. The overseer's eyes bulged as he dropped the baton, choking and clutching at his neck, but Ninurta was already gone, flowing into his next motion.

Another overseer, this one a Rodian armed with a blaster, tried to line up a shot. Ninurta saw the movement from the corner of his eye. Rek-dai, the Falcon Punch. He darted forward, his fists a blur as he closed the distance. His hand flashed up, deflecting the Rodian's arm just as the shot went wide, then his opposite hand cracked into the Rodian's jaw with devastating force. The overseer's body crumpled before he could even react, the blaster clattering uselessly to the ground.

More guards were coming now, trying to regroup and cut off the slaves' momentum. A pair of Gamorreans charged with vibro-axes raised, hoping brute force would succeed where speed failed. But Ninurta danced around them, weaving between their clumsy swings like a phantom. With a smooth pivot, he struck one in the solar plexus with an upward knee, followed by a rapid-fire Rancor's Maw—a Teräs Käsi combination of palm strikes aimed at the Gamorrean's weak points. The hulking creature toppled like a felled tree, its axe swinging wildly as it hit the ground. The second Gamorrean roared and swung down with full force, the vibro-axe humming with deadly power. Ninurta didn't dodge. He didn't need to. His arm shot up with inhuman speed, intercepting the blow mid-swing and countering. He twisted, pulling the Gamorrean off balance and then sent the creature sprawling with a spinning heel kick to its massive chest—a move called Striking Sarlacc, known for its brutal execution. The axe clanged as it hit the floor, and the Gamorrean collapsed beside it holding a caved in chest.



Kehl Thraxx
| Location | The Crucible, Er'kit
| Objective | [OBJ 2] We Shall Serve No Longer
Thraxx swung one of his larger arms backward as he knocked a disarmed guard into the wall, his lower arm raising a pistol up as it proceeded to put a salvo of blast bolts into their chest. Liberated slaves and gladiators rushed forward to seize weapons from both fallen comrades and enemies alike, desperate to fight and survive for their chance at freedom. It was either to live a slave and die eventually or perhaps die with a chance to live a free being; the choice was clear and theirs to make, not by the masters. The cowards could remain and live their lives of servitude till they died from labor or sport.
Thraxx's battle cry echoed through the tunnels of the Crucible, heard over the thunderous din of slaves shouting and the sounds of battle, whipping the slaves and prisoners into a bloody frenzy,
Thraxx raised his hand up at a guard stationed by the entrance to the pit, mechanical claws outstretched as it shot out and grabbed them by the neck, reeling them in before he was choke slammed into the ground, promptly followed by a brutal stomp of his armored boot through their skull. A grotesque splat followed as Thraxx lumbered forward into the open air of the Crucible. Several of his vanguard shortly followed after him before the sudden release of boulders behind them cut them off from the rest of the slaves that were following him. His gaze scanned the arena as it locked onto a figure wielding a crimson lightsaber.
"Sith..." The single word was uttered with such anger and hatred, as if sparking something even more fierce in his chest. He had been a slave fighting in Sith pits for years, and the sight of them made his blood boil over.

Sinestra Sinestra | Feydrik Munin Feydrik Munin | Zhulghua Zhulghua | Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r | Scour Scour

[/USER] Domina Prime Domina Prime Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl Caeos Prahl Caeos Prahl

Above him, Mandalorian jetpacks screeched through the air, like gnats buzzing in his ears—an annoyance at best. The Ten Thousand Fists surged forward, crashing into the ranks of Neo-Crusaders and stormtroopers, but none were as devastating as their own captain.

The first group of Mandalorians descended upon him in a coordinated strike, their years of tactical training evident in their swift movements. Three warriors came from above, jetpacks roaring, while two more charged at his flanks, blaster fire raining down on him from multiple directions. A classic pincer maneuver.

Scour's reaction was instinctual. Tendrils slithered out from beneath his trench coat, like the limbs of a rancor wreathed in shadow. The thick coils of muscle and sinew lashed outward, snatching one Mandalorian mid-flight and smashing him into the ground with a sickening crunch. The beskar crumpled under the impact, and the warrior lay motionless and coiled like a noodle. At the same time, Scour twisted his body with preternatural speed, swinging his massive power hammer in a wide arc. The Mandalorians attempting to flank him were caught mid-charge, their blasters shattered under the weight of the blow. The shockwave sent them tumbling backward into a durasteel cargo container, their armor sparking as red energy crackled along the seams.

One of the airborne Crusaders dove straight for his head, vibrosword poised to strike. But Scour's own hand raised to take the blow. The blade cleaving down his left arm to his elbow and then halted with a flex. Muscled appendages lashed forward and restricted the crusader from further resistance and sealed his chance to escape.

"Pathetic!" Scour muttered, his grin widening as a psychotic bloodlust surged within him and with it the chill of the darkside. He feasted off the misery present like a delectable treat! The duracrete below cracked and fissured beneth the weight of slamming his foe down, but it did not end there. The Captain held the struggling warrior down and with his other hand he raised his power hammer high and swung.

Even at the expense of his own arm.

He swung away.

Over and over and over again. Like driving a nail into its place, a place that all mandalorians should be. In the ground!

Another group of Mandalorians, this time more cautious, approached in formation. They fired wrist-mounted rockets, hoping to end him with explosive force and superior fire power. Scour's eyes flared with excitement as the rockets exploded against his chest, shrapnel and fire tearing through his trench coat, but leaving the Gen'dai beneath charred, on fire and burnt in the temporary before his regeneration process had begun. He let out a monstrous laugh and surged forward, Not with his body but the force! His sulfuric eyes glowing with sadistic glee, he extended his regenerated hand ready to snap his fingers, calling upon the Force. Suddenly the groups beskar'gam began to tremble, heat radiating from within the beskar plating, jetpacks and powercells of their blasters as a metaphysical force took hold.


With demented smile, Scour barked, his voice carried on the very winds of slavers bay.

"All that beskar, all that pride—and you're still just kindling!!!"

His fingers snapped and everything went white before a explosive shockwave comparative to a satchel of thermal detonators erupted at the scene. And out of the ashes and smoke, Captain Scour remained and his gaze fell on a specific warrior. One that had bested one of his own men in single combat. Hakon Fett Hakon Fett


Caeos Prahl
Location - Palace Grounds, Slaver's Bay
Objective - 1 Slaver's Bay

Caeos could only watch her vod march off toward the walls, the loaded hover carts dragged behind them under the guise of supplying close range artillery. It wouldn’t be long before the blaster fire broke out inside the Palace. The moment she heard her vod’s warning, the guise was dropped. Not even within the real confines of the sandstone fortress-Caeos raised her side arm to shoot the trooper who turned at the first sound of distress on the comms, dead before the outrage-the truth could be shared but by then. The other troopers in the confrontation knew. The unease they had felt true and terrible.

They hadn’t even made it inside the doors under the guise..Caeos heaved a sigh of frustration.

<“Hakon, my warriors are taking the turrets now. Target requests are open-”> Caeos’ words were rushed, a blur of white armor caused her to step aside as the rifle of one trooper came down where she stood. The soldier turned to fire off a round when another Crusader’s own beskad caught the fool in the neck. The lifeless body hitting the sandstone, leaving blood to flow at their boots.

That was a little too close.

“Vod! Scatter, take the gates, take the towers! Leave no stone unturned!” the elder roared, those who had lingered at the galleon waiting for the signal emerging now that the ruse was cut short. As they advanced in to the halls, blaster fire dogged the advance as they took to the corners and scant cover-bodys of slaves left in the crossfire or those too weak, left to huddle for mercy as they passed.

<”Eastern turret secured, radios suggest there are Gen’dai on the field.”>

The woman froze, back to a wall as the handful of warriors with her fired down the hall at the scant guard left in the gilded halls. She knew the name..lore traded at the Forge when warriors came to seek repairs and renewed vigor in the form of weapons…Finally the elder breathed a shaky breath, turning to open fire beside her fellow Crusader.

A formidable foe that had retired even the bravest verd, and those who had lived..there minds a shadow of themself..

<”Both turrets vod, get them both primed now!”> Caeos stressed, she almost regretted not focusing on the walls. Their parties are torn now.

<”All units, incoming turret fire. Evade, evade!”>

By the time comms had cut, the first turret fired off in conjunction to the ground intel-raining hell down on the armor walking in the district of the Slave Pens. AT-AT’s shields took the hit, field disrupted as it was bogged by the force of the impact. As it lumbered and metal creaked, before it could recover, a second volley fired-engines exploding on the armament and dropping it.



TAGS: Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl Caeos Prahl Caeos Prahl Domina Prime Domina Prime
DIRECT TAG: Scour Scour

Blood, bone and iron of his brothers and sisters showered him from the explosion and Hakon Fett shielded his visor from the blood bath raining over him at his perched up position on a nearby roof.

Prahl's transmission came at the worst of times as the Gen'dai below's gaze shifted towards Fett.

<"Prioritize the Gen'dai, alleviate some pressure from Carduul's host. Cutting comms, Fett out."> he ceased the line, blocking off any following response from Caeos' channel. If their long time spent bootlicking Imperials hadn't rotted their Mandalorian soul, Prahl and her host would manage to pull it off. He had bigger problems to worry about now.

"The Architect should've banished you to a supernova, Gen'dai." Fett stated, his wrist flicking decisively at the pirate lord's direction, "I'll rectify his mistake."

A ball of fire blazed from his vambrace to consume the Gen'dai into a proverbial supernova.
Objective 1: Provide Support to Front lines.
Tags: Hakon Fett Hakon Fett Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl Caeos Prahl Caeos Prahl Domina Prime Domina Prime Scour Scour

Always those who are willing to rush into combat. Always those who seek to meet glory and honor by way of seeing the eyes lose their light. It was one of those things I understood. Feeling a beskad finding home within a chest cavity, or slicing through a neckline like the flora on Dxun. It was an enthralling feeling. However, I myself preferred to see their eyes fade from the distance between my scope and it's target. Hitting a killzone on the enemies face, and their body dropping like a bag of veggies.

It was so satisfying to see all of their life ending in such a fashion. Even more so if they were running, or jumping. Their body would attempt to continue to move with their momentum, only to roll, or be flung differently by the round that hit home. All the better with Imperial Troopers. Their helmets breaking open like clay pots. Viscera coating their perfect white armor. Showing true devastation of their folly.

"Squad count, 300 meters South-by-southwest."

My spotter gave me some more coordinates for troopers that were exposed. A quick adjustment with the rifle, to quickly find a squad that was attempting to clear one of the condensed streets with near reckless attitude. Wide and in the open at the moment. I took my time. Readying my offhand under the stock of the rifle. An open palm ready to move.

The crack of the sniper rifle rang out. From this distance it would take just under a fifth of a second to reach the target, but in that same time, my hand already pulled back the bolt charger, then yanked it back forward into the chamber. preparing another round to be fired near immediately. The process continued again and again for eight rounds fired. Smacking all of them in the head or chest. Blowing holes through their armor, yet leaving them perplexed to where it came from.

"One tango moving southbound, 350 meters and climbing."

One from the squad was attempting to run. It was likely the only chance to survive. Staying hidden in one spot invited for them to just be shot as soon as they peeked once more. A smirk hidden by the beskar helmet with one more flash of the rifle sending hate down range. As it so happened, the round was a hair short from the intended target of the head. Dropping them by slamming into the neckline and severing their spinal cord. The body dropping with force. Rolling to a stop.

If they didn't perish, then they were paralyzed from the neck down. Poor stormtrooper. Having to feel all that pain while unable to do anything about it.


With that squad taken out, The earlier command given by Fett was now going to be followed. Prioritizing the Gendai. A roll of eyes beneath the helmet. Laying prone, I threw the rifle on safety, and pulled it aside. Indicating for the other rifle to be handed to me. If Gendai were being hunted, then I would need something a little beefier. Something that could take them out much easier than a rifle meant to hunt normal people. Scooting back to change position slightly to accommodate the much longer frame and barrel, Ceratir was placed down. the bi-pod holding the barrel up as the scope brought to my visor.

"Find me some Gen'dai. Would be nice to mount one of their heads on my mantle."
Blood, bone and iron of his brothers and sisters showered him from the explosion and Hakon Fett shielded his visor from the blood bath raining over him at his perched up position on a nearby roof.


"The Architect should've banished you to a supernova, Gen'dai." Fett stated, his wrist flicking decisively at the pirate lord's direction, "I'll rectify his mistake."

A ball of fire blazed from his vambrace to consume the Gen'dai into a proverbial supernova.

Scour's eyes flared at the mention of The Architect—Gilamar Skirata. The Gen'dai pirate lord let out a deep, rumbling laugh, one that seemed to echo with through the chaos of the battlefield. His tendrils twitched beneath his coat, the memory of Gilamar's defeat only fueling his dark amusement.

This little solider was speaking about Gilamar Skirata Gilamar Skirata as if he knew him and he didn't. What a stupid title. "HAH! Gilamar! A man that I broke more times than I can count! How fitting that his legacy never went toward what he really wanted. His beloved wife and kid!" Scour cracked and raised his left arm back to the side. With a twist, the large power hammer he held was sent airborne through the flames into chopping twirl toward the Crusader.

" Errrrmmmmm...Raahhh!" He groaned.

A move that came at the expense of his upper left side. The flames searing his flesh and charring his outer clothing and muscles underneath. Blitzing to the side, the Captain gave his body brief respite from the ongoing flames. Smoke and embers trailing off his form and eyes glowing with palpable anger.

" You little piss stain of a soldier! Your precious mandalorian pride and honor means nothing."

Tag: Hakon Fett Hakon Fett


ᚨ ᚷᛁᚱᛚ ᚹᚺᛟ ᛞᚱᛖᚨᛗᛊ ᛟᚠ ᚠᛚᛟᚹᛖᚱᛊ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚠᛁᚱᛖ

Primes Beskar'gam
OBJECTIVE: Slavers Bay

The sun blazed over Domina Prime, casting long shadows across the downtrodden pits nestled in the ruined battlefield. Domina stood among her brothers and sisters, each clad in the gleaming armor of their people. Her four arms flexed instinctively, and her five eyes glimmered with anticipation beneath her beskar mask.

"Onward!" she called to Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl , her voice a blend of excitement and ferocity, "We bring fire and brimstone!!"

With a roar that resonated through the ranks, Domina charged forward as the chaos of the battle erupted, her massive shield raised high. Stormtroopers scrambled and scattered like frightened pests as she barreled into their formations, her claws raking through armor and flesh. Each blow unleashed a symphony of destruction, the sound of clashing steel punctuated by the cries of those caught in her path. Prime was the embodiment of destruction, a whirlwind of limbs and fury unleashed upon prey!

Her kin fought valiantly at her side, but soon, the tide shifted. In the crimson sky above, battleships emerged—foul and menacing—carried by the wind of an impending doom. The air crackled with energy as Gen'dai juggernauts descended upon the battlefield, their titanic forms dwarfing even the boldest of Mandalorians.

Domina paused, her heart racing, a broad grin hidden behind her mask as her five alien eyes dilated to fine pins. "Do these eyes deceive!? Finally…something worth killing~" she crooned, her claws dancing across her shield, producing sparks that lit up the gloom. "What a fine, heavy, meaty man~"

As she approached the nearest Gen'dai, a creature composed of countless shifting muscles contained in armor, Domina felt the thrill of a true challenge. This was no longer a hunt; it was a dance, and she was eager to lead. The Gen'dai roared, swinging a massive arm equipped with a blade that could fell even a Bantha; but Domina, agile and fierce, ducked and leaped, meeting the attack with her own.

Sparks flew as metal met flesh, and the clamor of battle grew louder. Domina thrived amidst the chaos, her thoughts a perfect harmony of instinct and strategy. She could hear the cries of slaves echoing in her mind, urging her on as even they knew that if these pirates got their way, it was straight back to square one.

But the Gen'dai were relentless. They retaliated with a fury that seemed unstoppable. However, they had never faced a creature like the evolved Xeno.

Domina salivated from behind her mask like a rabid animal~

"Prime will show you something beautiful~" she taunted, slipping and weaving, her laughter ringing out as she engaged in this dangerous waltz, twirling around one swing and taking her claws across the Gen'dai's back, splitting open their flesh and causing their regeneration to stall and heal slower than normal. The azure glow of her claw marks radiating light as that massive tail of hers began to whirl and her bladed lashers unleashed hell upon her prey.

The clash unfolded in a dazzling display of feral savagery. Domina became a whirlpool of motion, leveraging her four arms, tail, lashers, and hooked talons on her feet with a dexterity that left her enemies bewildered. With each strike, she carved a path toward liberation, her mandalorian kin rallying around her, inspired.

In the midst of the fray, as plasma bolts sizzled through the air, Domina used each arm to claw and swipe at the Gen'dais face, arms, chest, even lifting her leg high and SLAMMING it down into their legs, using the hooked talons to SHRED through their flesh like paper, cackling devilishly in the delight of her violence while the slaves looked on in a mixture of awe and fear.

As the battle raged on, she fought not just for herself or her Mandalorian kin, but for the ones who dared to be bold! The tide began to turn, the Mandalorians, emboldened by their Prime, pushed back against the might of the Gen'dai pirates, reclaiming their ground with each pulse of battle.

Finally, amid the carnage, the Gen'dai, realizing that while they could barrel through most of the Mandalorians. Domina Prime would not be so easily handled. And with the wreckage she brought upon them many had began to slow their charge and align their focus to the true threat among them. Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl , Tarre Priest Tarre Priest , and Domina leading the charge against them.

Claws dripped blood and her shield caked in gore and carnage Domina rattled her tail dangerously. Her armor looked like a abstract painting of different species lifeblood stained across his visage as she proceeded to whistle and hymn in some deranged manner. "This is what you wanted, yes? To make us small…make us lesser?" She barked, gesturing towards herself as a Gen'dai behind her remained on the floor, gargling and struggling to regenerate it's cells properly.

"Simple….slow….sick and senile. Prime can't tell if your watered down and fucking SUGARCOATED! C'mon! Prime is here! Right here! Don't get all shy now boys mama was just starting to get excited~" She would bark derangedly, partially disgusted with their performance before her gods as several Gen'dai made certain to keep their distance from Domina while avoiding the blaster fire of her Mandalorian Kin, pushing the advantage Dima had created.

For but a brief moment, five eyes shifted to the side. Noticing a group of slaves attempting to make their grand escape in the chaos.

The Xeno Queen grinned, shifting her head the other way to make it look as if she had not spotted them and then using her tail to SWEEP a handful of blasters from fallen troopers and such across the floor and into the smoke where they hid. Indirectly arming them and whistling innocently as Dima went on to give chase to the Gen'dai moving deeper into the fortress. Walking 'em down with a skip in her step as the slaves armed themselves and whispered among themselves about the Neo Crusaders and rather or not they should break for it, or follow the lead of the warriors before them.

They could only decide for themselves. The Crusaders might have use for taking slaves but to Domina Prime, the finest flesh was that which was WILLING! And by the time she was done, these slaves would be more than just willing to bend the knee to the might of Prime.

[I don't care about formatting rn]

Feydrik's eyes narrowed when the Sith came into view. He stepped back only slightly, readying the sword. He stared intently at first, some level of fear going through him. The great enemy. The archenemy of the Mandalorians- Jedi, Sith. All the same, a horseshoe at either end. Great evil for personal sake, great evil through a lens of virtue and incompetence- all the same. Red, blue- it didn't matter to Feydrik. She raised her hands and the area broke and bent to her will, and there was only one option left for Feydrik:

Through her.

That being said, seeing a Sith up close and personal was new.

And a twinge of fear ran up his spine. This was the real deal. No more training. No more stories. No tales from the elders. No-

The enemy was right in front of him.

He steeled himself, leaning back forward. And he smirked, blood stained as he was. He had no armor, no weapon beyond a sword. Only boots, pants, and a sword. His physique flexed as he got into position, both hands readying themselves on the hilt of the vibrosword.

He would either die here, or emerge victorious. There were no other options. Nothing short of his full measure. And as a Mandalorian, as a warrior- as himself, he would have it no other way. He went forward, and narrowed his eyes at he got into striking range of the Sith.
TAGS: Kehl Thraxx Kehl Thraxx Feydrik Munin Feydrik Munin Zhulghua Zhulghua

Sinestra leered at the towering slave who dared call her Sith. Fool. She was far more than that. She was the Emperor's Chosen, the Emperor's Seer. There would be no correction of his words, only the error of his defiance. His insolence would be met with swift death.

Yet before Sinestra could strike, a Mandalorian slave—one who had earlier felled the Trandoshan—rushed her, a whirlwind of speed and fury. Without hesitation, she bent the Force to her will, its dark power flowing through her, enhancing her reflexes. In a blur, she sidestepped his charge and with a single flash of crimson light, her saber flashed against his neck.

If the other slave chose to attack her, her hand would twitch, snapping forth and unleashing a powerful force push to repel him.

They would learn, one by one, that no rebellion could stand before the Seer. She would suffer no opposition.

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