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Nobody Die! [OP Cardea Medical Division]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Coryth Elaris"],


Cardea Medical Center,

And so it was that another division or Protectorate was being reinvigorated by HK on this day, and it was turn for the Medical personnel of Omega Protectorate to feel the efficient touch of the Iron Exarch.

In the commons of the Cardea Medical Center the droid sat, waiting for his contact to meet him in the public location. And this time around his contact was his close friend Cory. Cory, as a highly experienced force-wielding healer was a natural choice to invite into the Division, and if the droid would be successful in convincing her, perhaps she could even lead the Division for him.

Anyway, the droid sat all by himself in the lunch table, Commons being abandoned at that time of the day, he was idly pushing around a cartoon of milk, it was like droid high school all over again.

Hopefully Cory would not keep him waiting too long, for after their talk would finish he scheduled a meeting with other candidates for the new Cardea Medical Division.
No, Coryth would not keep him waiting long. She never kept anyone when it could be avoided. A million things were running through her mind as she walked through the medical center. Her time within Omega hadn't been all sunshine, rainbows and kittens. As far as she was concerned this time, she was here to meet a friend, and hear him out. There were no promises made in her coming here today. For the tiny Jedi knew better than to do that. For promises, were her honor, her lifeblood. And she would only ever make ones she knew she could keep. These days, a promise from the small Master was something that was seldom ever given.

A sigh came as she entered into the Commons, a soft smile gracing her lips as she headed towards HK-36. This time there was no formality, she held no rank, no uniform, dressed simply, a tiny tattered grey cloak the only sign beyond her flaming red hair and tiny stature that indicated it was her. It was the only piece of clothing that she just would not give up. Little bare feet too, silently brought her across the floor to him.

"Iron, old friend. It's been while." She said softly as she took a seat in front of him. Her wounds from the Sith poison had finally healed over, thin purple scars left behind, really the only trace of the trauma she had once endured. "I must say, it's good to see you again."



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Coryth Elaris"],

"Iron, old friend. It's been while."

The droid would perk up as he heard a familiar voice and Coryth had a seat in front of him,

"I must say, it's good to see you again."

The droid nodded back, reaching to take her hands, those slight thin purple scars visible here and there,

"And it is good to see you as well, how have you been, Coryth?"

He would give her a brief and soft squeeze before asking,

"You do know why I asked to speak with you today?"

HK tilted his head to her,

"I need your help, Cory, I want to expand our Medical division in Protectorate, make it important once more, make it renowned all across the Galaxy."

"I'm okay, I suppose." Her eyes drawn to the scars on her hands as he took them in his. "I'm still healing, the scars will take a little longer to fade, but they won't be gone completely. The rest is emotional trauma, and that just takes time," Spoken quietly as her smile faded.

"I suspected, but I wasn't certain." Her lips twisted into a frown.

"I see." She said with her eyes drifting to the table, unsure how to respond for she had a million thoughts on the matter. So she took a moment to collect her thoughts to ensure she could word things how she truly wanted them to be, rather than misunderstood.

"Iron, as much as I would like to, I don't know. I need some things answered first." Wringing her hands slowly, she sighed. "Is this just a medical group for the Pyre section of things? For the military. Or is it something that would be open to the common folk too? Cause they're the ones out there who need help the most. There are billions of people across the protectorate that need help for just basic medical care. The last thing I want to see is those people just left in the dust." For Coryth had come from people like that, born on a starship to an impoverished mother, who died while Cory was still a young child. The last thing she wanted was to see more societies stuck in class systems that ignored the basic fundamental needs of normal people, while ensuring the elite remained on their thrones.

"You see, Iron... I've been hoping to start a company of my own. To be something of an aid group that goes about where it's needed, after disasters or during wars, to help the little guy. The kid on the street.... To bring the needed medical care, and supplies as well as basic aid that is so very necessary to ease their burdens. You know, things like that." She gave a shrug, for it was a lofty dream the little redhead had.
At this point in time [member="Coryth Elaris"] would receive an email on her datapad. After all, it was a faction thread.

"Hi, Coryth. Hope I'm not interrupting anything and you're having a good time on Fondor! Even though it's not really my type of planet anymore. BTW. Countess Selene gave you a discount on wares in The Lady's Haven.

On a more serious note, once you're back home there are some things I'd like to discuss with you. Now I know you've dedicated yourself to helping people with your gifts - you're the kindest soul I know. And it's not escaped my attention that you've been hoarding money for a long time, never spending a penny, despite all my attempts to make you embrace high life!

We already secured you a position training healers amongst the Eldorai and you're the best healer Firemane has. We're looking into expansion and, I hope this is not too presumptuous, wondering whether we could create some sort of dedicated branch or subsidiary that could help you in your quest of delivering aid. After all, Firemane has a dedicated exploration division that helps bring civilisation to worlds struck by disasters, like Tabaqui and Dahomey. Not like any galactic nation has nationalised healthcare!"


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Coryth Elaris"],

"Well I am hoping by the end of it to nationalize health care."

The droid answered,

"It will begin here on Fondor but through time Cardea Centers will be common throughout our territory, perhaps even the Galaxy if our allies would accept their presence, and so will the Cardea Cruisers, we will use them as mobile centers to spread aid to planets difficult to reach otherwise."

HK would squeeze Cory's hands once more softly before releasing them,

"This division will help not only military but civilians as well, all beings are equal, all beings deserve to live. And this moment, today, should you accept my offer,"

The droid tapped the surface of the table slightly to gesture which specific moment- this moment,

"This will be when the suffering throughout Galaxy will finally begin to ease, through work of healers led by you, and with help of my resources."

HK nodded at her explanation of the Space Red Cross,

"You will be welcome to start such a group with our support, any resources you will need we will grant, and cooperation with Cardea Division would be gladly welcomed, but I think we should keep it separate from it, that way it will remain neutral so you will have an easier time providing aid outside of our territory. Other than that, we will take care of your company and support it as any other that deserves it."

Anemone Nivalis

M.D., Expert Trauma Surgeon
Cardea.... Talk about being gone for a while and reappearing... Anemone hadn't so much as seen Cardea since she ran from it such a time ago. Being back stirred up memories as she moved through its corridors. The times may had changed, but the station remained the same. Which, to her, was a good thing. Too much change was usually a bad thing for her...

The all too familiar voice could be heard as she neared the room, linking slightly. It had been a while, but some things rang a bell no matter how long it had been, and that robotic voice was certainly one of them. Her pace turned to a trot, almost a skip, as she neared the doorway, exhaling slightly as she slipped through it. "HK, are you in here giving people a hard time? You know, it's crazed droids like you that give good little droids a crazy name, you know." Anemone chuckled slightly, her head spinning towards the unknown redhead, though it didn't surprise her in the least. Pretty, flame-haired women always did find their way to this part of space.

Her lips curled into a warm smile, nodding toward her. "Hey. I'm Anemone. It's a pleasure to meet you."
[member="HK-36"] [member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Anemone Nivalis"] [member="HK-36"]

A bit of relief washed over her face, for far too many were concerned with just the needs of the military or the Elite one percent. "I'm glad to hear you say that, truly. There are far too many beings out there, that truly need the help. Something I certainly don't like seeing. And I really don't like the elite getting everything while the rest of the population suffers greatly." Coryth said firmly, with every bit of her redheaded fire.

The little woman smiled, "I'd very much like to start that group. It's something that is desperately needed in these trying times in the galaxy. People need help now more than ever and I want to be able to provide that for them." She had little expectation for gaining profits, but that wasn't what was driving her ideas. No, she'd give the very shirt off her back to someone who needed it, if that was what it took. She, at the end of the day, simply wanted to help people who needed it most.

"I could help train your initial batch of healers for Cardea. In exchange I could use some start up funds, to help get my group going. I want to help Iron, I do. But I won't be able to stay forever. Just with the first group. I train a few, and they can train others." She hadn't quite gotten to the email that Sio had sent. But she'd heard the alarm for it sound. "Who knows, maybe we'll call it Firestack Health and Medical Resources." She said with a brighter smile, chuckling a little. The name of the group, she hadn't really thought of much until now.

"One second." She said, lifting a finger to pause the conversation between them while she skimmed through the email Siobhan had just sent her. It seemed, Coryth's secret stash of hoarded money had not gone unnoticed, as well as her true reasons as to why she was hoarding it.

She typed a reply quickly in.

Nothing gets by you, these days. Does it? :) Coryth actually inserted a smiley face into the text. We can talk about it as soon as I return. Because, its something I've been thinking about for a long time. And I really like to make sure the help is available for those who need it most in the galaxy. Plus, with my skills for precog, and seeing the disasters in visions before they even happen, I imagine will be of great help as well. I shouldn't be too long. I'll let you know when I'm on my way back to Kaeshana.
Her attentions turned back to HK-36. "That was Siobhan, it seems she is on the same page as well. I have some funds of my own. Credits that I've been saving for much of my life, that I intend to put into starting up the group. We could always have a branch office on Cardea, to help organize aid through protectorate space, and make things easier that way, maybe?" She asked softly.

Coryth turned to face the new woman, "Nah, he's not giving me a hard time. If anything I'm giving him one." She said with a bright smile upon her lips. "Coryth." The tiny woman replied as she extended her hand to shake Anemone's. "Coryth Elaris, and it's nice to meet you, Anemone. I'm just trying to talk Iron into helping support a newly formed aid group and in exchange I train some of the medical division's first healers."
Siobhan was not spying on [member="Coryth Elaris"]. Not at all. Mirien Valdier did not monitor her activities and write regular intelligence reports about what she was doing to keep tabs on the trouble magnet in case she, well, got into trouble. Likewise the Firemane intelligence chief did not report on the comings and goings of other employees of the corporation...

Anyhow, the short stack of fire would soon receive a reply per email. "Excellent. You can outline your proposal and we'll discuss things with Tegs when you're back. You're right that your skill at precog will be most useful and perhaps we can find others with the gift as well. There are many worlds that could benefit from aid, both in OP space and in the Levantine Sanctum, e.g. Tabaqui. Disaster relief, medical aid and schooling, perhaps long-term such a company could even look into things such as performing research to create cures for Sith poisons, the technovirus etc. Maybe even work with [member="Phylis Alince"], since she's looking into light side alchemy, last I heard. There may be some former Protectorate people we can get onboard, like [member="Anemone Nivalis"], a highly skilled surgeon who used to work at Cardea.

But we can discuss that when you're back. Don't get into too much trouble, sweetie. I got you some nice things from The Lady's Haven."


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Anemone Nivalis"],

In response to Anemone the droid whispered,

"Please help me, she is holding me hostage."

And while Cory was busy texting he would explain to Anemone,

"Cory here is a great force healer, I was discussing with her formation of new medical division centered around Cardea, expand its reaches among other things. I think you should hear me out too, I would love to have you join it and help out, Anemone, of course with a paycheck to correspond your experience."

The machine nodded before looking back to [member="Coryth Elaris"],

"And you do not have to convince me if I already agreed, I think you just want to say you do because then you will brag to Sio you successfully negotiated with a machine."

He would look back to Anemone then,

"If both of you are interested in joining and making this, as well as Coryth's non-profit organization come true, then I can set up a meeting in few minutes with other personnel who would help manage and lead this effort."

Anemone Nivalis

M.D., Expert Trauma Surgeon
A small chuckle came from her lips her head shook. "Giving him a hard time? I haven't heard of anyone doing that since....nevermind." She paced forward a few steps, extending her hand out to reach that of Coryth's, gripping it lightly. "It's a pleasure to meet you... Wait. I said that already didn't I?" Nervously, she laughed glancing toward HK, blinking. His words struck her ears, and nearly froze the woman in her steps. "A new Medical Division? Last time, the Medical Division was getting blown up...cause they were the same ones trying to shoot. You mean you guys are going to have actual medics now?"

A small sigh escaped her lips as her head leaned back slightly, eying the ceiling above. It was surreal to a certain extent. Anemone had spent so much time aboard the massive, floating med station. She began to wonder to herself if she could once more walk its halls without the past itching at her.

Grinning widely, she glanced down towards the red head once more. "A Force healer, huh? I've heard of you all, but never seen one actually work you...well, magic. So....I guess it couldn't hurt to at least hear about all this. I mean, I'm here anyway..."

[member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="HK-36"]
[member="Anemone Nivalis"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="HK-36"]

Coryth smiled a bit as she listened to HK explain where they were at in the conversation on the new Medical Division and such. She waited patiently after finishing her email to speak again, "So just to make sure I have it right, the Protectorate will be providing support and sponsorship to Firestack?" The little redhead just liked to make sure everything was in order as this was much bigger than just her, and things had to be just right.

"Of course I'm interested in joining. However, as I said before it will only be for the short-term. I'll help with the first batch of healers who need training and the like, after that I can help with major disasters and bring in my aid group to offer assistance during those times."

Coryth found herself giggling a slight bit, "Yes, I do try to pick on him from time to time, to keep him on his toes. That, and he helped train me in some combat skills way back when I originally joined the Pyre. It seems like forever ago, that I was last on Cardea, and with the Protectorate."

The little woman nodded, "Always had a knack for healing, long before I even knew what the Force even was. I am trained in classic surgical technique, advanced diagnostic and triage skills, as well as every day general practice skills on top of my force training. You'd be most welcome to come along during any of my procedures or appointments, to see how I put the Force to work in medical practice."

With a wave of her hand, she motioned to Anemone to sit beside her. "Please, have a seat. We'd love to chat more with you on the new Division as well as my aid group if that interests you as well."

The alarm sounded on her datapad once more, indicating another email message had been received. "Excuse me, just one more second." She said softly as she quickly skimmed through the email from Siobhan. Though this time, she did remember to turn the datapad notifications to vibrate so as not to disturb the meeting further. Once more she typed a quick reply to her dear friend.

I will Siobhan, I promise. :) You are right, there are many worlds that could benefit from such a group. I'm thinking of calling it Firestack Health and Medical Resources. Such cures would be invaluable, and definitely worth the time to work on. And interestingly enough Anemone Nivalis is with me right now. I'll have to pick her mind about such matters, if I get a chance.
Me, trouble? Never. :p You got me some presents? How sweet and very kind of you. I look forward to seeing you soon. -C.E.
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

Siobhan being so eager to keep tabs on her employees was not voyeurist in the slightest. Not at all. But then Firemane was a big family and she had to keep an eye out for its members! Well, those she liked at any rate. This one thinks that Siobhan has manifested an extreme mummy complex since adopting Galina. Along with being a voyeurist in general and having some serious control issues.

Anyhow, she read Coryth's latest message and then switched off the datapad. Apparently she had decided to stop bombarding her with emails for time being, though she would undoubtedly step in again and intervene from afar whenever she thought it was prudent for her. Or whenever Mirien supplied her with a particularly juicy intelligence report. As a matter of fact, there were a couple more on her desk, but for now at least Siobhan was done snooping and instead arose from her chair, taking her cane as she limped out of her study. Last she had checked, Galina was working on her Basic homework, so it was best to check on her little girl and help her a bit.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Anemone Nivalis"],

"Well this time around the Medical Division will be run by Healers and Doctors instead of Warriors, so I am hoping there will be no blowing up involved."

The droid answered to Anemone recalling the previous incarnation of their Medical Division,

Then he would look to [member="Coryth Elaris"] to answer to her comments,

"That is true and yes I am keeping in mind that it will be a short term, there is someone who I want to ask to be second in command and take over once you leave so you will not have to worry about that while you would be with us, but I am keeping that until we start talking about it with others."

He would pat the table while looking between them,

"Speaking of which, how about instead of continuing this here we would move to a conference room so I can call others and we can talk about this as a group? We might as well begin now before something big happens, it would be better to be prepared before time rather than have to scramble in the last minute."
"Thank you, Iron." The little Jedi said quietly. "I appreciate that. As I don't want to leave things a mess, for those behind me to clean up."

Coryth nodded slowly, "Of course, we should head to one of the conference rooms, so we can meet the others and continue discussing the division further." The idea behind it, Cory was more than happy to help with. But like everything in her life, she had a hard time settling in one place for too long. Though with Firestack she'd get everything she wanted and more. The ability to move when she needed to, so that she could bring much needed aid, to the people who needed it most. Helping to train the first Healers here, would help get the Protectorate's new medical group off on the right foot, and then the little Jedi Master could be on her way to getting everything at Firestack set up.

"Lead the way, dear." A bright smile spreading across her lips as she rose to her feet, just waiting on HK, and the other doctor.

[member="Anemone Nivalis"] [member="HK-36"]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Anemone Nivalis"],

"Alright then, let us go."

The machine chirped back, standing up to lead the two doctors away, he would be their guide in the maze of corridors and hospital rooms of the space station, the classrooms, storerooms, nurse stations, all of that would be well known to the two healers, and to droid who for the purpose of the meeting had layout of the station downloaded in his memory.

It would not be long before they would find the conference room meant for their discussion, a quite room with sound proof walls and door it seems, cutting out nicely the hustle and clamor of hospital and university in one outside of its threshold.

"Have a seat, ladies-"

The machine motioned to the seats against the oval conference table, quipping,

"Or do a little dance, I do not care."

Before connecting the holotransmitter to summon other members of the leading team or invite them in speaking via holo-transmitters, other healers, of course, would be Queen [member="Feena Mason"], Doctor [member="Nyos Val"], [member="Doctor Stormson"], and even [member="Phylis Alince"] with whom the droid and Coryth had contact since their little adventure in When Cards Fold, perhaps this would be in her interest. If [member="Catherine Romanov"] would be interested and was looking for something to do, she can stop by as well.

"We should get some responses soon enough."

Catherine Romanov

Catherine was lazing about really. Bored people tend to do that. Lounging around in her bunk, doing nothing of importance. It was then that her boredem got interrupted by active 'beeps' on her datapad and comlink. Scrambling off the bed, she took hold of her data pad, swiping of notifications with several flicks of her fingers, as she pinpointed onto one in particular. Looking at the message, it was a summon by the Iron Lord, Lord Protector [member="HK-36"] himself. He had indicated that if her interest should find her, she was free to come to the Cardea Medical Centre on Fondor. Sending back a message to the really-important-droid, she typed :

"I would definitely be interested, you can count me in. I'll be there soon."

Gathering all her equipment and other necessities, she headed out, and would arrive shortly at the conference location.
Coryth walked into the conference room, and happily took a seat. "Thank you, Iron." She said softly as she settled into a seat near the head of the table. "Can't wait to see who we have on board."

While they waited, she made herself useful making a few lists of things she would need to get her own organization off the ground. She already had backing from Siobhan, which meant Firemane, and Iron himself, so that was something for sure. It was nice to have the right idea, at the right time, and being in the right place all at once. Undoubtedly she'd be helping the medical division a fair bit, for a while, helping to get it off the ground, but after that she'd be able to slip away leaving it in someone else's capable hands while she got the equivalent of the space red cross going.

[member="HK-36"] [member="Catherine Romanov"]

Nyos was sitting in his lab tinkering with some new tech he was trying out when Dave came over with a Holo-projector waying that the Lord Protector was on the line.

Nyos popped the power switch and greeted HK.

Hello Lord Protecotor, How may I help you sir?

Nyos would appear in his long lab coat and tie. He stood with his hands in his pockets and awaited responses. He saw a few others gathered with HK, he nodded respectively to each one.

[member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="Catherine Romanov"]

Phylis Alince was hard at work. Her work today consisted of answering a particularly vexing problem; where had her datapad gone? She could hear it beeping with a new message, but for the life of her she couldn't work out where it had gone!
Peering at her desk which was heaped with papers, other datapads and ancient relics, she frowned. Well, she was a Jedi couldn't hurt to use the Force.
Calling on her abilities she started to lift the items from the table, balancing them neatly in midair whilst she sifted through. There!
She grabbed the datapad from where it had fallen, but as she did so her concentration lapsed and gravity took over. There was a dull plop, and all her papers and items fell back to the table, many falling onto the floor.
"Oh...poot," she said mournfully.

She read the message. "Huh? HK, huh? I'm a Jedi, not a doctor. Hmm, worth a look though."

She went to her holoprojector and get the co-ordinates right on the second try. The first number had certainly not been HK-36...she'd quickly hung up before he could proposition her a second time about doctors and nurses.

"Ah...HK?" she asked cautiously.

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