I did some work, but the faction ain't mine. I can't just move things to how I want them to be, that would drive people away. I might have a terrible case of main character syndrome, but I could never in good faith try and dictate how things went for a faction all on my own.
Personally, I'm okay with having one big council all together. NFUs have proven themselves just as capable as Sith in the past.
From an IC standpoint, Meph would support a council like that. He's a hands-off kind of guy. He doesn't want to dictate much. He wants to put the empire in the hands of those who fought for it and only step in when things get out of hand. If a non-force-user can serve to the same capacity that a Sith Lord can, and has the zeal one would expect from a die-hard Imperial, then there's no reason why they shouldn't be able to make the big decisions too.
What I want is for things to move forward so we can continue this story, move things toward a more Imperial mindset, and create something everyone can be happy with.
I also want to sit on my skull throne, but that's in the details.
[member="Cyrus Tregessar"], [member="Vilox Pazela"]