Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Check In!

Name: Iron Giant
Position/Job: Mercenary

What Commendations are you due?: None

Comments/Requests: Can't complain I'm here... for some reason. Not sure why, because I never do anything here. Meh, I work on that when I get back from my LOA

Hevana Martin

Hair-triggered Super Soldier
Name: Hevana Martin
Position/Job: Sergeant/Anti-Forcie Specialist

What Commendations are you due?: All of them. Gib nao.

Comments/Requests: Redheads are awesome.

Skree Ariko

Name: Skree Ariko
Position/Job: Lead Crewer, Chief Engineer on the Solomon
What Commendations are you due?: I think one or two, but I honestly don't remember...
Comments/Requests: Uh...OH! Wait...nope, I got nothin'

Aiden Mercer

Part Man, Part Machine, All Badass
Name: Sergeant Major Aiden Mercer

Position/Job: Omega Pyre soldier, commanding officer of the 4th company 2nd platoon (npc squad in one of the other battalions)

What Commendations are you due?: Not sure, I'd have to check.

Comments/Requests: I'm currently on a bit of an LOA, but I'll be back (Hahaha....the half man half machine with a terminator reference)

Verine Kazimir

Soldier of Misfortune
Name: Verine Kazimir
Position/Job: ODF Army, Corporal

What Commendations are you due?: ALL OF THE COMMENDATIONS!

Comments/Requests: I request my commendations. All of them.
Name: Jonathan Walsh
Position/Job: Admiral

What Commendations are you due?: Something for my service in the fleet event obtaining the objective and then going above and beyond with quick thinking and rescuing both republic and OP soldiers from the resulting explosion of the strange black hex. Then also helping take Polis Massa in the dominion? I don't know.. what are commendations for.. I just remember I was getting an award of some kind for saving people and such
Name: Amari Vessia

Position/Job: Corporal and Jensaarai Defender

What Commendations are you due?: Not worried about things like that

Comments/Requests: Sort of Active, big wipe beat up the muse so licking the wounds. Will be active soon :)

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