Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction [NJO] The Next Chapter

Ariana du Couteau, Jedi Padawan
Coruscant, Jedi Temple


It almost seemed rather normal, as if everything was as it should be within the Temple. The attack and destruction of Coruscant still left large wounds but the Alliance and Jedi marched forward. Ariana smiled all the same, her eyes gleamed as she took in the new banners and listened carefully as Master Noble gave her speech. It was a momentous occasion, the titles brought along responsibilities that would require much of their effort and dedication. History and knowledge were no easy things to secure and preserve, to be also readily given out to any Jedi in pursuit of greater wisdom.

Ariana internally shook her head at the sheer magnitude of future work ahead for both Knight von Ascania and Serys. She wished the two of them luck and that the Force be with them, for it sounded like far too much work to handle for just so few people. But I guess all those within the Order also have a duty to help with such tasks. Keeping both hands nestled behind her back Ariana kept her smile as she watched several others come up to congratulate the duo, it seemed the ceremony had ended. It was always quite the cultural whiplash for her to see such important ceremonies held by the Jedi to lack so much pomp and circumstance.

Back on Teta we’d celebrate whole weeks for a successful business transaction. But Ariana admired it all the same, it simply meant they’d return back to training and studying that much faster. She had bought new sports tape and itched to get back into the sparring chambers once again. Her left fist squeezed tightly behind her and hidden beneath her cape as her smile grew with excitement.


TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

The touch of her Lyrana and the tender kiss was met with a soft, very audible to those around them, purr. Jonyna had no sense of shame in how she conducted herself, no care for preconceptions, no manners for her station on the Council. When Jenn Kryze was around, Jonyna was a sneaky little kitten looking for affection.

Was that so wrong? She certainly thought not, or didn't care enough to stop. Maybe it was a bit of both. "Welcome to my world, Jenny~" She continued to purr, as she broke the kiss. "Maybe one day I can teach you a thing or two about the Force and you and I can roam the halls."

Jonyna hadn't yet brought it up, but she could feel Jenn in the Force. How Jenn felt was rough, like holding an unsmelted piece of metal ore. The mandalorian could become anything she wanted, unfettered by the preconceptions of the Force, much like Jonyna was once upon a time.

She loved that. The Cathar wished to guide her mate in that way. A journey of two lovers finding their way through the Force.

"I'm sure the opportunity will arise soon enough that you and I will get the chance to be able to talk. As for right now, let me let you get back to speaking with your friends."

Placing the hat back on his head, he leaned on the cane and began to slither over to where Cora stood with her own group of well-wishers.

Cora dipped her head in a final expression of gratitude to both Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren and Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze before they’d both excused themselves.

You’re my hero, Coco. I'm grateful to have you as my sister.”


No one in her family had ever expressed a sentiment like that. Cora knew that Lysander had looked up to her when he was younger, as a little brother did toward an older sibling. But to hear such praise tightened her chest with a mixture of pride and gratitude. It was something she'd constantly sought, but had never received from their father.

She threw an arm around his shoulder, squeezing Lysander briefly. It took every ounce of control to keep her voice steady.

"I'd like that." She smiled, then raised a brow at his jab towards Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti . "She's on your mind an awful lot, isn't she?" Cora's tone curved in an almost playful way, but she too elected to drop it.

"Go on," Cora said as she gave her brother a final squeeze before releasing him. "Have something to eat and find Roman Vossari Roman Vossari . I'm certain he'll be happy to see you."

Noting the Wookiee’s approach, Cora smiled at Mak Manto Mak Manto .
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