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New Trailer for Star Wars VII

Connor Harrison

Just need to make sure I wasn't dreaming any of this........





And what is MORE exciting is I forgot this is the first of a trilogy, and we're getting THIS excited already?! Imagine what we are going to be like when we have the established characters and story?!

I can't take this much longer.
The first trailer I didn't really like. It was choppy, disjointed and had no recognisable elements except the Falcon.

This though...this was pretty cool.

But then I remember that TPM had a cool trailer too...and my cynical self attempts to pretend it didn't get a kick out of seeing Harrison Ford again....
Ludolf Vaas said:
Also, it's entirely possible that Luke is not referring to his own child, but maybe Han and Leia's child.
I've seen some leaked images thats shows the girl (Rey), she is the one who extends her hands down to the gone rogue storm trooper (Finn) on the desert planet, wielding a blue lighsaber while fighting Kylo Ren.

Elensa Jari


This is worth taking note of, too: we now have confirmation of names for both the 'Imperials' and the 'Rebels', as noted on displays posted at Star Wars Celebration.
Valiens Nantaris said:
But then I remember that TPM had a cool trailer too...and my cynical self attempts to pretend it didn't get a kick out of seeing Harrison Ford again....
This is very true. People were hyped as fuck for the Phantom Menace trailer. Most people here are probably too young to remember the level of hype surrounding the release of the Prequel trilogy... I myself was very young at the time too. But there was just as much, if not more hype, surrounding TPM leading up to its release. From what we saw in the trailer, it looked like a pretty awesome, if not slightly unfamiliar Star Wars movie was coming out. And everyone was excited.

And then the movie came out.

Still, despite the fact that once again, this teaser tells us practically nothing about the movie itself, I think there are plenty of reasons to be cautiously optimistic about this. Namely:

- George Lucas' scripts were rejected out of hand by Disney. This is a very good thing.

- The movie is being written by many of the same people who wrote the originals.

- There seems to be a concerted effort to capture the "feel" of the original movies. Less CGI, more actual props and live sets.
First Order sounds way more Sithy to me. Which makes sense considering the rumor Kylo Ren is running around collecting Sith Artefacts, which makes me wonder if the one looking at Vader's helmet is Ren.

Could also be that the "good guys" are called the resistance because the Resistance is the remnants of a perhaps failed attempted at a New Republic? Or the Rebel Alliance as divulged back into its own composite planets as independent actors and the Resistance is a new group of Rebel wannabes who are fighting the First Order in the Outer Rim.

Also yah, I think Luke is talking to Han and Leia's kid. In the Panel, Oscar Isaac mentions that his character was sent on a mission by a "certain Princess" to Jakku where he finds Rey. I am guessing its to get Rey (i.e. Leia's daughter) away from Jakku. And when she returns to Leia, Leia says we need to find Luke....btw here is his father's lightsaber (hence that scene.)

That's my speculation.
Darth Hauntruss said:
Also yah, I think Luke is talking to Han and Leia's kid.
He is talking to John Boyega, chances are he is not related. It is possible that Rey is related as I've seen a leaked picture of her fighting Kylo Ren.
It was probably sitting around in the bowels of Cloud City forever.


Joruus C'baoth retrieved the lightsaber from Bespin in the EU and gave it to Luuke Skywalker, the evil clone of Luke :p

So it's not unreasonable for them to have eventually retrieved it.


Active Member
[member="Ludolf Vaas"] I remember the hyper I am one of those very much old enough to remember that whole event. I can only hope this is not a repeat.

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