[member="Arumi Zy"] | [member="Garrus Garon"] |
[member="Adenn Gra'tua"] | [member="Anastasia Rade"] | [member="Mac O Shenanigans"] | [member="Arla Balor"]| [member="Verz Horak"] | [member="Titan"]|
[member="Vilaz Munin"]| [member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Strider Garon"] | [member="Azrael"] | [member="Solan Charr"] | [member="Werdla Dardalab"] | [member="Levy Willamina"] |
Location: Moving towards drop pods.
Oron held his gaze on Azrael as well as the vod next to him, Verz. Through his visor the two were intimidating in stature and appearance, although upon closer inspection something whispered of both age and wisdom as well. Of time and life long since spent warring in battles of glory, the dark jedi's admiration grew evermore substantial. Long fingers brushed across his arm as he looked up towards the holo-image produced by Azrael. For a brief moment, one that hinted at acknowledgement of the figure presented, Oron owed the barest response.
The vong and all their deformity disgusted Oron still, as it always had. His face lowered back to the floor as he turned and moved to make his way to the drop deck. Gloved fingers coiled slowly around the handle to his lift jarring it smoothly into motion as he descended to the drop deck. Standing in the center of the lift, Oron's gaze flickered briefly below to his comrades on the floor. Movement could be heard well before his lift stopped however. The sound of locks clicking, weapons being gathered and assembled, armor being prepped and moved, the beeping of drop pods ready for disconnection and just overall noise pierced Oron's ear, almost individually. It filled his head like wings, fluttering and expanding in the silence of a cave.
For all the secrets told and held, blood drenched and unredeemed that he had allowed, serpent tongued into the quietude of the night, seeking a home and proving his worth would begin this eve in the Mandalorian's shared undertaking. He was prepared, for the challenges, the tasks; though his brethren owed him little to nothing, Oron owed them everything - Storing within him the mutters of the night that had left him little more than a vestigial minion under the Sith, bowed and bent over the windows ledge as he awaited the inevitable, where he would whisper the weals of war and stir dark forces in men...and what was he to do then? The crumbling foundation of his own power that had allowed doubt to creep into his mind was the reason he was on this very ship. It had allowed the misdirection of his motives to take root in war fed ground, to crawl upwards and between the cracks of his conviction and slowly, like the cliff met by the tempestuous seas, crumble to the murk of his indecision and sink to the crushing depths of his vacillation.
A breath, lighter than a sigh, yet weighted wit the air of understanding crossed over coffee lips as Oron's coral eyes blinked when the door to his lift slid open revealing the dock deck and all of its temporary occupants. Through space and amidst the trip of their vessels to the surface of Bimmiel, the battlefield where the Vong would doubtlessly engage them in combat Oron would be forced to meet the abominations there along with his numerous vods.
And they would come.
Deciding to accompany Verz and assist with the annihilation of the Vong leader. He quickly checked his inventory then as he made his way to the drop-pod bay. His right hand instinctively moving to his belt and to first grace his lightsaber. It was a superb weapon that'd served the Verd well up to this day, but it did not hold the firepower alone to allocate the damage and the supreme display of domination he wished to hold over his enemies. His eyes drifted then to the opposite side of his hip to a pair of machine pistols. Pulling at the belt stretching diagonally across his torso, Oron reached around his lower back to pat the 836 assault rifle. Along with the grenades also clipped on the front of his belt, Oron considered himself on the brink of absolute readiness, eager to lend a hand of destruction to the wretched Vong and all that they had established on Bimmiel. A cursory glance around the area alerted Oron that they would all soon be dispatched to the planet below. In kind, he turned towards to the drop pods and hastily moved to his own allowance.