Meanwhile back on Ossus...
The ship was once again fueled and ready to depart. The small team of Jedi and loyalist troopers prepared to depart. The darkside was everywhere. It sat in corners. It hid in shadows and the Jedi had to see it removed. Talon had heard that their would be a need for many to go to coruscant but the Sith and the Darkside would not wait while Jedi talked.
"Master @[member="Daella Apparine"]?" He said into his comlink "Knight Vosra reporting. My team is ready to depart."
The ship was once again fueled and ready to depart. The small team of Jedi and loyalist troopers prepared to depart. The darkside was everywhere. It sat in corners. It hid in shadows and the Jedi had to see it removed. Talon had heard that their would be a need for many to go to coruscant but the Sith and the Darkside would not wait while Jedi talked.
"Master @[member="Daella Apparine"]?" He said into his comlink "Knight Vosra reporting. My team is ready to depart."