Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply No Ignorance

Anyone with reasonable access to Prosperity's library and its restricted sections (temporary passes and such, too) is welcome. I'm not looking for open conflict from the get go, but as the thread progresses we can see where an encounter can lead.

For all intents and purposes, unless inspected closely, Bernard looks and sounds the part of Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce .


Prosperity, Library Section, Restricted Access Area

As Bernard approached the keypad to the Hidden Archives within the halls of Prosperity, he wondered for a moment if matters today might escalate to the point that more Jedi blood got spilled by his hands.

The keys lit up blue as he entered the combination. If the lock algorithm hadn't changed, then based on the current cycle and relative proximity to Tython ... and esk five onith nine three. The keypad lit up green.

Bernard sighed as the first lock mechanism disengaged. That could have been a lot more trouble, but serving as a councillor did pay off sometimes, after all.

The doors slid open to reveal a narrow corridor, lit dimly by crystal emplacements along the length of the walls. At the far end, a set of double doors marked the entrance beyond which were stores of restricted knowledge, and deeper within, behind even more security, the Bogan Collection, and the Black Vaults. Two figures stood on either side of the doors here, their beige-gold robes and extended white lightsaber hilts made them easily recognizable as the Temple Guardians.

Their masks shifted to focus Bernard almost instantly, but their stance did not immediately potray hostility.

Without missing a beat, Bernard proceeded down the corridor, with his eyes turned down so the hood of his cloak obscured more of his face. Visitors were uncommon, but not unexpected. And from all appearances he had made his entry with the proper authorization. Although they couldn't quite make out his face, enough of the beard stuck out to make his appearancemore convincing, and he'd come prepared with a trick up his sleeve.

"Name and rank," the left guard held up a hand once Bernard came within four steps of them.

"Gabriel Pryce, Jedi Master and Historian," Bernard answered with the other man's voice.

The height between them had matched almost perfectly, and Pryce's position as a historian was sure to rouse little suspicion with the Guardians. Add a diguise kit mockup of the other Jedi's beard along with some makeup, both of which had cost him a small fortune to get perfect, and Bernard could pass as the Jedi Master upon cursory inspection when his hood was lowered. With the voice changer obsucring his voice, the illusion became almost perfect. After hours of fine tuning, Bernard sometimes didn't recognize himself speaking in the mirror once the disguise was on.

"State your intent," the Temple Guardian demanded

"Research," he said.

The Temple Guardian regarded him for a moment. Bernard could practically feel the eyes behind his mask narrow.

"I recognize your name, Historian. But your presence is out of the ordinary. Your assignment was to the Templ on Coruscant. What do you seek from Prosperity's Hidden Archives that you cannot find in your own?" The Temple Guardian's head tilted ever so slightly.

"I'm investigating the effects Prosperity's involvement in front-line warfare has on the station, and I've been given permission to study the more dangerous knowledge to appraise if the risks they pose have grown over time," Bernard answered.

He crossed his arms beneath his robes, keeping hidden the fact that the number of digits on his hands didn't quite match up with that of a Human's.

"I can't quite investigate the effects on the artefacts sitting around in the Temple on Coruscant, now, can I?" Bernard snipped, putting a slight tinge of smugness into his voice.

The Temple Guardians regarded him, and exchanged a brief look. Their posture changed beneath their robes, and Bernard let his hand fall to rest on the cold steel of his lightsaber.

A moment passed before the Guardian replied.

"We'll be interested to see your findings, Master Pryce. You may proceed inside."

Bernard nodded courteously, and after the Temple Guardians disengaged the Force lock on the doors, he stepped into the vast library of forbidden knowledge. When the door behind him closed with the loud thunder of stone striking stone, he breathed a little easier.

The easy part was behind him. Now came the difficult part, finding the obscure scraps of knowledge that revealed the truthful nature of the Dark Side.

Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

TAGS: Bernard Bernard

As Bernard stepped into the dimly lit corridor of the Hidden Archives, he immediately sensed a presence. It wasn't the usual solitude of aged books and forgotten knowledge; this was distinctly mechanical. At first glance, the figure ahead seemed to resemble a Temple Guard droid, similar to one of the advanced jedi-securitron models, crafted to mimic the vigilant protectors of the Jedi Order.

However, this figure was a bit more than just a programmed sentinel. It was Aether, an Iron Knight with a sophisticated humanoid droid body, specifically designed for complex tasks. Aether was not stationed here for security—he was engaged in a mission. Tasked with investigating a few things in research.

As Bernard moved closer, the droid turned, its sensors subtly adjusting to focus on the new arrival. The air between them hummed with the soft whir of precision machinery. "Greetings," Aether articulated in a voice that was modulated to sound neutral, devoid of warmth yet not unwelcoming, perfectly balanced between inquiry and formality.

His metallic frame reflected the dim light from the crystal emplacements along the corridor, casting an array of fragmented shadows on the floor. "You are not a frequent visitor I am familiar with. " Aether continued, his tone remaining even, but his posture subtly shifting to a more attentive stance.

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Chit, Bernard thought. Someone had beat him to the archives, who had ... ?

A spindly looking droid shambled out from behind a pair of bookshelves, its photosensors locking on Bernard.

The tension in Bernard's body released. That other visitor had been just some overly dressed up droid. It likely wasn't even fully sentient.

As if on cue, the droid vocalized a greeting devoid of passion or life behind it.

Bernard began down the central library pathway, acknowledging the droid only with a curteous nod and a brief glance in its direction.

He didn't manage many steps before the droid spoke again.

"You are not a frequent visitor I am familiar with."

Bernard stopped, and considered his options.

When had the Order begun using these things? Any intruder that managed to penetrate this far would have little trouble dispatching a bucket of gears and bolts. Still, it posed an obstacle. Should he just ... no, there might be more of them patrolling the archives. And the noise would no doubt attract the attention of the Temple Guards posted just outside.

"That's because I'm from the Temple on Coruscant," he began with Master Pryce's voice. "You would't happen to know where I could find the Commentaries on the Force composed by Lady Atris, would you?"

With any luck its helpful personality programming would kick in and spare him any further questions.

Braze Braze

//Edit: clicking links to pictures is important folks! Smile
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Your content here
Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

TAGS: Bernard Bernard


Aether's photoreceptors whirred to life upon hearing that voice. He recognized the pattern, depth, and cadence. Thanks to Braze's poor habits, earning him assignments with Gabriel Pryce, Aether knew it well. He had heard calls, recordings, and even witnessed the man in one of the libraries.

Aether's body was uniquely designed, primarily made from parts of a previous securitron droid, repurposed and refashioned for his current form. Initially, he was briefly housed within a mouse droid while the basics of this form took shape. But he had since improved its inner workings to meet the demands of intense and fast reactions required for saber combative instruction. PArticularly for some one as avid a practitioner such as Braze Braze .

The individual before him was similar in height, and Aether's superior processing units assisted the Shard housed within to determine that this man was very similar in stature to Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce . Very similar, but ultimately not the same being whom he had seen previously within the library, where he witnessed him issuing Braze a frankly absurd amount of homework, perhaps just in it's response to Braze's ridiculous debate claims.

If this was not Gabriel Pryce, then who was it? A puzzle indeed. Aether loved puzzles and challenges, but perhaps given the location, this was not a good thing. There were a few other mechanical noises that came from within the mechanical housing as the droid body was put to use engaging a few small systems and booting them up.

Droids were dangerous things, whose weaknesses could often be attributed to poor programming and processing functions. This droid body, however, was being manipulated by a shard who was thousands of years old now. In all rights, an anomaly of time, like a handful of other beings who walked the galaxy today.

His tone shifted, and he took on the polite cadence of a protocol droid, responding, "Master Pryce. A pleasure to finally, and formally make your acquaintance. Yes, of course, I would be honored to assist you. Please follow me.

Seeking Lady Atris's Commentaries, are we? An admirable pursuit indeed. Delving into her life during the Jedi Civil War and the First Jedi Purge reveals a tale of strict adherence to the Jedi Code.

Known for her collection of Sith artifacts at the Telosian Academy, Atris believed that understanding the Sith would aid in their defeat. However, her obsession with these dark relics led her, albeit temporarily, down the path to the dark side. This offers a good lesson on the delicate balance between knowledge and obsession, as well as the perils of hubris in the journey of a Jedi. As we explore her commentaries, a word of caution:

history has a way of ensnaring even the most disciplined minds. Ensure your quest for understanding does not overshadow the wisdom we aim to preserve. Now, let's proceed, shall we?"

The presumed droid turned and started towards a predetermined destination within the archives as if knowing for certain where it was going. It then spoke again, "I've heard so much about you from Braze Braze . I was particularly impressed with your performance on Coruscant in the library. Such a volatile young one is he not? I do wonder why it was the Sentinel of Harmony decided to take an impetuous little whelp as his apprentice. But I suppose it goes to show that the Force does work in mysterious ways as Knight Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el has only had a positive impact on the youth from what I can see. "

He trailed. Aether came to a pause near the back of the Library. "Isn't it funny how sometimes all it takes is a little kindness and a helping hand to help a soul, otherwise lost, find their way back towards the path of light?"

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Bernard clenched his teeth. The droid recognized Pryce, and was thoroughly convinced to have made the man's acquaintance. It didn't wait much before launching into a lengthy dialectic about the value of history, and the dangers that lay within.

"This is why I hate protocol droids," Bernard whispered under his breath.

Hubris or not, Bernard hadn't come for lectures. He knew the path he wished to walk, and he could see its conclusion with clarity. What he lacked, were the many steps that would carry him to that goal. Steps that he came here to discover.

Bernard's foot quietly started tapping against the floor, but the droid continued speaking. Privately, Bernard wondered if its vocoder might fry from the overuse. If only he'd be so lucky.

"... Now let's proceed, shall we?" The droid mercifully asked just as Bernard prepared to finally interject.

"Yeah," the Rogue sighed, "let's."

The two of them started down the path. Bookshelves stuffed from floor to ceiling with holobooks, ancient tomes, and dataslates flanked them on either side. From all the way down on the pathway it was difficult to make out the top rows of books at all. Eons of knowledge stood collected here, assembled by hundreds if not thousands of beings and written by many times that number.

Bernard felt a brief moment of deja vu. When he'd first stepped into the library in Korriban's academy, he'd felt a similar sense of awe. The oppressive darkness radiated from these books much the same as the Dark Side texts on the Sith World had. The pages must have held even graver dangers, and all accessible for any of those Sith Acolytes to read.

He could only let out a breath of relief knowing that all that knowledge had been thoroughly reduced to ash and cinders by his very own hands.

"I've heard so much about you from Braze," the droid continued his attempts at small talk.

Braze must be Gabriel's padawan, he thought. By the descriptions he had to be quite the handful. Not three sentences later, however, he had to correct his theory.

So that padawan kid from Janara had become the new Sentinel in my absence? He thought. He made a note of reviewing the new Jedi roster on the way out, if only to know which names he'd have to be wary of going forward.

Without warning, the droid came to a halt. Bernard followed suit.

"Isn't it funny how sometimes all it takes is a little kindness and a helping hand to help a soul, otherwise lost, find their way back towards the path of light?" It concluded.

"Yes, it is funny," he fumbled for words while he thought of some platitudes that he recalled Dracken say. It seemed plausible enough Gabriel would have picked those up, too. Apples rarely fell far from the tree.

"A little kindness and a helping hand are rare to come by in this galaxy. It fills me with joy to know there are still some of us left who can afford to extend our aid to others."

Hopefully the nonsense would suffice to tide the droid over.

Bernard looked around, skimming the names on the shelves. Agricultural texts written by, what Bernard assumed to be, the least ambitious Sith Lords in history. Some treatise authored by exiled Jedi on the importance of the Agri-corps. A copy of proper Ithorian Baffor tree pollen use for treatments of vonduun crab bites, as authored by some Amani Serys, a name he faintly recognized.

"Are you sure this isn't the Agriculture and Herbalism section? I doubt the Commentaries are around here," Bernard said. It was rare for droids to make such mistakes, despite their indisputable inferiority to sentients.

He tilted his hood enough to fix the droid's chassis with his gaze. Any higher and his pupilless white eyes might get picked up by the droid's photoreceptors. Strangely, Bernard almost felt like the droid held a genuine presence in the room. He'd been able to sense the droid's approach earlier. The approach itself, not the actions it would take. It hadn't been a prediction he'd felt through the Force, he had felt its presence. A distinction he hadn't caught in the moment.

Bernard's eyes narrowed as he focused his full attention on the droid, and his fingers curled a little tighter around the base of his lightsaber hilt.

Braze Braze
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Your content here
Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

TAGS: Bernard Bernard


There was something more to this 'droid' than met the eye—a real presence exuded from the figure before him, warm and inviting, even friendly.
He sensed the man becoming uneasy in the location. "Ah yes. You are correct. This does seem to be the Agriculture and Herbalism section. Are you certain you are Gabriel Pryce? I doubt he would have trouble locating Lady Atris's Commentaries." The tone shifted subtly, becoming coy and playful. This was no ordinary droid. Yetthere was no malice nore agression. Aether's stance was relaxed, yet there was a readiness to him, an alertness that suggested he was prepared for any eventuality.

"I'd advise you stay your hand. Perhaps we both should stop playing pretend so we can have a productive conversation about why you've embarked on this escapade of deception to get Lady Atris's Commentaries..." There was something else in that tone—a knowing. Something had transpired in the short time they spoke, something only Aether knew and wasn't sharing. He turned on his heel slowly and gracefully to face him, his movements belying the mechanical framework and flowing with grace.

And yet, there lingered an incessant itch, a nagging feeling that something else had transpired—something beyond the simple realization that this being knew he was not who he claimed to be. But what could it be?

The droid—no, Aether—addressed him directly, a sharp intuition piercing through the guise he had meticulously crafted. The shift in the atmosphere was charged with an undercurrent of tension that hadn't been there moments before.

The droid's sensors fixed on him, not with the cold, calculating stare of a machine, but with a depth that suggested a sentient awareness.
"You appear familiar, yet unfamiliar," Aether began, his voice maintaining its neutral tone, but with a hint of curiosity that betrayed his non-standard origins.

The unknown loomed large, a danger yet unveiled, its silent threat casting a long shadow over the pair.

"It is not often that one encounters deception layered so meticulously. Why seek the Commentaries with such secrecy, if not to uncover truths you believe should remain hidden from prying eyes?"

As Aether spoke, his head tilted slightly, an almost imperceptible adjustment that suggested he was scanning Bernard for further clues. "Your presence here is no accident, and your disguise is too precise for mere scholarly pursuit. Gabriel Pryce would not have trouble locating Lady Atris's Commentaries because he would not need to hide his intent."

The lights within the archives flickered subtly, reflecting off Aether's polished chassis, casting dancing shadows across the walls. "If you seek knowledge, I am here to facilitate that pursuit. However, if your goals are more... nefarious, I must caution you—the depths of these archives hold dangers that have overwhelmed far greater minds than yours or mine."

His photoreceptors dimmed slightly, signaling his shift from a passive observer to an engaged participant, ready to delve deeper into the mystery Bernard represented. "So, who are you really, and why are you so desperate to find these Commentaries?" The air seemed to hum with anticipation as Aether's gaze locked onto Bernard, waiting for his response.
Bernard relaxed. His hand slipped from the hilt of his lightsaber.

"I'd hoped whoever I met was one of the talkers," he said. "No offense, it's just, I know a few Jedi who'd draw their lightsaber at the drop of a hat and meeting one of them ... the results may have been a bit problematic."

This droid had extraordinary perceptiveness. No, 'droid' didn't apply anymore, the term was too limited. This being was something different altogether, and that intrigued Bernard. It was a shame there was too little time to study it and learn its secrets.

"I have to ask your forgiveness twice. Once for the deception, and once for the plea I am about to ask," Bernard began.

He pinched the robe's fabric between his fingers to silhouette his hands, and crossed his arms.

"I ask that you respect my anonymity. If the Order found out I've been digging through certain sections of the archives, there would be questions. More importantly, there would be conflict, and I am attempting to avoid that as best I can.

"Hence the layers of deception. They were a precaution."

Bernard shifted on his feet, leaning to his left, and titlted his head slightly.

"As for my motives, I don't presume to dictate to you if my ends are nefarious, as I cannot make that judgement for you. I can tell you, outright, that I do not seek to work against the Order or the Code Jedi are bound to."

He was being half-truthful. If push came to shove, he wouldn't stay his blade, even against another Jedi. He'd come to peace with the necessity of it when he'd realized what needed to be done. He hoped, of course, it never came to that.

Bernard motioned through the silhouette of his robe down the pathway they had walked. There'd been a fork in the road some steps back, and he meant to explore.

"Walk with me, and I will try to explain."

If the droid accepted, Bernard would proceed back the way they came, and pose a question.

"Tell me, what do you believe would happen to Sentinel Kai'el, or to Master Pryce, or to you even, if the Padawan you mentioned were to fall in battle against the Dark Empire?"

Braze Braze

Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

TAGS: Bernard Bernard


Aether acknowledged Bernard's request and began walking with him, subtly studying the man's movements and demeanor. "Forgiveness instead of permission, is it?" Aether mused. "While this approach may seem viable, it disregards the purpose of rules. They exist to protect the majority and ensure safety and order. The road to darkness is often paved with good intentions."

He paused, his mechanical frame emitting a soft hum. "Your intent to avoid conflict is noted, but deception often leads to greater dangers. Knowledge itself is not evil; its application, use, and intent can be dangerous.

Power is not inherently evil but attracts those who may be corrupted by its allure and attainment. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. There is solace in ignorance of some knowledge. To be unburdened and unfettered... cautioned not to fly too close to the sun lest we get burned.

I could go on and on about such cautions, yet somehow I feel it would be for naught. Do you feel that perhaps you know better than others? Why do you seek this knowledge, and why else feel the need to hide it other than fear that your views will not be echoed by your peers?"

Aether tilted his head, his sensors focusing on Bernard.

"Tell me, what do you believe would happen to Sentinel Kai'el, or to Master Pryce, or to you even, if the Padawan you mentioned were to fall in battle against the Dark Empire?"

Aether's voice softened, contemplating the scenario himself. "The loss would be profound. Sentinel Kai'el would mourn, their resolve tested. I'm uncertain about Master Pryce, as I have not formally had the opportunity to meet him nor study his legacy. For me, it would serve as a solemn reminder of the cost of our struggle. Yet, I sense there's more to your question—something more you wish to allude to. What is it you truly seek?"

He continued, "The fall of any Padawan is a tragedy, echoing through the lives of their mentors and comrades alike. There is no peace without attrition. There is no life after without contrition. On one hand, it might inspire those they touched to become emboldened toward the cause and the legacy they stood for. On the other hand, it holds the power to cause a change of heart, as rage and hate would fester, and any action may seem justifiable in those moments."

Finally, Aether's photoreceptors dimmed slightly, his tone conveying empathy.

As Aether walked alongside Bernard, he couldn't help but ponder the possible reasons behind the man's quest for the Commentaries. Was it a strategic endeavor, seeking historical tactics and strategies to counter the Dark Empire? Or perhaps Bernard sought validation or counterarguments for his current beliefs, needing the writings to justify or challenge his views.

Aether also considered the possibility that Bernard wanted to prevent future downfalls by understanding how Atris succumbed to obsession and darkness. The desire to unlock ancient wisdom or hidden techniques could be another driving force, or maybe Bernard was reconciling personal conflicts, using Atris's experiences to navigate his own ethical dilemmas.

Ultimately, Aether sensed that perhaps Bernard's true motivation lay deeper, rooted in personal struggle and the search for moral and ethical guidance. With this understanding, he chose his words carefully.

"The emotional toll on Sentinel Kai'el and Master Pryce would be immense, their spirits burdened by grief and regret. For me, it would be a reminder of the fragility of our existence and the need for vigilance. What about you? How would the loss affect you and your cause? Would it hold any weight? Or would it be another nameless loss added to price demanded for precious moments of peace in the lives of many to be undisturbed by those who seek dominion and domination? What do you hope to learn from such a question?"

"Rules are meant to be broken," he smiled at the droid's comments on safety and order.

Life tended to be more interesting when breaking rules, anyways. The New Jedi Order had been built from the ground up on that exact spirit of disregard for tradition and dogma.

"You make astute observations. Well caught, power does corrupt. The thing is, it only has the tendency to. It's not a case of fatalistic destiny. Jedi hold great power, but are they invariably corrupted by it? I certainly hope not, and I think it holds that they are not."

Bernard led the two of them down the other path this time. At the corner of the turn a small sign held a map for orientation. Bernard gave it a glance as they passed it by.

"But back to the topic at hand, you are correct. It's difficult to predict just how they would react to such a loss. But it would be a significant one, wouldn't you agree?" He asked rhetorically.

"And me personally, hrm," Bernard clicked his teeth in thought.

How could he explain his stance on death. It had been a close companion since his years as a youngling. Loss was a constant in life, whether his or anyone else's. The passing of another being was tragic, of course, he agreed, but so too was it an inevitability, sooner or later.

"It would be further confirmation, I suppose."

An evasive answer usually wasn't very satisfactory, Bernard had learned. But sometimes the unsatisfactory had to suffice.

"You ask what I wish to learn from such a question. Well, notice the theme of your answer?" He paused a moment to let the being reflect, but not for too long.


"They would struggle with it. They may succumb to it, even, in moments of great weakness, but they would be burdened by powerful emotions in one way or another, and react in accordance with their personal disposition.

"Fortunately for us, they are Jedi who are taught methods to mitigate the impact of such a loss from the day they first pick up their lightsaber. We have little to fear from exemplars of such detachment."

Bernard smiled slightly. He enjoyed such conversation even if he would never admit it. As a Jedi of action, he often lacked in moments to sit idle and debate the finer points. He meant to enjoy it while it lasted.

"Suppose now, those experiencing such powerful emotions were ordinary citizens who were never taught that degree of detachment. How do you suppose such intense emotions would affect them? You mentioned rage and hate, fear and grief. What do you suppose they would do with those?"

They had passed many sets of bookshelves, and were passing more. Bernard idly read the titles while he waited for the being's answer.

Braze Braze

Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

TAGS: Bernard Bernard


Reflecting on Bernard's comments about rules and power, Aether continued, "Rules should be broken when they stop being protective measures and become tools of oppressors to manipulate and control. Those who do not learn to temper themselves, to find a purpose for their power, can easily give in to the base nature of enlightened self-interest."

Aether nodded lightly, listening to Bernard's thoughts on emotion. "We could both be wrong... it might depend on the context of when, where, and how. Though discourse over the theoretical death of a fourteen-year-old child seems a needlessly morbid distraction from more pressing issues, like the guilt you carry. The question is why you feel that way."

"There is a simple yet complex answer to this,"
Aether trailed off softly. "By design, fate and destiny can be altered and changed by force of will. This much is true. You can plan and countermeasure all you want, but there are always unknown variables that will forever persist."

Aether's tone was gentle yet probing, encouraging Bernard to delve deeper into his true motivations and the burdens he carried. "One cannot control their emotions... emotions happen. You can't turn them off like a light switch, and trying to do that is not healthy. Suppressing, ignoring, or obfuscating them isn't healthy either.

People must be taught this. Emotions are not an excuse for poor behavior, poor choices, or poor attitudes. We may not be able to control our emotions, but we can control how we choose to respond and act. It's not an easy thing to teach, but negative emotions have a purpose and a place. It's okay to feel anger, hate, embarrassment, shame, guilt, sorrow... they are all okay to just... be.

Accepting and acknowledging them is the only way to process them. Such methods need to be cultivated, taught, practiced, encouraged, and praised."

"Guilt?" Bernard stopped.

He raised robe and hand to his mouth and chuckled quietly. For a brief moment, he regarded the droid from the privacy of his hood.

"For a droid you are remarkably intelligent about emotion. Is guilt what you see? I have to admit, I‘m always surprised by the reflections others place on me … and I have to say I‘m intrigued at how your circuits can even conjure guilt, if I‘m honest."

Bernard started back down the pathway again, taking the next turn to the right.

"You dodged the question, however. You‘ve enlightened me about what should be, but you have yet to tell me about what actually is. So, in this world not made of ideals, how can strong emotions manifest in ordinary people, and with what consequences?"

This time Bernard watched for the droid-being‘s reactions as he walked.

Braze Braze

Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

TAGS: Bernard Bernard

Aether's photoreceptors glowed softly as he considered Bernard's words. "Guilt? Yes, I see it. Emotions, though organic in origin, leave patterns in behavior and decisions. most humanoids are creatures of habit. Even as a droid, I can recognize these patterns. It's about understanding its manifestation through observation and interaction."

He paused, allowing Bernard's question to linger. "Strong emotions, in the realm of the ordinary, often manifest as actions driven by these feelings.

Fear can lead to withdrawal or aggression.

Anger might result in conflict.

Grief can cause isolation.

Each emotion has its consequences, shaping choices and altering paths. These are not ideals, but realities we must navigate."

Aether continued, his tone gentle yet probing. "In the absence of Jedi training, ordinary people may lack the tools to manage such emotions effectively. Without guidance, these emotions can lead to destructive behaviors. Understanding and acknowledging these emotions, as we've discussed, is the first step toward finding balance."

He observed Bernard's body language, noting the subtle signs of tension. "Your body language speaks volumes. The way you paused, the way you held your robe—these are indicators of inner conflict. The flight, fight, or freeze responses are common in many creatures, and I see traces of these responses in you. No one of a sound mind is without regrets or guilt about something they have done in their past. Sometimes we forgive ourselves, sometimes we don't."

Aether's tone remained steady as he elaborated, "I've already answered this earlier. Perhaps you didn't internalize it, though it wasn't in reply to this question, so I understand the disconnect between us. As I've said, actions may seem justifiable in moments of intense emotion. This applies universally, whether one is trained to handle their emotions or not."

"You can predict many things about someone and how they might act, but you can never be 100% certain what course of action they will ultimately take. Most commonly, people give in to their emotions and act on what may make them feel better in the moment, prioritizing the self over others.

This is common and promoted among Sith doctrine. This is why they are blind to the shackles they willingly place upon themselves while venerating how free they are. They do not see the hypocrisy. They place their own ideals and thoughts above others and feel justified in such, or seek examples to hoist up as proof of their biases.

Sith doctrine, while alluring in its promise of freedom and power, is fundamentally built on exploiting vulnerabilities. This is why they are blind to the shackles they willingly place upon themselves while venerating how free they are. Their doctrine is a sweet lie, designed to draw the naive in and prey upon their vulnerabilities to further the manipulative machine of the Sith. They do not see the hypocrisy in their actions because their creed encourages placing their own ideals and desires above others, justifying their actions under the guise of strength and survival."

Aether's tone grew more intense as he continued, "The Sith Code—'Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken'—while seemingly empowering, actually binds its followers to a cycle of endless strife and conflict. The pursuit of power becomes an end in itself, leading to a path where moral boundaries are easily crossed, and empathy is seen as a weakness. This endless pursuit of power for its own sake can often lead to isolation, madness, or worse.

Ultimately, the Sith's philosophy is flawed because it focuses on personal gain at the expense of others. It promotes a worldview where manipulation and betrayal are not just expected but encouraged, leading to a destructive lifestyle that harms not only the individual Sith but those around them. By exploiting the basic human instinct for self-preservation and twisting it into self-aggrandizement, the Sith ensure that their followers are caught in a web of lies that they believe to be freedom.

This philosophy almost always results in destructive behaviors that harm not only the individual but also those around them, trapping them in a false sense of freedom. They either die in it's web or live long enough to become the spider. "

It became difficult not to smile as the droid continued to lecture on emotion with such passion. For an unfeeling creature of iron it turned out to be quite wise, if a bit misguided. He decided he'd miss it once they parted ways, in whatever way that might occur.

"Your analysis of the Sith Code is very apt. Their emotions blind them to the shakles they imagine to break. I suppose that is another reason why the Jedi seek detachment. Emotions blind us to the truth."

Bernard stopped near a shelf and plucked a holobook from it.

"You know, I sometimes wondered if a balance might be struck between the approaches of the Jedi and the Sith."

He proceeded a few steps down the pathway and stopped again. He picked a second holobook and bundled it with the other under his arm.

"But the idea seems silly in retrospect. Balance between the Jedi and Sith ideals is a trap, the very same way the Sith Code itself is. Balance cannot be maintained for long. The scale always tips to one side or another. Any attempt to force it is doomed from the start."

He plucked a third, fourth, fifth, and sixth book from the shelves. Two heavy tomes full of flimsy notes stuck out of each side. His gaze moved between the various books in his hands. Carrying them was unwieldy and together they weighed much more than he'd expected. Part of him wondered how people had managed before the invetion of dataslates and the holonet.

"Here, hold these," he turned and dumped the stack unceremoniously into his companion's hands. "Much obliged," he smiled, and turned back to the shelves.

To a casual observer, the selected books would not seem particular. Obscure and eccentric, certainly, but nothing that would raise alarms. An Encyclopedia of Jedi who have fallen or been exiled, alongside an current list of their names. A collection of texts detailing the Metaphysics and Metamechanics of the Force written by a guardian of the Whills. Various star maps of the Unknown Regions, collected and compiled through the centuries. And an esoteric collection of Ethical Texts by a long dead Sith Lord.

"Now where was I ..." He idly let his thumb run over another set of books.

"Ah, yes. Emotions. They drive action. Unbalanced, discordant action. Once again the Jedi Code protects us from this by teaching that only when we empty ourselves of emotions can we take the correct action.

"But ordinary beings don't have such guiding principles, and as you've observed, the Sith actively forsake this tenent."

Bernard frowned and gave a hummed quietly.

"Actually, you worked ahead with your analysis of the Sith and answered my next question already. But don't worry, there's still one I have left," he grinned at the droid as he picked another set of books from a shelf.

"First, though. You are correct, the Sith actively use emotion to fuel their power. They consume everything in their path, much like a wildfire, and where they go, the Dark Side is sure to follow and fester. In a sense, emotions are the seedbed for the Dark Side. Like power, they don't always corrupt, but their tendency to do so is indisputable.

"Ordinary people are vulnerable to this just as much as us Jedi and Sith are, even if their actions often don't have quite the same destructive reach."

Up ahead, a small clearing broke the forest of bookshelves. A few tables sat arranged for the convenience of visitors who needed a place to sit and digest the material they'd collected. Bernard made his way to one such table and dropped the books right on it, producing a quiet thud.

Braze Braze

Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

TAGS: Bernard Bernard

Aether gathered the supplies effortlessly, balancing them in one hand without a problem. Setting the books down at his chosen table, he observed the man, falling silent as he listened intently to the words being spoken.

"It is a trap," Aether agreed quietly. "Emotions themselves are not evil and do not corrupt. The intent behind them, such as simular to that of power and knowledge, is what leads to corruption."

He nodded thoughtfully, processing Bernard's words. "Emotionally driven thoughts, like anger, fear, excitement, sadness, or joy, can significantly impact decision-making and behavior. These are affective thoughts, driven by emotions, or reactive thoughts, immediate, emotion-based reactions to situations.

And then there are calm, thought-provoking thoughts," he added, "Characterized by calmness and deliberation. They involve careful consideration and often lead to rational conclusions. Reflective thoughts, analytical thoughts, and deliberative thoughts—these are less influenced by immediate emotions and more by logical reasoning."

Aether said, his voice steady. "Taking time to step back, process emotions, and understand the situation is not easy but essential for making balanced decisions."

Following Bernard to the table, Aether set his books down gently and looked at him. "It's about balance. Not the forced balance between Jedi and Sith ideals, but a personal balance. Emotions should be acknowledged and understood, not suppressed or indulged. By understanding our emotions, we can use them to inform our actions without being controlled by them. The Jedi of the past sought to supress emotions to controll them, this often leads to resentment, repression and hate. The jedi of today are a differnt kind; more open and accepting of emotions.

Those gifted with thw force are also given the burden of responcibility. Responcibility and moderation must be taught with the temperment of praise and understanding. It's not an easy path, but it's one worth walking. One can not force some one else to do as they do not desire. This much is true... one has to seek change within themselves if they wish to be better... to beable to want there to be good, outside and beyond themselves.

It is through patience, communication, and understanding that we can help one anoutehr to see things more clearly. "

Bernard silently watched the droid from across the table. Not droid, it didn't take a Jedi to figure that one out, but droid still seemed the best approximation for what that being he talked with actually was.

When he finally broke the silence, he did so with a cautious smile.

"Is there a way we can make copies of you for each citizen of the galaxy? You're quite amazing when it comes to all of this. For a droid."

With robed hands, he grabbed the first book from the pile--the maps of the Unknown regions--and opened it, awkwardly leafing through the pages through the fabric of his cloak. The text within detailed various routes that didn't appear on most hyperspace maps. Hidden shortcuts, abandoned hyperspace tunnels, or whole unspoiled worlds yet to be introduced into the galactic fold.

"If we were so fortunate," he continued, more subdued, "to always be so full of awareness about our actions, I think many of the problems we face would solve themselves."

Once he landed on a page he was satisfied with, he produced a small device from his belt, and directed it at the opened book. A thin blue sheet of light shot out from the device, and began to scroll slowly across the page.

"You don't mind if I make copies for study, do you? I'm on a bit of a tight schedule," he smiled.

"Actually, can you open that one," he pointed at the Metaphysics, "to the chapter about the connection between the Force and the Whills?"

Braze Braze
Last edited:

Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

TAGS: Bernard Bernard

Aether was thoughtful about Bernard's approach, recognized a possible underlying strategy in Bernard's actions. The act of asking for small favors could often be used a psychological technique that fosters rapport by creating a sense of investment and personal contribution. Bernard's use of this technique, combined with flattery, seemed designed to make Aether more receptive to his views or more forthcoming with information. Aware of these dynamics, Aether responded;

"Honeyed words can be far more dangerous than hidden blades. You're trying to further an agenda here; that much is plainly obvious."

He paused briefly before continuing, "Your approach is commendable for its tact, but real understanding requires openness. Let's proceed with clear purpose and mutual respect. Hidden intentions complicate forgiveness, so please be transparent with me. I would much rather facilitate your learning, not hinder it." Aether paused thoughtfully, allowing the silence to swell between them.

"Transparency fosters trust; What truly drives you? Shed light on your motives, and you will find me an understanding ally."
"You don't mind if I make copies for study, do you? I'm on a bit of a tight schedule," he smiled.

"Actually, can you open that one," he pointed at the Metaphysics, "to the chapter about the connection between the Force and the Whills?"
HE moved and did as was requested with a hand seemingly finding the exact page to be opened.

"What drives me? That's a remarkably personal question, but I suppose it is time I answer it. I did promise to attempt," Bernard said.

He idly flipped through the pages, scanning their contents one at a time. His expression changed to a more thoughtful one.

"Harmony," he started with a somber tone. "It's Harmony."

He closed up the book he'd been working on and pulled the one Aether had opened for him closer.

"Much of this galaxy has known harmony for a long time, because of the sacrifices too many Jedi and brave warriors, politicians, doctors, civilians, and so many more I could name have made for us."

A moment of pause passed while Bernard passed to one of the many bronze statues of nameless Jedi. Ryv Ryv never would have let himself be caught dead in a robe, but that stoic expression of determination felt so much like him.

"We've lost the best of us to build that peace, yet it's already been broken by a new enemy.

"There will be more battles to be fought, more death to wash over the galaxy, and more sacrifice demanded of the people of the galaxy, all in the name of restoring the peace they already had."

Bernard paused while he worked on the book before him with his scanner. An awareness built in him, of sensations that had no right to invade his senses. A tightness in the chest and a deep discomfort. He continued his work despite it, the repetition of it—change the page, click the scanner, wait, change the page, click the scanner, wait—grounded him in the moment.

He spoke again with an edge to his voice, not exactly strained, but more controlled.

"My motive, my goal. It is to prevent that peace from being shattered, ever again."

Braze Braze

Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

TAGS: Bernard Bernard

Aether now had a clearer grasp of Bernard's motivations and the depth of his grief. Recognizing the profound loss driving Bernard's actions, which though well-intentioned, might lead him astray, Aether knew a sensitive approach was essential. He saw that Bernard was likely in the bargaining stage of grief, grappling with significant emotional turmoil.

"The weight of loss is a heavy burden indeed," Aether remarked softly. "It's natural to seek a path that promises to prevent future pain, but true peace comes from understanding and acceptance, not control." He paused, then continued gently, "How else have you tried to honor those you have lost? It can be hard to process grief without being consumed by it."
Bernard chuckled quietly. Some of the tension in his chest eased up.

"I have my rituals. Idiosyncratic and irrational as they are, they keep me grounded."

He'd finished with the book on the Whills, and moved on to the Encyclopedia. He began more thoroughly with that book. Though, idly, he did wonder in what light the droid saw him. He held scars, of course, anyone who'd served in so many wars would, but the wars hadn't broken him. They'd forged a stronger Jedi, and turned doubt to conviction.

"I've grieved my losses. The people I knew, I've made my peace with their absence in all the time that's passed. The time to mourn has come and gone. Now is a time of action," Bernard said.

Braze Braze

Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

TAGS: Bernard Bernard

Aether's photoreceptors flickered momentarily, processing Bernard's words. The Shard housed within the Iron Knight form resonated with the notion of rituals and their grounding effect, understanding the psychological need for routine in maintaining one's mental equilibrium.

The Iron Knight's blue photoreceptor gaze shifted to the book Bernard was now engrossed in, the Encyclopedia. Aether could not help but ponder the layers of knowledge and experience that shaped Bernard. The scars, both visible and invisible, held archive to a life lived with purpose and conviction. The droid wondered if Bernard saw his own journey reflected in the ancient texts he studied.

"Action is indeed necessary", Aether mused, "But it must be tempered with wisdom. "The balance between mourning and action, between reflection and decisiveness, is delicate. Bernard seemed to embodied this balance, and it was this equilibrium that made him a formidable Jedi.

Aether's internal processors analyzed the conversation, considering how best to support Bernard's quest for knowledge and his role in the unfolding events. The Shard understood the importance of solidarity and the need for allies who could navigate both the emotional and practical challenges ahead.

Sensing that the moment was appropriate, Aether decided to introduce himself. His voice carried a hint of encouragement as he spoke, "I sense your journey is far from over. I look forward to seeing what kind of person you are through the actions you take. Perhaps I can be so privileged to know, as to what name to affix?"

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing, "It is only polite for two strangers to exchange introductions upon meeting. I am Aether, an Iron Knight. I hope we can learn more from each other in the time to come."

He trailed light before adding one last note:

"Your actions are a mirror for those who follow. Show courage, compassion, and wisdom. Lead by example, for the young watch and learn, molding their hearts in the fires you stoke. As death can have profound rippling effects so too can life. "


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