Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Player!

Roth Tillian

Question for you: how does piracy work in the game? I'm working on a character, and work on establishing him as a Hondo Ohnaka-type character, but I'm assuming no one is going to be keen on having their ships boarded & raided. Is that something I would work out in an OOC thread (like "Who wants to have their shipment/ship stolen, I understand there will be some resistance but in the end I get away), or would I need to stick with writing stories involving NPCs?

Rum Raisin Rum Raisin

Good question! There's a lot of different angles you can take and different sort of approaches. Most people don't have their characters spending a lot of time hanging around in ships, so that can be a little tricky. So definitely reaching out and asking for anyone who is interested is a good call. great way to build relationships and connections. Pirating NPC ships in public threads works really well too, especially if it's like a big liner. I've seen those turn very successful a few times, as a bunch of people have themselves as passengers or whatever.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Haha...some of my best fellow writers were pirates. It were on one of the Underworlds where I met my bestie. Of course I had landed there with ship troubles and...and kind of was taken in as I befriended one of the members. Had lots of zany adventures. Of course I was and still am a pacifist (Alderaanii, you see) and that was what made it more interesting and fun tagging along or getting caught up in

No one can tell you how to write your pirate dream. You must seize the moment, captain my captain.
You're only limited by your imagination Rum Raisin Rum Raisin :)

Cazo Thraos

Most groups are willing to work with and help flesh out concepts, just be mindful that some groups take a harsher stance on what could get by in their parts of space and what might not slip under the both proverbial and literal radar. Heck, in certain parts of the galaxy you could be hailed a hero while others you are a menace. Also, it is not uncommon for groups to not realize they are either working with, near, or interacting with a certain person or organization unless they learned about it in character.

So it would not be entirely out of the question for a pirate character, even with some renown, lacking a proper photo to be able to sneak into certain places under the nose of some groups. However, it is always wise to contact the group you wish to interact with and keep an open mind as to not only your character and how they perceive the galaxy, but how others do as well.

Hope this was a little bit of help and look forward to seeing what comes of your story.
Lifelong Nerd, Roleplayer, Writer and Philosopher
Have fun, Kiddo, even if this non-Mouse-loving prude doesn't quite get the references you spoke of. Whatever you can imagine, PG-13 or less and Star Wars-releated, it's all welcome and can be beloved by someone here, I'm sure. Talk about moral relativism and postmodernism on display... :p
I have no idea what you're talking about regarding references, and assume "non-Mouse-livng prude" means you're one of those people who hate everything Star Wars since Disney took over (we'll agree to disagree on that). but appreciate the rest!

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