Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cheshire Shi'ido

Dunno how you feel about anime sigs, but could you use


with the quote "The universe is my chessboard, baby."? Preferably purpley.


Could I get...two sigs please? ><

If Yes, then the first one I would like with, heroic
still image
"I Don't Need Luck. I have Ammo"
The first is for sure the one I want the most

The Second one however you think would look the best,
still image
"You can't kill an Idea. But we can kill you."

Darth Nazgal

New Body......New Time...........New War
Request: Signature and Avatar
Pictures: This faded into the background of the Signature but still visible, along with the head being the Avatar. This located on the right of the Signature.
Text: "New Body......New Time"
Additional: A sith or Imperial Symbol located in the back of the Sig. Red color scheme with orange sparks on the sides
Do you think you could do an avatar or sig for me? It doesn't need to be too overly complicated, just my character with a dark emerald bladed lightsaber on a background like this.

If it is a signature, do you think you could have the quote , " We're all stories in the end. It's up to us the be the authors."
[b]Request:[/b] Signature, please
Text: On one side put "Mine eyes hath seen thy heavens" and on the other put "Mine eyes hath seen thy hells"
Additional: Antique white background (or regular white, doesn't matter); for the first pic, I just want the eyes, so go ahead and chop off the nose and down. The second link, the blotchy pink, I would like to replace the pupil colours with. If possible, that is. If not, then at least swap the pupils for some sort of light pink. Thank you! :)

Any chance I might be able to get a signature for Hans? I'll list the details below, but free free to deviate if needed.

Name: Hans Vaiden
Quote: If anything can go wrong, it will.
Images: Could I get an animated sig?
Color Theme: Make it feel Imperial. Slate grey, crimson, and some black.

Hello! It's me again! xD

So, I've decided to do a character reboot for this toon, but I really liked the sig you made for the first Kerstas. Because of this, I've decided to resubmit my first request with a few edits (which I'll color for you, so they stand out).

Request: Signature, please (again xD).

Pictures: This Please as the background (But a wee bit washed out, please); I'd also like This to be superimposed over the background, maybe fading and washing it out so that some of the background color bleeds through, but the black parts of the butterfly are distinguishable.

Text: Just her name, "Kerstas Amida"

Additional: Keep it the same size of 600 x 140

Thank you! :D
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