Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction NJO/GA | Brick By Brick

Objective III
Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el

Her part of this operation seemingly done, given that Jalen had offered no further instructions as to what he wanted her to do next, all that was left for Teynara to do was watch him: the precise way that he applied a suitable antiseptic to the wound to prevent further infection, and then cleaning the injury to ensure that any debris that might have remained didn't stay that way. Infection was truly one of the worst dangers faced by those with injuries: it was bad enough to have suffered at all, but it would only serve to inhibit proper healing if something provoked an immune response because it wasn't supposed to be there.

It was then that Jalen did something extraordinarily strange: he placed his hand over the wound and simply stood still for what seemed like an eternity, his focus clearly elsewhere, something clearly passing between him and their patient without words being spoken or communication exchanged. Teynara couldn't work out what was going on - it was almost as if Jalen had frozen in the middle of an action, but equally...there was something more. To her, it felt like a vibration in the back of her mind, something not quite right, but she had no other reason to imagine that anything was wrong.

A little while after, Jalen came out of whatever trance he'd fallen into, seemingly as if nothing unusual had happened, but the body language he was projecting all suggested mild satisfaction - appropriate, considering that he had successfully treated another patient. That's surely all it is. Perhaps he was just tired and had zoned out there for a minute, but was back with it now. He clearly had a lot going on right now, so maybe it was only to be expected if he zoned out for a few minutes here and there. Might be the only way he'll make it through the day, at this rate.

He went back to ignoring her for a moment whilst he ran a diagnostic on their patient, and his conclusion seemed to suggest a positive prognosis - something to be pleased about, that was for sure. She breathed out a short sigh of relief at that, happy enough that this particular ordeal was over, and they could move on to whatever the next one might be. There'll be no shortage of people to treat today, I expect, she thought with a hint of resignation, but she also felt determined to help as best she could - that was what they were doing here, after all.

His comments about causing distress and suggesting that she "felt uneasy" oddly put her guard back up there for a moment - although it was an accurate enough assessment, it wasn't possible that he could have read that from her body language unless he really wasn't blind, and that made her feel momentarily as if she had been deceived. Or maybe just stupid, because you're the one making that assumption in the first place, Tey! Regardless...she wasn't the patient, so she wasn't sure why this Jedi was trying to dissect her emotional state at a time like this.

"I'm used to people being blunt," she noted calmly, though her tone was a touch more distant than it had been before, a shield to hide behind as she processed her own feelings on the matter. "It's probably better for people to be that way sometimes - saves you having to work out what they actually want from you." The young woman offered something of a shrug there, her pale-blue eyes focusing on the sightless ones now swung in her direction. "And you certainly know what you're doing, so I can hardly object to following along."

Which doesn't quite clear up the mystery of you, she thought, inwardly sighing at the thought. She knew Jedi could be...well, weird, but this one was in a whole category of his own. A blind man that seems to see more than I can, and who has no problem performing complex medical procedures despite that. And he didn't even seem to be that much different to her in age. I don't think I'm anywhere near that complicated, though. She'd only just started her training - but if Jalen was any indication, she really wasn't sure exactly who was going to be the end result.

"You didn't really need my help, though, did you?", she asked out of genuine curiousity. The way he handled himself, the way he approached the patient's concerns without any hesitation, even knowing exactly where to cut, and what needed to be done to stabilise them...the only thing he seemed to need was a vacation to make him feel better after all was said and done. "Not that I don't appreciate you saving me from my own predicament there."


Oh they fly now.

Aris gritted his teeth as he steadied his stance. Seszil on his back immediately sprang to life, the floating sword flashing silver to float around him. Fire was new, unexpected. He brought his lightsaber up, waited as one of the Hex Devils charged down. In a flash he split it in half before Seszil carved through another. He was calm, collected. Ready.

He shrugged off one of the flames that hit him. His ody could withstand heat and-


Aris blinked in surprise before flailing his arm wildly to snuff out the flame that had burnt his already heated skin. Fire didn't hurt him, why did this? He gritted his teeth as Seszil hovered around him defensively. He couldn't just shrug off their fire, then. That wasn't ideal.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Matthew of Valendale Matthew of Valendale
Darth Defias Darth Defias

Linda Javand stepped off the airspeeder with the official form on construction regulation and safety violation protocols already loaded onto her datapad.

Her boss, Teckla Kene, had called her on an off day to come in to work during one of the most hectic periods of Coruscanti reconstruction. She'd specifically requested her vacation days for this period, but that womp-rat sucking piece of bantha waste had repeatedly denied them on frivolous grounds. Now she knew why.

As she stepped up to the construction site, she found a fat man sunbathing in front of the half constructed Alliance office for measurements and standards. Sunbathing! On a site of reconstruction! Here on Coruscant, the crown jewel of the Core!

She approached the man, face already twisted in a grim visage of disbelief.

"You! What do you think you are doing? Where is your supervisor?" She began yelling, already noting down several points against the contractor designated to work this site.

"And button up that shirt!"

Zsinj shared laughter over a particularly crude joke as he sat opposite Teckla Kene, in the man's spacious office within the Commission of Health, Safety, and Occupational Hazards of Coruscant's temporary housing.

"You know, Mr. Zsinj," Teckla began.

"Oh, it's Kercez to you," Zsinj lied through his teeth in a most cordial tone.

"Kercez, you know, I'm going to have a lot of officials sending me passive aggressive holomail over this. I can't remember the last time I sent out this many of my folks to investigate construction sites. Don't you worry, though, we'll know soon enough if something foul is afoot during the reconstruction efforts," Teckla said.

"Thank you, Teckla. It puts my mind at ease to know the jewel of the Core is in good hands. If these allegations forwarded to me turn out to be true and these companies are breaking violations, what kind of shoddy worksmanship can we expect for the very buildings meant to represent the Alliance? These duracrete giants are what every citizen in the galaxy thinks of when they think of civilization. We can't have them made by men and women who don't even care about their workers!"

"Precisely!" Teckla let out a few notes of laughter. He caught his breath and continued. "It's not often you meet one of you political types who really understands the importance of this kind of work. Rules and regulations must be followed or we lose what makes civilization so functional!"

"Why of course," Zsinj replied, waving agreement with his hand. "Rules separate us from beasts, after all."
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Tags: Teynara Jeralyr Teynara Jeralyr



"You didn't really need my help, though, did you?"

"Perhaps," Jalen shrugged. "I could have done it alone. I could fight an opponent on my own too and win. That doesn't mean I'd rather it be that way. You saved me and this patient very valuable time. That could be the difference between walking out of here and needing to be moved to a bacta tank."

And it was as simple as that. Jalen thought over some of the moods her aura had portrayed while she had been assisting him. She had seemed to be confused when he had been using Force heal, a standard amongst the medical wing of the Temple. It seemed to suggest that she was new to all of this, something Jalen hadn't taken into consideration. It explained why she was so concerned by his blindness initially. In this isntance, despite being likely the same age, Jalen was her senior. That ment he had a responsibility to explain himself.

"You're new here, correct?" the padawan asked, "Uh, that's more rhetorical than anything. I can explain some things so you aren't as confused. This isn't exactly a good environment for new Jedi trainees to be thrown into without any preparation."

Jalen paused, gesturing to the now sealed wound of the patient. He placed a bacta patch over the skin and proceeded to continue speaking.

"What I used was called Force heal," he explained. "A transfer of energy from my body to the patient to help encourage the healing process to occur faster. You... felt confused when my movement became still. I was focusing to seal the injury." Oh, right. He should also explain that other thing. "When I say 'felt,' I mean through the Force. Life energy moves through and around all things, giving people a... sort of presence. I like to call them 'auras' so that people can better visualize it. I cannot properly see, but these auras tell me more about an object, person, or whatever else than might be obvious to the naked eye. Whenever you feel a particular emotion, the Force changes around you."

He began to wash up the work station, making sure to get up every last bit of blood from the patient. It was moreso going through the motions, but he did need to keep productive while he explained things to Tey. It helped the work flow of their makeshift ward to keep moving in a productive direction.

"I've been training to be a medic for some time now," Jalen admitted. "I'm not upset. I'm just going through the motions."



Objective: II The Depths Below
Location: Coruscant, Undercity


With the rescue team that he was working with being blown to smithereens by the very people they were trying to rescue. It set Ko on a warpath. Delving into the lower levels of the city. Willing to give no mercy and no quarter to any enemy combatants. Rationalizing that if Imperial soldiers were still fighting this long then it would be foolish to expect them to surrender now. Postponing the retributive justice he saw fit would only lead to more lives being lost needlessly. By being here causing destruction the Imperial soldiers remaining already dug their graves, now they needed to be put to rest in them.

Ko had caught wind of a sizable force of Storm Troopers using a skyscraper as an improvised fortress within the undercity. The building was crawling with Imperials. Blowing it up with overwhelming force was ill-advised since it may just cause more needless destruction around the neighborhood it was in. An outcome nobody wanted during a time of what was supposed to be recovery and reconstruction. The Imperials set up numerous traps and kill zones within the lower floors of the building. But arriving via aircraft was out of the question since they had numerous rocket launchers to ward off against an aerial assault. Turning this pocket of fighting into a rather lengthy siege.

The young Kel Dor was going to bring a swift end to the fighting there. Dashing across the roofs of neighboring buildings to gain some momentum and speed. Pushing his legs as hard as he could until he got to the ledge of the closest adjacent roof. Without missing a beat Ko summoned his Force energies and launched himself high up into the air towards the skyscraper turned fortress. Leaping with tremendous velocity until he almost collided with the structure. He pushed his hand forwards to create a telekinetic blast from himself to shatter a transparisteel window before falling inside with a dexterous roll once his feet made contact with the floor.

Ko found himself in the middle of a hallway. Standing up tall, his robes billowed some against the breeze that was now carried into the building from the window he shattered to enter. Before him were a few storm troopers, clearly shocked over the sudden Jedi invading their makeshift fortress here in the undercity. Letting out a deep breath through his antiox mask Ko held his hands out a bit on both sides of himself. Telekinetically summoning both his main lightsaber and shoto in either hand before igniting the dual blades. Illuminating the area around him in an emerald glow. Ready to bring any imperial who didn't surrender on the spot to justice, and to show them all what a true son of the Empire looks like…

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Efret Farr Efret Farr Colette Colette Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce
With the outbreak of war on the shores of the Alliance once again, war that very much targeted her Order as the Dark was wont to do, Ichika Masudo had entered into the process of pulling herself back from the tertiary concerns that had entwined with her work, and was now free to focus solely on the Jedi. She was outnumbered by her secular colleagues by a considerable margin; they would manage well enough without her direct hand in the particular programs and precepts that she had developed for clinical practice and research.. They were now knowledgeable enough to better aid the non-force-sensitive populace when they were affected by that which would usually concern Jedi alone.

When they too were preyed upon by the Dark Side. When ‘holy wars’ shifted, if not twisted, their entire life and worldview. Groups such as the New Way gained prominence because too little was done to mitigate the worst outcomes. The Sith continued to resurge time and time again in part because some may feel they have no other option, for a multitude of reasons. Wars and their enactors did not narrow their scope to the strongest of their adversaries. They never did. Mercy, as they would say, was for the weak.

They were abundantly wrong.

The half-Zeltron had done much of her reading on the insidiousness and history of the Dark Side and research for her doctorate while curled up with her cat, a spukamas she had named Haru. An unusually intelligent species of housecat that had taken well to her bonding touch as a kitten, and grown to be more obedient and companionate than the average member of her species… though she was still acerbic about other spukamas, and judged people perhaps a tad unfairly at times before warming to them. Though Ichika had often arrived with the beautiful, long-haired black feline in tow when coming to read or receive materials from the Archives, today the girl was left to her own company at home.

Haru never seemed to mind it. She was, after all, still a cat... which meant there was no telling how she might react to, say, Nirrah the Condor, for example.

No, today Ichika’s purpose in heading to the Archives was twofold: one, to observe the current state of the repository of Force knowledge and see what help she could offer, and two, to congratulate a recent acquaintance (and the woman said condor was a guide to) on her ascension to the Jedi Council. Having been directed that she could find the woman in the Temple Museum, Ichika had realised she wouldn’t be the only one with similar designs on one of those two purposes, but when she arrived, she knew immediately that she shouldn’t have been surprised at who else she found present at the workshop.

With Jasper following the call of the Force and departing to seek it, seeing another familiar face in Gabriel so soon was a welcome surprise, perhaps moreso for the loss of one friend’s proximity. Perhaps this meeting would go more smoothly than the last. A woman could hope. Yet she only gave him a warm smile and a tip of her head, but one person as he was in the round of her greetings. It was proper to not linger in the direct company of others.

Master Pryce,” she said quietly when tipping her head, then she turned to the young lady, a padawan, one of a number of the Order’s padawans she had yet to meet… unless they ended up in her admittedly inviting office, one that was in the process of being relocated. Ichika bowed her head to the younger woman, “Hello, I am Master Masudo.

As for Efret, when the woman would look her way, Ichika would greet her then, in that nonverbal language she would now hopefully have more time and opportunities to practice. Just like she had practised this, knowing she was coming here and seeing Efret.

<Hello.> she would sign, <I congratulate you. Council, big calling.>


Dialogue notes
"Speaking" / <signing> / [thoughts]
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"Ho!" Drago burst off from his chair at the rapid encroaching storm in the shape of a woman dressed in the shoulder-squeezing, dry cleaned, and dull-colored uniform of the COHSO. As was by design.

He rolled into her trajectory, halting her stride like a cliff of boulders standing over a restless riptide. "It's lunch time! Can't the working man eat a prujoot sammich in peace from you bureaus?!" he snapped off his sunglasess and gestured with wide open arms that looked as heavy as the cranes looming abandoned over the construction site. Drago's two goons swiveled their heads around and snickered under their noses at the scene unfolding.

Kercez Zsinj Kercez Zsinj




There was, truly, only one thing different in this view of the ruined temple, and it was that, this time, it had not fallen to the Sith as it had when he was a younger man. Two different governments, two different Orders, each acting in different ways, and the outcomes were unpredictable. And for a seer to admit the presence of chaos in the grand tapestry of time and existence was no unusual thing, given enough time. The future was ever in motion, and the past was sometimes not reticent to divulge its secrets.

As it might when he entered what was always his favoured kind of haunt in any temple of the Light - places like temple gardens, teeming with life, serene flowing waters like the Room of a Thousand Fountains - and at once gained the waning impression of something having happened here.

No less than what had happened all over this grand edifice, of course, but something particular and it was the way of him to indulge a little curiosity and see if the empyrean would give up more colours, more details as to what, beyond the rubble present throughout the temple, had transpired to upset the particular peace of this room. The impression here was a fair deal more subtle than everywhere else, which was more curious. Whether that was down to the nature of the room, or whatever encounter had happened within it couldn't be said without delving further into it.

And any chink in the armour of the Great Adversary was a boon.

Sighing faintly, Jan crouched, dropped a knee, brushed clear a spot on the cool stone floor, and laid that hand upon it. His eyes closed and he sunk himself in, at once centring himself and opening himself to the flow of time with incalculable ease, born of countless years of use. It would be in this state of meditation that he could be found, should anyone else also care to see what had become of this peaceful place.

In his opinion, they should.



Location: Temple Living Quarters
Objective: 1 - Rebuild (Social Objective)
Tags: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

Katarine was backing out of a set of living quarters with a box of debris in her hand. There was a large bin she had been using to clear the rubble out in the hallway. She was covered in dust, her long brown and white hair piled up on her head. Her gloved hands gripped the box firmly as she backed out and stopped abruptly at the sight of Connel.

“Connel.. I…”

She swallowed hard, not sure how to finish that sentence. He was probably still furious with her and with good reason. She had let an attachment draw her in and without even realizing it she had read his mind. He couldn’t possibly know she’d spent every waking moment since then meditating to let that attachment go. All around her the New Jedi Order formed them but Kat knew they were dangerous for her. Her past had proven that.

Her deep green eyes searched his face, unsure what to say. She wanted to help him. Even if she had let go of her feelings she could still sense that he was in trouble. But she was likely the last person he wanted to see. Had she known he was up here she would have volunteered somewhere else.

If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


Objective I: Reconstruction
(Social Objective)
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah | TAG (FOE) : Open​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

Connel was just starting to get back to work, when who comes into sight but Master Ryiah. She was obviously caught off guard after what happened, and it was understandable as he was a bit of a jerk. Sure, seeing Buster’s destroyed dog bed was bad, but he was not into any of this. It was a good time to make things right though.

[COLOR=RED[Master Ryiah, I wanted to apologize.[/COLOR]



Location: Temple Living Quarters
Objective: 1 - Cleaning (Social Objective)
Tags: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

“Oh.. no… it’s me who should be sorry. And I am… I….”

She trailed off as she saw the destroyed dog bed. Her deep green eyes welled up with tears. Katarine loved animals and the thought of any of them suffering an invasion, especially that sweet little puppy. It was too much.

“Do you know if he was here?”

She wondered if they should go searching or If maybe Buster was already on another planet. She couldn’t stand the alternative.

If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


Objective I: Reconstruction
(Social Objective)
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah | TAG (FOE) : Open​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

No Master Ryiah, I stand by my feelings, but you deserve more respect than I gave. I know better and did not show it. There was a better way to address how I felt.

She did not have to know Connel well to see that he meant every word. She may be acting differently around him now, but that was his fault, not hers. Then she saw Buster's bed and asked about “wiggle butt”.

As he stood in the dimly lit corridor leading to his quarters in the once majestic Jedi Temple on Coruscant. The air was heavy with the scent of smoke and destruction, a stark reminder of the recent attack that had left the temple in ruins. As he gazed at the charred walls and debris scattered across the floor, his heart ached for all that had been lost.

But amidst the chaos and devastation, there was one thought that weighed heavily on Connel's mind - his beloved dog and best friend, a loyal companion who had been by his side through thick and thin. Connel had affectionately nicknamed him "wiggle butt" for his playful nature and boundless energy.

As Connel stood there, memories of their adventures together flooded his mind. He remembered the way wiggle butt would greet him with wagging tail and excited barks whenever he returned from a mission. He remembered the long walks they would take through the temple gardens, the quiet moments of companionship that brought him solace in times of turmoil.

But now, as Connel stood in the wreckage of the temple, he couldn't shake the fear that his furry friend might have been caught in the crossfire of the attack. He hoped against hope that wiggle butt had somehow managed to escape unscathed, finding safety in the chaos that surrounded them.

But deep down, Connel knew that the odds were not in their favor. The temple had been overrun by enemies, and the thought of his loyal companion being in harm's way tore at his heart. He closed his eyes, willing himself to accept the harsh reality that wiggle butt might not have survived.

Tears welled up in Connel's eyes as he whispered a silent prayer for his furry friend, hoping that wherever he was, he was safe and unharmed. He vowed to find him, to search every corner of the galaxy if he had to, until he was reunited with the little guy who had brought so much joy and love into his life.

As Connel turned to walk towards his quarters, a sense of determination washed over him. He would not rest until he had found wiggle butt, until they were together once more. And as he took his first step forward, he knew that their bond was unbreakable, that nothing could keep them apart for long. For Jedi Knight Connel Vanagor and his loyal companion, the force of their love would guide them through even the darkest of times.

No, Padawan Ryana mina Ryana mina has been taking care of him since my swim in bacta… She's strong, resourceful and more than capable of finding safety for her and Buster as well as her best friend “Pip”. I hope they are okay, but I have to be prepared for the other possibility.



Location: Living Quarters
Objective: 1 Cleaning
Tags: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

No, Padawan Ryana mina Ryana mina has been taking care of him since my swim in bacta… She's strong, resourceful and more than capable of finding safety for her and Buster as well as her best friend "Pip". I hope they are okay, but I have to be prepared for the other possibility.

“I’m sure she got him out in time. She is like you said … resourceful.”

Katarine swallowed hard. She couldn’t stand the thought of anything bad happening to Buster.

She took the box she was carrying over to the bin and dumped it in, blinking back tears at the thought of all the animals caught in the suffering.

“Maybe you can try to reach out to her.”

She spoke with her back to him, and ran her hands over eyes to clear her tears.

“I can’t believe there is so much … gone..”


Objective III
Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el

Good to know that I stand out as a trainee from a mile off, Tey thought ruefully, listening to Jalen's explanation. It was good to hear him acknowledge that she had helped - her fear had been that he would admit that he hadn't needed it, and he was just trying to make her feel needed, even if she wasn't. But it was unfortunate that she stood out to him as unprepared. True that I'm not really Jedi-trained yet, but I at least have enough medical training to help out.

Still, he was right that this wasn't exactly the appropriate environment for someone new to the Jedi's ways - but it struck her that didn't have a whole lot of choice. The idea of taking your time and waiting until you're ready falls to the wayside when confronted with an attack and people in harm's way. In moments like that, it didn't matter what training you did or didn't have: you either froze up and proved yourself a hindrance, or you stepped up and did what you could, even if it wasn't as much as you might have wanted to accomplish. And these Jedi are very "sink or swim" kind of people, it seems.

In some respects, she could see the wisdom of it - all the training one might experience in a classroom environment was relatively useless until you could see how someone might respond outside of it. You could sew the neatest sutures ever seen in a practice room, and yet your hands still might shake when confronted by the adrenaline of a real emergency. For the moment, however, without that basic training...she did feel out of her depth, and Jalen had only served to underscore that reality for her.

"I don't think any of us were really given the choice to be here, and that goes double for the people you're working to treat." Whether you expected an attack or not, it was rare that anyone ever actually expected to be injured in the process of it, and clean-ups after the fact were always going to be a little on the messy side. "As I understand it, Jedi always want to help others, so even those of us who don't have much in the way of training should still try to pitch in."

Jalen's next words were...well, absurd, on the face of it. The other Jedi had spoken to her about the Force before, mostly in calm, reverential tones that suggested it to be something transcendent and a little beyond sentient understanding, and obviously the term had entered the common vernacular...but none of them had articulated it in the way that Jalen just had. I'd always thought it an article of faith...the idea that it might be something that might help inform decisions or enable them to go beyond their natural capabilities...that did explain a few things.

Separating hard fact from fiction had always been the difficult part when it came to knowing what the Jedi were. The Holonet always showed heroic holo-dramas, suggestive of great feats and astonishing capabilities...but with no explanation as to how these things happened. Teynara had largely dismissed it as hyperbole and dramatised fiction: no doubt Jedi had stepped up at critical moments, but to do what they were said to have been capable of? It never seemed possible.

You can't doubt the evidence of your own eyes, though. Not always true, she acknowledged, but most of the time it struck her as an appropriate truism. And how else to explain what I've just seen him do? She wasn't one for just accepting the first explanation offered...but absent a better one, how could she doubt?

" can't see, but you can still pick up enough sensory data to form an impression of your environment as though you could?", she asked, knowing that she was being blunt - and certainly moreso than she'd intended initially - but it seemed like the best way to go from awareness to understanding. "That's how you know where I am...and how to treat an injury like that even if you can't see it?" It all seemed extraordinary to her...but the young woman couldn't deny that she'd seen him accomplish exactly that. "Being capable of're making good use of your talents, I think."
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


Objective I: Reconstruction
(Social Objective)
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah | TAG (FOE) : Open​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

I’ve been trying, but I don't have her contact information. I have feelers out and a message from a clinic down on level 1000. I’ll be going there in a little bit.

Unintentionally sparked by her comment, the images of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant flooded his mind, filling him with a sense of dread and anger. He could see the flames engulfing the once majestic building, the bodies of his fellow Jedi lying lifeless on the ground. Connel was not here when it happened, the “why” has been documented.

As he closed his eyes, he could hear the screams of his friends and mentors echoing in his ears. The darkness that had descended upon the temple was overwhelming, and Connel could feel the weight of it pressing down on him.

His heart raced as he imagined the horrors that had taken place within the walls of the temple. The thought of the Sith infiltrating their sacred space, destroying everything in their path, filled him with a burning rage.

Connel's hands clenched around his lightsaber, his knuckles turning white with the force of his grip. He could feel the power of the Force coursing through him, fueling his anger and pushing him towards the edge of control.

With a roar of fury, Connel leaped into action, his lightsaber cutting through the air with deadly precision. He moved with a speed and agility that belied his years, his mind focused solely on avenging his fallen comrades.

As he fought his way through the forest, his mind was consumed with thoughts of revenge. The images of the destruction of the Jedi Temple fueled his every move, driving him to push himself harder and faster than ever before.

But as he finally reached the clearing where his enemies awaited him, Connel's anger began to wane. The sight of the Sith standing before him, their cold eyes filled with malice, brought a sense of calm over him.

In that moment, Connel realized that his anger was not the answer. It was not the way of the Jedi to give in to hate and violence. With a deep breath, he let go of his anger and embraced the light side of the Force.

With a newfound sense of peace and clarity, Connel faced his enemies with a calm determination. He fought not out of anger or revenge, but out of a sense of duty and honor.

And as the battle raged on, Connel emerged victorious, his enemies defeated and the forest once again filled with peace. The images of the Jedi Temple still haunted his mind, but now they served as a reminder of the importance of staying true to the Jedi way.

As he stood amidst the wreckage of the battle, Connel knew that he would never forget the horrors that had taken place at the temple. But he also knew that he would never let his anger consume him again. He was a Jedi Knight, and he would always strive to uphold the values of peace, justice, and compassion.

Right? He wasn't here when it all happened, and while he wished he was more by the evidence, maybe it was best that he wasn't

My father taught me that “Light can shine even in darkness.” If we want this to mean something, all that and who was lost… we need to bring justice to them…

Justice… not Vengeance…



Objective 2
Vizion Trozky Vizion Trozky

Hopping from one roof to another with their jetpacks were fourteen commandos. Leading the way was Minerva. All around they could hear weapons fire and felt a great explosion erupting some distance away. Jumping off another ledge before speeding to the next she rushed through the top of the warehouse before stopping at the opposite edge. Using her rangefinder Minerva scanned one end to the other.

It wasn't long before Sumi beside her on the left reported

"Boss just got word. The Imps are faking distress signals and ambushing rescue teams. Sith monsters causing havoc as well."

Minerva squeezed her weapon in reasonse with narrowed eyes underneath the helm. A part of her understood about fighting one's enemies despite defeat but they really deserved no sympathy. As far as she was concerned the citizens down here matter infinitely more than any Imperialist zealot out there.

Turning to the commandos beside her she declared.

"Unless those stormtroopers lay down their weapons and remove their gear, take no chances. Every minute they keep fighting the more of our comrades and citizens die. Also watch out for those abominations rampaging around and Sith cultists as well. Am I understood?"

"Loud and clear Cap." Sumi answered, speaking for everyone else. Their expressions were grim and determined. They will do their duty.

With that Minerva jumped off the ledge rocketeering toward the next roof via jetpack. Her commandos followed close behind in the same manner.
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Location: Living Quarters
Objective: 1 (Social)
Tags: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

Katarine wasn’t sure what was happening with Connel. His emotions were heightened, and tending to anger, but then a calm washed over him suddenly. It was intense and she could feel it without even trying to. It was easy to see he was going through something but did she dare bring it up?

She bit her lip, watching him.

“Look I know you don’t know me very well… but … I’m a little worried about you. You’ve been… different… since your injury. Understandably … but …. I just…”

She trailed off. It sounded stupid and was likely to set him off again.

“I just want to make sure you are okay?”

If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


Objective I: Reconstruction
(Social Objective)
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah | TAG (FOE) : Open​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

Oh, here we go.

He had heard this story before, it was just like what happened to his father, The Jedi were starting to back off of him now, even more than they did when he was just shy(still is). Kat was a Master, no doubt she was under orders from the Council, from Jonyna Si Jonyna Si , or even Valery Noble Valery Noble herself. It wasn’t fair, he’d done nothing wrong. Sure, he was angry, but look around…

Master Ryiah… Kat, if I may… what I am about to say, I mean this as respectfully as I can. I understand you are worried, I probably would be in your position. I understand that you are only doing your job and want to weed out anyone who might be a threat, I get it. People here seem to think the worst of me… but look around. Isn’t everyone upset? The events of late? I mean, we lost Tython to these scumbags, we almost lost this very planet… and I swear…

Connell bellowed a laugh with no sense of joy, no sense of humility… no humor… no humanity at all as he looked out on the Horizon. He did not know how wrong he was, but it was who he was, his father had gone through this, always going through life alone and doing things alone, it is a trait that the younger Vanagor was stuck with.

... more of them are nearby… I can feel it in every fiber of my being…I know that no one here trusts me… I’m not stupid. Heh, everyone thinks that these prosthetics, these implants... these cybernetics are making me insane. Like I'm losing myself to the gifts I have... heh.... eeeeeveryone thinks little Connel is about to "fall".. right?

Holding up a calming hand and closing his eyes, he tried to be reassuring but probably came off more like he wanted her to “back off”. He would notice the difference but was distracted by the presence of the Dark Side.

Tell the Council that I’m fine, and that you’ll continue to spy on me for them. I’ll prove you guys wrong. Now, could we get back to work?

A scoff led into a smile, it was actually genuine, but a little sign of defeat. There was no anger or hurt this time. Just a lack of any real trust. He knew she would not stop checking up on him, he could at least think that he had some level of control over it. Then there was the presence again…

There it is again!.

She would feel nothing as there was nothing to feel.

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Location: Living Quarters
Objective: Try Not to Slap Connels Big Stupid Thick Head (written IC)
Tags: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

Katarine felt a wave of emotions as he spoke, and it took her a moment to realize they were her own. He started respectfully but the more he said the more annoyed she got. Was he that thick that the thought nobody could actually care for him? Was he so obtuse that he didn't realize she was here of her own volition, not of the councils, and that her care and concern was genuine? Ever since she met him she'd cared about him. They had been at that social gala and she saw him playing with Buster and immediately went over to say hello. Buster had charmed his way into her heart but the quiet shy man who dotted on his dog had also made his way in. A fat lot of good it had done her. He hadn't been very receptive to her at the party, and then when she showed up while he was floating in bacta naturally he wouldn't have known she was there. Hadn't he stopped to wonder WHY a woman he barely know had shown up on his deathbed and inserted herself into the investigation? She was certain his father or mother must have mentioned she came by. Didn't he realize that was because she cared?

The answer was no. Connel was so busy being misunderstood and assuming paranoid motives of the Jedi around him that he had become extremely thick headed. It was one thing for a man to be too slow to realize a woman was flirting but this, this was on an entirely differently level. He was taking her concern and throwing it back into her face. He was accusing her of being here under orders to check up on him, like all her efforts towards the man had meant nothing up until this point. Maybe they hadn't. She had never come out and admitted her feelings for him, and even now she didn't know what those feelings were anymore. He wasn't the man from before, that was certain, but that didn't mean she thought he was crazy. She had never said, nor to her knowledge had any other Jedi, said he was crazy.

"Tell the Council that I'm fine, and that you'll continue to spy on me for them. I'll prove you guys wrong. Now, could we get back to work? "

Her deep green eyes narrowed at him, and she suddenly found an intense urge to move forward and slap him for this rude accusation. But Katarine was a Jedi Master and that came with great control over herself, honed through years of work, experiences, and mistakes. She could see clearly now that attachments were a mistake, and this one especially would ruin her if she let it.

For a long moment she just stared at him, her eyes narrowed and the desire to slap him coursing through her. When she opened her mouth every word was measured, calm, and polite, but inside she was shaking with the effort of controlling her anger towards him.

"Well It seems like you have it all figured out Knight Vanagor, but let me remind you that your eyes, as well as your internal assumptions of others can deceive you. Don't trust them. "

She glared at him for another moment and picked up the empty box she had been using to clear debris.

"There it is again!"

She blinked, and looked around. She felt nothing around them. Was he making fun of her now? Acting crazy because he thought that's what they all expected of him?

"Yes we can return to work. If you will excuse me."

She carried the empty box with her and walked down the hall to find more debris to pick up.

If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


Objective I: Reconstruction
(Social Objective)
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah | TAG (FOE) : Open​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

What the?

She asked him if he was okay and was butt hurt with him telling her what was bothering him? Seriously? Are all women like this? The young Jedi Knight was not upset, not at all about this, he was dumbfounded, but not upset. Connel just watched Katarine walk away in a huff, let out a sigh and went back to work. After a few minutes, he reached into his left pocket and pulled out his holo.

Activating it, an image of a shifty looking Mon Calamari looking around filled up the shimmering blue light.

“Oh, it’s you, the kid… hey Vanagor I’m…”

I know, you’re “Tannet”, you do this every time. What do you want?

“Sheesh! Is that any way to talk to a guy who is doing you a favor? I mean you didn’t even ask me to do anything… ”

That’s because you lie too much, that is why my father stopped using you as a C.I. (Confidential Informant).

“Yeah, well… fine… I’ll just take my information elsewhere.”

Rolling his eyes and letting out a sigh, Connel just shook his head…


“First, let’s talk ‘payment’.”

Your payment will be nothing if your information is worthless.

“My information is worth millions…”

Goodbye, Tannet…

Connel went to shut the communicator off, or at least look like he was. Tannet was shifty and a coward, he would give in quickly and Vanagor knew this.

“Alright, Alright. You know that Padawan you’re lookin’ for? That one with the two pets? The Aak dog and the Racyon? I found her.”

I know, there are images of them posted on message boards.

There weren’t… but Tannet didn’t know that.

“No, I’m serious. She’s in a medi-clinic down on 1000. They’re all there.”

If this is another story…

“It’s not, I swear… I’ll even wait until you find them for payment.”

Karking right, you will.

“Hol… WAIT!”

Shutting off the comm, Connel grabbed his jacket off of the bannister and went to leave. This was not to abandon work, but if someone found Ryana mina Ryana mina , then that was just as important. This had nothing to do with Pip, or Buster, they were just an added bonus.

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