Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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No Honor among Thieves

A rebellion has been recently quelled on that planet called Cato Neimoidia and the planet was firmly within the Confederate fold, especially since the Republic was concentrated around Kiribi, Yutan and Chazwa, having exhausted much of its mobile military assets in the Atrisia Campaign. But the Neimoidian authorities didn't see Cato Neimoidia fit to have a factory of weapons and starship components, so it was time for the Dulvoyinn hypervelocity cannon factory to reopen. Meanwhile, what was closed in the aftermath of Korriban will reopen since the demand for hypervelocity cannons is going through the roof with the Alliance poised to go to war against the First Order. Oh, it felt good to be able to go back to something other than Force-training/teaching or warfare. Also, the royal valet that is the caretaker of the royal villa Summer and Jessica held on that tropical planet sent a plain hardcopy message to a somewhat questionable recipient:


Dear [member="Kaz Kūhiō"],

Thank you for your interest in Ringovinda Systems. While the process for reopening the hypervelocity cannon factory on that planet, producing ordnance as well, you may be interested in meeting me at the basement of the villa at sundown for business purposes. If you're lucky, you may meet with my master.

The Valet


Kaz Kūhiō

Thieves Guild Agent: The Desert Wolf
Cato Neimoidia, what a gorgeous planet, Kaz was there observing a baron's palace. He would smirk.

"Zakuul, how's the security look?" He would whisper to the teen nest to him. The teen groaned.

"I'm standing right next to you Kaz, you obviously are seeing the same things I am." Zakuul said in annoyance. The duo spent a few minutes of standing around in a courtyard, soon, the two Thieves would hear a voice behind them. Turning, they would see a man with a letter in his hand.

"Kaz Kūhiō?" He would ask. Slowly Kaz would reach for a dagger.

"Depends on who is asking courier." Kaz said as his hand hovered over his blade. The courier held out the letter, Kaz grabbed it and the courier scampered off.

"Who is it from?" Zakuul asked as he looked over Kaz's shoulder. Kaz opened it..........................
Dear Kaz Kūhiō,

Thank you for your interest in Ringovinda Systems. While the process for reopening the hypervelocity cannon factory on that planet, producing ordnance as well, you may be interested in meeting me at the basement of the villa at sundown for business purposes. If you're lucky, you may meet with my master.

The Valet


Kaz cursed himself for using his real name. But then smirked, he had hoped to order a few containers and bombs to bring back to Alderaan. The man looked at Zakuul.

"Zak, head back to Alderaan...tell the Guild to be ready for the shipment of storage crates and proton bombs." The Desert Wolf said. Zakuul nodded before rushing off to the next passenger ship.

Kaz loved the heat, but the tropics were something else, while pretty, they were muggy as hell. The man sighed as he made his way to the Vila and pulled up his mask. The sun was going down, He had walked to the basement entrance crouching down he would begin to pick the door's lock. Upon hearing a nice click, he would enter.

"Nice meeting place." He would say as he put his lockpicks away.

[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
In the end, Cato Neimoidia would still get a factory for the ship-wide neural nets. With Hosnian Prime and Dulvoyinn, its own Core Worlds presence would be enhanced. But most surprising was that the viceroy of Cato Neimoidia, one Herr Vanderhing, allowed her to own a villa directly above the electronics factory, which was the only thing permitted since no heavy industries were allowed on Cato Neimoidia's bridge cities. But the Valet's instructions meant that they would meet each other down in the factory's upper levels, with Neimoidian staff overseeing the production of electronics near the actual location designated by said Neimoidian valet. One of the lavish conference rooms has been prepared by said valet. What Jessica doesn't suspect, is that the client may have good reason not to disclose its identity; however, she has no idea of who exactly the valet summoned to this location. Upon arriving at the conference room, Jessica has a question for her Neimoidian valet.

"Valet, what reason does this... client have not to be identified?"

"Probably some security issues, or some other such thing"

"Oh yes, you know who this client is, but not me. Probably one to sign a confidentiality agreement" She turned to [member="Kaz Kūhiō"]. "Greetings. I am Jessica, and I am the Valet's master, as he indicated in whatever correspondence he gave you"

Kaz Kūhiō

Thieves Guild Agent: The Desert Wolf
The man peered around the room. A Neimoidian man by the name of Valet stood next to a woman with Blonde hair. He would listen quietly as the duo spoke, it was sort of like a small no, more of a question:

"Valet, what reason does this... client have not to be identified?"

"Probably some security issues, or some other such thing"

"Oh yes, you know who this client is, but not me. Probably one to sign a confidentiality agreement" She turned to Kaz Kūhiō. "Greetings. I am Jessica, and I am the Valet's master, as he indicated in whatever correspondence he gave you"


Kaz smiled under his mask as they, spoke to each other. He would take a step closer to the duo, the conference room was nice. Exactly what he would expect from a planet that held many beautiful sights. He would continue to listen as they spoke before interjecting.

"You may call me what you like Miss Jessica...I go by many names. One you may or may not know....the Desert Wolf?... anyway simply call me Kaz." He paused for a moment before reaching his hand out for a handshake.

"I am sorry for the secrecy, not many people agree with the organisation I am a part of." He would say as he looked directly into the woman's eyes.

[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
"Kaz, I'm afraid that the local authorities don't have much patience with your organization, so please, may I take your order?"

The Thieves' Guild saw in Cato Neimoidia a few targets among the bridge cities of the planet, which would have been raided regardless of whether the planet was Confederate or Republican-controlled. Perhaps, with a paper trail, I can give cause for the Confederate authorities if they need to investigate the activities of the Guild for whatever reason, she thought. Also Valet How, Jessica's valet, decided to step aside and keep quiet, knowing that discretion is of the essence between the two people. Shipment details and payment details will surely follow once the order is made, and the order is being processed. She had to keep an eye out for the likelihood that the other person would actually steal something. For something that she feels [member="Kaz Kūhiō"] could do. Her Neimoidian valet, on duty at this place, was going to be blamed for this if the local authorities learned of him dealing with the organization the guest belonged to, and keep him on a short security leash.

Kaz Kūhiō

Thieves Guild Agent: The Desert Wolf
The man's smile faded as the woman spoke. She said that his organisation, the Thieves Guild, had no time to dally as the local authorities don't have patients. The man would sigh before chuckling and pulling down his mask. His white teeth shined brightly.

"I feel an underlying threat...perhaps even a problem you have with the Guild?" He would say, he would slowly shake his head all while keeping his smile up.

"At any rate, I understand that your company...ahem...the company you represent, I heard they carry a variety of things, what I am interested in is your crowd control proton bombs. And a few of your shipping crates." He would say as his had rubbed his head.

He head glanced around the room looking for things to lift, but of course the Valet was watching him so he decided to go against his thoughts.
[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
"Before the order can be processed, we would like to know a few things: how many of the crowd control bombs do you want, and which size?"

It's not that she personally had a problem with the Thieves Guild, just that the Neimoidians would. And with them the CIS. She chuckled while she asked for the issue of the HighCube containers, knowing that, no matter how despicable the client, the client must still be satisfied. A little more questions and she can probably get the business done with the Desert Wolf. The Valet would be framed for the entire business, or perhaps, help catch members of the Guild. For what Jessica knew, he could be a double-agent. But she needed to be thorough if she actually wanted to ensure the client's satisfaction. There were several varieties of each item the thief alluded to. It will be quick, so long as the client will be cooperative, she thought, before asking the few remaining questions. Delivery and payment will come afterward: hopefully delivery will come for free, but if they're paying cash-on-delivery, that will be a lot better.

"As for the storage containers, there are several varieties: the standard container, the liquid container, both of which can be fitted with refrigeration units if desired. How many of each variety do you want?"

[member="Kaz Kūhiō"]

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