Question for you: how does piracy work in the game? I'm working on a character, and work on establishing him as a Hondo Ohnaka-type character, but I'm assuming no one is going to be keen on having their ships boarded & raided. Is that something I would work out in an OOC thread (like "Who wants to have their shipment/ship stolen, I understand there will be some resistance but in the end I get away), or would I need to stick with writing stories involving NPCs?

Good question! There's a lot of different angles you can take and different sort of approaches. Most people don't have their characters spending a lot of time hanging around in ships, so that can be a little tricky. So definitely reaching out and asking for anyone who is interested is a good call. great way to build relationships and connections. Pirating NPC ships in public threads works really well too, especially if it's like a big liner. I've seen those turn very successful a few times, as a bunch of people have themselves as passengers or whatever.