Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Never Smile at a Crocodile

Somewhere in Deep Space by the Galaxy's Edge

It was a comfortable ship, a far as ships went. Built for stealth and sneakieness rather than speed or firepower, it was slightly surprising that it was so lavish and gracious with its space. Every room was large, and some of them even gigantic. In short, it was sleek and a perfectly good waste of real estate, which was what made it ideal for the three that inhabited it right there and then.

Scherezade, Celiana, and Aster, were making their way back from a mission in the Core. With all the little empires sprouting up like mold in your wall after a good rain storm, and despite the ship's advanced stealth stuff, they had decided it would be a better idea to fly around all of them rather than through, and so, they flew along the rim of the galaxy.

The common room of the ship held a small array of games that could be played, including a strange version of WAR!, a bit of sabaac, and a few different decks of Cards Against [insert your favorite faction here]. Scherezade thought it was high time she made such a pack for the Agents, and then nodded to herself as she decided she would gift them this only after her sister was returned from her imprisonment with the Coalition.

"Go fish!" Scherezade squealed, because when given so many options of games, of course you'd go for one of the oldest and most boring ones out here, though if one were to look at her face, they would see near childlike joy and glee on it. The notion of actually having people to play with like that… It was a awesome.

Green glowing eyes looked up at the others. "Whose turn is it again?" she asked as she idly grabbed a handful of cheese cubes for herself.
It was Aster who had been told to go fish. She reached for the pile in the center of the table to add a card to her hand.

“She’s next”

A hint of annoyance crept into her voice as she pointed at the Echani woman to her left. They’d been playing these games for hours, and Aster was consistently on the losing end of things. The issue was, she hadn’t been exposed to friendly card games like these since she was a child; the years since then had generally been passed with activities more physical in nature. Still she persisted, waiting now on Celiana Celiana to make her move.
The mercenary to my right had shown....spine. "No need to be testy...." I was many things.....rude wasn't one of them. Looking towards our leader one Scherezade deWinter....seemed we kept running into each other. After all assassins could have friends too right? Glancing towards the other two I asked "anyone have any 5's?" I wasn't typically involved in frontline duties in the Agents of Chaos.....I had.....distanced myself upon having taken on an apprentice. Though now I had the desire to go on further escapades with Scherezade....

I waited for my knife-laden friend to begin briefing us on why we were out here.....

Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter ~ Aster Jen'allé Aster Jen'allé
Myrium was cold. That in of itself was not surprising as the freighter's environmental control systems had stopped working a few days ago. He had some grasp on ship repair from working aboard his family's trade fleet, but this was beyond his experience. So for the past few days, Myrium sat huddled in the bridge, wrapped in as many blankets as he could hold, and stared out the viewport in front of him. He had grown tired of looking at space, but it was better than what was in the cargo hold. He could not bear to go back down there...

Glancing to the side, Myrium scowled as the distress beacon shut off again. The ship was losing power at a frightening pace, and the distress beacon was one of the first things to go strangely enough. Groaning as he shed the blankets, Myrium walked across the bridge, his breath following behind him in plumes of grey mist as he typed a few commands into the only working command console. In a snap decision, he decided to cut off the lights across the ship, even the emergency ones. It would be the distress signal another day or two, and then Myrium would have to make more decisions.

Until then though, he turned around and rushed back to his chair, wrapping himself back up in the blankets just as the bridge lost all its light, leaving Myrium alone with nothing but the stars, which he had grown to hate.

Celiana Celiana Aster Jen'allé Aster Jen'allé Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter

"Nah uh, go fish!" Scherezade said with a grin after Celiana asked for 5's. Looking to Aster for a moment, the SIthling smiled at the cybernetic'd woman. Somehow, somewhere in the back of her mind, she'd decided that the two of them were going to win Celiana. Why? Because it was a long trip, mostly. But it was all in good spirits, many giggles, and there was booze nearby for those that wanted it. For Scherezade, there was boiling hot cream with a frothy foam on top.

But of course, the game had to be cut short. A small protocol droid on wheels rushed in, its beeping high pitched enough to annoy Scherezade's ear. "What what, calm down, whaaaaaaaaaat," she whined right back at him, and then motioned with her arms for him to repeat his words but a wee bit slower. And then a moment later, she dropped her cards. Celiana, if she chose to peek, would see that there were indeed no 5's in there.

Scherzade marched to the cockpit, pulling the comm device's microphone closer to her face more out of comfort than actual technological necessity.

"This is The Pole Dancer, receiving your distress signal," she spoke, her voice light, almost fluffy, as she motioned with her arms for the others, in case they had come with her, to be quiet for a sec, "We are an Agents of Chaos ship. Do you copy?"

As she waited for the answer, Scherezade set the Pole Dancer to change route, as per the coordinates that appeared on her screen.

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