Slightly Worse than Bay-splosions
The look on Shizuo's face softened into a small smile, and he let the girl pet his ear. Of course it hurt a little, but this girl was cute when she wasn't actually screaming or in pain. He had to get her back to his speeder, and away from the crowd here. He started walking away, towards the speeder, when the girl said something... He kept his voice to the gentle whisper it'd been this whole time.
"Yeah, I'm a fox person. Name's Shizuo. Now, seriously, is there anywhere I can take you that means you won't scream in my ears anymore?"
[member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Severa Everglade"] [member="Glyph"] [member="Darth Arcanix"]
"Yeah, I'm a fox person. Name's Shizuo. Now, seriously, is there anywhere I can take you that means you won't scream in my ears anymore?"
[member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Severa Everglade"] [member="Glyph"] [member="Darth Arcanix"]