Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nothin' like walking in Coruscant

@Jaster of clan Awaud
[member="Claire Ikon"]


And no control, progress... that did nothing but retract. Much like Severa'a own skill. She also lacked the focus needed to control her power fully, much as she would like to.

However... this did not change the fact that she could not assist in this matter beyond lessons of control-but one that knew her pain was more suited in these lessons of control.

As interested as she was in the subject... and the growing amount of people coming towards it... she had no skill to assist.


Slightly Worse than Bay-splosions
Shizuo watched the whole spectacle, and shook his head. What hope did a little musical note have, even a Force-imbued musical note, against nearly a million people's minds pressing against you? The blue-furred fox walked up to the girl and simply picked her up to her feet, dusting her off a little bit. His scent was thicker in the air than ever, with him consciously forcing it out. Unexpectedly, even to him, he found himself hugging the girl against his shoulder.

"Just... let your mind process the scent. It's full of my Force energy, after all. If you're really lucky, the smell might stay for a while, and it'll hold the visions back. How're you feeling, now?"

[member="Claire Ikon"] [member='Jaster of clan Awaud'] [member="Glyph"] [member="Severa Everglade"]

Claire Ikon

[member="Shizuo Aei-Kanton"] [member="Severa Everglade"] [member="Glyph"]

The voices and noises were getting the best of her. She wouldn't do anything to resist Shizuo's motion. The girl was lifted off of the bench, and forced to hug him. "Nnrg..." The scent... it was rather strong for her to not focus on. "N-nng... Wh...-Wha...W-Where..." She softly started to speak. "Ngeh..." Claire had stated,seems during her trance, she had forgotten where she was at. "W-Who... Who are you.. p-people... a-and why are you in my head. . ."
[member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Shizuo Aei-Kanton"] [member="Severa Everglade"] [member="Glyph"]

She seemed to get worse, still within the limits of most padawans though. She was not in the late stages of violence, but if this next boy did not help he'd be forced to step in. Jaster had spent the last 12 months reading and studying holocrons across the galaxy of the teachings of Jedi healers and Sith sorcerers, he was no master but he could teach the basics. Jaster had meant to take these lessons back to his guild to teach neglected force users in peaceful arts. It seemed fate had put the young female as a test for him, but he was not a super hero. He would let people of her own skill and type try there best. Being were he was may just make the situation worse, but he could not leave her.

Keeping calm was his best bet. Being a old soldier, he could keep his emotions away and at bay. These situations did not help when decisions were made by emotions. Thinking clearly he kept his eyes on the situation. 'God I hope she will work though it.' He thought to himself.
[member="Claire Ikon"]


It was an interesting sight, now a furry.... thing was hugging the girl? Odd.... how was such a thing to help her? Yet it seemed to have a slight effect on her. She was learning odd things here. Musical calming... hug calming, it was quite the lesson. Perhaps she should learn this method. Though the scent itself wouldn't be effective for her. Yet it was great to learn new methods..

Part of her wanted to speak with the girl, learn of her condition, but their were to many around her... no her role was as a viewer, nothing else.
[member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Severa Everglade"] [member="Glyph"]

Taeli watched everything from the shadows, keeping her presence shut tightly against any detection, emotional or thoughts. She was simply going to watch everything for now, but if she needed to, she would step in herself. Still . . . Glyph was certainly more familiar with empathy than she was and she would allow her apprentice to handle things without her intervention.

She knew this girl had to remain on Coruscant though, to become a Sith. Walking around the area in her grey dress, she kept to the edges of things but making sure she had a clear line of sight.
[member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Severa Everglade"] [member="Shizuo Aei-Kanton"]

His eyes went to stare at Jester as he got closer and he sighed seeing the man. What was he even doing here, on a sith planet of all things... what ever his head needed to focus in on the girl who was now being hugged by a creature he was more than familiar with and what their diet composed of. His eyes focused in on the man as he spoke lowly, and in a calm controlled voice. "Hey Ruffer, how about you step back before you do something that wont end well for yourself?" Only reason he didn't force the man away was what ever he was doing was working on the girl. "Miss, we needto get you somewhere not in a large city... why you decided to come to this place of all places escapes me but im sure we can find somewhere without a million feelings coming down on your head."

Claire Ikon

[member="Glyph"] [member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Severa Everglade"] [member="Shizuo Aei-Kanton"] @Jaster of clan Awaud

The girl slowly tries to look around. Though, the scent she is smelling is far too strong for her to focus on anything else. She would mumble some words, but none of it makes any sense. Anything that was stated to her was just a blurr in her mind. The voices blocked it, but the scent blocked the voices. Finally, she would speak again, but much clearer. "Nn...Wha... ...Where... ..what.. what are... are you do-doing... ...Nn..." She locks up again, some of the voices got to her, but again, she focuses on the scent.
[member="Claire Ikon"]

"Their such interesting pieces....."

The girl hummed to herself, they were clearly more effective.. more efficient! Well aside from the girl she supposed... but that could be reminded no?

Yes.... such interesting pieces to her, each one different from the last she loved the diversity anyway-it was like one of her books. But how to classify them.... she needed more info.... what to do?

[member="Darth Arcanix"]


Slightly Worse than Bay-splosions
Shizuo felt offended, truly offended, by the reaction of the other man to his help. He would never be so cruel as to consume somebody so close to his old physical age. He'd spent a long, lonely, time training himself to starve in order to make sure he didn't attack people he was around. Sure, he could bribe his crimes away, but that didn't have to be necessary. He simply lowered his voice to a whisper and smiled at the girl.

"I'm sorry I had to do that, but you were... in pain. I'm suppressing your focus on the emotions around you by overwhelming your senses. Nice trick, huh?"

The blue-furred Ruffer raised his voice to talk to the other man, keeping the smile on his face.

"Oh, please... I wouldn't hunt other kids. Plus, I've only got to feed a couple of times a month. Galactic society has had... an effect on me."

[member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Glyph"] [member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Severa Everglade"] [member='Jaster of clan Awaud']
[member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Glyph"] [member="Shizuo Aei-Kanton"]

He was found out, seemed that all parties had found him out. He still kept his distance from them, keeping the elixir hidden. He looked at them, if it wasn't for the girl in pain the monkey show would be entertaining. The instinct to actually help was pressed against him and he fought the thought. It would only anger the officials, after all he was on Corascant for a medical relief effort. Helping Sith apprentices would only make there masters feel disrespect. He didn't feel like getting thrown around, so keep away until really needed.

The effort to stick around were withering away. This sight of the blind leading the blind only seemed to make his feeling from bad to sickning. He even though of passing the Sith acadomy to tip them off of a missing apprentice. Too long and she'd be dead or rampaging the streets after all the pain.

Best to just wait, he may just be of assistance, just maybe. "Why does fate do this to me?" He said to himself.

Claire Ikon

[member="Shizuo Aei-Kanton"]
[member="Severa Everglade"]
@Jaster of clan Awaud
[member="Darth Arcanix"]

She remained in his grip, not moving, but softly speaks. "...O-O...O-Okay.. ..N...nghn... The voices.. I...I thought.. I.I could h-handle it..." She would painfully start to say. It was rather hard on her to say or think of anything. All she was trying to do is focus on the smell. She grunted in pain.


Slightly Worse than Bay-splosions
Shizuo didn't release the girl at all when he noticed the dark-skinned man walking closer. In fact, he semi-protectively bared his fangs at the man. His voice went back down to a whisper, and he moved her arm around his shoulders to help her walk.

"Do you live around here, or something? Anywhere that's not actually going to give you a mind-breaking pain if I stop spreading my scent? I'd rather not take you home with me."

[member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Severa Everglade"] [member="Glyph"]
[member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Glyph"] @Jaster of clan Awaud [member="Severa Everglade"]

Turning to look at a girl int eh crowd as she muttered about interesting pieces, Taeli couldn't help but agree with her sentiment and words. The young empath needed help, in some way or other, and the others were quite clearly not providing it beyond stemming the tide a little.

"So why are they interesting pieces?" she whispered, bending low to speak in the girl's ear, but her eyes never left the empath or her apprentice Glyph. The Ruffer that was almost smothering her seemed to be the biggest impediment to gaining the girl for the Sith, or was it the healer guild member that might be a problem.

Regardless, the girl needs somewhere to isolate herself and control her emotions and empathy better. Somewhere shielded against the voices of those around them.

Opening a secure com channel to her apprentice, she said, "Bring that girl to the Sith Temple, to one of the meditation chambers deep within it. They're shielded from outside interference and should be quiet enough to have the girl's empathy quiet down."

Claire Ikon

[member="Shizuo Aei-Kanton"] [member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Jaster of clan Awaud "] [member="Severa Everglade"] [member="Glyph"]

She heard him speak, but it was all muffled to her. She tries to focus on him speaking, but it only made her pain worse. Very soon though, her mind gets used to his scent, and the girl's pain would return. She grunted out and grits her teeth, but she just couldn't handle it anymore. Claire suddenly, and without warning, started to scream.
[member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Shizuo Aei-Kanton"] [member="Severa Everglade"]

Glyph sighed and watched her starting to walk with her, before suddenly her screaming started and he held his ears as he had just about enough of this and he himself shut his eyes tight and fell to his knees. When trained with empathy one could redirect emotions from one to another or even themselves to another. What Glyph decided was a necessity at this time was essentially the latter in reverse as he drowned out the emotions of others and her own pain and took it on his own mind as he began to twitch. "H-hey, Ruffer, Sith Temple now... Meditation Chambers will help her... Go."

His own head, his eyes still sealed shut looked in the direction of two other minds, on he very fondly knew. "I need help walking... i cant while im doing this, and shouldn't talk." Hopefully he would be able to focus on her mind long enough before he himself destroyed his own mind from this process as transfer of pain and emotions not only made them your own but multiplied their intensity, so what Claire felt Glyph was now feeling at the very least twice as badly, and only just enough to keep her sane at the cost of his own ability to walk for the time being."
[member="Glyph"] [member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Darth Arcanix"]

Jaster heard the call, for his own protection he had his men hijack signals from the surounding area to keep him on his toes. After they notified him of the signal he knew what he had to do, reluctantly.

"For the love of..." Jaster put on his helmet. He stomped over to the girl and Glyph, they were very small subject to him. He pushed the furry child aside and picked them both up. He made direct eye contact with the Sith that appeared from no wear, "Move your chit, they both need help!"

Yelling at a Sith, probably not his best idea ever, but he got sick of this. The girl needed help, Glyph was useless as useral and a pain in his rear, and the fluff ball was just in the way. Sith or not, Jaster didn't care anymore, they both needed both seclusion and medical attention after this. "Fastes route," he paused, the Sith seemed surprised at his assistance, "please?"


Slightly Worse than Bay-splosions
Shizuo's eyes widened in pain as the girl in his arms screamed involuntarily. He hissed, and his ears flattened as he zapped her with enough energy to make her feel like she'd drank half a gallon of caffeine. His ear twitched towards the other young guy, and he painfully nodded his acknowledgement. Sith Temple. Meditation chambers. Paaaaaaaaaain.

"Fuck it."

He picked the girl up in his arms, and looked at the two other men impatiently.

"Well? And you'll have to shout. Little Miss Explosive, here, ripped my ears a new one."

[member="Glyph"] [member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Severa Everglade"]
[member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Shizuo Aei-Kanton"] [member="Glyph"]

A voice... someone asked her a question. Should she answer it? It could be a distraction, could interfere with her study... but on the other hand the voice seemed to take interest in her thoughts, perculier.

If she kept her eyes on the event she could still view them at the least, she decided to answer the femine tone.

"Interesting because they allow the learning of something new, against the norm of my fellow acolytes"

She was not the most talktive person, so when she did speak she preferred to simply get to the point, and it was true, her fellow acolytes tended to be rather uninteresting-at least to Severa, and more often than not held almost soley to the knowledge she gained from reading of them, or seeing them first hand-boring.

"Their far as pieces go.... it intrigues me, if you must know"

One who should devour did not

One who could feel emotion but was being crippled by it

And one who put the force into music....

She had yet to read of such subjects in her studies.

Even if the ear splitting scream did quite a bit to deter her... sheesh.

Hmmmm and now movement? Finally taking her somewhere? Good for her, unfournate for Severa's study.

Claire Ikon

[member="Severa Everglade"] [member="Shizuo Aei-Kanton"] [member="Jaster of clan Awaud "] [member="Glyph"] [member="Darth Arcanix"]

She felt some of the voices leave her mind. This was very odd and confusing to her. Who else has her curse? She started to breathe out of her mouth, taking in slow deep breathes. Maybe she was finally becomming calm, atleast for the moment. She had stopped her screaming, and is somewhat aware of her surroundings now. Realizing she is being hugged by a Ruffer, Claire tilted her head and would slowly move an arm to... pet one of his probably sore ears. "F-F-Fawx.... P-Person. . .?"

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