Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Member Guide Brainstorm

Welcome to our Tutorial and Guide Center, this topic will focus specifically on the redesign and compilation of a New Member Guide.

Here is our Current "New Member Guide."

Link to our Tutorials and Guides Forum

From previous discussions:

Current Suggestions:
  • Create a new, more simplistic Guide, that is separated into two components. 1) What is absolutely needed to create a character and jump into RP (read the rules -> register -> create character ->Looking for group -> Open roleplay), and 2) Everything else.
  • Create a Guide that uses GIF's and/or comics to illustrate the bare necessities and how to.
  • Rework the current Guide system to be more 'new player' friendly.
  • Create a greeting message for all new accounts (currently not feasible, but could be implemented in the future)
If we go with option three, we will need to comb the above link for broken links and legacy errors. Should we decided to go that route, I can list out what needs to be changed for an Admin to approve and edit in.

I know [member="Jamie Pyne"] said she had been working on a potential guide, I'd love to see what she has.
[SIZE=13.5pt]A P P E N D I X :[/SIZE]
  1. [SIZE=12pt]SWRP Site Layout[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=12pt]General Rules[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=12pt]Our Timeline [/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=12pt]Creating A Character[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=12pt]Factions[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=12pt]Galactic Map [/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=12pt]Starting To Roleplay[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=12pt]The Factory[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=12pt]The Codex[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=12pt]Staff & Volunteer Roles[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Welcome! [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]As a new member you might be a bit confused, trying to find answers to your many questions. This will hopefully answer a great deal of them. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]SWRP is a Star Wars Role Playing forum that is, for the most part, a very open and fluid environment. Each section of the website is divided up into various boards. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Those boards are:[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Welcome, New Members! [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]This is where you are now. It's an introductory area to say hello to everyone. [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Ask Questions & Submit Feedback[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] This is the subcategory of the Welcome area, and the best place to ask and find answers to initial questions.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Character Creation[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] This section is where all new character biographies are posted, and where you will soon post yours as well! (See character creation for details)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Staff Announcements[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Staff members (Red/Gold colored names) will post important information here. Be sure to check it often![/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Star Wars: Open Role-playing[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] This is where public roleplay threads will sit. (See Starting To Roleplay for details)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Star Wars: Private Role-playing[/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt]This is where private roleplay threads will be. (See Starting To Roleplay for details)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Roleplay Discussion [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]This is reserved for already existing roleplay threads for out-of-character discussion (See Starting To Roleplay for details)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Looking For Group [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]This is where you, and others will post requests for new roleplay threads.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Feedback & Critiques[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] If you'd like other writer's to give you feedback on your writing, or your characters, this is where to go.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Tutorials & Guides[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] There are dozens of individual, specific guides to just about anything you can think of in this section.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]The Water Cooler, Star Wars, Gaming Forum, + Art & Design[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] These are all out-of-character sections for a variety of self-explanatory topics[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]The Codex + The Factory[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Lore and technology creation to add depth to roleplay (See The Codex and The Factory for details)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]You'll also see along the top of the website, opposite the SWRP CHAOS logo, a series of dropdown menus as follows: FORUMS | RULES | RESOURCES | MAP | FACTIONS[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Those dropdown menus serve as quick links to certain key areas of the website. (Some links have been omitted as they are relatively unnecessary.) [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]FORUMS [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]will simply return you to the front page. [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]RULES [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]will provide a dropdown of detailed rulesets including the overarching GENERAL RULES, the rules for CHARACTER CREATION, how to achieve RANKS & PROMOTIONS, the FACTIONS MENU, REQUESTING AID (See Factions for details), and the CODEX/FACTORY RULES (See The Codex or The Factory for details).[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]RESOURCES[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] will provide a dropdown of the current galactic TIMELINE as well as a generic forum FAQ, member list, and a collection of member blogs.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]FACTIONS [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]takes you to the portal where all of the current major and minor factions are listed and available to join. (See Factions for details).[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]MAP[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] will display the current state of the galaxy in relation to planets under the control of certain major factions.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.5pt]2. GENERAL RULES [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]([/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]ref[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt])[/SIZE]​

  1. Multiple ‘writer’ accounts are not allowed. All profiles must be created as ‘character’ subaccounts to your main writer account.
  2. Keep your posts constructive and on the topic your post is in.
  3. This board is rated PG-13 by MPAA standards.
  4. Users will not engage in harassment and abusive behavior.
  5. Swearing is strongly discouraged. Excessive and unnecessary swearing is prohibited.
  6. Users will not impersonate another writer.
  7. Users will not support their own posts with sub-accounts.
  8. All political, religious or social debates on real-life topics on the board are to be confined to the Water Cooler forum.
  9. Committing or promoting any type of illegal activity is prohibited.
  10. Pornography, nudity, or any graphic display of sexual nature is prohibited.
  11. Users are prohibited from advertising external websites or services with the intention of either personal gain or distracting from the community.
  12. Users will not engage in spamming/flooding unless deemed appropriate in the Posting Games forum.
  13. Plagiarism is prohibited.
  14. Attempts to circumvent any of our security policies or rules will result in disciplinary action.
  15. These rules are subject to change without notice.
  16. The SWRP Staff Team reserves the right to terminate your account for the violation of any of these rules.
[SIZE=13.5pt]3. OUR TIMELINE [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]([/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]ref[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt])[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=13.5pt]4. CREATING A CHARACTER [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]([/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]ref[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt])[/SIZE]​
Before creating a character:
  1. You may use your writer account as a character, otherwise you may wish to create a sub-account. (See spoiler below for how to create sub-accounts.)
  3. You must create a new sub-account for each new character past the first. Each character must have their own sub-account.
Steps to character creation:
  1. Copy the New Character Template in the spoiler beneath this line.
  3. Navigate to the Character Creation board, and post a new topic here.
  4. You are now free to RP! (Though see below for additional tips and advice)
Optional additional steps:
  1. Add an avatar to your account. (See steps in spoiler beneath this line)
  3. Create a signature for your account. (Or request one from one of our many talented artists here.)
  4. Request rank titles here. (This is only permitted for character accounts above 50 posts. Writer accounts may request titles at any time.)
  5. Post a greeting in the New Members section here! Let everyone welcome you! Don't be shy!
  6. Join a faction that suits your character background! The faction portal is here. Want to know what a particular faction is about? Check out the ads for them here.
  7. Post a request for RP, or see other member's RP requests here!
Factions play a major role on SWRP. There are two types of factions: Minor, and Major. Both types have benefits and drawbacks connected to them, and should be considered carefully when deciding on which to join.

Major Factions
  • Major factions typically comprise the highest number of writers beneath a single umbrella at a time. For lack of better words, these are the most popular factions.
  • Major factions are the only groups on the board that are permitted to 'own' territory on the galactic map, meaning they govern the worlds in their spheres.
  • These factions tend to spread and shrink over time, due to varying factors such as invasions (PVP) and dominions (PVE)
  • No faction may begin as a major faction.
  • Major factions must maintain eight active writers at all times.
  • Any major faction that falls behind in activity may be subject to an administrative recall, removing their major status in place of minor once again.
  • Major factions may, at the discretion of their leadership, invade another major faction's territory and attempt to seize control of worlds owned by that faction.
  • Dominions may be initiated by major factions to increase the influence of their control to nearby planets.
  • No individual member may be a member of more than one major faction staff at a time.
  • When a major faction owner resigns, a faction-wide poll must be held to elect a new owner.
  • A major faction upon creation will designate a single planet as its' capital. This capital cannot be invaded by another major faction unless that faction controls a neighboring hex.
Minor Factions
  • Any member may start a minor faction.
  • Minor factions are not required to adhere to the member requirements in place for major factions, however may be removed if there is a lack of activity.
  • A minor faction may submit an application for major status, provided they meet the requirements, by posting their [application] here.
  • Any faction that holds allegiance to, or is under the authority of a major faction is considered a sub faction, and not a minor faction.
  • Minor factions that are not considered a sub faction may initiate a rebellion against a major faction, provided it meets the requirements to become major.
  • Sub factions may use the resources of their major faction, but cannot initiate rebellions.
  • Capitals belonging to major factions, and the hex they belong to may not be the target of rebellions.
That was as far as I had gotten as of last week. There are things labeled [PLACEHOLDER] scattered around that I planned on putting in (the timeline I simply removed so not to fill this area with too many big images).

I was planning on doing the rest sometime this weekend.

[member="Cira"] [member="Raziel"]
Didn't one of the rules previously *explicitly* forbid any content related to statutory/child etc? I've quoted that at least twice since I've been here. In theory, I know that "PG-13" *ought* to cover that- but I have found that folks who go that route need an explicit *no*.
Irajah Ven said:
Didn't one of the rules previously *explicitly* forbid any content related to statutory/child etc? I've quoted that at least twice since I've been here. In theory, I know that "PG-13" *ought* to cover that- but I have found that folks who go that route need an explicit *no*.
It used to be fully fleshed out on what was not allowed or allowed; however, in the interest of being more concise, the general label of:

3. This board is rated PG-13 by MPAA standards.
10. Pornography, nudity, or any graphic display of sexual nature is prohibited.

If you see anyone breaking this, then yes, staff will send them a PM stating that this is a no.
"The MPAA does not have any explicit criteria for sexual content other than excluding sex scenes from G rated films"

This is why I'm concerned, tbh. I apologize if I seem to be beating a dead horse, but this new wording doesn't make it clear that things like *a 32 year old character cannot date a 14 yo character*- because it only mentions things that are explicit. Since this is something that's come up just since I've been here, I has a worry that this wording will make that kind of thing appear okay- since it's not covered by either the MPAA standards or our own "Pornography" standards.
Jamie Pyne said:
[SIZE=13.5pt]A P P E N D I X :[/SIZE]
  1. [SIZE=12pt]SWRP Site Layout[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=12pt]General Rules[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=12pt]Our Timeline [/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=12pt]Creating A Character[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=12pt]Factions[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=12pt]Galactic Map [/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=12pt]Starting To Roleplay[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=12pt]The Factory[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=12pt]The Codex[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=12pt]Staff & Volunteer Roles[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Welcome! [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]As a new member you might be a bit confused, trying to find answers to your many questions. This will hopefully answer a great deal of them. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]SWRP is a Star Wars Role Playing forum that is, for the most part, a very open and fluid environment. Each section of the website is divided up into various boards. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Those boards are:Are these not self explanatory?[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Welcome, New Members! [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]This is where you are now. It's an introductory area to say hello to everyone. [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Ask Questions & Submit Feedback[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] This is the subcategory of the Welcome area, and the best place to ask and find answers to initial questions.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Character Creation[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] This section is where all new character biographies are posted, and where you will soon post yours as well! (See character creation for details)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Staff Announcements[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Staff members (Red/Gold colored names) will post important information here. Be sure to check it often![/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Star Wars: Open Role-playing[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] This is where public roleplay threads will sit. (See Starting To Roleplay for details)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Star Wars: Private Role-playing[/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt]This is where private roleplay threads will be. (See Starting To Roleplay for details)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Roleplay Discussion [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]This is reserved for already existing roleplay threads for out-of-character discussion (See Starting To Roleplay for details)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Looking For Group [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]This is where you, and others will post requests for new roleplay threads.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Feedback & Critiques[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] If you'd like other writer's to give you feedback on your writing, or your characters, this is where to go.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Tutorials & Guides[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] There are dozens of individual, specific guides to just about anything you can think of in this section.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]The Water Cooler, Star Wars, Gaming Forum, + Art & Design[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] These are all out-of-character sections for a variety of self-explanatory topics[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]The Codex + The Factory[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Lore and technology creation to add depth to roleplay (See The Codex and The Factory for details)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]You'll also see along the top of the website, opposite the SWRP CHAOS logo, a series of dropdown menus as follows: FORUMS | RULES | RESOURCES | MAP | FACTIONS[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Those dropdown menus serve as quick links to certain key areas of the website. (Some links have been omitted as they are relatively unnecessary.) [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]FORUMS [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]will simply return you to the front page. [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]RULES [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]will provide a dropdown of detailed rulesets including the overarching GENERAL RULES, the rules for CHARACTER CREATION, how to achieve RANKS & PROMOTIONS, the FACTIONS MENU, REQUESTING AID (See Factions for details), and the CODEX/FACTORY RULES (See The Codex or The Factory for details).[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]RESOURCES[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] will provide a dropdown of the current galactic TIMELINE as well as a generic forum FAQ, member list, and a collection of member blogs.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]FACTIONS [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]takes you to the portal where all of the current major and minor factions are listed and available to join. (See Factions for details).[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]MAP[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] will display the current state of the galaxy in relation to planets under the control of certain major factions.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.5pt]2. GENERAL RULES [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]([/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]ref[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt])[/SIZE]​

  1. Do not recreate rules. I means updating two articles. Link to the General and Roleplay ones here and the Character ones below in 4
  2. Multiple ‘writer’ accounts are not allowed. All profiles must be created as ‘character’ subaccounts to your main writer account.
  3. Keep your posts constructive and on the topic your post is in.
  4. This board is rated PG-13 by MPAA standards.
  5. Users will not engage in harassment and abusive behavior.
  6. Swearing is strongly discouraged. Excessive and unnecessary swearing is prohibited.
  7. Users will not impersonate another writer.
  8. Users will not support their own posts with sub-accounts.
  9. All political, religious or social debates on real-life topics on the board are to be confined to the Water Cooler forum.
  10. Committing or promoting any type of illegal activity is prohibited.
  11. Pornography, nudity, or any graphic display of sexual nature is prohibited.
  12. Users are prohibited from advertising external websites or services with the intention of either personal gain or distracting from the community.
  13. Users will not engage in spamming/flooding unless deemed appropriate in the Posting Games forum.
  14. Plagiarism is prohibited.
  15. Attempts to circumvent any of our security policies or rules will result in disciplinary action.
  16. These rules are subject to change without notice.
  17. The SWRP Staff Team reserves the right to terminate your account for the violation of any of these rules.
[SIZE=13.5pt]3. OUR TIMELINE [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]([/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]ref[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt])[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=13.5pt]4. CREATING A CHARACTER [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]([/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]ref[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt])[/SIZE]​
Before creating a character:
  1. You may use your writer account as a character, otherwise you may wish to create a sub-account. (See spoiler below for how to create sub-accounts.)
  3. You must create a new sub-account for each new character past the first. Each character must have their own sub-account.Gifs on making a new subaccount
Steps to character creation:
  1. Copy the New Character Template in the spoiler beneath this line.
  3. Navigate to the Character Creation board, and post a new topic here.
  4. You are now free to RP! (Though see below for additional tips and advice)
Optional additional steps:
  1. Add an avatar to your account. (See steps in spoiler beneath this line)
  3. Create a signature for your account. (Or request one from one of our many talented artists here.)
  4. Request rank titles here. (This is only permitted for character accounts above 50 posts. Writer accounts may request titles at any time.)
  5. Post a greeting in the New Members section here! Let everyone welcome you! Don't be shy!
  6. Join a faction that suits your character background! The faction portal is here. Want to know what a particular faction is about? Check out the ads for them here.
  7. Post a Looking for group message
  8. Post a request for RP, or see other member's RP requests here!
Factions play a major role on SWRP. There are two types of factions: Minor, and Major. Both types have benefits and drawbacks connected to them, and should be considered carefully when deciding on which to join.

Major Factions
  • Major factions typically comprise the highest number of writers beneath a single umbrella at a time. For lack of better words, these are the most popular factions.
  • Major factions are the only groups on the board that are permitted to 'own' territory on the galactic map, meaning they govern the worlds in their spheres.
  • These factions tend to spread and shrink over time, due to varying factors such as invasions (PVP) and dominions (PVE) Link to major faction directory here
  • No faction may begin as a major faction.
  • Major factions must maintain eight active writers at all times.
  • Any major faction that falls behind in activity may be subject to an administrative recall, removing their major status in place of minor once again.
  • Major factions may, at the discretion of their leadership, invade another major faction's territory and attempt to seize control of worlds owned by that faction.
  • Dominions may be initiated by major factions to increase the influence of their control to nearby planets.
  • No individual member may be a member of more than one major faction staff at a time.
  • When a major faction owner resigns, a faction-wide poll must be held to elect a new owner.
  • A major faction upon creation will designate a single planet as its' capital. This capital cannot be invaded by another major faction unless that faction controls a neighboring hex.
Minor Factions
  • Any member may start a minor faction. How?
  • Minor factions are not required to adhere to the member requirements in place for major factions, however may be removed if there is a lack of activity.
  • A minor faction may submit an application for major status, provided they meet the requirements, by posting their [application] here.
  • Any faction that holds allegiance to, or is under the authority of a major faction is considered a sub faction, and not a minor faction.
  • Minor factions that are not considered a sub faction may initiate a rebellion against a major faction, provided it meets the requirements to become major.
  • Sub factions may use the resources of their major faction, but cannot initiate rebellions.
  • Capitals belonging to major factions, and the hex they belong to may not be the target of rebellions.
Raziel said:
Are these not self explanatory?
  • Some people don't know where to post when they first join. I've seen it so many times I felt it was worth the effort. A lot of things are self explanatory.

Raziel said:
Do not recreate rules. I means updating two articles. Link to the General and Roleplay ones here and the Character ones below in 4
  • I have no idea what you mean by this really. It was a copy/paste from the original that I assumed belonged in a collection of rules. (Meaning I assumed whatever replaced Tef's original guide would need to have those rules in it.)

Raziel said:
Gifs on making a new subaccount
  • This will have to be done by someone else. I don't know how to make that type of stuff.
The strikethroughs also have me confused as a lot of that information is also in the Factions & etc rules.


Jamie Pyne said:
Some people don't know where to post when they first join. I've seen it so many times I felt it was worth the effort. A lot of things are self explanatory.
Yeah. Somethings need to be spelled out. I know it sounds silly, but often times we have to go with breaking it down Barney style for people to realize what forum does what and where to go. I like them
[member="Jamie Pyne"] [member="Raziel"]

I think he means "repeat" them from the articule.

I don't mind them being here. Link backs are great for new members.

Raz, think of it this way, if we add the new member guide to the "Resources" drop-down, people will go straight into the thread that will have the new member guide.

In this may be the only opportunity people have off the get go to see everything in ONE location with link back to the articles.

It doesn't matter if we have duplicate information in here plus with a link back, because we want to show the information.

We could potentially use Spoilers for the rules themselves in the Guide to streamline.

Much like this.

[SIZE=13.5pt]2. GENERAL RULES [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]([/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]ref[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt])[/SIZE]
For our general rules, please see the drop down or click on the reference link.

  1. Multiple ‘writer’ accounts are not allowed. All profiles must be created as ‘character’ subaccounts to your main writer account.
  2. Keep your posts constructive and on the topic your post is in.
  3. This board is rated PG-13 by MPAA standards.
  4. Users will not engage in harassment and abusive behavior.
  5. Swearing is strongly discouraged. Excessive and unnecessary swearing is prohibited.
  6. Users will not impersonate another writer.
  7. Users will not support their own posts with sub-accounts.
  8. All political, religious or social debates on real-life topics on the board are to be confined to the Water Cooler forum.
  9. Committing or promoting any type of illegal activity is prohibited.
  10. Pornography, nudity, or any graphic display of sexual nature is prohibited.
  11. Users are prohibited from advertising external websites or services with the intention of either personal gain or distracting from the community.
  12. Users will not engage in spamming/flooding unless deemed appropriate in the Posting Games forum.
  13. Plagiarism is prohibited.
  14. Attempts to circumvent any of our security policies or rules will result in disciplinary action.
  15. These rules are subject to change without notice.
  16. The SWRP Staff Team reserves the right to terminate your account for the violation of any of these rules.

It does mean every time we change the rules we need to edit the thread. Seems simply enough, but history has shown it hasn't happened properly before.

I suppose we don't change the general rules often .
The reason I deleted quite a few bits is I feel the new member guide should be really slim

For Factions I think they just need to know:

  • What is a Faction
  • Difference between Major and Minor (one is on the map and can fight wars/expand territory)
  • How to find and join a Faction
  • How to make and advertise a Faction
I think the rules of how invasions/capitals/dominions work can be left out in the initial guide.

I like the ordering you've got in the guide, I think it works very well.

Basic into to the place, help them get settled, then focus on making a character and finding a group or faction

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