Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction NJO/GA | Brick By Brick


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery wasn't too concerned about these beasts. They were numerous but didn't seem threatening when she compared them to other Sithspawn she encountered. Her only concern, really, was her son. He was a capable fighter and clever, but he was also young and her son. She'd always worry about him, even if she'd turn old and gray one day and relied on his protection, rather than the other way around.

That concern only grew when one of those beasts burned him.

"Aris, careful!" she exclaimed with motherly worry in her voice, "Their fire isn't like ours. It's not natural!" She felt the darkness within those flames and jumped into action. They had burned her son, so all the brakes were off. She jumped and bounced through the air, swatting them down one after another.

"Matthew, I sense people up ahead!" They weren't the only ones in these lower levels, and civilians nearby were under attack. They'd have to find a way to reach them before it was too late.



Tags: Teynara Jeralyr Teynara Jeralyr


" can't see, but you can still pick up enough sensory data to form an impression of your environment as though you could?", she asked, knowing that she was being blunt - and certainly moreso than she'd intended initially - but it seemed like the best way to go from awareness to understanding. "That's how you know where I am...and how to treat an injury like that even if you can't see it?"

"Yeah... that's a good way to think about it," Jalen shrugged. "When you are forced to only feel through your senses, things become more clear. I can feel many things. The bonds between cells, the movement of individual digits in the body, where internal systems are responding to an injury or disease. The Force is a ledger of all things that occur within it and through it. It simply takes an open mind to read it. Perhaps it helps that I wasn't given a choice on how to percieve the world."

This was, typically, more advanced than the standard padawan. Jalen understood it well enough. He was really a golden child, in a sense, the student the Order looked towards to be a leading example. He was certain that many might even consider him waisting his talents confining himself to medical work. After all, he'd certainly make a great Sith slayer. That hardly mattered to him. Jalen worked hard and achieved results, simple as that. The only difference was a head start in training. He'd much rather focus on his work ultimately. That was far more fulfilling then whatever else was going on at the moment.

Of course, it did leave him in a position where he was a great deal more knowledgable than Tey. He probably needed to bridge that gap a little better.

"I've been studying here for a long time now," he added. "Since I was eleven. I wouldn't worry too much about trying to pick things up right away. Strengthening the senses takes time, and you've only just begun your training."

A frown came to his face, followed by a slight rotation of his head. He was still trying to figure out what direction was best for properly facing her.

"May I ask why you chose to join? At a turbulent time no less."


Objective III
Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el

Only feel through your senses? How else are you supposed to feel? That one rather confused her: everyone experienced the world through their senses, whether through sight, touch, taste, smell or sound. Some of the more exotic non-Numan species had even more senses to fall back on, and could pick up things that no Human could ever sense: some saw into different light spectrums, others could hear sounds that were inaudible to her, and more besides. Perhaps he's referring to something along those lines: another kind of sense that he has and I don't.

This "Force" as a ledger of all things...that sounded a little odd to her. It wasn't a concept that she'd ever come across, this idea that everything was just recorded on some level and was accessible only to a chosen few. Might explain a few things about the Jedi if it's true, but it sounds absurdly complex. So far, that seemed fairly reflective of her experience with the Jedi Order as a whole - and Jalen was just building onto that feeling.

When she'd first found herself in a position to be 'tested' by the Jedi, they said they were looking for evidence of what they'd referred to as "sensitivity to the Force", so perhaps that was what Jalen was talking about: the ability to sense this ledger of knowledge, and perhaps to read from it. But they said I had that capability, and I haven't the slightest idea how to do what he's suggesting. It clearly wasn't something obvious, given that you needed to study to accomplish it - but then how did the first Jedi ever manage to figure it out for themselves? That was a puzzle all by itself.

The only thing that made her feel better (so to speak) was Jalen's assertion that he'd been learning this since he was eleven years old - and he was clearly closer to her age now, so he'd been at it a while. If he can do it, there's no reason why I can't, even if it'll take me a while. His competence suggested long practice, but the ease by which he engaged with it suggested that maybe it was just a chance of figuring out how, and practicing relentlessly. And then maybe one day it'll all come naturally. You just have to unlock a floodgate first.

"It's going to sound ridiculous", she warned him with a faint smile. "My parents are both like you: they're medics, and I always thought I'd follow them and practice medicine. I enjoyed the idea, but I suppose...I wasn't quite ready to settle into that life just yet. It felt like there was more of the galaxy to see and more to do before then." The young woman offered a slight shrug, perhaps a little dismissive of that wide-eyed idealism that so often sprang from wanting something different for yourself. "I grew up hearing about the Jedi, and there's always a lot about them on the Holonet. I guess you could say I thought their lives would be more of an adventure...and I got curious to find out more."

Teynara sighed softly, shaking her head as if to acknowledge how absurd it all sounded. All of the Jedi she'd met had sense of having always belonged exactly where they were, as if their work was more of a calling than a vocation. Jalen gave that same dedicated impression: he was here and made it sound like he couldn't possibly have ended up anywhere else. Some would call that destiny, or fate. So for her to have simply sought the Jedi Order out from a sense of curiousity...that had to sound truly nonsensical to someone like him.

"Master Valery said that she was like you: she started training as a child, so by the time she became an adult, she was already far on her path." How to explain her own position when speaking to someone who had followed a similar path? For him, it was what he had grown up with. For was a choice made in adulthood, long after she'd found herself in the position to decide for herself what she wanted. "I was never really sure exactly where I belonged, but the Jedi who recruited me said that very few of us can walk a path like this, and we all have an obligation to at least try." She smiled in a wry fashion, amused at herself and the situation they found themselves in. "So here I am."

As for that part about a "turbulent time", modern Galactic history didn't really suggest any moments that weren't chaotic and filled with conflict, trouble or the hint of more on the horizon. If someone only came to the Jedi at a time of peace and quiet...there probably wouldn't be many Jedi in their ranks. And you're not that old, Jalen!, she thought with a touch of amusement. I doubt things were much less turbulent when you first joined, either! Not that she was going to say any of that outloud.

"What about you? You joined as a child - how did that happen?" The Holonet spoke of times when children were effectively conscripted into the Jedi Order, back in the days when they were an official part of the Old Republic, with Senate-given authority to bring people into their ranks. That didn't seem to be the case now, though - after all, she had been recruited by her own choice. Was Jalen one of those forced into it? Or had he been given an option, too? "You don't seem to have run screaming into the hills, so I can only assume that you wanted to be here."


Tags: Teynara Jeralyr Teynara Jeralyr


"Why I'm here is... complicated," Jalen admitted. "Very complicated. I'm... well, I'm human, but not born of organic means. A strand-cast, grown from the genetic material of another individual. I was left on Lothal and raised by a small band of farmers. When raiders attacked the entire village was burnt to the ground. I lost my eyes."

He gave a sigh as he paused for a moment, considering the best way to go about explaining all of this. The truth of the matter was that he wanted to be here. There was really no matter of being 'forced' into being a Jedi. Even those raised at the Temple had the freedom to leave it whenever they saw fit. No, what kept Jalen here was something different entirely. It was just a matter of expressing that properly in words.

"My brother found me the next day," he continued. "I say my 'brother,' cause he kind of is. Genetically I mean, not just relationally. He's another strand-cast like me, made from the same genetic material. Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el . He was only a padawan then, but he went on to become a war hero... then a member of the Jedi Council. He brought me here, and the Jedi nursed me back to health. I joined the Order the moment I was given the opportunity with no hesitation. I suppose being a lost kid with nothing to lose helped push me over the edge in that regard, but I knew I wanted to put people back together. I just needed to learn how to use my gifts to do so."

Jalen wasn't sure if any of that would make any sense, but it was honest. Perhaps there was a time where the padawan would have left out some details, like being a clone or having his childhood home burned to the ground. Yet even so, this was the sort of thing that defined a Jedi and who they would become. One did not train without the conviction to do so.

No matter what that wound up looking like.

"I continue to choose to be here now," the young man affirmed. "We all have the freedom to leave. I... simply found that it was my place to be here. I can't say much more on the matter. It's something we all have to find for ourselves."


Seeing Aris in pain, Matthew remained calm but determined. He quickly adjusted his tactics, as there was a realization that the Hex Devils' fire was more dangerous than anticipated. With a swift motion, he expanded the radius of his light shield, extending its protective aura to encompass Aris as well.

"Stay close !" The golden light from his shield flared brighter, acting as a barrier against the dark flames.

Using his wings for additional maneuverability, Matthew re positioned himself to better guard both Valery and Aris. His sunsaber flickered with precise, controlled movements, slicing through the air to intercept and deflect the Hex Devils' attacks.

"We need to push through them," he continued, addressing Valery while keeping his focus on the creatures. "I'll create an opening. Use the opportunity to strike at their core."

Following a powerful slash, his wings flapping to give him extra momentum, Matthew launched himself at the nearest Hex Devil. His shield collided with the creature, sending it sprawling back, and his sunsaber followed through with a decisive slash. He maintained a state of offense and defense, creating space and opportunities for his companions to counterattack.


Objective III
Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el

Complicated? That's putting it mildly. Although Teynara wasn't sure why he couldn't have just said "I'm a clone", since that would be more than sufficient to clear up that aspect of his backstory. Then again, the idea of cloning hasn't exactly been held in high-regard over the years, since it's so easily abused for purposes that cause a whole lot of hassle for everyone else. It was easy to see why he might not want to put it in those terms - particularly since he had a brother who was, effectively, another clone of the same person, separate but identical to him. That would be confusing to say the least, staring at someone and realising that it wasn't a mirror. Tey definitely felt sympathetic to his story.

That he'd become so enamoured of the organisation that had saved his life wasn't surprising - though she was being cynical to think so, she realised. Anyone sees a group of people willing to put those in need ahead of themselves would be bound to feel drawn towards it. She had been after all - wasn't that the reason she was here, too? Jalen had just more direct contact with the Jedi before realising that he'd wanted to join their number - and, in some respects, that was a more sensible pathway to take than hers had been. Plus with his 'brother' being an honoured Jedi, you could see why he might want to follow suit.

The only thing that struck her: if they were clones, why would they be different ages? Wasn't a clone a copy of an existing being? Surely, as brothers, they would have been similar - so how had one become a Padawan before the other had ever bumped into the Order, and achieved a position on the Jedi Council already? Is it possible that you can be cloned at a different age? Or maybe they'd simply cloned Jalen a long time after his brother - though, as always, that raised the question of why someone would do that in the first place. Not that it's polite to ask: "what was the reason you were brought into existence?" isn't exactly a nice question.

"I'm sorry about your eyes," she offered in a quiet, sympathetic tone, trying to draw her mind away from the questions that his words had provoked, and onto firmer ground. "I honestly thought you'd maybe never have been able to see, so to have that taken from you...that must have taken some time to adjust to." Your own personal hell, I'd expect, seeing the beauty of the world and having the power to do so stripped from you. Pity would be demeaning...but she did feel it for him, in that moment.

"I appreciate you sharing your story as to what brought you here, though." And she did feel that much, it was true: there were clearly so many ways to arrive on the Jedi path, and more ways beyond that that could offer reasons for staying, and Jalen obviously felt comfortable with himself and the direction he'd chosen. In fact, that would be the best way of describing how he looks: comfortable, maybe content. She felt a little envy there, too, in fact: it must have been nice to feel as if you had your course completely set. "You've definitely achieved your ambition of being able to put people back together," the blonde added with a smile, nodding her head towards the man they had just treated. "It's more than many people can say that they've ever accomplished."


Tags: Teynara Jeralyr Teynara Jeralyr


"Don't apologize," Jalen shrugged. "It's in the past, and you certainly had no say in the matter. It's just the cards I have to play with. Nothing more."

At least, that was the best way to put it. There was no changing his life, nor should there be pity or sorrow over what was lost. He had felt that pain and moved on from it. That wasn't something that Jalen was going to dwell on, so he didn't mind telling people they didn't need to worry about it either. It was easier that way.

"Unfortunately, I haven't achieved my ambition yet," he noted. "Not really. I... am not satisfied just saving a handful of lives. I've dedicated myself to saving all lives. Ultimately it's a task that will go unfinished to my grave... but I can't let myself be content with anything less."

He gave a sigh as he crossed his arms, lingering on the thought. Jalen knew it was naive, or impossible. Yet even so, aspiring for any less would take the wind out of his sails. He needed maximum effort.

The galaxy needed it.

"I'll just have to live with that decision," the padawan concluded. "Ambition is for fools, but it's the path that gets results."

Who was he to knock the method?


Objective III
Tag: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el
Ambition is for fools. There's probably some truth in that, somewhere. Teynara wasn't entirely sure that she agreed: where ambition was a function of greed or avarice, the desire to gain more than you had, and often more than you might ever need...then yes, that would be problematic. But where it drove you to excel, to become a better version of yourself...was that really such a bad thing?

The key to it all, she suspected, was some level of moderation: to have ambition was to have a goal, an aspiration, to have a purpose. Too much, and it would become all-consuming, and suddenly obstacles that could be overcome became barriers that needed to be pushed aside. And the people who might stand between you and your goal would swap from friends who needed to be convinced of your purpose to becoming enemies that must be destroyed. Obsession is where it all falls apart: if you focus too firmly on your goal, everything else fades into the background. Somehow that didn't seem appropriate for a Jedi.

"I don't think it's foolish to want to become something more than you are, or do something more than you are now," the blonde observed in her usual calm, lilting tones. Despite the fire in Jalen's words, the passion behind them, she somehow found his presence calming, and that was helping her to find her own inner equilibrium. "To aspire to be a Jedi, to want to help others more than you do...that's a worthy goal, largely I suspect because it isn't really about you. You're not doing it for selfish reasons, but for the benefit of others."

Of course, that might not necessarily be true: plenty of people managed to delude themselves into believing that they were acting for the welfare of others, when in truth their motives were far more selfish. They might seek attention, fame, glory. One could argue that Jalen sought to help others because such a thing would bring recognition, and he could build up a self-image of being one of the heroic Jedi of old, worthy of a statue in a Temple, and a name that might be remembered for centuries to come. But, unless I've misjudged you, I don't think that's the path you're walking.

The other difficulty, she supposed, would be in how much he allowed his frustrations to get to him: Jalen had made it clear that he wasn't satisfied with what he was able to do now, and wanted more. That suggested that he wasn't progressing as a Jedi in the way that he wanted - and such an attitude might prompt him to take shortcuts, or try to learn more advanced teachings too soon, and becoming overwhelmed by them. The Jedi teach that patience is a necessity, and I can't imagine that being any more true than when reflecting on your ambitions.

"You're a good person, Jalen, and to help even a single life strikes me as a worthy accomplishment - and surely quality is more important than quantity?" He might save a hundred lives, but was that more or less of an achievement than saving just one person? As soon as you start trying to tally up the numbers, you're going to get frustrated when you don't get them, and you might be reckless trying to put yourself into situations where those numbers go up. And if something went wrong as you pursued such a goal...might you not cause more harm than good? "I think as long as act with the best of intentions, you'll always accomplish something positive - though it's not for us to save everybody. Sometimes they have to work to save themselves."

After all, a galaxy in constant turmoil and conflict hadn't become so through passive means: people had made choices that led to that, and it was this that needed to be changed. We can bandage the injuries all day long and never make a dent in the root causes of what has brought them to harm. Jalen was going to have to square with that part: as a healer, wouldn't his role be focused more on the consequences of other people's actions, rather than impacting the circumstances that had caused them in the first place?

"Maybe keep the ambitions small, one step at a time," she advised with a faint smile curving her lips. "Jedi Knighthood first, perhaps, and then picking the right post for your talents. Go from there." Sometimes it doesn't pay to be too specific: some goals are best left more nebulous, a vague aspiration allowing you to focus more clearly as you get closer to it. "I think I'll have to keep my own goals small, too. You're way ahead of me, so maybe my goal should be to catch up. Eventually."
Last edited:


Pain wasn't new, but it was exceedingly rare for Aris to experience. A burn, especially so. He'd never been burned before. If they weren't so under threat, he'd be far more confused than he was at the moment. Instead, though, he was focused. Excessively so. "Seszil, one!" In an instant the heavy blade was comfortably in his hand, and with both his saber and Seszil, ignoring the burn on his arm, he struck out.

He followed behind Mathew, using the pair of blades in tandem to carve their path forward towards the civilians in danger. There was no time for pain, for hesitation. People needed their help.

He'd just have to be more careful about those fires.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Matthew of Valendale Matthew of Valendale


Tags: Teynara Jeralyr Teynara Jeralyr



"Maybe keep the ambitions small, one step at a time," she advised with a faint smile curving her lips. "Jedi Knighthood first, perhaps, and then picking the right post for your talents. Go from there."

Were it so easy.

Jalen knew deep down that he couldn't. He would never be satisfied with a simple goal. No, he could only have full effort or none at all. Becoming a knight was something he knew he could account for at his own pace. This was bigger than himself. He had to be ready for what was to come... The visions...

A slight smile crossed his face as she stated she needed to work up to him.

"A Jedi is judged on their own merit, not weighted by the achievements of their peers," Jalen stated. "But... I'm flattered. Still, we walk different paths. I may not be the best benchmark to scale your training off of."

The young man gave a gentle sigh.

"Right... I need to return to the halls of healing, make an official report of completion for various patients," he informed her. "Thank you for your assistance. This man is going to live his life in considerably less pain. Aiding the few is the gateway to aiding the many."

It would all add up in time. Jalen just wished he could make more of it.

in the footsteps of a stranger

Nirrah looked up from the bust as the padawan entered the workshop. What the convor saw Efret did too, so she set down her carving tools and looked up as well. She smiled despite a bit of nervousness rising in her chest.

"Do you need help with anything?"

Given what had happened recently on Pabu between them, Efret was struck once again with self-consciousness of not just how she herself signed but about how her communication clip interpreted it. She was about to say how she did not need help herself, as in with her own current project, but how Colette could certainly be of help to her overall effort to amass decorations for the halls, but she stopped herself. The padawan might think Efret was being needlessly semantic, and find that annoying. "There are many marble pieces here that we haven't had time to work with yet," she said instead, motioning to where, along a portion of the far wall, a stack of reclaimed marble blocks sat. A few meters away was a collection of finished pieces, full-length statues as well as other busts. "Have you sculpted before?"

Before any answer could be given, another master entered into the room.

"Remarkable likeness."

This smile of Efret's was sincere. "Thank you, but I cannot take credit for it. The Force guides my hands. I only do its will, Master..." She trailed off, hoping for an introduction. If that wasn't his rank, she'd surely receive a correction as well. Even after Ichika made her entrance and greeted Gabriel, Efret would still need to be told his name. From where she stood, she had been unable to see how the half-zeltron had addressed him.

But when she was directly signed to, Efret grinned all over again.

<I congratulate you. Council, big calling.>

"Thank you." She made the gesture twice over, once to both masters though her interpretation unit only verbalized the phrase once. "It's a big job too. Before my promotion, I decided that I would coordinate redecoration of the Temple. Many statues were lost during the infiltration. Most cannot be restored, having been pulverized or nearly so." She glanced at Colette to include her in their conversation. "That means our only option is replacement. My museum staff and I can only work so fast, and we're trying to piece the artifacts in our collection that were also destroyed back together at the same time, so...if you can use a chisel or would be willing to learn how, it'd be a huge help."

She added quickly, "There's no need to finish a project if you don't have the time. Starting is more than enough."

Efret Farr Efret Farr / Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce / Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo

Marble. Colette looked over at the pile that Efret had motioned towards and shook her head. She had never sculpted before. There had been no time for it in her old life before the order, not to mention that there was nowhere to put statues if you were constantly on the move. Now that she was with the Order however there were just a lot more important things to do such as training and reading to catch up on.

A few other Jedi came up to Efret as Colette departed to check on the marble blocks. Rock studies weren't exactly part of her interests, and the idea of some sort of stones being more pretty than others eluded her entirely. Why marble? She supposed Efret or the Council just wanted some white statues around.

Personally she would have found crystal or even glass statues to be cooler. They had that whole ice-like factor to them without the disgusting coldness.

The kid put down her chosen marble chunk and rested her arm on it as she watched the elders talk, eyes dancing between the old man, the Zeltron, and Master Farr until she felt that she had a good window to speak.

"Never sculpted, but it could be a fun exercise." She said and kept her arm on the marble chunk which admittedly made signing along with what she said a little more difficult than usual. "Any specific thing that we need to sculpt? Or person?"
Nodding to Jonyna's instructions, Wulrenkit started off, moving into the great hall. The master's instructions had been simple, ensure the ceiling could be supported. Looking up, Wulrenkit found his task complicated somewhat. He was no architect, and while he'd helped create quite a few structures back home, he had simpy put stone and wood down where he was told. None the less, he was fairly certain that the jedi had not designed the jedi temple with a sunroof in mind. [Erm... Master Si,] he said, clicking on his comlink. [Some of the pillars are kinda wrecked, but the good news is that they don't have nearly as much ceiling to hold up. I can see clean into the next floor.]

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Wulrenkit Claymus Wulrenkit Claymus

Well that wasn't good.

Jonyna soon joined the boy, frowning at the sight of the hole in the lobby roof.

"We'll need to figure out how to rebuild that. Can't get big equipment into the lobby without crashing more pieces down..." She paused, looking around. "This whole room could fall if more pillars came down. We'll need to prioritize that. The roof can wait. Ugh, if the Starfire were still here, I'd hang her from the ceiling."

Maybe she could find Farmboy's fighter.

"Let's start by cleaning up the rubble." She dictated to the padawan. "Pick up what's fallen and start clearing things for workers. Okay?"


"Pryce," he said in answer, smiling behind his beard. He turned and gave a stiff nod of acknowledgement to his long-time friend. "I'm not much use with a chisel, but if you need any help identifying any of the artifacts let me know. We dusty historians have to stick together." His attention turned to the Padawan that had been in the room.

"Never sculpted, but it could be a fun exercise."

"It is good to expand your horizons with new skills."


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