Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Jedi On the Block

"Now, I guess you got the hang of it" Varindar told Kaili, now sitting in front of a charred piece of spare ribs. "That said, it seems that you accidentally used the dark side to get the meat to cook. Typically the dark side is associated with more aggressive, more negative emotions, such as fear, anger, intimidation and other stuff of that nature"

At the same time, Varindar also placed a cloche over the plate with the spare ribs. Not one moment too soon: they would now get to the table, one tray with all our cloches on it, she thought, while cooking the pasta for a plate of ants climbing a tree that was ordered while [member="Kaili Brand"] was burning that meat. The entremétier station was close by the saucier one, so that pasta would be flowing to both stations at the same time; however, the grill cook on duty today was elsewhere, and didn't notice that Kaili actually burned the meat beyond well-done. So the waiter assigned to their case would have three cloches on his tray, one with two salad servings, one with a bowl of pho and the last one with a plate of karkan ribene. That waiter guided them to their table, where there was a three-candle chandelier in the middle of it; Kaili would soon realize that a five-star restaurant would not be complete without cloches (even though some claimed that five-star restaurants also needed to include one waiter per guest at a table, Varindar didn't feel that needed to be the case; however, that might have contributed to some "overpriced" complaints).

"Your pho" the waiter told Varindar, while removing the cloche, and later repeating the process with Kaili's karkan ribene. "Your karkan ribene, well-done"

Kaili Brand

Questionable Hobo Tactics Specalist
Kaili tilted his head oddly at Asyt as she told him about his apparent flub. He'd heard about the darkside, kind of hard not to these days with the empire walking around flinging lightning every which way like there was a power shortage. So the immediate mental image of the darkside was an over abundance of leather pants, yellow eyes, and an egregious amount of melodramatic posturing while taking about how much more powerful one was.

The way he had done it was, as far as he was concerned, perfectly fine. He event FELT good about it. But he left those thoughts go unaired. He really didn't know what he was talking about and if Asyt was warning him against to listen. For now anyway.

As they took their seats in the dining room it struck him again how out of place he really was in the hotel. A few of the other guest were dressed finely in synth-silk or other high end fibers. He, meanwhile, was suddenly wishing that the faux-leather pilots jacket he was wearing would just swallow him whole. "I should really get some new clothes..." He thinks to himself as the waiter placed the pairs food in front of them.

While Kaili may have been embarassed about his lack of formal dress, he was far less concerned with table manners. He'd learned a long time ago that if real food was offered, you ate it before someone changed their minds. He tore into the salad and ribs almost as soon as they arrived, silverware abandoned for sheer speed of consumption.

He managed to choke out a weak "Sh' really gud" between mouthfuls, earning him a few pointedly ignored glares from other patrons who may have been aghast as his otherwise boorish behavior,He was full by the time he was half way through the ribs, but kept going, his stomach knotting painfully in his gut as he forced himself to finish. Food and Credits had only one common rule for the padawan, you never left any on the table if you could help it.
"You mustn't depend too much on those negative emotions when using the Force; abuse of negative emotions is but one track to the dark side"

In fact, Varindar held several variants on that stereotypical image NFUs tended to have of dark-siders: it could be about an abundance of black leather clothing, but it could also be about red and/or black armor (the caliber is irrelevant). But all these stereotypical images had in common that they often tended to have anger issues and flung Force-lightning on a regular basis. And yet, one would have thought that, since dark-siders had a ready source of energy to recharge electronics' power cells, they would use Force-lightning to do so on the field. Plus Jessica has shown that one could, in fact, engage in Electric Judgment as a light-sider with the same power level as a dark-sider using Force-lightning. Varindar was, simply put, lost in thought when it came to talks of the dark side. Perhaps a cockpit does not offer the same opportunities for anger or melodramatic posturing, but one can still be cruel and indiscriminately kill out of rage from a cockpit, even though the pilot's alignment is irrelevant in one's effectiveness in a cockpit. However, I often pictured Sith aces as ground-attack pilots favoring bomblet generators, she thought, while seeing [member="Kaili Brand"] forcing himself to finish the spare-rib plate. This meant that she would forgo dessert this time around. Meanwhile, her pho was perhaps a little cold, but she instead proceeded to "incite" static electricity found inside her hair to flow from her hair to the pho, zapping it as one would in a case of Electric Judgment and heating it up in the process, creating a green bolt of lightning and bringing the pho back to the temperature where she feels comfortable eating it.

"The bill please"

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