Pactum Serva.
Life Day heralds a close to a trying year. The galaxy seems to pause as the day of reflection, love, and harmony offers respite from the seemingly never-ending war. As the Alliance continues to rebuild following the relentless attacks by Brotherhood of the Maw, the citizens seize the chance to celebrate and come together. The day is a welcome contrast from the mourning of the fallen just mere months ago.
OBJ I - Your Presents Is Requested
Corporation heads and the who-who’s attend the Life Day charity gala for the Northern Refugee Resettlement Fund. Under the bright lights at the newly restored 500 Republica, folks dance and vye for the largest donation in order to top the Life Day tree. Visit with old allies and find ways to undermine your enemies when the session restores, or simply eat, drink, and be merry!
OBJ II - Deck the Halls
The Prosperity sits in the atmosphere above Coruscant, a shining symbol to the people of the Core that the New Jedi Order has not abandoned them. Within the halls of the mobile temple, the Jedi hosts a homemade meal for their comrades who have returned home for the holiday and rejoices in being together.
OBJ III - A Missle Toast to Brotherhood
With growing unrest in the south due to the fall of the Confederacy, a portion of forces have temporarily been transferred from the Chiss front to a southern space station, awaiting further orders. The crew gathers within the mess hall to share wookie-ookies, hoth chocolate, and reminiscence on stories of glory. In the training facility, an impromptu modification was made to grenade launchers for the galaxy’s best snowball fight!
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