Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Not the average good guy


"Is everyone out?" Gherron nodded, coughing from the smoke. Handing a woman to the paramedics, he looked at the building one last time before walking away. Dirt covered his face and robe, and his clothes had a few burns, but he was fine otherwise. The fire had apparently been started by a spark plug, and had spread in a matter of minutes. He'd been walking by when he noticed it, and rushed in to save a father, mother, and their seven year-old child. It only proved that one could never truly be prepared for anything. Only yesterday had he noticed that his breathalyzer was broken, and that he had to buy a new one. Sighing softly, the young Jedi went on his way.

Krest had watched from the sidelines, blinking slow. A fire? That isn't something easily missed. He watched as [member="Gherron Vael"] ran in though, doubting he should follow. At least not yet. Too many people rushing into a flame would make too many bodies needing to be accounted for. So he kept his distance until Vael stepped out the final time, prompting a grin on the Zabraks face. So he did live. Well, there's that at least. He moved over to the man, waving a hand.

"You know, many don't normally run into a building on fire."
Turning toward the voice, Gheron chuckled softly. "Many don't have the responsibility that I have, either." Walking over to the man, he couldn't help but recognize the tattoo markings. They seemed very similar to an ancient Sith lord that the Jedi archives had on file. The name escaped him, but it was definitely similar. "What brings you to this part of Coruscant, friend?"

The colors indeed were the same, but the markings themselves were of a different pattern. Perhaps similar, but different none the less. Krest slipped his hands behind his head slowly, offering a light shrug. He was wandering, as per normal, and why he was here really wasn't all that special.

"I like to wander. The name is Krest."

[member="Gherron Vael"]
Gherron chuckled then, not at the man, but at the tone of the answer. "I'm Gherron. Nice to meet you, Krest." He reached out his hand in greeting, a small smile on his face. He always liked to make friends, and if he could make one out of a complete stranger, he would.

Krest took the hand, shaking it firmly. He watched [member="Gherron Vael"] 's eyes intently at this point, studding. Why? Krest himself wasn't sure, only that he was more then curious about this Gherron person. "Gherron. Neat name. Tell me, what are your responsibilities?"
"Jedi Knight. I protect Coruscant as best as I can." Gherron nodded a little, as if agreeing with himself. "You don't see many people who actually give a kark about others, even when lives are at stake. That's where I come in. Hell, I wouldn't even call it a responsibility. I like helping others. It's in my blood I guess. Besides, it's better than politics."

"That I can agree with. Politics are for the weak really." He nodded to [member="Gherron Vael"] in agreement, smiling. Yes, that much he agreed with. "Though, it is nice to see a Jedi this far out. Gives me a bit of faith in the Order."
The comment brought a cheeky smile to Gherron's face. It was nice to see someone who shared some of his views and interests that wasn't Jedi. "I'm just not a big fan of politics in general. Too much lies and cowardice. I'd rather be on the front lines than in a senate chamber. Unfortunately, I'm not very skilled in combat. I can hold enemies off for hours, but that's it."

"Ah, all defense, no offence? Can't you counter or something?" Combat was something Krest enjoyed. The change of a subject brought on by [member="Gherron Vael"] caused the Zabrak's eyes to sparkle. Krest was more of the opposite, pure offence, little to no defense. So long as he was attacking, he would be at an advantage. Soon as he was countered however, he would be pushed back.
Gherron shook his head no. "Nope. I know a little countering, but my main thing is tiring others out. That's when I use my own attack pattern. It's not too good otherwise though." Shrugging, he continued to walk onward.

Krest kept up with [member="Gherron Vael"] , smirking. "You're a Knight, yes? I could show you a form or two without issue from your order I believe. Vapaad perhaps?" He kept his hands behind his head as per usual, the smirk still on his face. Perhaps training would be nice. However.

"And in exchange you could show me defense?"
Gherron scratched his growing beard, interested. "Vapaad? Isn't that a bit advanced? Of course I'll accept, just isn't that the most energy-consuming of all the forms?" Vapaad would indeed be a good skill to learn. If he could grab hold of it, and learn to switch from it to Soresu at will, he could be that much more
skilled as a Jedi.

​"Yes. Yes it is. But if you can master it and use it without getting completely exhausted, wouldn't all the other forms based on endurance be that much easier?" He offered a wink at [member="Gherron Vael"] . Naturally, Krest didn't care what happened should Vael fail to control himself and fall, as the danger was always there with Vapaad. The Zabrak was more then excited however. Vapaad was such a thrilling form to teach.
Gherron nodded, still unsure. Vapaad was indeed very close to the dark side, but even still was nowhere as bad as its counterpart Juyo, which proved even more so. If he could indeed master this form, he would be a strong opponent. He could protect others easier. "I accept. You teach me what you know in Vapaad, and i'll show you my skills in Soresu."

Krest nodded, clapping his hands together loudly. "Perfect! Do you have a place we can begin?" He nodded to [member="Gherron Vael"] , looking around. "I mean, we could learn here, but it may not be best, especially on how the form is best taught."
Krest took off after [member="Gherron Vael"] silently, still smiling. No more words came from his direction, for now it was just a matter of getting to the studio and beginning. Oh what fun this day shall be.
Once the two made it to the studio, Gherron flipped on the lighs, revealing the massive room in its entirety. It was quite large, so much that one could fit a few republic gunships and still have room. He was sure that they would have enough space here. It was in fact one of the places he had used to practice his force speed. Taking a deep breath, he looked over at the zabrak. "Alright then, who's first?"

Krest waves a hand to [member="Gherron Vael"] slowly. "You first. Vapaad is rather easy to teach. Controlling it like a Jedi should however is the real challenge. That I cannot teach you. But you should know it already yeah?" He moved to the center of the massive room, letting out a slight whistle. This was just one of Vael's places? Impressive. But he didn't focus on the size for long, and quickly pulled free his sword. "Vapaad is constant attack. Constant offence. You attack your foe without ever so much as giving them breathing room, all while letting the excitement of battle flow through you. As a Jedi this is something you must control so to not fall to the Darkside, but if you can feel the thrill of a fight while keeping in control, there really isn't much else to teach yeah?"

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