Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction [NJO] The Next Chapter

"You've come a long way, cousin," Amani said to Ran as she eventually found an opportunity to congratulate the new Councilors herself, "Just one of many milestones to come, I'm sure. Be proud of all that you have done; As I am proud to call you family.” She smiled. Their meeting one another had been a stroke of fate. Once Amani had never envisioned that there would or could be another Serys still out there amongst the stars. Now, no matter where she was, she found comfort it knowing it were so. Family was a rare and privileged commodity, and Amani was proud to have Ran be a part of that.

"And Cora," She turned to the young Knight, "It's been a pleasure watching you grow. You've become a wonderful guiding spirit for the Jedi in these turbulent times, and a great woman in your own right." Amani looked between them both once more, and, not wanting to waste too much of their time, stepped back, "Congratulations to you both."


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery's fiery gaze lingered on Cora and Ran as they stepped forward to accept their appointments, her expression one of deep pride and joy. As Cora bowed her head gracefully and gave her humble acceptance, a more private, tender smile touched Valery's lips in return. Her former Padawan had come so far — from the uncertain girl she once guided in a fight against a Terentatek, to a compassionate leader standing before the Jedi Order today. No matter what heights Cora reached, she would always hold a special place in Valery's heart.

When Ran's resolute voice echoed through the atrium, Valery's smile broadened. Ran's journey from struggle to leadership was nothing short of inspiring, and her acceptance carried the weight of determination and wisdom. These two women would be incredible assets to the Council, not just because of their skills, but because of the hearts they brought to their roles.

As the crowd erupted into cheers, Valery stepped forward, her hands raised slightly to quiet the room. The noise settled into an eager hum, and Valery's voice carried with ease through the grand atrium.

"Thank you, both of you, for your acceptance. Your dedication and resolve are examples to us all. Today, you both step into new roles, not as individuals but as part of something greater. Together with your fellow Jedi, you will lead with wisdom, compassion, and strength, and I could not be prouder."

She turned to face the gathered Jedi, her voice warm but firm. "And to all of you, thank you for being here today to show your support. This unity is what makes us strong, what gives us the ability to stand against the challenges we face as an Order and as individuals. It is what inspires me every single day."

Valery's gaze swept over the room, her fiery eyes meeting those of the assembled Jedi. "Today is a day for celebration — a reminder that, together, we can achieve anything. So, let us celebrate not just Cora and Ran, but the strength and spirit of the Jedi Order as a whole."

She turned back to Cora and Ran, her smile warm as she gestured toward the crowd. "Go now, join your fellow Jedi. Today is your day, and you should feel the joy and support of what you've helped build."

"Woo, Cora!" that turned a few amused heads in the crowd. She sat back, grinning as brightly as a sunrise.

“Coruhhhh!” Lysander yelled like a fan at a concert; he didn’t really care how it came across to the rest.

After the loud cries Makko couldn't make a move to cause further public embarrassment. He decided not to add to the hollering.

Makko wasn't even certain he felt like shouting. Watching it unfold, the scene had an almost dreamlike quality to it. After the moments of doubt and the forked paths in her life, she was here being elevated to the Jedi council. It was pride that held his voice. Striking him hard enough that it forced the air from his lungs.

For once, it felt like there was time. Time for patience and care and love. Makko wouldn't have imagined in his first days in the Order that this place would feel like home. As the crowd broke, he was slow to push forward. He simply sent a single note of reassurance down the bond he shared with Cora.

Don't ask who gets to be caretaker of the second knowledge. Don't ask who gets to be caretaker of the second knowledge.

He repeated the mantra as he filtered forwards through the throng of smiling Jedi delivering heartfelt congratulations.

Valery's closing speech tied the ceremony together with a sentiment of unity; the appointment of two new councilors was not just a personal achievement, but a reflection of the values and resilience of the Jedi Order.

Amidst the clapping, a few familiar voices called her name. A fond smile twitched Cora's lips, and she tilted her head in a gesture of gratitude first to Vera Noble Vera Noble , then to Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania . It meant a great deal to her that they'd attended, especially given the distance that her younger brother had to travel. The glint of his datapad's camera in the light caught her eye; it seemed he saw it fit to capture memories both embarrassing and dignified.

It took a few long moments for Cora to respond to Knight Ran Serys Ran Serys as she muddled over how to address her fellow councilor. "Thank you, Ran." She'd settled on easing formality in favor of kinship. "I am honored to stand here with you. The Order will be stronger with you as our Chief Archivist, and I certainly hope that our work will not come with more soldiers shooting at us." Though she mused quietly to the Mirialian, her eyes twinkled.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si was the first to approach the pair and offer her congratulations, evoking a formative moment of the blonde's life. The assault on Ukatis had been a turning point for Cora, cementing her resolve to remain within the Light.

"Thank you, Master Si. I hope to do right by the Jedi Order, and use what I've learned to help guide our brothers and sisters." A knowing smile passed between the two of women. "I look forward to working with you; no capacity is too small. And...perhaps, the Force will see it fit to guide us to Cathar again in the future. I quite enjoyed our mission there."

Another familiar face approached, first congratulating her cousin – a connection that, embarrassingly, Cora had just made between Ran and Amani Serys Amani Serys .

"Your support means much to me, Master Serys. I am certain that I will continue to look to you for guidance." Cora's voice lowered, but it did not lack warmth and gratitude as she recalled the times Amani and her healing skills had come to her aid. "Thank you for taking care of me."

Cora took a moment to look out to the gathered crowd. Some faces were familiar: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto , a fellow Knight from her own cohort and fellow green thumb, as well as Padawan Roman Vossari Roman Vossari , whose determination and spirit she found inspiring. Even Jack Wright Jack Wright , the fellow who'd broken a large stone during an exercise in Force imbuement, had come. Those that were less familiar, she had hoped to meet.

He simply sent a single note of reassurance down the bond he shared with Cora.

Makko's sentiment of reassurance drifted down their bond, and she caught his eye as he shifted through the crowd, unhurried and patient. Two descriptors she never would have used for the unruly Padawan, but they applied to the man he'd grown into.

Cora smiled at him. She hoped to be able to live up to the kind words that had had been said today.


Ran looked out across the atrium as Valery’s words danced across the crowd. She could see every unfamiliar padawan, knight, and master committing her and Cora’s image to memory. She did so in kind. Their images preserved in her mind for all time.

As she watched their joyous expressions, for a brief moment, nervousness crept into hers. Never had so many eyes been trained upon her, so many faces looking up, expecting a path forward. She always found one for herself when she was alone, but now she was in the conversation and finding these paths for all. Fortunately for her she’d be anything but alone. Her eyes fell on Valery, on Cora, and on the crowd. Shapes of all those that would stand by her and by each other. Moving forward. The sight combated her nerves, excised them from her. Hope, courage, and strength taking their place.

"Go now, join your fellow Jedi. Today is your day, and you should feel the joy and support of what you've helped build."

Before Ran joined the crowd, she approached Valery Noble Valery Noble , just for a moment. “Years ago, I came to you ready to turn myself in for crimes that weren’t truly my own, instead you showed me a better path.” Ran smiled. “Thank you, Valery. I hope one day I can do that for another.” She wanted to embrace the grandmaster but decided against it. Instead she blinked a tear from forming in her eye, turned, and joined the crowd. The hurt of the past never left, but the healing of the future dwarfed it almost entirely.

As she joined the crowd, family was first. “So have you,” Ran replied, putting a hand on Amani Serys Amani Serys shoulder. “I’m sorry I missed it.” She smiled at her cousin. When Ran left for wild space Amani was just coming back to the order, and when Ran returned Amani was Chief Healer, a master, and mother. Ran was happy to have this moment between them. “I am proud. Of me and you.” Ran was just as grateful to not be the only Serys left in the Galaxy.



TAGS: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Makko Vyres Makko Vyres | Ran Serys Ran Serys | Amani Serys Amani Serys

Caelan was in the back of the room, watching and listening as Master Noble spoke. What they were doing, putting Knight Serys and Cora into positions of authority within the Order, was important. Not being there would have looked poorly upon him. Besides, he counted Cora as a friend and he desired to congratulate her on her new station. Most of the others present, including the other inductee, were foreign to him. Not unexpected, it was a big order they were a part of.

When others clapped, he did as well. Out of the corner of his eye he was aware that someone, Serina Calis Serina Calis , was not clapping, and he turned to glance at her, noting the look on her face. It caused him to frown, but maybe she was just odd. Who knew. Regardless, when those up front began to disperse, he moved from his spot and began to weave through the crowd towards Cora.

"Congratulations, Cora," he said when he appeared near them, nodding to Makko. "A momentous occasion. I am happy to have gotten to work beside you as I did and I hope to do so again."

He turned then to Makko and extended his hand. "Don't believe I have met you. I'm Caelan Valoren, Padawan to Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic and the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Devit."


| Location | The Jedi Temple
| Objective | To congratulate a friend

The Duchess' thoughts on the Jedi Temple were... certainly manifold.
Such an ancient stronghold of her people's greatest enemy had ever invoked a profound sense of unease, to say nothing of the demeanour of those within. They would never be like her, she had come to realize, no matter the commonality to be fond in the cause they chose to uphold; the fanciful dreams she had of walking in the footsteps of the wise and mighty Tarre Vizsla, long since abandoned alongside the rest of her aspirations. Sacrificed on the altar of her own ambition, some might say... but, no matter how off-putting the structure itself might be, nor how bizarre its occupants to one forged in the fires of war, a certain awe remained within her, all the same.
Within this place, she and her Clan had made their stand, and soared on the wings of justice. They stood proudly, they fought, fiercely and some among them fell in the defence of the Jedi and their home; all of it, carried out at the side of a young Knight of the Jedi Order, whose courage humbled even the most battle-hardened of the elite Nite Owls. How blessed were they, to share the glory of redemption under the light of one so brave, whose inner light shielded them from the hateful tendrils of corruption sent forth by the invaders?
Such a brilliant memory of comradery sufficed to banish all apprehensions, and so Jenn be aliit Kryze found that even her ruminations could do little to dampen the atmosphere. Though she knew little of Ran Serys Ran Serys , the same could not be said of the other Jedi to be honored on such a day. Once, she thought her to be an arrogant princess forgetting her station, a Padawan who overstepped when she was to remain silent and learn. Now, though... how far they had come.
Doing her best to cut through the crowd, the beskar-clad warrior certainly cut a rather... exotic figure. Shimmering blue for a shell, a helm kept upon her head, her scaled cloak seemingly catching on the light - to say nothing of the surety of her steps, nor the pitilessness of her visor. A righteous defender of the Light, perhaps, but hardly ever nice, outside of those few individuals who earned her respect and affection.
Corazona had proved herself a respectable ally, at first - and, in time, a dear friend. So, when she finally came near the young woman (ignoring the familiar faces along the way as best she could, difficult as such a proposition might be in the case of the Sentinel of Harmony), the Alor's fingers moved towards her helmet without pause nor need for fanfare. With that telltale hiss of depressurization, The Redeemer removed her second (or, as some might say, true) visage, her severe expression made a little less hawkish by the smile slowly pulling at her lips. Such stern demeanour only made the public display of warmth all the more impactful.
"I never thought you and I would stand within this place once more, though I am glad we have the fortune of doing so without the need to draw blades, as we did last time. I am... so very proud, to know that your wisdom has been recognized by your Order - as it should be. Few have ever been more deserving of my respect, that of my Nite Owls, and the rest of my people. Keep true to yourself, Cora; that is the only advice I can possibly give to one as driven as you."
There was a pause, then, if only to force something of a lull in the siren's song woven by her words; Jenn was Ersansyr, and thanks to her gills, she could quite literally talk for hours on end without the need to stop. Giving everyone around her the impression that she was purposefully trying to influence the newly-appointed Caretaker of First Knowledge would undoubtedly lead to an unnecessary headache. Then, a rare twinkle of mischief betrayed the woman hidden away beneath beskar, titles, and legend.
"My Alor'ad tells me that House Leyweald and Seiros send you their congratulations and warm regards as well.

Ryana mina

Tag: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Ran Serys Ran Serys

Ryana was elated for her friend cora to be joining the council she had gleamed that it was a huge deal and as everyone gave praise to the two newest members. Ryana saw another familiar face as she had both pip and buster her master Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor dog who both her and pip loved deeply plus connel was away on a mission and ryana dog napped buster. Which she knew connel wouldn't mind all that much besides the fact she bought buster a couple of toys as she walked up to ko with buster right besides her acting like a perfect little gentleman.

"You look like you need a break" she said to ko sure she was here for cora but that didn't mean she couldn't talk to her other friends as she looked around she couldn't see pip. As she saw pip had managed to get up on the stage and was making his way to cora buster was old news she guessed. As pip climbed onto cora and made himself at home on coras shoulder purring and licking coras cheek. Ryana had tried to train pip in manners and staying around her but it never worked pip would do what pip wanted. As she looked back at ko "if there is anyway i can help let me know" she said to her friend she knew pip wouldn't leave coras side and she knew where he was.
(Tags: OPEN)

Did they have them- Yeeeeees, they did.

Score! Or otherwise, scones! At the snack table, Jack treated himself to a sugary snack. Or two... Okay, five, but hey, it was a long ceremony in the waited department, couldn't blame a Knight for the pick-me-up.

Mmm! Marzipan, too!

Catching some bemused looks of fellow Jedi, Jack just wagged his brows and kept eating, needing a full stomach until dinner arrived. Hey, if Jedi were more concerned about keeping their figure, more for him!
Raising himself up with the help of his cane, Mak slithered over slowly to where the two women had a group of Jedi surrounding them, sincere heartfelt congratulations being given to the two of them. Knight von Ascania was still speaking to several people as his cane tapped closer, but he didn't want to interfere in those who were close to her.

The other however, the Mirialan, had finished talking, Mak slithered slowly over to her. As he approached, he took off his hat, bowing deeply to the Knight.

"We haven't been introduced yet, but I am Jedi Master Mak Manto. I just wanted to relay my congratulations and sincerest wishes for your success. I'm normally in the archives, so I look forward to seeing you in your new role, Knight Serys."

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Ran Serys Ran Serys

Even while standing silently in the back, he could feel the warmth radiating from the crowd. Lysander's thoughts shifted toward his sister, who appeared radiant before everyone; it was heartwarming to see her receiving the recognition she deserved. He glanced down at his datapad and pulled up her contact. Sending a copy of the picture felt necessary; after all, capturing memories was part of his duty as the coolest younger brother.

Immediately after, he found Roman’s contact, a chuckle escaping as he figured the older Padawan probably had no idea he was even in attendance. Once more, his fingers flew across the screen, conjuring a message that was similar in nature to their usual banter.

[[Aye Roman, we need a bro hangout after this and get some food. Also, any chance you can help me meet some girls? Asking for a friend. Preferably ones not allergic to fun.. like those in the New Jedi Order.]]

Hitting send one last time, the small device was tucked away into a pocket. Then, the teen began to stroll across the floor, weaving in and out of the different crowds that were gathered.

Once he was within a few paces, an idea suddenly hit him. He stepped off to the side and slowly approached from behind. With a leap, Lysander snuck up and wrapped his arms around Cora, squeezing firmly for just a moment before letting go. “Congrats, Councilor! Hopefully it doesn’t go straight to your head." A smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. “But seriously.. what’s that fragrance you’re wearing today? It's kind of..awful. Reminds me of those dead plants you’re always trying to summon.”

It wouldn’t have been right without at least one playful jab.

The Padawan didn’t imagine he would be staying here for too long; somehow, he figured there would be many who desired a few words with Cora during this interlude. “I just wanted to congratulate you and say that I miss you, even if you're always super annoying.”

A glance was shot over at Ran, uncertain if the Jedi Knight had seen him. Either way, he offered a subtle wave and a warm smile in her direction.
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Roman leaned back in his chair, the uncomfortable plastic molding fitting him surprisingly well. Now, the crowd was thinning, dispersing towards the food or forming eager queues to congratulate Cora and Ran. Roman, however, remained seated, his legs stretched out in front of him, the heels of his boots drumming a silent rhythm against the floor.

His datapad flickered to life, a notification lighting up the screen. It was from Lysander. A grin tugged at Roman's lips as he read the message. Lysander was here? He hadn't seen his friend in what felt like ages. Roman's eyes scanned the room, finally landing on Lysander, who was now teasing Cora. Good, he made an appearance for this.

Roman tapped out a reply, his fingers flying across the digital keyboard: [[Tell your sister you are proud of her and then we can go get some food. I can introduce you to some girls around here, not all the girls in the New Jedi Order are like Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti ..."]] The thought of Zaiya made him roll his eyes. He had learned she had butted heads with Lysander one too many times, Roman would rather avoid any confrontation with her today.

A chuckle escaped Roman's lips as he sent the message. He already had a few girls in mind, ones who knew how to have fun without taking themselves too seriously. This was going to be a good night.

He tucked the datapad under his arm and rose to his feet. The hall was beginning to empty, the hum of conversation replaced by the clinking of plates. Roman decided to delay his congratulations to Cora; he wanted to give immediate family and other higher ups the opportunity. Instead, he made his way towards the back of the hall, where trays of appetizers were laid out. He grabbed a handful of what looked like spiced nuts, his eyes scanning for Lysander.

TAG: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze (teehee)

The afterparty, following the ceremony, had gone into full swing.

Jonyna had parked herself firmly at the food table, munching away happily. It's not something she showed outwardly often, but Jonyna was a glutton when she wanted to be. Normally a carnivore by nature, she found herself munching on a bag of chips that had been provided. Small bits of cheese dust stuck to her fingers, but Jonyna didn't seem to care. What did she have to care when she was gorging herself on good food?

All that changed when her ears perked up, noticing her Lyrana lurking through the crowd. As she talked to Cora, one of the two women of the hour, Jonyna couldn't help but look a little mischievously over to her chosen mate. She knew when Jenn was trying to act 'official', but Jonyna knew all it was, was a prime opportunity to mess with her.

Sneaking through the crowd, she approached with the stealth of a cat, stalking closer until she finally was close enough to brush her tail against Jenn's leg.

"Hey Jenn~" She purred, sounding as gremlin-like as she ever was.

He turned then to Makko and extended his hand. "Don't believe I have met you. I'm Caelan Valoren, Padawan to Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic and the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Devit."

"No we haven't met," Makko agreed.

He had been rather sharply drawn from his reverie of internal reflection and back to the moment.

Makko shook the offered hand.

They seemed to be drawing more and more from the ranks of nobility. He was starting to wonder if Valery was taking back hands to fund the war effort.

"It's good to have you with us, been around long?"

Ran left her cousin Amani Serys after a short but loving embrace between family members, and continued into the crowd. Congratulations and well wishes all around. As she continued she found the warm smile and wave of Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania . She recognized the young man from their journey to the crystal caves of Ilum, and the look of recognition grew deeper upon seeing Lysander beside Ran’s fellow knight and now councilor, Corazona von Ascania. The familial resemblance was there, and a welcome sight. Ran returned his warm smile, and as she passed greeted him with a hushed, “Hello, Lysander.” not wanting to take any time away from the young man’s conversation with family.

In the string of Jedi next to approach her was the thisspiasian Jedi Master, Mak Manto. “I thank you for your congratulations, Master Manto,” Ran replied. “And I am honored to make your acquaintance.” She added.

“The archives will be a new challenge for me but with the Lorekeepers and Elder Jedi like yourself to aid me, I’m sure it’ll be a seamless transition. I look forward to seeing you there, Master Manto. I’m sure there is much of your life that has yet to be chronicled. If you need any assistance in doing so, it would delight me to be there.” Ran laid out as she bowed deeply before the man.


Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren | Makko Vyres Makko Vyres | Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze | Ryana mina | Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania

"Thank you, Caelan."

Cora tilted her head in acknowledgment of the young Prince with a gracious smile. Whilst purifying dark runes on the temple of Caamas, they'd gotten to chatting about balancing the expectation of nobility and Jedi. She'd found him to be a rather driven, compassionate individual. "I do hope that we will work alongside one another again. You've much to offer the Jedi."

And, she imagined, to his people. That was the tricky part about their positions; how much of themselves do they give to the Jedi, and how much to their respective homelands?

She glanced to Makko with a smile as Caelan introduced himself. As the greeting took place, a familiar face - or Y visor - entered the hall and made her way through the crowd. Cora's back immediately straightened, her complacent expression shifting quickly in surprise as the Mandalorian removed her helmet.

"I never had the chance to formally thank you for your clansman's help on Tython station, so I say it now; thank you, Alor Kryze, for all that you've done. Not just for the rescue, but for the guidance and companionship you've shown me over the years." A hand extended to grasp the siren's forearm in a firm grip. "I am proud to call you my friend, Jenn of House Kryze."

When Jenn imparted the well wishes from Houses Leyweald and Seiros, Cora's expression shifted into something more thoughtful. It had been quite some time since Cora had made contact with either, and perhaps she should seek to remedy that.

A sudden tug at the skirt of her robe drew the blonde's attention down, but Pip was quick to climb the flowing fabric and claim a spot on her shoulder. After wobbling slightly in place, Cora chuckled fondly as she gave him a scratch behind the ears. "It's good to see you too, Pip. I take it that Ryana is here."

Then, a surprise attack from behind had her shifting to solidify her stance before she could be knocked over. Cora knew who it was before he spoke, recognizing not only his presence but the feel of the hug.

"I will try, Padawan." Though her speech was polished, the grin that stretched her face was one of warmth and joy. Even his little jab wasn't felt as deeply. "As long as you try to speak with more tact. I may not have the authority to put you in detention, but I have friends on Naboo."

Cora returned his embrace, laughing softly at the banter. "It means the galaxy that you made the trip here, Lysander. My door is always open to you."


TAGS: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Makko Vyres Makko Vyres

Caelan flushed a little at the compliment from Cora, his cheeks turning a rosy color, which only served to accentuate his scar. If he had realized that, he'd probably have hidden his face away. He didn't like the scar even though he knew it stood for something. It was a part of who he was and it wasn't going away anytime soon. He had to embrace it.

"Thank you for saying so, Cora," he said.

Makko, on the other hand, shook his hand and asked how long he'd been around. The mans hand belied strength, and a strong work ethic. Cora had done well for herself with this one.

"Several months now. Ever since my parents were killed and my world overtaken by some hostile party."

No, Val wasn't getting any kickbacks from him. Sure, he had the money but he didn't have access to it while Lazerian IV was under the control of some hostile party. He was with the Jedi because he needed to grow stronger in order to better serve his people, and probably the galaxy as a whole. He was a Jedi, but also a Prince. Double duty, each equally important and he firmly intended to keep doing his duty as a Jedi even as he ruled once he freed his world from occupation. It would be tough, but he would do it because it was right.

"I've mostly been training, or helping out where I can, though. Only recently met Cora while helping cleanse a temple of corruption. She taught me how to do it."


Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Ran Serys Ran Serys Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Lysander absorbed the energy around him; it only took a heartbeat for his own lips to mimic Cora's grin. However, as the first comment was delivered, his eyes rolled straight to the back of his head. “Bring it on. As long as I still have my HoloNet shows, I can endure any detention or boring lecture.”

Deep down, the Padawan cherished her words. But amid so many onlookers, any warmth felt different now; it was as though he were vulnerable before the entire galaxy. More concerned about being overheard, he masked any affection by scrunching up his face. You’re my hero, Coco. I'm grateful to have you as my sister.”

His expression shifted, just as the topic at hand would too. “By the way," he added, “I'll be on here for another day or two. Maybe we can catch up before I leave?” He felt excited at the very thought of it. “I’m about to head out for some food with Roman.”

His mind then froze as he remembered that he should give her a heads up about Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti . After a second, he continued, “Oh yeah, you should probably be more careful around that one Lovalla girl. She’s been stirring a lot of trouble on Naboo since our fishing trip. I'll explain later.”

He then to drop the subject, not wishing to bring clouds to a rather sunny evening. That didn't mean Lysander still wouldn't warn the others he used to train here with on Coruscant during the visit.

As Ran smiled back at him, a touch of comfort washed over him; her presence always seemed to radiate a peaceful aura, even from a distance.

Soon he walked away from the spot, following the aroma of different foods, until he found Roman.

“How's it going?” He grinned before raising a hand. “Are you sure you don’t want to say hello to Cora before we leave, or are you already tired of her?” Emerald eyes instantly lit up with mischief, ready for whatever banter that would follow.
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Roman paused, a handful of spiced nuts halfway to his mouth, when Lysander's voice reached him. A grin spread across his face as he turned, his eyes meeting Lysander's gaze. He finished the nuts, crunching them with satisfaction before wiping his hand on his trousers. "Lysander, you made it!" He clapped his friend on the shoulder, a gesture that was both enthusiastic and affectionate.

"And to answer your question," Roman added, cocking an eyebrow, "I see Cora pretty much every day now. I'll give her some space to soak up the well-deserved praise. Besides," he winked, "I already told her I was proud of her. She knew what was up." He waved a hand dismissively, as if his endearment and appreciation for Cora was a given, not something that needed verbal confirmation at a formal event.

He finished off the rest of his appetizers, his gaze locking onto Lysander's. "Now," Roman said, the mischievous glint in his eyes matching Lysander's own, "Enough with the formal gatherings. Time for something a little more...interesting." He slung an arm around Lysander's neck, pulling him into a loose headlock, and began to steer him towards the exit, his boots making a light scuffing sound against the polished floor.

"You know," Roman continued, his voice dropping slightly as they moved away from the remaining attendees, "I've mentioned you a few times to some of the girls around here. They've heard of the dashing, blonde prince of a Padawan. Let's just say there's some very exciting individuals who are very keen to meet the infamous Lysander."

-Thread Exit-

| Location | The Jedi Temple
| Objective | Congratulations done with; now to extract. Or not.

"There need be no formality between friends, nor thanks", chided the Mandalorian with a slight, if heartfelt smile. Judging by the subtle shift in her expression, she approved of this warrior's greeting, her own hand clasped around the Jedi's forearm in return; evidently, the Princess had learned enough of her culture during her visit to Pandosia. "There are no accounts to be kept between you and I. Whenever you need my aid, call upon me, and I will answer. Just as I stood by your side within this Temple and sent a strike team to recover you at Tython, you came to our aid when Onderon was besieged. We can count on each other, and that bond is very precious indeed. May it perdure for as long as we draw breath. As for wisdom... I believe there may come a time where I become the student, and you the teacher."
And with that, the Duchess quietly departed, using Pip's interruption to excuse herself. She had spoken that which needed to be heard, and found very little reason for lingering. After all, this place was not her home, nor would it ever be. It was a holy place and stronghold both, somewhere packed with Jedi, whose knowledge of the Force made her feel somewhat inadequate among them. All that was left for her now was to slip the helm atop her head once more, bury all notion of emotions and individuality beneath the heavy and regal mantle of The Redeemer, and stride on out of-
When that tail brushed against her leg, she all but froze, interrupting her motion and leaving the helmet halfway on, rather than pushing it all the way down and letting the suit pressurize itself once more. It could mean one thing, and one thing only. Something confirmed when that voice reached her ears, so very full of mischief. With a sigh, the Alor turned her head to look upon the smug look on her lover's face. Acknowledging her as such in the middle of so many Jedi was far from ideal, what with their uncanny ability to sense the intentions and thoughts of others. Was she ashamed of their relationship? Not one bit. Advertising it with their dance together on Hapes? Not a problem. Publically making a show of it amidst the Jedi Temple, now that was... something else.
She considered schooling her expression, pushing the helmet all the way back down, and giving her a polite, if firm "Master Si" as a response. When her eyes came to rest upon her features, however, drinking in her feline beauty... the Ersansyr all but abandoned the idea, slipping off her helmet and holding it under her arm. With a roll of her eyes and a little smirk, she closed the distance between them, cupping her beloved's face with her hand and gracing her lips with a soft, unhurried, and tender kiss.
"I suppose I shouldn't be surprised I'd find you here, Moontide."

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