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Nobody Die! [OP Cardea Medical Division]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Anemone Nivalis"],

"My pleasure at least I get to hang out with you two more."

The machine quipped to Cory and Anemone, looking to the door as people finally started showing up,

First was [member="Catherine Romanov"], the droid would motion her to one of the seats,

"This is Private Romanov, she's an aspiring field medic, I believe her opinion would be useful in setting up our endeavors as she sees front-lines and their bloody results on regular basis. Private, this is Doctor Nivalis and Master Elaris, a well experienced healers from whom you can learn plenty, we have gathered here today to discuss reforming the medical division in Protectorate in order to make it more active and expand its influences, both in our territory and outside."

Then [member="Nyos Val"] would call into the conference via hologram in his lab coat and coat, the droid nodded to him back and spoke a response into the holotransmitter unit,

"Doctor Val here is an expert in modern cybernetics and prosthetic, as well as experienced field medic. Nyos, you remember Anemone and Coryth from previous engagements?"

They were both long standing members of Protectorate after all,

"Also this is Private Romanov, a very promising young field medic."

He would introduce Catherine to him as well.

Finally his datapad would beep in notification that he had [member="Phylis Alince"] on the line, he would respond to her,

"Master Alince, a pleasure to hear your voice. I have a group of medical experts- and one private-"

He glanced to Catherine in a quip,

"-Gathered to discuss reforming medical division in Protectorate and expanding its influences, Master Elaris also wanted to talk about non-profit humanitarian organization she wants to form and I thought you might find it interesting, remembering your work during her being poisoned by Sith. You remember Coryth I presume?"

HK asked, bringing back their misadventures in When All Cards Fold, which is still going on actually. Longest thread ever.
[member="HK-36"] | [member="Coryth Elaris"]

“Hmmph! Of course I remember Coryth!” Phylis said, scandalised that anyone would suggest otherwise. Of course, she did tend to forget things, but she hadn’t this time!

“What would you ask of me, HK? I’m a Jedi, not a doctor. I’m not really available for engagements outside of the Order except in special cases. What did you have in mind?”

Catherine Romanov

As Catherine entered the conference room, the droid motioned for her to take a seat. He then introduced her to the rest of the members of the meeting. She half-waved, half-saluted the lot as she introduced herself "Hey, I'm Catherine or Cathy for short, and I'm looking forward to working and learning together with you all!" flashing the group a cheeky grin. Having chosen a seat, she snuggled down into a seat, making herself comfortable, and ready for what comes next.

[member="HK-36"] [member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="Nyos Val"]
[member="HK-36"] [member="Catherine Romanov"] [member="Anemone Nivalis"] [member="Coryth Elaris"]

Nyos nodded to Anemone and Coryth. It had been some time since he'd seen their faces. Probably back in the Bando Gora War. Catherine was a new face but one he'd seen more often recently. She was an up-and-comer in the Navy, promising career.

"A pleasure to meet to Miss Catherine. Miss Anemone, Miss Coryth. Lovely to see you again. Lord HK, what might I ask is this conference about? If my wits have not left me, I'd say, based on the faces around. You're planning up something for the Cardia Medical Crews. Am I right?"

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