Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I love your work! I know you are likely very busy, but if you get a chance (I'm no rush whatsoever) I'd love to get a signature from you. :)

Request: A signature
Pictures: This picture and, if at all possible this picture incorporated into it. My question (I'm artistically and technically stunted!) is are you able to change the color of the lightsaber in the second picture to silver? If it is something that is too complex, I'd be happy with just the first picture.
Text: "There are gifts to be found, even in death and sorrow…strange gifts. We accept this, we learn, and we go on."
Additional: I leave this entirely up to you, the artist. However, it might help to know that Kian is a Jedi Shadow. As such he works via stealth and secrecy to achieve his goals (the destruction of the Sith).


Well-Known Member
A Signature, please.

The only thing I REALLY want, is this. Otherwise you're at free range to use images. Playby is James McAvoy.

Rilus Sieron
The Lidless Eye

500x117 dimensions, otherwise you're free to do as you see fit.
This signature is in preparation of the future of my character. I want to have something completely badass to slap on my sig when the time comes. I'm counting on you, I really am.


Darth Atrox

Request: Signature!
Pictures: (faint in the background) this, main: don't mind: background: see additional.
Text: You rely on hope, but fear is my ally.
Additional: Very stereotypical of a Zabrak - reds, blacks, dark browns, maybe a lil' bit of white in there somewhere?



Well-Known Member
[member="Darth Tauros"]

As you can surely see, the waiting list above you is long.

Please, do not bump your request. The disclaimer in the intro post of this thread is clear.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Request: Title Bar
Pictures: I really dont have a preference here? You seem to be the expert on these things lol
Text: Mouth of the Emperor
Additional: One Sithy

Request: Title Bar
Pictures: I really dont have a preference here? You seem to be the expert on these things lol
Text: Will of the Emperor
Additional: One Sithy


Darth Vyrassu

Immortal Jen'ari Sith Emperor
Can you make this?

Type of Graphic: Signature
Size: whatever fits best

Colors: Black, red and purple


Animated?: YES, the non animated siths face with both the red and purple lightning pictures, then the two animated gifs if possible please

Border?: no
Text: Darth Vyrassu
Death is all that remains, and you will not kill me.

Anything Else?:
Non animated Sith face in the center, and a gif on each side, and the two lightning pics merged into the background, and the text where ever you think looks best.

I know it's complicated, but it will look awesome when done
Request: What do you want? Signature
Pictures: My toon is Noob Saibot. Here's a few pics I could find.

Text: There Stalks Discord (In Star Warsy Font)
Additional: Not too big, if you can make it nice and transparacy so that it looks slick that would be cooler.

Request: Could you please alter the below image to the best of your ability?


Requested Alterations:
  • Could you please alter the skin tone from red to match the image that is my current avatar?
  • Could you please alter the facial tattoos to match the image that is my current avatar?
  • Could you please dull the colour of the right eye?
  • Could you please add scaring along the right side of the body, including over the right eye?
  • Could you lower the frontal horns?
  • Could you add hair in the same style and colour as the image that is my current avatar? (I don't mind if this hides some horns from view)

Notes: I understand that I'm asking for a lot and will appreciate any work that is done on the image. I understand that I'm asking for some complicated things (the hair in particular) and accept the knowledge that this will take a while and that maybe not all of the requested alterations will be made.

I would like to thank you in advance for any work done.

Jordan Achilles

I was once a kid, now I'm half shadow, half man
Request: Signature
Pictures: This on left side, This on right side
Text: I was once a kid, now I'm half shadow, half man
Additional: If possible, make it where "I was once a kid" appear first then it disappears and after it appears "now I'm half shadow" then that disappears and then the final words appear "half man"


Well-Known Member
Apologies to all those waiting, but I've kind of run out of time to do these requests.
I may open this again at some later date, or I may not; we'll see how it goes!

With that, this thread, and requests, are closed until further notice.

Thank you. :)
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