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New Sith Council Poll


Dis guy, he knows what he's talking about.

I think two councils would be higher maintenance without a visibly greater payoff to justify it. I'd be more in favour of one big council, rather than two smaller ones. One council means things gets less confusing in terms of roles and authority. As a bonus, it's easier to guarantee steady activity for one council.

Different council members could be in command of different aspects. One could be assigned to "religious" matters. I don't think it requires its own council.

I am definitely in favour of allowing both FU and NFU access to the council. Wouldn't want to deprive the faction of other [member="Isamu Baelor"] wonderchilds.

Darth Vazela

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I like to stick to canon. Even though we are fanon, I think the best roleplay stems from canon and the canon speaks for itself. No Sith Lord- or any other Sith for that matter- would allow a mere NFU to tell them what to do.

A council consisting of both NFU and FU doesn't make sense. What does make sense is a body of NFU in charge of the Imperial/Governmental matters, that answers to the FU council.

But I dislike the idea of an FU council at this time. [member="Darth Mephirium"] should have sole say on how the One Sith is reformed IC, as the victor over the former Dark Lord of the Sith, unless another Sith Lord intends to contest that power.

I am heavily disliking this OOC bureaucracy that "everyone is a winner" and "everyone matters" policy that has come about from this power grab. In the twelve years I have been roleplaying, I have never seen something like this happen. The guy killed the Dark Lord of the Sith, he is the Dark Lord of the Sith and what he says only matters.

How would YOU like to reform the OS, Mephirium? Ignore what everyone else wants (I feel your earlier post about a FU/NFU council was done to appease everyone).
I firmly believe that the faction should decide on how they want to be governed ICly, and we work together as a community to turn such decisions into story to the best of our ability.

Because the faction is not solely made up of an upper class who wield IC and OOC power with impunity, we elect our own FOs to represent us on a grander stage.

That was the failings of the Old Sith Empire, where the positions of FO and DL were one and the same. Where eventually nothing got accomplished because we had a new Emperor/Faction Owner every other week because people constantly wanted to be the biggest dog and win the dick measuring contest even if it ultimately stagnated the faction because of so many regime changes and so many different ideologies on how the faction was to be run.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
[member="Harley"] | [member="Vilox Pazela"]

Lets see how far that lightsaber gets you when you're on the bridge of a starship facing down the guns of a battlecruiser.

Also, hello, Thrawn. Thats canon, no? So theres precedent of a sort.
I did some work, but the faction ain't mine. I can't just move things to how I want them to be, that would drive people away. I might have a terrible case of main character syndrome, but I could never in good faith try and dictate how things went for a faction all on my own.

Personally, I'm okay with having one big council all together. NFUs have proven themselves just as capable as Sith in the past.

From an IC standpoint, Meph would support a council like that. He's a hands-off kind of guy. He doesn't want to dictate much. He wants to put the empire in the hands of those who fought for it and only step in when things get out of hand. If a non-force-user can serve to the same capacity that a Sith Lord can, and has the zeal one would expect from a die-hard Imperial, then there's no reason why they shouldn't be able to make the big decisions too.

What I want is for things to move forward so we can continue this story, move things toward a more Imperial mindset, and create something everyone can be happy with.

I also want to sit on my skull throne, but that's in the details.

[member="Cyrus Tregessar"], [member="Vilox Pazela"]

Darth Vazela

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
[member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

Okay, I'll bite.

You're implying that myself or any other Sith would be caught in a position, where a battlecruiser had all guns drawn, targeting me. If any Sith were caught in said position, then I would argue that they were never really a Sith at all.

Thrawn led the Galactic Empire, a society that despised and hunted down FUs as part of it's doctrine, who answered to- arguably- the most powerful Dark Lord of the Sith of all time, prior to his campaign and fall of said Sith Lord.

There has never been a canon precedent when Sith and NFUs ruled on the same even keel because it goes against what a Sith is. Everyone is below me. Nobody is better than me. And if they are, I will undo them.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
[member="Vilox Pazela"]

No true scotsman, eh?

But I'm not really arguing that, merely pointing out that there's a lot more to power and strength and the like than who can beat whom in a one-on-one fight. I likewise agree that fighting to become the most powerful is in the very nature of the Sith, but at the same time I imagine there's more to that than simply the space ninja mage version of 'fight me irl bro.'

Rather I imagine it's a concession to the idea that 'they this guy knows what he's doing when it comes to ships/soldiers/planets/taxes/paperwork/whatever maybe I should utilize said talents instead of killing him because he told to be sod off when i was a jackass.'

It's that or not have an Empire, really.

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