Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Invasion Rules

Here's the most important part of judging, which I don't think many of you glancing at the proposed list have really given too much thought because the Conditions are more enticing:

Once an Invasion nears it's completion, the SWRP Chaos Staff Team will be privately contacted and a Role-play judge will be assigned. If either faction does not concede, the Role-play Judge will decide the victor.
You either concede, or you give over the victory conditions to be decided by an RPJ. A single person who will sway the entire battle towards victory or loss at a moment's notice. Your side won all the PVP duels? RPJ sees that you were complete @#$%s in the OOC, and you lose. Your side won all the objectives? Fantastic. But you did it by godmoding, not working together with your opposing writers, not writing a story but rather putting up points on a scoreboard. RPJ sees this, and you lose.

The "background noise" is no longer negligible. The RPJ *is* the background noise. A single entity that can sway the entire battle at a moment's notice, with zero input from either of the Factions' leadership.

So if an RPJ can carry you to victory, or render you a loss - why worry about these little things like winning duels when you can just write, have fun, and expand your character's arc? Use an Invasion as a dev thread and not worry about what comes next, because it's no longer in you or your FL's hands.

I've judged the ever changing climate of Invasions and found them unable to be judged by Faction Leaders any longer. Stop worrying about the conditions of your victory, you no longer have any say in it.
Bunker-level Normal

We all write our characters differently. What I see as a negative, you may see as something to glorify. Maybe I hate the Dwayne Johnson/Ahnold jacked up character, but that's who you've aspired to be all your life. So your roleplaying fits that. RP is escapism, and we have to accept that everyone's is different.

But when the inevitable clash occurs, we have to be able to put our heads together and cooperate. That's why, I think, the OOC behavior and writing skills are being placed over the ultimate PVP/objective/NPC outcomes. Because while it makes for a less unpredictable outcome, the combination of stories we'll create by working towards a well-woven tale, while not being at each other's throats OOCly, is probably going to be more rewarding. We'll still have our jacked up Dwayne-alikes, and our wimps, but people who godmod by way of their jacked up character won't autowinlolyolo anymore.
I think the conditions on how a Roleplay Judge can be agreeable if people think about it in a certain way.

Going by the numbering,

Aspects that will not be considered by the RPJ:
  1. PVP Duels - Recent Invasions have put "a story about conquering a planet" on the back-burner in favor of just a battle royale for points. This doesn't account for the fact that an individual character could lose their duel in a display of Teamwork with their faction in order to further the Story of their side conquering (or defending) said planet.
  2. Objectives - Hard objectives have two major faults: many recent Invasions ignored lots of a planet's lore, and they can be viciously metagamed if a Faction wanted to. Plus, hard objectives limit the potential Story of an Invasion. They don't account for the fact that the Story can evolve and some objectives made pre-Invasion may honestly not be Entertaining.
  3. Non-Player Characters - Star Wars movies are never about the tactics behind the battle or direction of cohorts and whatever. Because of this, NPC battles are boring to most people on this site, therefore not very Entertaining. In addition, zerging with NPCs is very Effortless. I can see a way in which an NPC could matter, and that's only if it's intimately tied to the Story in an Entertaining way - like a crisis surrounding the Queen, King, Governor, w/e of the planet.

Aspects that will be considered by the RPJ:
  1. Teamwork - Invasions are a Faction-effort. A more organized Faction will naturally craft a Story that would point to their victory, so it feels natural that teamwork would be a requirement. In addition, everyone should be treating all roleplayers as collaborators and not enemies.
  2. Story - An Invasion is naturally a story about a battle to control a planet. Take an idea that would build that story and run with it. This leads to Entertainment. A faction that focuses on dueling is most likely to drop the ball on this due to the Teamwork of the opposing Faction like in the example for PVP duels.
  3. OOC Drama - Everyone should treat other Writers with respect even if none is received in return. Alternatively, one could just not post anything except infoblurbs in the OOC like I do. What one's character does shouldn't be taken as an OOC slight.
  4. Entertainment - What's the point of being in the thread if people aren't trying to have fun in it? Take an idea and run with it like I said for Story. An honest Effort to set up a scene for all to respond to will get people excited. Take from the planet's lore that no one is touching yet. Alternatively, one could join an existing storyline in the Invasion that seems very appealing.
  5. Effort - No one wants to play with someone that tries to press the "I win" button in every post. No one wants to continue roleplaying with someone that takes days to post in an Invasion. No one wants to roleplay with a guy that doesn't give other the opportunity to respond to his actions.
Story, Entertainment, and Effort seem to be closely tied together. I wouldn't be surprised if, during an Invasion, a Faction failing in one would fail in all three.

Overall, I feel like adhering to the aspects that would be considered by a RPJ would lead to:
  • Invasion threads that are about conquering/defending a planet using as much available lore as possible for fun, refreshing, entertaining storylines (imagine Battle of Hoth instead of a battle royale).
  • Factions coordinating how they would attack/defend a planet - leading to more coordinated, interesting plans to "Kill the King," "Destroy the shield generator," "Take out the droids," etc.
  • Promote collaborative roleplaying and reduce the headache surrounding the Invasion.


Well-Known Member
Tefka said:
Want to make it realistic in your head when considering these new rules?

Your Invasion thread is only 20% of the actual battle that is happening, the RPJ accounts for the other 80%.
This makes up for 100% of my daily, "wtf" intake
I have so much love for this. This feels like one of those Hail Mary saves from left field. I'm honestly incredibly pleasantly surprised by the changes. Even if this doesn't work out in the end, at the very least it is being given a chance. I will give invasions another chance now.


Connor Harrison

I second [member="Jamie Pyne"] - I've always been put off Invasions for one reason or another, but THIS sounds very good.

Great rules - full of nothing but common sense and actually sounds like people need to focus on their writing and actually enjoy the story and their Faction teamwork to get a good result, not about who can pull out biggest hit combo or pull the biggest evasive twist for the plot.
[member="Fos Misao"]

I think what he meant was look at it in the sense that your Faction members and their actions are just a small part of a much bigger battlefield (Which would make sense, since the Galaxy has more people in it than we could ever hope to represent) ... So while you may, on the surface, seem to win your individual battles, on the grand scale of things it may not be enough. If you're wanting it to make IC sense, that is.
Factory Judge
Imma just leave this in here.

"Ask not what your faction can do for you, but what you can do for your faction."

Clearly, This is to mean that you as a person is a very, VERY small portion in a faction as a whole. The PC's stand for about 0.01% of the entire galaxy at large. Thus, I agree with these rules. One battle over who had the better lightsaber, or the better force power means nothing. Sure, it helps in fights, but even if you had the fraking Soulsaber, there will eventually be someone to take you down.

These rule changes allow for people who sacrifice their life for their faction, IE, get captured to blow up some defence, or KIA to save slaves that were captured by group A, would mean they completed their objective, and won. That was the purpose of the invasion, and because it was done, the group lost.

Think of the battle of Hoth. The objective was to destroy the energy shield generators. The empire destroyed them. so they won. OR the Deathstar. The blew the thing out of space (literally) So no matter that many people died, they still won their goal, and therefore, win that battle. TWICE!

"The force is infinite, you are not." is really close to "You mean nothing in respect to the battle over all." Yes, one person can turn the tide of a war. However, they WILL end up losing their life doing so. Or doing some heroic deed for the side they fight for can change an entire fight.

These new set of rules is more along the lines of. "Objective takedowns win the battle" instead of "Fight to the death lulz"

anyways, thats my little bit, and now I leave you all.

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