Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nothin' like walking in Coruscant


Slightly Worse than Bay-splosions
The look on Shizuo's face softened into a small smile, and he let the girl pet his ear. Of course it hurt a little, but this girl was cute when she wasn't actually screaming or in pain. He had to get her back to his speeder, and away from the crowd here. He started walking away, towards the speeder, when the girl said something... He kept his voice to the gentle whisper it'd been this whole time.

"Yeah, I'm a fox person. Name's Shizuo. Now, seriously, is there anywhere I can take you that means you won't scream in my ears anymore?"

[member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Severa Everglade"] [member="Glyph"] [member="Darth Arcanix"]

Claire Ikon

[member="Severa Everglade"] [member="Glyph"] [member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Shizuo Aei-Kanton"]

"I..I don't know.. . .voices are everywhere. . ." She has stated. Clearly the conversation the trio had wasn't registered in her mind. "J-Just take me away f-from here before they come back. . ." She was oblivious to the fact that Glyph was supressing her empathy. The girl would then look around her surroundings, and notices the group she has appearently surrounded herself with. She tenses up, and would look at Glyph. He seemed to have the same problem she did, so she would go to take his arm.
[member="Shizuo Aei-Kanton"] [member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Severa Everglade"] [member="Darth Arcanix"]

Glyph wasn't really sure who or what grabbed his arm but right now he had more important things to worry about as he kept his mind completely focused on hers, numbing her to the thoughts around her so that only the softest of them got through while he took the brunt of it. It was painful though, like getting a hundred nails hammered in every quarter of a second and then having them ripped out then done again, a process that was excruciating but for now he kept silent.


Slightly Worse than Bay-splosions
"Um, okay, yeah... Let's bring that guy, too."

Shizuo registered that the man the girl was pulling on was the other Force-Sensitive who'd tried to stop her pain before him. The blue-furred man gestured towards the direction of his speeder, and began walking that way again, right past the other man, who appeared to be a Mandalorian. He didn't wait to see whether or not the other Force Sensitive was following them. He simply carried the girl with him to the vehicle, and sat her down in one of the seats.

"Well, let's go somewhere high up. Not many people in the outer spires where I live."

[member="Claire Ikon"] [member='Darth Arcanix'] [member='Glyph'] [member='Severa Everglade']

Claire Ikon

[member="Shizuo Aei-Kanton"] [member="Glyph"] [member="Severa Everglade"]

She would simply be carried to his speeder, and she would also try to drag Glyph with her. "Nn. . .H-How did... did I get here. . ." She simply went to ask. She was placed down in a seat, and she would try to help Glyph get in, with the best of her own abilities. Leaving the area did however, ease the pain in her mind. She could slowly start to think, and act accordingly now.


Slightly Worse than Bay-splosions
Shizuo looked at the girl and shrugged noncommittally. She was light, and he'd carried her. He couldn't carry the guy, though... Why was he standing still, like that? He looked like he was concentrating on... what? The blue-furred man shook his head and started the engine as he sat in the speeder.

"Sorry, lovely, but that guy's probably gonna be stuck there for a bit. I can't tell what he's doing, but we'd better get you out of here. Strap in."

[member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Glyph"] [member='Severa Everglade']

Claire Ikon

[member="Shizuo Aei-Kanton"] [member="Glyph"] [member="Severa Everglade"] [member="Darth Arcanix"]

The girl was rather content on bringing Glyph aboard. She started to think that maybe he is the cause of why she isn't locked up as he is. "...No... L-Lets... lets bring him. . .I..I think... He is helping m-me. . ." She stated, now managing to drag Glyph in the speeder, wither he likes it or not.
[member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Glyph"] [member="Claire Ikon"]

Quite the oddity indeed.

"Their such an odd bunch...."

She muttered to herself once more, the one trying to get the girl in his speeder... and the girl trying tofrag the boy along.

Typical moral response was probably to interfere, somehow... remedy the situation? Meh... Severa held no desire for such things however. Why stop when you could learn? On the other hand.... if they left her lesson would be over.

In her head she went over the options again and again.

"How to move..."
[member="Glyph"] [member="Shizuo Aei-Kanton"] [member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Severa Everglade"]

Jaster noticed that his old friend wasn't moving, probably stilled by his actions as normal. Watching the blue fluff ball walk past him Jaster didn't like the felling he got from him. He was helping the child so not much he could do about it. Jaster was reading himself to leave, then he heard the small child say he wanted Glyph to go with him. He grunted to the small civility he had left in his almost empty soul.

He turned to retrace his steps and continue to walk tword Glyph, the younger man seemed to be in pain. He looked down at the young man and spoke, "Don't stuggle, I don't much care if I drop you." Jaster didn't like how the young man bossed him around, yet he didn't much care for anyone.

He picked up the young man in his arms and carried him to the speeder of the blue fluff man.
@Jaster of clan Awaud [member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Severa Everglade"] [member="Shizuo Aei-Kanton"]

"Interesting," Taeli muttered to herself, moving along the edge of the crowd to watch the Ruffer try and take the young empath girl away from here, while her apprentice was incapacitated by keeping the girl's empathy quiet for now. The Mando was making sure Glyph would be moved, but it would seem this drama was moving elsewhere, and Taeli was loathed to allow this potential acolyte out of her sights or allow her to disappear among the multitude.

Perhaps it was time to act on her part.

"What is going on here?" Taeli said, moving into view now, a look of concern plastered over her face. With her dress and apparent lack of weapon, she would appear to just be a concerned individual coming over to help. She was keeping herself tightly shut in the Force still, making sure only her apprentice knew who she was.

"Are you okay, dear?" she asked, coming over to the young empath and the Ruffer. "He hasn't tried to do anything you don't want?"

Claire Ikon

[member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Glyph"] [member="Jaster of clan Awaud "] [member="Shizuo Aei-Kanton"] [member="Severa Everglade"]

Claire would look around, noticing the woman come near and close to them. "I-i uh-uhm... N-No? M-Maybe. . " Shes having an issue thinking. She would then start to look around, and then realize she isn't where she was a moment ago. "T-This isn't. . t-the nice area I was in be-before. . .H-How did I get here. . ."
[member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Shizuo Aei-Kanton"] [member="Glyph"]

Great, some kind of Sith offical, from the appearance it wasn't any of the local police or soldier units he new. She had an odd feeling being around her but he didn't get that sensation down his spine that she was a force user. So at most she'd just be a Good Samaritan, but one that slowed them down. Best to either get her away or just drag her along.

Jaster walked up to the female and said with as kind of a tone as he could get his dominating voice to say, "Don't worry ma'am, we came across this girl who was in pain when suddenly this boy fell, we are taking them both to the Sith Temple near by to request aid," he then looked over to the young girl, smiled as best to his his concerns that the temple may be to far and he needed to use medicine to sedate her. The medical affects alone may harm her so Jaster needed to move them both quickly so no more harm would come to either of them. "Don't worry child, we are getting you to be taken care of, you are in pain, let us help you."


Slightly Worse than Bay-splosions
Shizuo gave an apologetic look to the girl, and drummed his fingers on the dashboard impatiently. This woman's sudden act of concern seemed semi-genuine, but she obviously was more worried about whether the blue-furred man had coerced her or something. What an idiotic notion, really. There was something, though, that screamed to him GET AWAY. He couldn't figure out what, though. He just knew that they were possibly risking the girl's sanity by sitting here.

"Look, I appreciate your concern, lady... But you need to back away before you get run down. In fifteen seconds, I'm driving off."

Just to show he was serious, Shizuo set the speeder into gear and looked to the back seat to see if the other Forcie was strapped down. He was, and the blue-furred Ruffie looked at the girl with a bit of worry, before simply hitting the pedal and sending them flying forward, away from the plaza.

[member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Severa Everglade"] [member="Glyph"]
[member="Shizuo Aei-Kanton"] [member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Glyph"]

Jaster realized that the blue fluff ball of a creature was being rude to the lady standing in ground of them. He held onto the back of the creatures speeder bike, turning his power armor onto full power he held the bike I posistion as he though he speeded away. The magnetic lock on his armor cemented him to the ground.

"Pissing people off that can guide us to the near by temple would be wrong," Jaster still thought she was a Sith offical and could do some real damage if they fled. This would not end well if the hot headed boy didn't jump the gun, "unless you know your way, don't balance there life on trivial things." He looked over at the female he defended, "Sorry for this boy, if you could help us locate the temple we would be greatful."

He looked back at the blue boy to keep him from making the mistake of crossing him.
Kelictu would be in an alleyway, watching all of this, thinking about what he should do. His attention with the conversation is suddenly drawn when the girl moves with a blue guy to an idle speeder, only for him to quickly runs to the speeder on all fours and starts tampering with the Speeders engine, unclear to anyone else who sees him do this whether he's taking the engine apart, or is upgrading the engine with it's own parts

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