Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public New Year Gala | Kingdom of Naboo

Tags : Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Mouth worked like a fish out of water as Danger explained he was her 'son' who was presently seeing her daughter in a romantic sense. It was a complicated thing to sort out on a good day ; his mother had left and Danger had filled in the gaps throughout his childhood and beyond. There were always quirked eyebrows when they would look between the redhead and himself, as if trying to figure out the parentage.

Add in the fact he was now dating her actual daughter, his childhood best friend, and it was just something that drew odd looks. When someone listened to it without context, even odder.

Makai supposed it would be easier when they were married, someone would see the ring and automatically assume son-in-law, not literal son.

"Pleasure to meet you both."

The half-Galan shook the hand of each one, laughing slightly. He was going to be quick to explain himself, to ease the nagging doubts.

"I may be from the backwater, but nothing incestuous going on, I assure you. Danger was gracious enough to take me under her wing as a child."

As for dancing, well, it wasn't a skill Makai was great at. In fact, he was finding things a bit uncoordinated.

"I'm not sure. Perhaps save me a dance, Miss? I could use the practice."

OBJECTIVE I: Great Ballroom | Objective III
Open for interaction or chatting| Glistaweb Outfit & Items | x | x | x |
Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

It was a faux pas that Danger normally wouldn't have made. Evidently, in her excitement of having Makai and Myra finally figure things out and begin their courtship, the redhead hadn't thought ahead of how she'd normally introduce Makai with the subsequent proud and pleased commentary that Makai was dating Myra.

For the first time in a very, very, long while, the Queen of Trade blushed.

"Goodness, pardon my fub. Reckon I was just so excited to have them get together that I didn't quite think my words through." Danger explained, embarrassed that Makai had to explain himself. She made a mental note to be careful of how she introduced him going forward. Studying him for a few seconds, the woman recognized he was a man grown now. Perhaps he should be introduced under his own accord now. Something to muse about.

"Certainly looking forward to dancin', perhaps Makai can take me for a spin to get some practice of his own." Danger mused, looking at the revelers already dancing underway, attention drawn to another familiar dark mop. Was that Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell ?

Panning her attention back to Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , the redhead gave an incline of a head in agreement and the compliment. Once he mentioned the tyrant king, the pieces of the puzzle came together. Ah, so Kahlil was related to Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex ? Curiosity peaked in her eyes. This was the first time she'd ever met someone from the Zambrano family who was not a part of the Sith Order or the Kainates, much less married to the Grandmaster of the New Jedi Order.

"I've learned that dealin' fairly in a method where all parties come out mutually satisfied works well in ensuring seein' negotiations through. " It was the system of reciprocity. Deal a favor for Danger, and she'll deal a favor for you. The Queen of Trade has always been upfront about what she would be willing to do and not do. Part of that was ensuring that she retained her neutrality working with the other government entities and factions and that she would be able to assist in refugee efforts and assistance without lash back. While some may question Danger's ability to rub elbows with Sith, Jedi, Imperials, Mandalorians, and Alliance alike, the point was that at the end of the day, it was the everyday common man that required food, water, medicine, and the daily necessities to survive. Danger just made sure she was able to deliver that.

"I have been blessed that the strategy has allowed me to leverage Arceneau Trade for humanitarian efforts in ways that would be difficult otherwise."


Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira || Ansisa Ansisa

When she struggled and twisted his arm out of his grip, Drake let her go. He reasoned she would take a step back or a similar course of action. Of course, there was the very real chance she may attempt to defend herself. Something Drake had been training for quite some time. Drawing a blaster took training and skill, but that reaction time and precision meant nothing if it could not be translated into close-quarters combat.

The girl was fast. Unusually so for the typical senator or even a young Chiss soldier. But he was faster. If he wasn't, the fact his only free hand being in the improper place and form in relation to his strike would have hindered him from moving to counter quick enough. Forearm deflection would have been quicker and more effective, less chance of failure, but it was seen as more brutish or inelegant.

Drake cared little for elegance, especially on a battlefield. It was rarely necessary. This was a ballroom and garden party. Elegance was expected from everyone here on Naboo and from the security as well. His free hand swiftly rose up to meet her appendage and slap at her wrist while shifting his body and his other hand to balance the fluid within the drink. Stepping in closer into her space, Drake parried her palm strike before bending his forearm as a buffer between her chest and his own. Attempting to use the mass of himself and his forearm to lightly nudge her off-balance, Drake sought one and only one goal.

To have the bold Chiss woman Ansisa lose her footing and sit down on the edge of the fountain with little mess or fuss on either of their parts. He could have pushed her into the fountain if he had put more force behind what he done, or he could have used his arm to strike a terrible blow in retaliation. But it would only escalate the situation instead of defusing it. However the Chiss chose to respond in kind, Drake had only one thing to say to her as both his nose and drink remained safe and sound for the moment.

"You get one," Drake warned her coldly before his eyes narrowed, "Now walk away."

It would be his final warning towards her. If she was smart, she would understand that her presence was less than welcome and walk away with her dignity before he would be forced to render real and damaging harm upon her, like pushing her into the fountain. A dress like hers must have cost a pretty credit, and Drake would hate to see it ruined over a simple disagreement.

That's what this fight was--what it translated into as they came to blows for a brief moment. A simple disagreement.​



It was the most primal of fears that every living being had. And that fear came unnaturally in an overwhelming force to utterly consume Damian's mind as the Defel stepped beside them. From seemingly nowhere, no less. Just appeared, both in form and even in the Force.

"You've been making problems again, haven't you?" He looked at Ansisa, not the man who'd grabbed her am not once, but twice now. She would only make a bigger problem if left unattended. That would be an annoying way to end the investment he'd already put into her.

"You, though, should step back yourself. Intruding in the conversation of two woman like that, manhandling one. And people call me a dog." He'd been watching, as he always did. A conversation was all Anisa had started, and yet this stranger deemed it necessary to tug her along. He'd get himself killed and Ansisa in far too much trouble at this rate. His red eyes turned to him, filled with obvious annoyance.

Damian A. Drake Damian A. Drake | Ansisa Ansisa | Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira
Ansisa was not so easily unbalanced, her stance shifted as he stepped in soldifying her position ashis forearm met her chest. "Telling me I get one, insinuates I get to make you bleed, and you, are not bleeding."

But she didn't move, she felt him before she saw him. The fear that awlays came with Vazz Vazz running up her spine. He'd been watching her all night no doubt. "No, Master, but I'm about to."

Ansisa had no misconceived ideas about Vazz stepping to her rescue, this was entirely to make sure she didn't go too far, that she didn't cause a scene and as a result shame him. Ansisa was trembling with rage, tearing this man apart over and over again in her minds eye, but she was obedient. Vazz demanded as such so she didn't move.

Instead she took in every detail of the man before her, the way he smelled, the way he felt in the force. Everything she could she drank up and committed to memory for later use. "You interrupted my conversation for your misguided hero complex. If she needed saving, she would save herself, she doesn't need the likes of you deciding for her."

Let me kill him.

The statement drfited in Vazz's mind.

Damian A. Drake Damian A. Drake Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira
Vulpesen smiled broadly, a small laugh accompanying her compliment of his footwork. "I've had about fifty years of practice, whether I like it or not. My diplomatic head actually threatened to lock me in the our ball room on several occasions until I had perfected the waltz." His tail flicked behind him and his pointed ears rotted slightly, keeping alert for the sounds of any footsteps that might have come close to them. With so many dignitaries in from around the galaxy, there was quite a chance of bumping into someone on the floor, an embarrassment the Valde was keen to avoid.

"The core worlds can be rather exciting. I remember quite a few campaigns to secure them in my youth."
Youth had become something of a relative concept, and a confusing one for the zorren. Having grown up thinking of himself as human, there were times that he had to remind himself that in terms of an average Zorren lifespan, he was fresh and new to the galaxy. Of course, just because a species could live for millennia, did not mean that they always did. He simply hoped that when his end came, whether it come soon or not for some time, that he died well.

Vera Mina Vera Mina

Outfit: Dress | Wedding Ring
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Even though Valery had already figured out that this wasn't a case of a brother and sister dating, it was appreciated that Makaii clarified it for them to be safe. Poor Danger seemed only more embarrassed though, and even blushed. That in and of itself wasn't a strange thing, given the rather dangerous implication. But for a businesswoman who likely mastered her poker face many years ago, Valery had a feeling it was unusual to see this side of her.

"It's quite alright," Valery assured them both with a chuckle. "I caught on to what you were trying to say." Perhaps it helped that Valery was a mother herself — she could pick up on the way another Mom talked about their children, or when she simply treated someone as if they were a child.

It was a relationship Valery had with many of her Padawans, after all.

"Well, I'll be dancing with my lovely husband in a moment. But once the baby is born..." Valery briefly let her hand slide over her stomach, knowing she was close to childbirth. "...perhaps I can offer lessons to help you impress your sweetheart. I did learn a lot of dances ever since I was a young girl." For tonight, though, she preferred the careful touch of her husband. Just because he knew how gentle to be with her, and because she felt a lot more vulnerable.

For dancing, he was hers and she was his tonight.

Valery's eyes then flicked back to Kahlil to offer him a warm smile, and to listen to the little conversation about his father and the way Danger had maneuvered around it to avoid... well, danger. She internally snorted at her stupid little word play, and just kept a loving gaze on her beloved.


Sarlow Zambrano

Sarlow followed as Lina had directed with her on his arm, the man felt as if he could do anything. While Lina complimented the man's work with the Tsis'kaar who in his opinion were no more than mere children playing with toys. He remained silent, after all, if one had nothing good to say then it was best not to say anything at all. Silently he stood, and then Malum opened his mouth and it seemed to Sarlow that perhaps Malum's mouth was, as they children say, writing checks that perhaps his body may not wish to cash.

Still, the Wolf Prince refrained from any wasted breath that would be addressing Malum entirely outside of the routine greetings. Empyrean was a fool, and a selfish one at that. Sarlow knew his father's flaws well but had not the Empire, twice if not thrice, thrived under his tutelage? Thoughts being as they were, were stashed as he gave the routine greeting. Except, "you can do so yourself, my father stands over there. Surely a Sith of your... renown," whoever in the Netherworld he was, "has no qualms of simply greeting him, mhmm?"

Sarlow noticed the wince, and concealed his own inner smirk. "After all, since the Tsis'kaar are doing so well, under your guidance. I'm sure my father would be quite pleased to speak with you." The Panathan God-Prince turned and scanned the area, it must suit a man of Malum's type to meet him. "In fact, perhaps I can bring him here to you."

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Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira || Ansisa Ansisa || Vazz Vazz

The Chiss woman held her own against him. His muscles tensed a little and continued the steady pressure against her. Her ability to quickly fall back upon steady footwork caught his attention for a brief moment. For a moment, there was both a stalemate and the possibility of one of them making the first move. Peering through his glasses into Ansisa's eyes, Drake's eyes never faltered or wavered in their narrow look. The way the Sith expressed her displeasure made her an open book to him in those few moments. However, the thought of ending this confrontation as quickly as possible remained at the forefront his mind. Prolonged fighting in the gala would do him no favors.

Then, that same static began to buzz inside of his head. The sensation he knew all too well traveled up and down his back. His forehead creased further as his eyes became no longer narrowed out of disapproval but tension. A presence previously invisible made himself know outside the peripheral of Drake's vision. The two Sith talked familiarly with one another. Acquaintances at the least. Although, Drake noticed the Chiss woman had gone completely still with the appearance of the Defel. She was too tense, too stiff.

More than acquaintances then.

Looking back and forth between the Defel and the Chiss, Drake's hand shook for a brief moment before he opened his hand before tightening it in a fist. Not fear. A burst of adrenaline. That static feeling running along his body and bringing nothing but mild discomfort confirmed his suspicion as to what was happening. A force power attempting to influence him. This sensation of fear trying to override every other instinct and years of training.

Fear was a tool. It could help someone run faster, jump higher, fight harder, but it was useless and debilitating without control and the ability to push through it when necessary.

As for Ansisa, Drake's presence in the force was like electric static or an echo of a ghost. Difficult to ascertain and make sense of, not dissimilar to flashes of lighting in a surrounding area one moment being there and the next gone, appearing and disappearing fast and quick. Like his entire presence was actively attempting to cut himself off from the influence of the mystical energy yet not entirely able to completely separate himself from it.

The tension in his posture and his arm relaxed as Drake took a step back from both Defel and Chiss. He needed both of them clearly in his line of sight. Turning one's back on a pair of Sith was not the wisest maneuver unless necessary. Tilting his head to the side lightly as his eyes and other senses observed the pair for a moment, Drake made no move nor a remark in response to their attempts to irritate him.

Misconceived perceptions of himself could be detrimental but, in other contexts and circumstances, very beneficial. He did not care for their words. Attempts to get under his skin would take far more cunning than this conversation could offer, especially when he could see the annoyance in their eyes. Through his actions tonight, he has gotten underneath their skin.

Instead he stepped sideways and crouched to have Ms. Vizsla take up the majority of his vision as he kept the Sith in his peripheral--not letting them out of sight, Drake's hands offered the handkerchief and the drink.

"I figured you may need these," Drake spoke calmly, "If you need to grieve privately, I recommend one of the guest rooms. One of the attendants can take you."

Unlike the Sith, there was no use pretending to be her friend or even attempting to come across as an ally, especially not after the Chiss's saccharine smile and words. Whether or not Ms. Vizsla accepted his advice or the items he held, Drake would wait a few moments before setting aside the items onto the fountain. Standing up and adjusting the cuff of his suit before tugging on his collar for a moment, his gaze settled upon both Sith.

"Are you both quite finished?" It was an unamused rhetorical question as he continued to speak. His eyes were relaxed and his posture became more loose, unbothered.

"You can both choose to walk away and enjoy the rest of your evening in peace, provided you leave this woman alone," Drake's eyes peered steadily at the pair, "Or you both can be escorted away."

It mattered little to him what they chose or thought of him. They could call him hero or dog. What he saw before him were a pair of snakes intent on injecting their venom into a grieving woman.​




The situation kept escalating. In silence, Elise miserably looked down as multiple people fought over... her, apparently.

"You interrupted my conversation for your misguided hero complex. If she needed saving, she would save herself, she doesn't need the likes of you deciding for her."

Hero complex.

Elise scoffed, a small smile was forming in her tear stained face. She knew exactly how difficult having a hero complex, and failing every time in it, was. She was stunned when the stranger who stepped in to defend her knelt down to her. In her vulnerable state of silence, she took the items as if her limbs were made of glass, staring blankly at the napkin and bottle. Was that booze? She hoped it was booze. Regardless of it all, she was quite unsure as to what to do with these, despite appreciating the good intentions.

She wasn't saving herself.

She gritted her teeth. She had never deserved to be saved.

Anger pulsed within her. At the pity of the man, and at the prowling of these wolves, she felt anger. She gnashed her teeth and growled, finally breaking her silence.

"Be quiet, wolves. I'm a gluten for punishment, but I won't let another person be targeted on my account."

She stood up, still crying. Tears, sweat droplets, and grass stains dirtied her wrinkled dress. She looked utterly depressed as she looked at the young man, but she offered a sad smile. She didn't want pity, but she still appreciated how he stood up for her.

"Thank you. You're sweet, but you don't have to look out for me. It's no use for you to get hurt over a nobody."

She shot a glare at the Chiss, and the newcoming hound. She could sense their ill intent. Intent to take advantage of her pain. For the sake of others, she was unwilling to let that happen... unless it would effect only her. She clenched the handkerchief in her gloved fist, and she warned them both.

"Leave me alone..."

She turned her back on all three, defeated but still kicking. She walked away, at least as far as she was allowed to. She planned on running deeper into the garden. Deeper into isolation. It was where she belonged...

Damian A. Drake Damian A. Drake Ansisa Ansisa Vazz Vazz





"I am a Defel, miss Vizla. Not a wolf. Please don't refer to me as those animals."

Once again the racism was clear as day. He let out a heavy sigh as the fear he exuded snuffed out. The man was trained, not just a random wannabe hero looking to pick up a vulnerable woman. Which meant he would be a good target.

He glanced to Ansisa, smiling.

You may; but only once you've compiled a report on him. I expect every part of his life to be noted before you will be allowed to hunt.

Information gathering was the most important skill an Assassin could have for themselves after all.

His ear flicked as the man continued to speak before the Defel looked to him. Raised a brow.

"You are not a guard here. On the other hand, Lord Malum would like to speak with the miss Vizla here. If anything, you are the one who shall be escorted away."

Not a lie, technically.

"Would you like to see him now? Or gather yourself?"

Damian A. Drake Damian A. Drake | Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira | Ansisa Ansisa


Tags: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el
In the Royal Gardens of THEED


Had it really been that long?

The last time Jun had seen Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el was on Coruscant, at the Jedi Temple. She'd quite literally bumped into him during her first visit to the New Jedi's mainstay, and while they fell out of contact in the months that followed, Jun still considered him to be a friend. He must have felt the same, she reasoned as strode down the stone pathways of the Royal Gardens. Jalen had reached out to her and requested to meet on Naboo to discuss... something. He was vague, perhaps intentionally, about the details.

Jun brushed her knuckles against the red petals of the Queen's Hearts that wrapped around a stone column. They guided her deeper into the Gardens, until at last she saw her star-crossed companion. She approached with a nervousness she wasn't used to feeling. The only person who'd ever gave her butterflies was Aiden Porte Aiden Porte but this was different.

Whatever Jalen had seen must have been big, if he went to the trouble of finding her.

"Jalen," the girl said. She offered a kind smile.

"It's good to see you again. I hope you've been well, since last we met."



"I did not."

He chuckled. It was good that at least Valery did to help cut down the expression he would've given before he could control it. But rather than linger the awkwardness and the embarrassment of it, he nodded to Danger. He wasn't surprised. It was why he held respect for her. It was pretty clear what happened when trade was cut from organizations like the Sith.

The people under them were those who suffered from being unable to get necessary supplies.

"It's good that the people who need the help get it, for sure. Someone has to be able to."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell


BB-610 BB-610

Braze's smile widened as he observed the tiny crystal in the droid's small hand. He gracefully lowered himself to one knee, bringing himself closer to the droid's level for a better view of the crystal. "Oh yeah? That's pretty amazing," he remarked, his voice tinged with genuine interest and a hint of wonder. The crystal, though small, seemed to hold a special significance, and Braze's curiosity was piqued.

He looked at the droid, his pale jade eyes reflecting a touch of curiosity and thoughtfulness. "Looks like you have your own unique little crystal to take good care of," he stated, his tone encouraging. Braze's gaze lingered on the crystal, considering its potential uses and significance to the droid.

"Are you going to use it for anything special?" Braze asked, his curiosity now fully engaged. He tried to envision how a droid like Bee could utilize such a crystal. The possibilities seemed vast, and Braze was eager to learn more about the droid's plans for this unique item.

Tags : Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Eyebrows raised in slight surprise at the mention of Danger being excited that he and Ellie were finally together. That was a new development, at least new to him.

After their meeting on Celestia Station, Makai hadn't been so sure that the Trade Queen was all too keen on her daughter being with him. Not that Danger didn't love him, no, but it was different when it came to matters of the heart.

Hard work of proving himself to be capable as a future son-in-law had clearly been paying off.

"That is wise, I wouldn't want to be stepping on the toes of a mother-to-be."

That would be mortifying. Not to mention dangerous for himself, no need to anger a woman that would likely tear him limb from limb.

As for dancing with Danger? Much of the same. Perhaps Thirty-Seven, his protocol droid, could provide himself as a partner for evening.

"I would appreciate it, but only if you aren't horribly busy with your new arrival. I'll be sure my protocol droid provides contact information."

Better Mrs. Noble provide a bit of instruction than say, Casteel.
Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Judah had spotted the redhead looking at him more than once during the evening. Which implied he was looking at her as well, subtly checking in on the Trade Queen. While she was with Makai, the elder Dashiell still wanted to ensure things were running smoothly.

With the final glance, he decided not to leave the ballroom and go smoke in the courtyard. That was his go-to, mingle for a moment only to hang out and puff on a cigarra, people watching.

He could hear the conversation as he drew near, the offer for Danger to dance with Makai. Now there was a mistake, his boy was uncoordinated as a newborn fawn. Judah wasn't sure where Makai had got it from ; he and his ex-wife had excellent reflexes as former fighter pilots.

Must have skipped a generation.

"How about the other Dashiell? A consolation prize, but I'm sure you can survive my presence for five minutes or so."

A grin was tossed in Danger's direction before acknowledging his presence to the group.

"Son, hello."

Hand extended to the couple, greeting them both. It wasn't a pair he recognized, so not involved in business as far as he was aware. Perhaps a friend of Danger's.

"Judah Dashiell, pleasure to meet the both of you, and congratulations as well. Best of luck during those sleepless nights."


Objective 1
Tag: Caelia Lamora
Outfit: xxx

"I usually work solo, but occasionally I end up in a group," Tod explained. His work, often involving targets or theft, demanded agility, and managing even a small group hindered his ability to act swiftly. "My line of work typically demands me to be quick on my feet, and I cannot with even a small group."

She had decided to grab new drinks and proclaimed about showing off her skills as a negotiator. He chuckled, responding, "Negotiations look promising for you; you'll likely get what you want." Despite his lack of insight into the negotiation process, he maintained a light-hearted demeanor.

When Tod’s arm was grabbed he instinctually flinched slightly, but caught himself before he made any large responses. Not many people grabbed him, and having it happen threw him off for a moment. Though he understood the notion and started leading her towards where some servers were to order new drinks.

Upon being asked about his planet, Tod thought back to his many years on it. “It was dry and humid, a bit of a misery to be on.” He started, “I much prefer Naboo, not as hot or dry. I’ve explored the forests here a little but I really only came for the party. What about you, are you enjoying your stay?

Upon reaching the bar, Tod ordered, “A red wine for my lovely acquaintance and whiskey on the rocks for me.


OBJECTIVE I: Great Ballroom | Objective III
Open for interaction or chatting| Glistaweb Outfit & Items | x | x | x |
Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

It was good that they all had a good chuckle over Danger's silly verbiage. One had to learn how and when to accept a joke at ones expense to keep things cordial. In this instance, it was necessary so that Makai didn't end up with weird rumors spreading about his and Myra's relationship. Even Kahlil had admitted that he had not caught on like his wife and had considered that Myra and Makai were involved in some incestuous relationship. Thankfully, it was now clear that it wasn't the case.

Mentally, Danger chided herself anew. It was a testament that the widow was still not quite one hundred percent. Who knew that she could make such a mistake at this stage of her life? Something for her to consider. To be cognizant of.

She couldn't let her mouth run off like that again in public.

At Valery Noble Valery Noble 's offer of assisting Makai with dancing lessons after the baby's birth, Danger was notably touched. While Danger could help Makai, learning from someone else would likely be best. Otherwise, it would feel too much as if one was getting dance lessons from their mother, and what grown man would want to experience that?

Grateful that Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell appeared to be receptive, Danger gave a nod in gratefulness, "That's so sweet of you to offer!" her smile broadened when Makai offered to exchange contact information. A thought came to her that she should get that information from Makai afterward and perhaps delivery the Nobles a gift. Arceneau Trade had made previous donations to different Jedi Orders, so perhaps the nobles may be so inclined to accept a few. Danger made the mental note to set for delivery from the EdenProject's Biodomes Bota M9-A2 shrubs and a living Tree of Ankarres for the Nobels. "I'm sure Myra will appreciate it afterward, now that you're escortin' her to events."

Since Makai had returned, Casteel Mer'taal Casteel Mer'taal had stepped back from being Myra's contracted long-term Companion escort. It was fine, as Danger provided him with plenty of compensation for his loyalty and work. Besides, it appeared the young Anaxian was in the throes of putting his full energy into establishing Corseca Bank. Odds were, the young man was somewhere around here as well.

"Of course, as long as time and family allow it," She smiled at Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble and Valery Noble Valery Noble again, "Reckon you'll want plenty of time to get settled in with your little one once the time comes."

Of course, that's when the low tenor of another familiar Dashiell entered the scene. Emerald eyes flickered over to meet the oceanic orbs of Judah Dashiell, Makai's father. Brows gave a slight incline at his offer to dance.

"Judah," Danger gave a nod and an incline of her head in greeting, although she also couldn't help but glance over at Judah. The redhead wasn't sure where the two men stood, so she wanted to make sure Makai was okay. "Thought I saw you wanderin' about...Reckon I could handle you for five minutes, but will your knees be up to it?" she joked, making a reference to his ability to handle himself on the dance floor.



Tags: Jun Chiyo Jun Chiyo



"It's good to see you again. I hope you've been well, since last we met."

"Hey," Jalen greeted, offering as much of a smile he could muster. "Likewise, Jun. Glad my contact info wasn't completely out of date..."

It had admittedly been some time since they had last met. Jalen was probably rather different. A few years ago he was a rather soft spoken boy. Nervous, timid, anxious. Now he had field experience and retrospective on his side. He was still blind though, and had a hallikset slung over his shoulder.

"I've been... good, I think," he noted. "Well, I guess that's a bit complicated..."

Wow. He really had not formulated his talking points very well here. How did he even tackle this?

"Have... you ever recieved a vision before?" the medic asked. "I gotta admit, this is a first for me. It's a little... overwhelming."




It was a name Kahlil knew well. And a face he actually recognized. There were few things in this galaxy that could cause him to act out on impulse. Threats against his family was one of the all time top. But so was sexually harassing his wife. The Judah he knew of was one such individual, constantly talking about his wife's ass to edge her on into smacking him like they were teenagers and he had no concept of how to flirt.

To him, that man that cowardly avoided ever interacting with Kahlil had just casually walked up like nothing happened. So he did the first thing that came to mind. Threw a punch right for his jaw.

Then blinked as he heard the last name midpunch. Whoops.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell | Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

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