Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Suggestion No Confidence Vote

Enlil Enlil

But the “movement” would have been impeded by and/or directed towards an OOC procedural option to remove the leadership that caused the schism at the time, no?

As you said, leaving is the nuclear option, diplomacy comes first.
The Admins have voted unanimously against moving forward the discussion of this proposal.

I've been harping on the bureaucracy of this proposal, but again my biggest problem is this. From the OP:

This can be weaponized by random people who hate Faction Staff to join in rapidly and vote, while not having any stake in the faction's future itself.

  • Counter-argument: Possibly true. But if this gets implemented Chaos Staff should be the end judge on it. They review the vote and make sure its kosher. It is quite obvious to see if 20 people joined in just to vote against a Faction Staff they don't like.

To win against the bad Major Faction Owners of the world, let's empower the Chaos Admins with the ability to delegitimize votes.

The same Staff who, for the last 10 years, we can't figure out if we like or not.

The same Staff who are led by the biggest banana republic dictator on the site.

The same Staff who can't have a Factory Admin and a Codex Admin join the same faction bc "hurr durr CIS staff."

The same Staff who get accused of bias on days that end in "y", or have LITERALLY GOTTEN DEATH THREATS because of how emotionally stunted this community can be over a Star Wars map game.

Yeah, let's create a voting system and rely on Staff to tell people who's votes count or not.

Major Factions, you have the power to institute your own rules to relinquish leadership positions. Major Factions, you have the authority to institute your own "Votes of No Confidences" that can result in a Major Faction Owner stepping down. You don't need me to do it, and you don't need me to oversee the vote.

You're on your own. Do it your damn selves.
No, I think that it's happened because of a lack of the ability to push for change. It's definitely grown into its own movement and changed completely from what those characters were under TSE. The in character narrative has been phenomenal and the idea is standalone.

I just would like to see a chance for people within a faction who disagree with a leader who have the mentality "I'm the leader and it doesn't matter what my members say" to remove them, because the faction itself isn't always the problem. Sometimes the direction is wrong, but the concept itself could move one way or the other under the right oversight.

Tefka Tefka

Y'know I get what you're saying but, no.

No, way.

It'd be so easy for a handful of turds to join the Bryn and cause trouble just because of our low numbers. One could argue I 'am the problem' and i know for a fact there are plenty of people who have or do feel that way. But I'd say to those people;

Kiss my shiny lobster ass.

We've seen what these 'coups' look like, just look at how Zwiehander Union started.

Its slimey and decietful. A rule like this would only give more of a voice to the two faced.

Still a f*ck no.
Last thing, I promise.

Watch nothing change after this thread. You can blame me, Staff, your faction owners... watch nothing change. Watch no votes or rules be instituted. Watch no Faction Admins support removing their Owners, to whom they owe their seats at the table. Watch no Owners dive towards creating ways to unseat themselves. Watch no members talk about whether or not their communities are healthy environments for writing Star Wars fan fictions. Watch it all with me, poof like so many other threads have poofed, and we all pop our adderall and hyperfocus on the next drama train or suggestion thread or Invasion announcement. Watch it just fade beyond memory, and nothing changes. Been here a thousand times, myself.

Watch what they do, not what they say.

And understand the person with the solution sits between your keyboard and your chair.
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Disney's Princess
Tefka Tefka - Listen I know your on this thing right now about people not changing and what not, but I've got this great new idea so hear me out okay.


What'cha think? I think it could be big. :D
Nah I ain’t gonna ask Darth Metus Darth Metus to allow for a vote to remove him if need be. I’m just gonna go make my own major when he pisses me off and RP with him out of spite for a few years. Because even given the chance to do that, to remove someone democratically, if the results didn’t go their way it’d end up exactly the same as if the vote wasn’t held in the first place.

I think you’re right. Vote with your feet. Go where you’re happy, don’t stay where you’re not. Don’t RP with people who piss you off?

idk man.

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