Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction NJO | History of the Trees




900 years go by faster that one thinks.

For Jonyna, it went by in the blink of an eye, and she had a lot to catch up on. One of those things was how the war with the Empire ended. It was one of the first things she had researched upon her arrival on Coruscant over two years ago. And yet, now she came to Endor not as a woman trying to get her bearings again, but as a teacher. A Master.

She had organized a small trip to the forest moon mostly out of her own want to show she could. Being a master was such a nebulous concept to her, a goal she had always dreamed of reaching, but never really understood what the specifics of that goal were. Now, she sought to prove her worth. Loading up the padawans into her ship, The Tenacity, a relic of the era they were seeking to learn about in it's own right, she set a course.

Seeing the forest moon in the viewport as they exited hyperspace was a surreal experience. She could feel it, the aftershocks of the death of those who died on the Second Death Star. That was a concept that still gave her a chill down her spine. A battle station designed to destroy planets. Oh how cocky you were Jonyna, to fight the Empire when they had that level of firepower.

As they landed, Jonyna gave the kids a smile.

"Alright buckos, I got a mission for all of you. I don't know where exactly the original building is, but the records say there was a bunker holding the shield generator out there nearby. How does a small excursion to find it sound? Once we do, I can give you guys the boring lecture about history and stuff." Her tone was clearly light, giving a smile to those under her. "Pair off, and we'll keep track of each other over comms. Okay? I want you guys to check in every ten minutes."

As far as she could tell from research the worst they they'd have to worry about were some bothersome Ewoks, and Jonyna was sure the padawans could handle that.



Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si , Open

Saria couldn't help but frown at the strange terminology, further back from the rest of the group of course. That certainly seemed... odd. It must just be an older dialect, she decided, given the new Sentinel of Harmony's known history, or at least slightly known history. The young Mirialan really only knew that she was from the past. Regardless, Saria was not present as a child. No, she was a supervisor to the youngest students present, as was so often the case with an over-achieving and studious individual such as herself. It was good merit, and Saria Rae was never one to turn down good merit.

Even if she'd rather be at a socratic seminar discussing the long term effects of the Battle of Coruscant on foreign relations.

"Do be mindful of the locals," Saria added to the rest of the group. "They have a proficiency in ambush technology, far more advanced then is given credit for. Be weary of snares hidden in the undergrowth, please."

Although, a part of her did kind of want someone to wind up caught. She had always wanted to negotiate terms of release with a local band of tribals. Or maybe she just hoped that the Ewoks would take a liking to her. Alas, it probably wasn't a situation they'd want to be in.

A diplomat could dream.

Mindful? That word wasn't in Lestra's dictionary as he stared up at the trees with wide glee-filled eyes. The young lad ignored most of the instructions Jonyna had given for now as he took in the plants and their surroundings. So much to check out. The mentioning of traps however caused Lestra's mind to focus for a moment, as hard as that might be to believe. It must be for hunting larger animals so that meant there'd be no point in following smaller animal tracks since they'd probably not be heavy enough to trigger the he'd have to look for larger tracks. Broken twigs, and bushes that had been pushed through. That'd be the best way in his mind. He might not be academically smart, but Lestra knew a bit about wildlife.

Of course, that was the main reason Lestra was here. He didn't care about history or old things. Old things were well...old! How many animals cared about their own history? None! Lestra couldn't think of any animals he had met that cared about things like relics and artifacts. Instead, he was here to see more aspects of nature. The fields of Dantooine were far and away a vast difference compared to the metal jungle of Coruscant, and now Endor was a vast difference with its vast wooden trees that reached up to the sky...He wanted to climb one, but he knew that probably wouldn't be looked upon very well.

Saria Rae Saria Rae Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Saria Rae Saria Rae Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk Open(Jedi and GA)

Birds chirped or squawked back and forth within the wilderness early in the morning light. On the branch of a redwood tree stood Minerva in full gear. In her hands she wielded a hand crafted bow with a side quiver filled with arrows she made as well. Through the T-visor she looked down upon the foliage below, staying as still as possible. The ever present scent of tree bark infiltrated her helmet's filters, quietly enjoying it.

Minerva didn't consider herself a nature worshiper but the warrior liked to think she had a healthy respect for nature itself. That sentiment was born from long experience with the wildernesses such as Kashyyyk and Tatooine. Of course if she was forced to choose Minerva would favor the former and Endor over that dust ball of a planet. Within the helm she kept her eyes scanning for movement. But aside from little critters and a bird or two nothing yet this morning.

Then she heard the call of a lantern bird twice south of her position. Turning in that direction Minerva saw an Ewok on a different branch waving back a singal. Grinning, she knew what it meant. Sure thing enough a pair of boar wolves, both male and three meters tall stomped their way through the dirt. At the sight of them Minerva actually licked her mouth in hungry anticipation.

Boar Wolf meat is so delicious. She thought to herself.

A few years back the Mandalorian had gotten a taste for that creature after she and other Alliance troops and a young Jedi crashed on this moon following the Battle of Exegol. As the two beasts grunted at one another in the midst of their march Minerva prepared. Carefully she pulled out an arrow and drew it on the bow. Aiming downwards toward the head of the one in the lead by the right flank she just about let loose when suddenly the ship flew overhead with roaring engines.

The sheer shock and volume of it caused Minerva to shoot the arrow further left, missing her target by inches. The boar wolves squealed in alarm before charging off the pathway and away from the hidden trap that had been prepared.

Groaning out her frustration Minerva subsequently glared with full annoyance at the vessel that was now miles away. "Days of tracking and preparation all ruined in a moment!" Exclaimed the armored huntress. Shaking the helm she jumped off the branch to head for the ground. Within moments she slowed her descent with jet boots and landed with no injuries.

Soon several Ewoks rustled out of the bushes. Facing her directly was a grizzled faced elder with brown fur and who wore a blue hood. In his right paw was a spear with three black feathers attached to it that signified his past glories. The elder demanded in his native tongue.

(Were you expecting company?)

Understanding him she answered back in the same language.

(No. I'm just as surprised and frustrated as you, Tadac.)

Sighing Tadac turned to the direction of where the ship went. One of the younger hunters with white fur and wearing a bird skull on top asked.

(What do we do now?)

(We‘ve split up into two parties Rime. I will lead the first to see who the new strangers are. The second party will continue the hunt led by Lagni. Though we will stay hidden and observe. Should they be a threat like the skull warriors of old we will know what to do.)

(If they're not?) Rime asked in a second question with a mischievous glint in his dark eyes. The veteran rolled his eyes in reaction as did Minerva. Rime loved to prank. Both kin and strangers alike.

(Then we figure something else out.)

Minerva understood the reasoning. Once the lead hunter was done explaining their goal he looked up to the Mandalorian awaiting her answer. It was swifty given.

(I'll go with Lagni. Sound the horn if you require us.)

Nodding his acceptance Tadac then raised his spear to the north east. Sure enough more than a dozen Ewoks headed where the newcomers seemed to be landing. It will be some time before they reach them. Of course there will be other tribes who would've noticed as well by now. Minerva watched them go briefly before she went in the opposite direction with the second team whispering in Basic to no one in particular.

"Unless there trouble I'm going to get some of that meat."
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The jungle atmosphere had such a different feel to the artificial and repeatedly-reprocessed air that could be found aboard a starship. The Tenacity had been pleasant enough to fly on, though it felt a little archaic in some respects - almost like modern technology had been plastered onto an older frame, rather than being something more up-to-date - but regardless of the setting, it was a starship, little life to be found beyond that of her fellow passengers. Here, though, it's far more abundant, and pleasant besides. Humid, true, but that would have been her only complaint.

Her only experience of jungles thus far had been the one on New Cov, and that had been far more threatening in nature: the wildlife there was considered dangerous, and setting out into the midst of the trees would have been an exercise in caution, if not outright suicide. An odd place to have put a Jedi Temple. They've have done better putting it here. Teynara had to wonder who was responsible for deciding where those things were put, and why they didn't make better choices in that respect.

Travelling along with her fellow Padawans had proven interesting: she was still at the point of getting to know them, and being as shy as she sometimes could be, she hadn't wholly gone out of her way to start making friends. It's the sort of thing that takes time, and I've never been the best at it. But this particular trip had been sold to them as a team-building exercise, and an opportunity to bond with the men and women that you might end up working with in the field further in your Jedi career. She didn't need to be asked twice - although the Jedi Master suggesting it hadn't really given them an option. The impression she had was that saying "No" wouldn't be looked upon in a positive way.

One of the students - a slender Mirialan, judging by the olive-green skin and facial tattoos - suggested that the planet might not be as serene as it seemed. Locals that are experts in ambushes? Who would want to ambush a bunch of students just exploring the wild? The idea that not everyone would be welcoming to visitors struck her as absurd: surely all sentient beings would share their curiousity to experience new things, and a desire to meet new people? But Master Valery had made it clear that the galaxy was often a more hostile place than would be ideal - and the Mirialan was only helping to remind her of that. Good thing, really. Last thing you want to do is walk into a trap wholly unaware that there might be one.

"I suppose an ambush might things a little more interesting - a quiet walk in the forest turning into an opportunity to meet someone new," she observed with a faint smile of amusement. "Doesn't exactly seem like the sort of place you'd expect something like that, though." Icy-blue eyes took a moment to examine the massive canopy of trees surrounding the clearing in which they'd landed. "Though maybe that's why they're so good at it: nobody expects to be ambushed whilst out on a picnic."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Saria Rae Saria Rae Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk Teynara Jeralyr Teynara Jeralyr

As a padawan who steeped himself in knowledge, Toby couldn't pass up the opportunity to take in a history lesson, and he definitely couldn't resist when it was under the purview of someone who had kinda been there... but being called a 'Bucko' made him blink. He hadn't heard that one before, but on brief reflection, it had the same kind of feel as being called buddy, champ, or kid, and he'd been called all of those lots, and more growing up. And for the near-seventeen years he was, he still had a bit of that growing to do in one sense, and a lot in others.

Toby leaned toward Saria in an aside, standing as he was towards the rear alongside her, "Feels like a term of endearment," he informed, quietly, "my folks call me stuff like that all the time." Even over holomail. Sometimes it felt embarrassing, but the absence of them would feel plain weird. But then she went on to bring up one of the particular practices of Ewoks, and his eyes widened a little.

Then Teynara responded, but he wasn't laughing.

He remembered images of their unsettling, beady-eyed faces, then promptly shook his head, dispelling them. He'd seen worse things before, accompanying Silas Westgard Silas Westgard . He wasn't gonna let the mere idea of Ewoks get to him. Still, nonetheless, he examined betwixt the trees that surrounded this clearing, and took a quick listen as he recalled what he'd read about them, when reading about the Forest Moon of Endor before this trip.

"They're sentient," he recalled, running through some pertinent details, "which means there's a chance they can be reasoned with, if it comes to that." His blue-eyed gaze turned to Jonyna, sizing her up, "And they're about half as tall as Master Si."

That was easy to figure; his older half-brother Rik was around the same height at nearly two metres, and Ewoks only came in around one metre.

"But they're pretty strong, and where there's one, there's more." They might have it tough one-on-one against Master Si, or maybe even Aris Noble Aris Noble . He seemed pretty strong. "Oh, and I don't think they eat brains."

That was important. He liked his where it was.

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"We're not here for a picnic though. .. Are we master?"

Aris spoke rather self assured at first, glancing to one of the other Padawan's as they mentioned a picnic of all things. As far as he was aware, that wasn't their goal at all. But, then again, he certainly wasn't the best at realizing the more social nuances of gatherings. It could be just as likely that they were, in fact, here for a picnic. Which would be weird but hey.

Why not?

"They probably eat brains. Lots of people do. They're full of nutrients."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Teynara Jeralyr Teynara Jeralyr | Toby Perris Toby Perris | Saria Rae Saria Rae

"They probably eat brains. Lots of people do. They're full of nutrients."

"Nobody is eating brains," Saria stated in a firm tone. "And we most certainly shouldn't say such things."

Saria crossed her arms and lowered her voice so that the younger padawans couldn't here, but Aris could.

"Especially because saying these things may scare the little ones."

The last thing they needed was the young ones to break out into a panic. She sighed, recomposing herself and bringing her mind back to the other points provided. They seemed to discuss the capacity to negotiate with the Ewoks, which did make the young Mirialan glow with a bit of pride.

"Should negotiation be necessary, I have undergone intensive training on making contact with local tribals such as the Ewoks," she stated. "I have little doubt that such a situation would be swiftly handled. Of course, I must still advise that the group proceeds with caution."

She briefly took note of Toby's explanation of 'bucko.' A term of endearment? That seemed to make sense. It sounded like a goofy term that her father would likely address her with, especially in a public setting to embarrass her.

The young diplomat would have to keep that knowledge for her lexicon should the term come up again.




TAG: Saria Rae Saria Rae Aris Noble Aris Noble Toby Perris Toby Perris Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk Teynara Jeralyr Teynara Jeralyr

Five seconds in, and they're already talking about eating brains. All Jonyna could do was let out a sigh and rub her face.

Maybe she didn't want kids after all...

"We're not here for a picnic though. .. Are we master?"
"No picnics, well, at least not yet. Maybe after the lesson." She admitted. A picnic might be nice later, to be honest. "For now thought, back to the lesson. We're gonna look for the old shield generator yeah? Should within a mile or so of us, based on my research." She paused, considering something. "How 'bout we make it a contest? First one to find it gets a prize from me. I can build you guys something when we get back."

She figured the paddies would respond well to that, she certainly would've. Just so long as no one asks for the custom dreadnaught, Jonyna could write it off as a personal project.

The ewoks weren't something that Jonyna was entirely worried about, but she hadn't written them off either.

What she was more worried about was something else. The woman had grown up in a denser forest than this one, and had become an expert in focusing her senses to catagorize and catalog the different feelings within the Force of the massive amount of life there within.

There was something out there. Some0nes. Someones not native to this world. She kept her eyes sharp. Could just be a visitor like they were. Someone here on a vacation for the feeling of nature.

But it could also be an enemy.

One might question why Jonyna always brought her swords and sabers with her, even on a trip like this.

It was feelings like this that were the answer.


Teynara had to force herself to stifle a laugh at the idea that the local inhabitants of this world ate brains. It sounded like the sort of thing you'd pick up from one of those late-night Holomovies: "the walking dead who attack the living and eat brains!". Of course, if you believe in that sort of thing, there's a good chance that cracking your head open wouldn't reveal enough to make a quick snack, much less a meal. That the brain was technically nutritious wasn't absurd, but there was a reason why most sentients ate fatty tissue and muscle over the brains. Tastes better, and is much richer in fats and proteins.

Still, it was nice that the students all felt sufficiently at-ease to pass comments like that around - though the more serious among them were still encouraging caution, or suggesting the idea that, in the event that they encounter any sentient beings, that negotiation would pave their way. And possible, but you'd have to speak the local language. We didn't exactly bring a protocol droid with us to translate. Otherwise "Take us to your leader!" could quickly end up as "We submit ourselves to be an excellent first course at your upcoming banquet".

That being said...when visiting a remote planet in the middle of nowhere and landing in a forest far away from any evident signs of civilisation, the chances of bumping into anyone local seemed fairly remote. Not exactly an ecumenopolis, with everyone crammed into high-rise buildings. It was far more likely that they'd bump into whatever passed for the local wildlife, assuming they didn't make enough noise to scare it off long before they ever saw it. And we're a talkative group, so there's definitely a good chance of that! What they had seen thus far consisted of trees...and the scenery wasn't likely to change no matter how far you walked.

"A competition?" Teynara was never fond of those - although she could understand that they pushed everyone into a challenge that might bring out the best in their talents, her experience of them was that they also tended to expose the worst of their personalities. It was absurd how easily reasonable people could be pushed into unreasonable behaviour by the promise of "winning". "First person to get ambushed loses." She waved away the flippant comment with a wave of her hand, as if apologising for it. "Although I'd imagine a shield generator that's been here for hundreds of years might well be buried beneath vegetation by now. We could be standing on it and never see it, if we're not careful".

Unlikely, though, because Master Si clearly knows that it's here, so perhaps someone's been keeping it cleared of encroaching plantlife, precisely for lessons like these? She wouldn't have put it past the Jedi to be keeping an old monument like that around for reasons of their own - after all, judging by the temple on New Cov, they lived in buildings that were far older, some of the time. Teynara was curious to see exactly what they might find when they got there - although maybe this, like everything else the Jedi had them do, was another test of sorts.

"You said you wanted us to pair up, Master?", she asked the older Jedi, wanting to clarify their instructions. It was probably just as well - if any of them did encounter anything unpleasant out here, it was always better to have company. Those who get caught out alone are likely to end up as food, according to the white-haired Epicanthix that had come along for the trip. At least when there are two, one of you might get away long enough to scream for help. The thought provoked a wryly-amused smile, despite her efforts to keep her expression clear when speaking to a more-experienced member of their Order. Stay focused, Tey, for goodness sakes... "Our own choices, or are you going to assign us a partner?"
"Ya should always expect to be ambushed in a new place. Keepin' your guard up."

Lestra nodded at that. He had always tried his best to be aware of his surroundings wherever he was. It's why even now, he was keeping his attention on the forest instead of his fellow Padawans. Taking the metal staff he carried around and carefully brushed it through the bushes. He wasn't overly concerned with the fear of coming across Ewoks. A species focusing on ambushes weren't likely to try and go for a frontal attack but he wasn't going to go running off like an idiot either. Getting stuck in a net or a snare wasn't something he wanted to spend his day doing.
"Nobody is eating brains," Saria stated in a firm tone. "And we most certainly shouldn't say such things."

"Why not? It's true. A lotta animals go for the soft parts of the body first. Tongues, eyes, the brain if they can get ta it. There's a bunch that'll break bones as well, ta get to the marrow inside."

Talking about animals was a passion of Lestra. Even if sometimes the topic of conversation wasn't always the best...suited for the topic of hand. It wasn't something that would scare him. It was a simple fact of nature. The weak died and were eaten by the strong, to make the strong even stronger. Unless they stayed together as a group, the weak would normally have no chance...

Which is why Lestra was confused as to why they were being suggested to race to the shield generator thing. Did...the Jedi Master want them to get captured or something? This kind of thing was something you should take slow and steady. You needed to keep an eye out for traps or snares instead of rushing out for the purpose of getting something made. He shook his head at that. Lestra was competitive but he also wasn't an idiot...Okay, he was an idiot, but he had some self-preservation...Okay. Maybe a tiny bit.

"First person to get ambushed loses."

Lestra let out a loud chuckle at that, before shaking his head. It was true in a way. Whoever got ambushed first wouldn't be able to get to the shield generator in the first place, but Lestra wasn't in a rush for that. He could just enjoy the feeling of nature and beauty surrounding them. Maybe find a few plants to braid together whilst he was at it...

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Saria Rae Saria Rae Aris Noble Aris Noble Toby Perris Toby Perris Teynara Jeralyr Teynara Jeralyr
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Toby Perris Toby Perris Saria Rae Saria Rae Aris Noble Aris Noble Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk Teynara Jeralyr Teynara Jeralyr Open(Jedi and GA)

Minerva jogged behind Langi while surrounded by several other Ewoks. They followed the trail left by the boar wolf duo. They climbed up the next hill passing by the shattered remains of a walker head covered mostly in moss and other greenery. If they weren't in the middle of this hunt Minerva would take the time to search for the remains of the ancient battle fought here. Her mind was however on the present.

We had a good set up and could've gotten one of them. Just our luck, someone decided to pay this moon a visit.

Well it can't be helped now Minerva silently. Better to adapt than keep complaining over spilled blue milk. Of course a part of her wondered if she should've gone to investigate the new arrival with Tadac's party instead. Quickly she brushed it off concluding.

It's probably just some smugglers making a brief stop. Besides, Tadac will alert us if it's more serious than some unwelcome visitors.

She jumped on a half broken stone before hopping off and landing onto the ground meters away. The warrior sped onward. Her fellow hunters were more than able to keep up on foot. It was their home after all. Still ahead, Langi called out to the party, lifting her war club.

[We're getting closer. I can smell them. Stay together and ready your weapons.]

Minerva drew another arrow notching it to her bow while leaping over a small rushing stream. Condor dragon screeched overhead before flying off. She can feel that they were near.

Meanwhile as the Jedi party were discussing themselves they attracted another sort of attention the padawans wouldn't expect. A small but radiant ball flew down from the trees into their midst. The supposed object went from one Jedi to another in rapid succession like a bug would. But if the peacekeepers were able to look closely they would see it wasn't an insect but rather a tiny orange figure with her brightened wings speaking in a tongue most or all of them didn't know.

First the Wistie went behind Lestra purposely stinging him with light energy on his butt. Quickly the brightened local swoosh over to Saira knocking her hood off, and revealing the young Mirialan‘s hair for all to see and slapping the backside of the head. Subsequently it circled around Aris trying to make him dizzy then lightly sting his face on the left cheek before going after Teynara. The Wistie landed on the top of her head before yanking and twisting some of the hair before letting go. Instantly the winged one targeted Toby, specifically for his nose.

The Wisite danced and sang a silly tune on it for a few seconds before sparking light in his eyes. All he would see for the next few seconds was that light before his vision would return. Giggling to herself the Wistie last but not least went for Jonyna. She zig-zagged in front of the Cathar before noticing the larger sentient's tail. Excited, the Wisite flew over at increased speed and went for it by the left side. Grabbing ahold of the tail end she tugged at it once before letting go and ascending above them all.

Giggling loudly for them all to hear the Wistie challenged the Jedi in her lanaugue to chase her and she flew off. It just so happened to be in the direction where the destroyed shield generator was.
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Aris practically wilted at Saria's scolding. Brains were good! His people had taken up eating all parts of animals from one of the cultures they'd absorbed into their own. It was common place, especially for the young! He frowned fully, idly looking to Lestra as he at least seemed to get it. What brains were they thinking about? Master Si changed the subject though so he nodded. A competition. That he could do.

He was usually good at finding stuff. And hearing things, like an ambush waiting.

The real question though, was who was going to be his partner?

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Toby Perris Toby Perris | Saria Rae Saria Rae | Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk | Teynara Jeralyr Teynara Jeralyr | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad



As Braze trudged along, the rustling of his darkened robes was the only sound that broke the silence around him. The once-tense and anxious young man now moved with an unsettling calmness, as if he'd finally found a sense of serenity in the stillness of the surroundings. His hood was pulled up, casting a veil of darkness over his features, but his piercing green eyes remained fixed on the group ahead.

Memories of his last survival mission here lingered as Braze stifled a soft yawn, his figure cloaked in simple, dark-toned robes woven from durable yet lightweight fabrics. A far cry from the satin flashy decorative robes he normally wore. Layers of cloth now regulated his temperature against the creeping chill. Aside from Loomi Loomi , he hadn't confided in any of his peers about his current state.

Usually restless and overwhelmed on field trips, Braze appeared unusually serene today, his hood drawn as he trailed silently behind the group. Conserving energy, he listened with a focus he seldom showed in class. His gaze shifted to Saria Rae Saria Rae , vaguely recalling their connection through Ko Vuto Ko Vuto .

Observing Teynara Jeralyr Teynara Jeralyr , unfamiliar with her blonde appearance, Braze listened intently, committing her voice to memory. Toby Perris Toby Perris caught his attention next, the cute boy from Veridia whom he remembered visiting a friend in a state of permanent slumber. Briefly wrinkling his nose at Aris Noble Aris Noble 's conversation with Toby, Braze actively avoided the youth throughout their time together here. It was as if Braze had developed a sixth sense for avoiding Aris at all costs.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si 's discussion of a challenge briefly piqued Braze's interest, though he held little hope. As they walked, he observed everything keenly, briefly perking up at a passing thought before it faded. Silently betting on who would find it first, Braze glanced back at the blonde once more, opting not to partner up or stray from the group.

He glanced around the area, taking in every detail with an intensity that bordered on obsession.

An uneasy feeling settled over him, prompting him to move closer to Jonyna Si Jonyna Si , perhaps out of seeing silent protection. His attention then shifted to Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk , a frown creasing his brow as he instinctively wrapped his cloak tighter listening to what he'd said.

Suddenly, a mischievous Wistie ( Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad ) darted towards them, and Braze instinctively stepped back moving behind Jonyna Si Jonyna Si , wary of its playful antics. "I think it wanted to race," he murmured softly, his green eyes tracking the Wistie's flight.


Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Saria Rae Saria Rae Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk Teynara Jeralyr Teynara Jeralyr Braze Braze
Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad

Aris’ refutation made a line of Toby’s mouth and put a vaguely pleading look in his eyes, but then the ashen-haired Noble had to go on to say that lots of people eat brains! The young Corellian was so close to sputtering that he didn’t care to find out, when Saria’s intervention said it all for him… but the relief was short-lived when Lestra continued on, painting more details into the grisly picture forming in Toby's imagination.

Toby groaned in disbelief, and his hands rubbed up over his face for a moment. Then, taking in a half-deep breath to re-steady himself and letting it out slowly, Toby slid his hands back down his face just enough to float both Aris and Lestra a look of pointed concern. It was times like these that he missed the cocoon of the Archives most fiercely.

Then he dropped his hands with a sigh, opting to chalk it all up to cultural differences, and the reality that he didn't know most of the people here half as well as he should. If all else failed, he did still learn something today. Thankfully, Master Si opted to get the group back on track, and Teynara ran with it.

"Our own choices, or are you going to assign us a partner?"

Well, at least he'd been listening to the instructions before Saria brought up the subject of the locals, and his own experiences unwittingly sent them all down that road of brains and offal. Toby looked at Teynara.

"It's our choice, Master Si said to pair off when we got here, so..." but then he was cut off, as a bright bug? landed on his nose, and... danced a jig?! Toby stumbled back a step feeling the tickle at the end of his nose, and had just reflexively raised a hand to swat it away, but then the Wistie blinded him and moved on, and while that first hand nearly swiped his own nose, it was too late to stop the other hand as it smacked right into it. "Agh! What in the actual force-damned...!"

He couldn't see a thing for a good moment there, and by some small mercy, he didn't end up unceremoniously deposited on the forest floor by his own surprise and confusion. Rubbing his nose, frowning, Toby looked around warily as his vision dotted back into place.

"What in the hells was that?!"

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Wulrenkit sat quietly as his peers conversed and talked about the challenge ahead. Amidst all the excitement and fervor for completing the challenge, the young Zorren would see himself felled by one distinct advantage. He was new. Some of the jedi around him, he had seen from a distance on previous trainings, but he hadn't grown up with the order like the others. In his youth, he had run the wilds with his fellow wilders, and now, on the cusp of adulthood, he found himself surrounded by strangers. How did one find a partner when no one knew your name?

"Erm, if anyone needs a partner, I'm perty used to walkin' the wilds. This place is a lot like home actual-"
He cut himself off as the wistie darted forward to dance before Master Si's face. His own eyes followed the being and he found his knees bending in preparation for a chase. He'd never been very good at listening to the spirits, as his elders had called it. But when the spirits arrived as a small fairy, ready to light the way, who was he to argue? "Master Si, is a partner necessary? I'd like to get movin'," he stated, reaching down to snatch up his bag and heft it onto his shoulder. The chance of a reward was a nice touch, but more important, was the chance to prove himself. Wulrenkit had been an abysmal wilder. Perhaps this would help prove him a capable jedi.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Saria Rae Saria Rae Braze Braze Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk Teynara Jeralyr Teynara Jeralyr Toby Perris Toby Perris Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad

"What in the hells was that?!"

"Easy now, it was only a Wistie," Saria assured, patting the younger padawan on the back. "Calm your nerves and let your eyes re-adjust. It's harmless, just playing pranks. Be mindful of provoking local organisms. We're entering into their environment after all."

She sighed, correcting her now messy hair and pulling back up her hood. The young woman frowned as the sprite raced off, seeming to call out to them in it's language for... some reason. Padawan Braze seemed to pick up on the competitive nature, something that certainly seemed plausible given the actions of the Wistie. Trying to provoke them? It was hard to say.

"It's best that our thoughts remain on our current objective," the Mirialan affirmed. "We certainly have a good deal of ground to cover as it is."

"Master Si, is a partner necessary? I'd like to get movin',"

And there was the a hotshot eager to prove themselves. There was always someone who wanted to shoot on ahead and prove that they could do everything on their own. It wasn't her business to do anything more than keep the little ones safe, and he seemed old enough to be able to take care of himself. That could be left to Master Si. She'd instead make her way over to Teynara Jeralyr Teynara Jeralyr , presenting her with a portable comb.

"You can use this to assist with the unexpected tangles," she offered, given that the sprite had targeted her hair. "I always have a comb on me to keep presentable."

One was never sure when they had to negotiate after all. There was no way she'd ever find herself doing deplomacy with matted hair.


Braze carefully tiptoed around Jonyna, deftly dodging the majority of the chaos swirling around them. He sidled up to Toby, deciding he might be one of the few people he could simply exist near without issue. With a playful glint in his eye, Braze brushed his shoulder against Toby's like a cat nuzzling its owner before leaning into him and giving a gentle push. Stepping back, he smiled faintly.

"I want to be partners with Toby," he announced, glancing mischievously at Jonyna Si Jonyna Si .

"Early birds get the worm and all that, yeah? Bet you can't catch up~" He stepped back, padding a few feet away with a devious little smirk, a hint of youthful mirth returning to his expression. He paused, waiting to see if Toby would take the bait and give chase.

"You gotta get there before the birds. "
Current Outfit

Endor.... there was a lot to read about the planet how it was the site of the final battle of the Galactic Civil War, how the Emperor and Darth Vader both died on the Death Star, and how the Stormtroopers considered to be the most elite fighting force in the Galaxy got beat by a bunch of teddy bears with nothing but sticks and rocks. Okay...... Teddy bears was too demeaning because they were pretty hardcore frackers allegedly eating the Stormtrooper corpses and using their helmets as drums as they celebrated their victory.

Voli read a lot about the battle of Endor but she was more fascinated about the conspiracy theories that arose from the aforementioned corpse eating Ewoks, to the Imperial fleet planning on backstabbing Palpatine due to lust for power, the destruction of the Death Star as a convenient excuse. To now a rumored Sith Wayfinder located somewhere in the middle of the Death Star wreckage on Endor's oceans. According to Voli's research though, it was taken by scavengers.

Still, it was nice to explore planets that weren't vapid cityplanets Voli had been to like Denon. Voli lived in the Core Worlds for too long and she was happy to be on a planet that was filled with trees. Reaching in the Force, Voli could feel the Force thrumming through the trees, and even the rocks which surprised her. Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic her Master was right in keeping an open mind.

The young woman placed her hands behind her back looking at the trees which were as tall as the Alliance walkers, she like many other paddies were on a trip which was turned into a mission in finding a hidden bunker. If Voli had to guess it was the shield generator that the Empire used to protect the incomplete Death Star. She had a few theories on where that might be but Master Jonyna Si Jonyna Si had said to go with a partner.

"Great......" Voli thought keeping her distance from the chattering paddies. "Don't Jedi work alone as well? Why do we have to mingle?"

Taking a deep breath, Voli slowly approached the group the leaves cracking under her boots. She needed to make more friends, might as well continue but honestly talking to people is somehow harder than trying to crack open a Holocron back in her room.

Teynara Jeralyr Teynara Jeralyr , Aris Noble Aris Noble , Wulrenkit Claymus Wulrenkit Claymus , Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk , Braze Braze , Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad
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Oh, yes, Master Si did say we should make our own choices. Tey, you're an idiot, the young woman thought, rolling her eyes at her own stupidity. The others were right to look at her askance and wonder about her mental powers at moments – it wasn't exactly helping her to set the right impression for her to go and get absent-minded. Nobody's going to want to make friends with someone that isn't going to listen when they talk. Get it together, girl! Teynara sighed softly, but took a moment to get her emotional balance back, listening to the others talking amongst themselves.

Suddenly she felt a fleeting but clear pressure on her head, and then the sharp tug of hair as something caught hold of it and pulled it upwards. Tey's hands flew away from her sides to try and swat at whatever it was. Feels like some sort of bug, or maybe a small bird? Whatever it was, she didn't want it messing up her hair – there weren't exactly the sort of facilities here to help her return it to a more presentable state! As she glanced upwards to identify the culprit, she spotted a bright orange thing hovering above her for a second before zooming off at a speed that was hard to keep track of.

"What the...?" she exclaimed, her expression one of consternation, a touch of annoyance, and perhaps a small hint of bewildered amusement, her thoughts in disarray at the sudden interruption to what hadn't exactly been a calm situation to begin with. The...bug, or whatever it was, was continuing to zoom around the Jedi, clearly intent on creating a little chaos, almost in a playful manner. Toby immediately piped up, echoing Tey's own thoughts on the matter – Saria was the only one keeping a clear head, identifying the creature as a "Wistie", whatever that was. Not quite the natives we thought would be ambushing us here.

Scowling slightly at the interruption, Teynara felt oddly tense off the back of the encounter – largely just surprised and knocked out of her comfort zone by it. Saria stepped forward and tried to calm the situation, handing the blonde a comb that she'd clearly had on her person. Now there's a Jedi who is always prepared. Teynara had to admire that – she used to think that she was well-prepared for whatever she might face, but the Mirialan Padawan was in a league all of her own on that front!

"Thank you," the blonde said gratefully, taking the comb whilst offering a respectful bow in gratitude, and then doing her best to smooth down the tangles that were clearly now sticking up over the top of her head – not that she could see them, so she would just have to do her best to try and organise things from memory. Next time, maybe consider putting your hair in a bun before you step onto a jungle planet, she thought to remind herself. "So much for expecting the unexpected, huh?"

She took a moment to clean off the comb with a free corner of her outer robe, then handed it back to Saria, not wanting to presume to hold onto it. Besides, she might have need of it herself while we're out here. Just to save some further hassle, Tey took the hood of her robe and pulled it over her hair, carefully smoothing it down so that it wouldn't do that again. Exhaling a deep breath, feeling calmer now, she turned to survey the rest of the group – now quickly splitting into pairs – and noticed Voli slowly walking up behind them, last as always. Should have known she'd hesitate over a group exercise, the young woman thought with amusement.

"We're all splitting off into partnerships, Voli," Teynara said softly, striding over towards her friend with a confident step that belied the disharmony she had felt a few moments ago. At least she knew where she stood with Voli – the others were still largely unknown to her, beyond their presence in shared classes, or on this exercise. And I know she doesn't like dealing with people she doesn't know. At least they both had someone here they knew and could work with. "Did you catch what Master Si's assignment was?"

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