Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New ways to Dominion

Not sure if this was already suggested, but here it goes:

What if dominions could be treated like invasions? In theory, all a dominion does is conquer a system independent from a faction and many majors roleplay dominions as invasions already. The idea is that the faction trying to dominion the world could get an opposition to fight an objective-based dominion; if the faction successfully completes more objectives they conquer the world but if the opposition does so then the world remains independent and perhaps imposes a lockdown or forfeits the possibility of trying that way again.

The reason why I'm suggesting this is because I feel that it'd allow dominions to be more fun. Frankly, even with proper writing, getting 100 posts in with just your faction can be exhausting even when everyone contributes bit-by-bit, it'd add more variety to the way major factions operate and allow factions like the Rebel Alliance or The Underground to pose as opposition in support of planetary independence, perhaps even allowing Major Factions to fight a cold war by using these worlds as proxy.



Disney's Princess
3rd party oppositions have not only been suggested, they have actually been accomplished with great success. Wahoo! Dom opposition is a wonderful tool for the ol' narrative tool belt and a great suggestion for any Faction.

As far as making it the only way to accomplish a Dominion? Well. I'd rather not limit ourselves.

I'd recommend this suggestion to anyone. :D
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

If you look at the red raven dominion of Teth, Dredge showed up infected the place with ghouls and burnt the capital to the ground. Now ghouls have spread through the planet infecting thousands. The ravens don't have not done anything with Teth since today trying to clean up the infection there. The major faction can own the place at the end of the day but what happens there can drastically change the planet
So rules as they are:


Label your faction's name, the planet, and the opposing faction (if there is one) in the topic title. Acquisitions will not be awarded in the future if this is not adhered to.

At any point, a faction may declare “dominion” over an unoccupied planet outside of their Influence Cloud. This is a way for factions to passively gain planets without competing with other factions.

Other factions may not interrupt a faction's Dominion thread.

The faction must meet all minimum requirements in order to gain the planet during a Dominion.

1. The thread must have a minimum total of 100 posts.

2. The faction must construct a believable plot for the duration of the role-play and present some sort of opposition for it's members.

3. You may only dominion a planet that is available on the SWRP: Chaos Official Map.

4. If you finish a dominion within 30 minutes of a faction finishing a dominion on the same planet, an Invasion thread for the planet must be initiated to decide ownership of the planet.

5. All posts in a Dominion must be made to be quality posts.

6. Dominions must have a minimum of 5 unique writers posting in it.

Once a faction has finished it's Dominion of a planet, consult a Roleplay Judge to have the Dominion approved and the planet added to the Faction's Planet List.

A Major Faction may begin multiple Dominions at once.

So there is already the hook for opposition in the rules.

You'd need something like: If the faction undertaking the dominion agrees, objectives may be set that enable the opposing faction to prevent successful dominion.

Although actually, I'm not even sure you'd need to add any rules. This could easily be trialled with a Major Faction now, all that would happen is you get agreement with the Faction Admin that they don't update the map if the opposition wins based on the criteria. That way, there's no need to get Staff to tweak rules and you can show this is viable beforehand!
There are minor factions that exist with dominion opposition as one of their primary objectives. And I'm sure that, if you put a public request up, there will be studmuffins who show up looking for a brawl.

So if you want opposition in your dominions, it's as easy as pie.

Mmm. Pie.
[member="Darth Metus"]

Mentioned them, if you were referring to The Underground.

I just meant I'm interested in seeing this be available as an 'official' way. I mean, it's one thing to have an opposition but frankly there's less at stake and so far the 'only' way for two major factions to war over a dominion is by trying to beat each other at it, or try to get lucky with the invasion rule.

Otherwise it's all up to honour, not that I don't trust any other members, but things would be so much simpler if it could just get stamped off as say "Hey, Faction A is planning to do a dominion of Planet X whilst Faction B intends to support the opposition.", etc.
Again, I'd still think some form cooperation would be required unless every dominion turns into a contested invasion, which is essentially what happens when two planets try to dominion the same planet but again easier to sign off I'd think.
That quote is out of context - it concerns only Dominions being done as a race against another faction. Those usually turn into invasions.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
There is no way for a minor faction (or anyone else) to stop a Dominion. The major faction only needs to meet the requirements and they gain the planet.

The reason for this, is the reason that minor factions can't own planets - there has to be some perks for being a major faction. If all dominions could be contested I'd see an increase in gamey 'proxy wars' where a few members of a faction would hold up dominions of a rival.

We all know Invasions take forever, and with the map 'reset' coming I am sure we don't want Dominions to all go that way.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

I didn't specifically mean for minor faction-owned planets, but point taken and agreed on that. I simply meant if two factions fish; especially because although nothing's stopping two groups from working on a dominion together (I think), it'd be easier to stamp off if there was something written on paper; because unless I'm wrong I know when it comes to major faction-related rules they're sticky, not meant to be interpreted, no?
Valiens Nantaris said:
just so long as everyone realises that the faction which begun it will gain the planet.
Allow me to rephrase around that quote, please. Unfortunately my lack of sleep has gotten the better of me so I'll try to write as coherently and briefly as I possibly can.

Leave the earlier bit of my original post about just opposing factions: Seeing as that can happen regardless, let's talk about major factions. I Get that the idea is we want as much clean fights as we can get: Invasions and dominions are meant to be straight-forward so that there's no hassle for members and that there's as little OOC drama as possible. That's assuming I'm not speaking out of my.... Well, you get the picture.

So let's say that these two major factions both want to dominion Planet X. They'd go at their own little posts that are virtually unaffected by each other other than the OOC time clock of when people reach the magical number of post 100. But! If the other faction gets within that small time window of post 100, too, they get a chance at invading to which point their previously "We didn't matter" force suddenly does matter. So why not, save the trouble of all that time, and just allow the two factions to instantly contest as an invasion. I say if it's in a bordering hex of your enemy, that's enough fair game and saves a lot of time and hassle. AND although this might seem confusing, if they wanted to, they can get a third party in the mix representing the independent rulership which can either A.) Aim to stay independent B.) Choose a side, but that last part is mostly left up to roleplay again, not rules, I'd think.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Question, though!

What if two Major Factions OOCly agreed before hand; would that constitute as enough to get permission for two factions to have an invasion over a neutral world?
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

I'll convince you of something one of these days...

*Meanwhile writes up an angst-written suggestion of how @Space Liam Neeson should auto-tag to you.*

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] I don't know if you've seen the Ravens Dredd dominion but we created three unique NPC bosses for our members to fight, with character bios and everything.

Sure it's alot more work writing two of the NPCs as well as Cryax in the Dominion, but I think everyone is having fun so far.

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