Kiff Brayde
This is the hard line in the sand that a lot of people over the years have refused to understand. The SWRP Staff Team is the judge, jury, and executioner. It's very much "my way or the high way." It's always been that way, always will be, until Chaos posts it's last post.
But there's light at the end of the tunnel for the revolutionaries. The only reason people become disillusioned with "that's unfair" or "you can't do that" is because we're usually so hands off. I've forever and a day been in favor of the organic ecology Chaos brings to the table., it was literally designed this way. It wasn't designed so I would like everything ya'll came up with, or like every leader that popped up and how he or she ran things. None of these Majors were handpicked or created by me. None of them have any sway in any backrooms, there's no single Faction that whispers in Staff's ear at night. It's healthy. I'm very much in favor of "let them fight."
And I hate bureaucracy. "Hold up, guys, we got a No Confidence vote, let's go settle this." If you don't like your Faction Owner, leave. They need members. Deprive them of one. If they're really so bad, you'll be like me and understand they'll go bottoms up eventually, and faster than the good ones. Happens every time, without fail - and usually without my intervention.
Because I hate intervening. Hell, I even hate it when I have to tell a whole faction to back out of a Rebellion, because they either misinterpreted the rules or because they thought Staff would let it slide. I really don't like telling people "you can't go in there and do that." Except for Hypergates, it's sandbox creativity. Let them fight. Let them fail. Let the members and the leaders alike learn these valuable lessons. If you make me do it, if you make me teach, nobody learns any lessons. They'll just blame Staff and "@#%$ing Tefka", and I'll end up having to speak in the only language we all understand.
If it's an actual breaking of rules, or other serious concerns, I'm here for it and you'll maybe get to witness a blob of color get Thanos snapped off the map or a vote overseen in a Major Faction's forum by me with an announcement that your MFO has left the building.
If it's just poor leadership, or bad communication with members over story, time will tell the tale.