Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Not with a Bang

I never really anticipated this day to come. But here it is, I am going to be taking an indefinite break from Chaos. I don't know if I will come back and when it might be.

I have other priorities in RL that require greater attention and I've grown somewhat bored with my characters and the board. I am going to be putting an immediate stop to what I have been taking part in and I'm sorry for the inconvenience to those who I've been writing with.

I give best wishes to those who continue to write here.

That's all I have so, I'll see you all around.


Morality Policeman :)

You are one of my better friends on the board, and I for one will miss you if I should linger. You are a far more faithful writer than I could have been for you, and I wish you the best in your personal projects.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

You're one of my fav's. So sad to see you go :( I hope that you come back. But if not, then I wish you well...



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

I haven't been the best when it comes to keeping up with activity as a Faction Owner or with posts in general, especially as of late while juggling my time between work and college, however when I begun to fall short I could always count on you to have my back and support me, picking up the slack from time to time. You weren't just the kind of Faction Admin I needed at my side but a good friend on the board as well, hearing about your decision towards LOA there's disappointment, sure, but I also understand why you would need to take it. I'll miss your presence on the boards and among Metal Lords, like Kay, Mettallum, WD, and others will as well I'm sure, and there will always be a place among us for you should you decide to come back.

However I hope that I will not miss you outside the board because you'll keep in touch with us on Discord so we can still organize OOC things together from time to time like meeting up to play Stellaris :p

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