Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion [NEO] Tales from the Frontier | First Servile War | Open



Kehl Thraxx
| Location | The Crucible, Er'kit
| Objective | [OBJ 2] We Shall Serve No Longer
Thraxx began to lumber over towards Sinestra Sinestra , watching his mortal enemy swing to defend herself from a Mandalorian. His cadre of fellow gladiators followed after him to attack the biggest threat in the arena, spreading out to make it difficult for the Mirialin to fight them, weapons at the ready and poised to overwhelm their foe.
The Force Push that Sinestra threw out sent waves that sent a few of his comrades flying, but Thraxx and the two comrades he had adjacent to him were unaffected. His suit coursed with Yossubi venom, along with several cartridges to power his weapons when the time was appropriate; and it seemed now was the most opportune time to take full advantage of its effects.
Thraxx snarled as he brandished a pair of cutlasses in each hand, "Let's see how you fare without the help of your fancy little tricks cretin." Thraxx was well equipped and armored from his years of fighting in the pits, and after his liberation, he made especially sure that he was outfitted to handle Force Sensitives knowing how much of a threat their intangible abilities were.

Sinestra Sinestra | Feydrik Munin Feydrik Munin | Zhulghua Zhulghua | Ninurta Slaabur'r | Scour
He felt the blade come up to his neck. His head movement was impeccable- years upon years of fighting made him fast as lightning when it came to moving his head out of the way of danger.

But not fast as a Sith- he found out. His blade came up to deflect the blow, but only barely. Just barely.

He felt the blade sear across his cheek, eliciting a sharp cry of pain. Her red blade didn’t cut his head off like she intended- but it left a nearly inch long gash across his cheek.

In response, he saw her hand go up. She was using the force on his compatriot. She was focused on him, her hand outstretched.

His blade was in his right. Her guard was still down, her eyes not on him, and more importantly an opening in her guard.

So, with a hand that was fast lightning and hit twice as hard-

Feydrik went to uppercut the Sith, right in the chin.

Sinestra Sinestra l Kehl Thraxx Kehl Thraxx
Zhulghua snapped the neck of the last of the surrounding guards that were immediately rushing him. The other escapees were either trying to hide or fighting a lightsaber-wielding Forcer. She had already sealed off the exits by crumbling parts of the arena around them, as if thinking that would prove effective. It may have closed some exits, but it only opened up other potential ones. They simply needed to burst through.

While the Sith was preoccupied fighting the Mandalorians, the Silverback ripped a cage from the wall and heaved it at her. He then scooped up an electostaff from a fallen guard and ran. He hurled it from a different direction like a javelin.

Would she be able to handle both while fending off the others?


TAGS: Carduul Akahl Caeos Prahl Domina Prime

The power hammer struck like a thunderbolt, crashing into Hakon Fett's chest with a force beyond nature. His duraplast armor split under the blow. Cracks like jagged wounds raced across the plate before it shattered entirely, shards of metal scattering as the Mandalorian was thrown backwards. His breath was torn from him, blood spattering the inside of his visor.

But instinct ruled him now—an old instinct. With a sharp burst from his jetpack, he shot upward into the darkened sky, gasping for air, retreating from the Gen'dai pirate lord who raged below. Even with his ribs burning from the impact, Hakon knew a fight in close quarters meant death. The pirate's monstrous strength was beyond human, beyond reason.

Far below, the Gen'dai hurled taunts and curses, daring Fett to come down and meet his fate. But Fett's only answer was the sudden whistle of incendiary missiles streaking from his wrist, cutting through the air and raining dupon the pirate lord below
TAGS: Kehl Thraxx Kehl Thraxx Feydrik Munin Feydrik Munin Zhulghua Zhulghua

Sinestra barely registered the armored slave's defiance, his body resisting her Force push as if forged from iron. A split second of lapse, a curse to her focus—and then the Mandalorian's fist connected with her chin like a sledgehammer. The blow knocked her back, the pain sharp and blinding. But the dark side enveloped her, a shield of ethereal power, keeping her conscious as she flipped backward, the Force guiding her just as a cage crashed into splinters where she had stood moments before.

She landed in a crouch, but there was no respite. The hum of an electrostaff sliced through the air, her mind's eye alerting her before the Wookie had even lunged it. Her crimson blade met it in a blur, deflecting the lethal strike with ease. The staff rebounded into another slave, dropping him to the dust in an unconscious heap.

Blood trickled from her split lip, but Sinestra did not feel it. The pain only fed the fire inside her, the fury that seethed within her core. Her rage boiled, consuming her reason, her restraint. She welcomed it. She gathered the power, stoked the inferno of the dark side within her, and let it surge through her veins.

With a snarl that twisted her face into a mask of wrath, she slammed her fist into the ground. The Force answered her call with a violent tremor, splitting the earth like a wrathful god's judgment. The arena floor cracked wide open, fissures tearing across the sand in jagged lines, gaping and bottomless, eager to swallow the bodies of her attackers into the abyss below.
Objective 1: Provide Support to Front lines.
Tags: Hakon Fett Hakon Fett Carduul Akahl Caeos Prahl Domina Prime Scour

From this distance, the sniper rifle was used to find targets. The reticle flagging Domina for a moment. Seeing her location while she quite literally tore apart Gen'Dai. Which was rather impressive to a near-human like myself. I knew my spotter could see it with the whistling of his inhale of air. As if he could physically feel their pain. it brought a light chuckle to my mouth and a shake of my head. She seemed to be doing fairly well.

Instead, using that time to find another Gen'Dai duo that were attempting to run over the rooftops. Using it as a faster form of travel.

"Count two, four hundred meters, closing. No change."

No change in wind, or other outside effects, four hundred meters from our position, and two of them were sprinting to their hearts ability. A smile lit up on my face as the weapon's bolt action charger was loading the chamber with energy. My reticle was leading the target so much that I couldn't even see them. Yet I had traced their speed on the scope. really just aiming for their center mass. The only thing I felt, was recoil as the disruptor sniper rifle fired. The bolt sailing through the air and slamming into the Gen'Dai's midsection.

A massive hole was left in its wake. He had stopped to look down at the wound. Surprised that it was able to do so much damage, as his body was starting to deteriorate from being a Class-D. Another round was fired even before I had seen he was trying to figure out my position. The second bolt this time striking into his upper left chest. The round almost looked like to explode on is body. Clutching the chest, the large frame fell and was continuing to fade into ash and atoms.

The second by this time had seen where my position was. Aiming his rifle and firing rounds at me. Most where wide or not coming close. I took my time. Finding the spot I wanted, Leading it, and fired. The bolt piercing through the head. The head was completely gone, and the neck was fading down to his chest. The body falling limp to its knees. At least he wouldn't have felt too much pain. Considering the brain was now vaporized.

"You know, its difficult to mount a head if you essentially spawn a mini sun where his head was."
"I can get one later. Probably just klep one from Domina's bag."
"She will be angry with you."
"All the more fun."

The world under his feet caved in. He felt himself falling- cracks forming. Not a particularly long fall- but enough. Enough that he didn't want to it unarmored. He looked up, and saw it. It was a split second decision. His physicality was the only reason he was able to do it. He dropped the blade, losing his weapon- but gaining the ability to grasp onto the ledge that formed.

He pulled himself up, narrowly avoiding death or every rib in his body broken. But he was now unarmed.
And he curled his fingers.

That's where he excelled.

He felt it back in his body. Being a fighter. No armor, no weapons, no tools. Just the sand and the foe. He took a deep breath. He was unencumbered. His physicality was what won him fights, as much as his fighting skill. And it only improved, wearing heavy armor, running, jumping, fighting in gear and kit. But now, he was without any of that.

So he had to act. She was fast. She had a weapon. He didn't. He curled his fists. He ran straight at her. Sprinting, he did an odd thing. He dropped, went to her side- and shot his leg through the gap in hers. He prayed and hoped to the Manda the others acted accordingly- and that she didn't recognize what he was trying to do.

If he failed, her lightsaber could cleave him in half. Or, if his brutal, fast, and rather unorthodox attack caught her off-guard, at the least, it would put her off balance. At best, it would take her to the ground.




Kehl Thraxx
| Location | The Crucible, Er'kit
| Objective | [OBJ 2] We Shall Serve No Longer
Thraxx lumbered towards Sinestra Sinestra as they were preoccupied by the combined efforts of Feydrik Munin Feydrik Munin and Zhulghua Zhulghua , cutting down and knocking away any of the guards present in the arena trying to quell the slave uprising. Fury and rage powered every step as dust swirled in motes with every step he made in the sand. His advance was largely uncontested up until the moment Sinestra was sent backwards and had re-evaluated how to use the Force against him. While any direct attempt to use the Force on him would be met with failure, indirect attempts were still capable of hindering him.
The ground beneath him cracked as he looked down, only having a split second to take in where they were forming before chasms opened up. He snarled as he leapt forward to avoid being swallowed by the dark below. His footing faltered as he was losing balance, starting to fall backwards only to feel the brutal impact of one of his companions who hadn't been sent flying earlier striking him forward. He groaned as he willed every last bit of his mass to lean forward. He stumbled forward as he looked back to see his companion fall to the dark below before turning back to Sinestra, his anger reignited as he was soon upon her.
He only wavered as Feydrik put himself in his way, looking for an opportunity to strike or parry any counter the Mirialin before him would attempt against the Mandalorian.

Sinestra Sinestra | Feydrik Munin Feydrik Munin | Zhulghua Zhulghua | Ninurta Slaabur'r | Scour

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