Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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No Confidence Vote |Jedi|

Josh then looked over at @[member="Krest"] and sighed.

"You have done your part, my friend. You are dismissed. If anyone gives you trouble returning to the CIS, I will give them hell to pay personally" he said with a small smile. "Even if I am no longer Grandmaster"
Krest nodded to @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], then to @[member="Hayato"]. One was a personal friend, the other a close ally. But he was dismissed. He probably overstayed his welcome when he first showed up. He stepped out of the chamber, but not before whispering to Joshua.

"I hope you stay Grandmaster. For both the Republic and the CIS." He moved out afterwards, his shoulders square and his head held high. He tried. He had removed his Sith outfit and was wearing the signature white Templar Armor. Not Sith.
He'd been told it was important that he attend. That it would give him a view of the internal politics of the order. That his decisions as a Jedi should be informed ones, ones of deeply instilled conviction, not blind loyalty. He had thoughts, questions, and he hadn't seen his master since they'd parted ways on the shuttle over. He knew why, now, and he trusted that she knew what she was doing. Still, there were even more questions because of it. And confusion. Reconciling the image of the Jedi from the stories of his childhood in his mind to fact was more and more a steep climb... but there was much he still didn't know. It was hard to form an opinion, but he knew that it was worth sticking it out. He felt that, despite what was going on before his eyes and all the words filtering into his ears, that he could possibly do something for this Order. Help it get on, and stay on the right path. He couldn't very well go back to the way things were, now could he?

Words were thrown back and forth, volley after volley; the still-new padawan, Jannik, remained in his seat, his eyes on @[member="Kira Liadain"], moving from her only when others spoke to seek them out amongst the gathered. This was a learning experience, and though the high tensions in the grand room crushed in on him, he stayed pinned where he was. He just might be a master amongst all these gathered one day, might just face these very things himself.

He looked from @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] to @[member="Krest"] from way up where he sat, with the knowledge of what others had said about the two, in front of all. If the former was the Grandmaster, then surely he had his reasons for using the Iridonian. Surely they were thoroughly thought out. With his thoughts, the curly-haired young man perched his chin in his hands, elbows on knees, processing all that had been said. He had nothing to contribute, but one day, he would.

Cedric Dorn

Diana's eyes popped open once again as Joshua gave permission for the Darkside infiltrator to leave. She shook her head and for the first time since she spoke in the first support of Kira she once again broke the silence of the room, though it was barely there.

“No, I don't believe he should be allowed to go just yet.” Before the Sith could leave completely she motioned for some of the guards to stop the Sith Templar from leaving the building, the man was a Darksider, he had been with the Sith, at the very least he needed to be debriefed, at the most his actions at the hand of the Grandmaster should be investigated. “I apologize Master...@[member="Krest"] was it? But you'll understand if some of us wish to speak with you before you disappear to Confederate Space, since your mission is rather integral to the Grandmasters alleged efforts to work against the Sith.”

She frowned slightly, this would cause some trouble.
Rianna had entered silently, as was her way. The tone of the voices filled the air Rianna glanced over to where Joshua stood. She knew there was much about many of the Jedi around her that she did not know. Shew knew only what was shared, not what was a matter of record for some reason she had not thought to delve into the histories of each of the Jedi.

This sound though the words that hung heavy upon the air as each person in the room absorbed them, looked at their meanings and weighed it against what they knew, and what they were being told. She swallowed hard, this meeting was hard on any Jedi, to look at the chosen leader by Council vote to be brought before the Order and asked to vote to remove him. She was the peaceful type, not given to many words, and definitely not given to bouts of shouting. But anything she would say today, would be though out, and carefully worded.

She wanted to listen more to those who brought them all here, to hear their argument, the evidence, the reason until then she would watch from where she stood. She had to question though, why would Joshua have someone who was skilled in dark arts working for the Order without someone else within the Order knowing, did Master Dista know? She could feel the room changing and wavering as each one made their view known.
Krest wasn't a darksider. Wasn't Sith. His presence was both light and dark in an -equal- amount. Not. A. Sith. But he stopped, setting his hands behind as he looked to @[member="Diana Moridena"]. "If that's how you feel. And it's Ser Krest. I'm only a Knight." He turned from the door, leaning on it's doorway. If the Jedi figured his presence was needed, he wasn't gonna leave.

Less this turned violent. He had too many friends within the Jedi alone for him to stick around should someone pull a saber. So yes, he'd stay until he didn't have to anymore.
Josh smiled as he watched Krest go. "May the Force be with you, Krest" he said. "Safe travels"

And with that, he turned his attention to the Jedi.

"You have voted me out, and I will submit to the Jedi's judgement. By popular vote... I will step down" he finally said. It was the hardest thing he ever had to say, but the Jedi were changing... And not in a good way. It was time for him to get with the times.

He sighed. And for the first time, he stared down at the ground... And tears ran down the Grandmaster's eyes. Josh did not show emotion very often, less since he had become Grandmaster... But with this situation, he couldn't hold it in anymore.

"I've decided to take a hiatus from the Order" he said quietly, not believing what he was about to say. "I'm going to rest my body, which I have torn apart piece by piece for this Order for 16 years. I'm going to do what a Jedi is supposed to do, keep the peace, serve the galaxy, serve it's civilians... And I'm going to hunt down the Sith. I'm going to find them, wherever they lurk" he said, looking from Jedi to Jedi. Even with the tears in his eyes, his gaze was a determined one.

"But before I go... I will do just as my father, Philip Joseph Halen-DragonsFlame did... For the organization that he loved" he said, pacing as he spoke to the Jedi in the room.

"Those "Jedi" there..." he said, motioning toward @[member="Diana Moridena"] and her kind. "They are beings of nothing but remorseless murder, their hunt for the dark side has corrupted them beyond means. And if you are not careful... They will take over. They will turn this Order, that I have slaved over and given my heart and soul to, and near killed myself for... Into an Order of killers. Assassins. Remorseless liars of hate and deceit. Committed to nothing but the expulsion of the dark side" he said. "One of them is on your Council. Heed my warning well. Because they will destroy this Order"

As he said this, he glared at @[member="Diana Moridena"]. "If you imprison my guest, Master Moridena, you will not like the consequences that will come. When I leave here, the Templars will be informed of Krest's deal with me. And if you imprison or harm that man... I can't promise you that I won't tell them"

His words struck like a dagger into the heart of evil.

"I will return when the Jedi Order has returned to the Order that I loved. Because the path it's going... It's not a Jedi Order I want to serve any longer" he said coldly. "My hiatus will continue, my self imposed exile will go until it is ample time. I will return, one day... And when I do, I hope this Order has flourished instead of being destroyed by the heartlessness and greed in the hearts of some of our "Brothers" and "Sisters" that call themselves Jedi"

He looked at Miarta, and smiled faintly. He walked over and took her hand.

"Miarta... My Padawan... I'm sorry that I have to go" he said quietly. "I will keep in touch. While I am not teaching you physically, I suggest you look for Master @[member="Vulpesen"] and Knight @[member="Tallia Farn"] to help you with your training. They are some of the best Jedi that I know, and are on the path of the light that I hope you will take"

He smiled faintly, and without another word, he walked out... Within 5 minutes, the Grandmaster's quarters were empty. DragonsFlame had disappeared without a trace.
Krest blinked at @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], then shrugged. So much for needing to remain. He turned to leave again, only this time not speaking. No reason for them to keep him, so he's gone.
Kelios' voice boomed across the Praxum once more but was this time directed at Diana. She was a Master of the Order, yet she had no right to hold an innocent. "We have no right to hold this man, he should be given right of passage, as a member of this Order, regardless of my rank will vouch for the stranger. He speaks of old ways and has claimed to not be Sith. Have we become so blind and paranoid by hate and war that we can't let someone walk out of our doors after granting information to our Grandmaster..."

"Former Grandmaster, it seems."
From the moment this had begun, Rasu could tell that the Grandmaster was doomed, although she had hoped to be proven wrong. This was indeed a dark day, one that she hoped to never again witness in her many years to come. She had become a Jedi for the adventure, to defend those who could not defend themselves. This was what a Jedi was all about. Yes, bringing an end to the dark side was a main priority, something that Rasu felt strongly for and had striven to eradicate, but not like this. War could bring an end to the Sith and the dark side for the time being, but was it fair to bring the rest of the galaxy into the fight as well. Galactic history could at least prove this. The battle of light and dark had ravaged the galaxy since the Jedi and Sith's creation, and in every skirmish between these groups, the galaxy had been brought into the battle with them.

Although she agreed with aspects of both parties here in the praxeum hall, Rasu could not cope with the infighting that was occurring. The appearance of this Krest had in the end been the Grandmaster's downfall, and she knew that although not intentional, the Zabrak had to take some of the blame. Watching as Diana stepped towards the human and Zabrak, Rasu decided to intervene.

"Master Moridena, this is not necessary. Please there is enough tension already in this hall, and I'd prefer it to not rise any further. Allow the Zabrak to leave so to not provoke Master Dragonsflame. The infiltrator can be called back at another time, as our alliance with the Confederacy still stands, I'm sure they will be more than happy to oblige." Turning to the Zabrak male, she smiled softly, "You may go Krest" she said, before turning back to the Jedi Master.

"Enough is enough. This has already caused a division between the Order and I'd like it to stop. Master Dragonsflame has announced his resignation so allow us all now to convene somewhere else, privately where we can discuss where to go from here." Leveling her eyes with her fellow Master, she set them with grim determination. She'd had enough of all this bickering, it was time to just move on.

@[member="Krest"] @[member="Diana Moridena"]
Spencer pulled her comm from her robes and began to make her way out of the crowd. The crucifixion of the Grand Master was over and Spencer realized that the Order hadn't changed from when she first walked its hallways. Fixing her hair under her hood, she moved towards her ship - there were many things to ponder upon.

May the Force be with you @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] where ever you find yourself going

Cedric Dorn

Diana looked at the Knight, and smiled, a warm smile one would not have expected to see in such a place as this. She was more than happy that he would not try to force his way out, that was an excellent thing and would mean no fighting. “Thank you Ser Krest.”

She did not even acknowledge the padawan that spoke, they had every right to hold anyone who ever claimed to be a Sith, that was Republic law and Jedi law. It was simple as that. Besides, the man had agreed to stay and so the issue was settled.

He would be spoken to after the issue at hand was decided. Then Josh spoke up and her eyes shifted once again. The expression on her face was flat, listless, and completely unsurprised. Before Joshua tucked his tale and left Diana responded to the man, her voice calm and even, no hint of anger within it.

“Master Dragonsflame, I have in all my twnety six years of living only ever killed one man. That man was the Sith Lord Velok. The Sith That destroyed Two entire planets. I along with Grandmaster at the time slew him, I plunged by blade Tyrfing into his heart and ended the life of his body. Since then I have not killed a single being, Sith or not. No man, woman, or child has fallen to my blade or lightsaber. If you think me a murderer, then you must be a true purveyor of the craft for you yourself have killed more men than I. I am no killer, I am a Jedi that loves this Order deeply. Before you slander someone, perhaps you should think about what you say and seek the truth.” Then her gaze turned to Rasu. “I have not imprisoned him, I have asked him to stay so we may question him about his time among the Sith our enemies. That is all, a simple round of questioning. Though if he can guarantee his return, then he may go.”
And just that quickly it was done.
What direction were the Jedi going, it was an uneasy feeling that rested upon those in the hall. Rianna moved through the crowds, and headed out of the temple. She had to think, she had to consider what could happen now.
Vulpesen's face darkened as he listened to the grandmaster's resignation. He did not want it to come to this and he was more than disappointed in this turn of events. With his words of praise, Vulpesen nodded in thanks and watched as the man walked away. Make no mistake, we will be restored and you will be proud when you return. With his silent farewell, Vulpesen turned to look between the different master's in the room. Things just got a lot more complicated in the order, and he was rather worried as to where they were headed as a group. "I only hope that we may find a common ground somewhere in this mess." Hoping they could mend the rift between them, he stayed silent for the moment, hoping that the others would resolve this matter with little more problems.

Flint Dexen

Wandering Lost Soul
Internal Jedi politics and conflict. That was the last thing the Jedi Order and the Republic needed right now, Flint believed. He personally held no ill will against Grandmaster @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], nor did he particularly believe voting him down would do much of anything. It was obvious however, that others held different opinions. Opinions that Flint would respect.

He watched in suprise as the Grandmaster stated he would be taking a hiatus from the order. Then came the part where Master Dragonsflame described how the Jedi Order was going bad. This confused Flint a great deal. So the Grandmaster had known about this during his time as the leadershp of the Jedi Order? If so, why had he not done anything about it? It was a rather unpleasant thought.

The Jedi Knight looked around at the Jedi Masters as people started leaving. Then Flint spoke, asking a question to all of the Jedi Masters present at the meeting, which included @[member="Kira Liadain"], @[member="Vulpesen"], @[member="Sarge Potteiger"], @[member="Rianna Organa"], @[member="Rasu Gan"], @[member="Diana Moridena"], and @[member="Hayato"]. Many of them had favored this vote of no confidence, while some had chosen to dissent.

"With all due respect, Jedi Masters, I would like to inquire as to where we're headed now. Master Liadain, you stated you 'no longer feel that the entirety of the Jedi Council is capable of action'. And now we've impeached the Grandmaster. How will this do anything to change the Jedi Council that you've deemed incapable? Surely we won't move forward by going around impeaching those on the council?" he asked, being as polite as possible. Flint did not fault the Jedi Masters for their majority opinion, he was simply curious.

"I understand that the current situation may be frustrating. But as far as I've been taught in our Jedi Order, feelings such as frustration and anger are those that we ought to dismiss." he added.
"The Sith are not our enemies... A True Jedi has no enemies." Kelios spoke out silently, his head bowed in shame of this day. The large Jedi turned around and left as the Jedi Grand-Master did, he was done here. May the Force with be with you all.

Carn Dista

"As master of the order I stand only to gain from the removal of Grandmaster Dragonsflame. However in the relatively short time I have known him I have grown to trust his decision making process, despite his years. He truly has the best interests of the Jedi Order at heart. It is for this reason, and my faith in him as Grandmaster, that I voice staunch opposition to a so called vote of no confidence.

I woukd also like to raise the point that a vote of no confidence is a solely political thing. It is usrd by senators to deal with ineffective Chancellors, and so on and so forth. To bring such political measures into the Jedi Order defeats the pirpise of our order entirely. We exist to serve the will of the Force, not to make powerplays and act as our misguided brothers and sisters who seek the darker path. I find it to be most foul that the Order seeks to tamper in matters that directly relate to the Jedi Council, and naturally advise all members of our noble order to reftain from attempting to tamper with matters that blatantly consern the High Council, and the High Council alone.

As for the Council apparently disagreeing with which actions to take and where to take them:

I cannot stress enough that this is incorrect. The council is, by and large of one mind. As a result, many decisions are resolved within a matter of hours. The issues that take longer are those that generate lengthy debate within the council until a majority vote is achieved. You will all recognise this as a prime example of the democratic approach that the Jedi have recently adopted to draw ourselves inline with the Republic.

To shorten my points for thosr that wish a morw direct approach: The council takes time for good reason. This is a debate to be held within the council chambers by the high council, rather than creating a near pointless debate.

Considering that the Jedi Order is meant to honor the Council, as dictated by the tenents of our Order, I am thoroughly ashamed in all who wish to press this topic further.

To tldr this:
Honor the council. The council elected Josh, and he's done a bloody good job in keeping thibgs running. Those who vote in favor of remiving him from rank are in direct violation of the Jedi way.

Also a vote of no confidence doesn't exist within the Order - at least to my knowledge. The most the Jedi can donis exercise the right of denial, but in doing so must turn their lightsabers over to the high council until a decision is made on what to do with both parties.

and a tldr of that:
Josh is doing amazing thus far. There is absolutely no legitimate reason to remove him from grandmaster, as aside from the bad jokes
The Admiralty
In silence the Jedi Knight stood by and watched the mockery that was taking place. Once again the Masters of the Jedi Order were making a fool out of themselves, playing politics and scheming. Was this the way the once noble Jedi had come to? The degradation of the Order onto the level of the Senate pained him deeply, and yet he could do nothing to stop it.

And yet.. there were surprises to be had, one of them was the Master Carn Dista. There had been a previous experiences with the Bearded Lord, back when the Army of Light was still an entity. Still a beacon of Light, when the Republic stood needlessly by as the Sith Empire had its way with the Galaxy.

A lot had changed since then, including Michael himself. He had grown older, and.. well probably not wiser. Even still, he questioned his own actions during that time. In retrospect, maybe it was vengeance that had led him on his crusade, instead of Justice. Things worth looking at, but not now.

Regardless, it was clear that most of the Jedi here should spent more time on their meditation for some introspective analyses. They were blinded and misguided, they mixed Justice with blood thirst and Righteousness with Vengeance. In their Quest to vanquish the Darkside, they have descended into petty squabbles, and a thirst for war that would never be sated.

They would always find a target, somewhere.

“I am merely a Knight, but it seems to me that somewhere along the run something was forgotten. The Darkside cannot be completely defeated, for it is part of us. Every one of us has the Darkness and the potential to fall in us. It is our duty as Jedi, to never forget this and ask ourselves. Is it worth it? Do we want to become the thing that we are fighting?

Never be as arrogant to claim that you will always be in control, the path some of you seemingly wish to take is treacherous. And only at the end, when you open your eyes, you will realize what you yourself have become.

What I implore is caution. This meeting is rushed and misguided, its intent a way to discredit our Grandmaster in public.

This is not the way of the Jedi. This is not our way.

@[member="Kira Liadain"] @[member="Carn Dista"] @[member="Diana Moridena"] @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]


Tannit, the little Ryn Padawan, watched the goings-on with eyes like huge white saucers. Impassioned emotional pleas, subtle and overt passive-aggressiveness ... he thought that he was watching terrible day time holovision, not an assembly of wise Jedi. The little Ryn didn't quite understand what was going on, but from what he could tell, he didn't like it. Big people were stupid, he'd stay out of their problems.

Facepalming with a pudgy little hand, the six-year-old hopped out of his seat and trudged out of the room in search of pie, unaware of what this meeting meant on a galactic scale. A coup of a Grandmaster ... Tannit didn't think of it as such. Just a bunch of big idiots arguing, and no food in the room to speak of.

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