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...Now I Got My Cootie Shot [TRA,LOtF]

@[member="Moira Skaldi"] @[member="Jasper Void"] @[member="Thessa Kai"] @[member="Dirks Hutchinson"] @[member="Lucien Cordel"]l @[member="Garth Hummel"] @[member="Jared Ovmar"] @[member="Sargon Vynea"] @[member="Triko"]

Of course Team One would have already forced their way into the base. They had the HRD from hell, bent on destroying all organics in the process. Crouched in the thick jungle brush, Delila creeped along the edge of the clearing, clear visual of the front door of the facility. With the A280 blaster rifle digging into her shoulder, Delila was slowly picking off the soldiers who had decided to come around from the side. She was effectively guarding Team One's back as they were busy working on getting into the facility.

"Team Two is right behind."

Looking back to Winking Medical Man and Smelly Jawa, Delila nodded her head towards the door.

"Move out, don't get shot."

Coming from her quasi-hiding spot, Dells crept across the clearing, keeping her eyes on the facility opening at all times. Her back came to rest against the cold durasteel of the outer facility walls, inching towards the entrance. They were literally right behind Team One now, using pillars to semi-crouch behind as it was a mix of haze and blaster bolts being thrown about in the small space.

Jasper Void

Crouching behind the pillar Jasper wasn't really pleased about the frontal assault going on, but then again they didn't have enough information to do much about that really. Of course that wasn't the truth really either, but he needed access to the facility's databanks to actually download the schematics, or basic functions for that matter. With team two already inside though he knew it was going to get hot quickly, and he didn't have a doubt the little ball of fire would be sending them all in blaster's firing. "Don't get shot, great plan. If you don't get shot what am I supposed to do? Oh well at least the view is nice... lovely planet really."

With a smirk Jasper moved forward into the gap behind team two, and followed the wall in the opposite direction. Running a dozen feet down a hall he stopped as soon as he found what he was looking for, a console. He knew the other two would be right behind him, well he hoped so at least. Either we he took a data stick out of one of his pockets, and a data pad. It was time to get some real data on this place. Hooking up he heard footsteps behind him, "Yeah, I know don't run ahead, but give me one minute, then we'll have some concrete data."

@[member="Delila Castillon"] @[member="Triko"] @[member="Lucien Cordel"]
@Thessa Kai | @Dirks Hutchinson |@Moira Skaldi |@Noah Corek | @Lylin Osh | @Delila Castillon | @Sargon Vynea

Don't get shot?

Triko didn't care about getting shot.

By this point, at the ripe old age of 32, he was practically one giant bullet hole.

Still, it might be inconvenient to the mission (Or not, now he thought about it) if he was to die, so he factored in caution as he fired shots iinto anything that moved. Scampering within the underbrush, he was more or less invisible, at first glance, anyway, for his height. This was helpful when unleashing fiery hot rays of destruction with notable precision. Still, he kept his eyes open as he hobbled towards the entrance, eventually scrambling as he left the cover of the foliage to dive upon the walls of the base.

"What plan now?" He semi-shouted to the ginger lass.
@Delila Castillon @Shado @Moira Skaldi @Thessa Kai @Jasper Void @Garth Hummel @Triko @Lucien Cordel @Shinjū Aÿasha @The Plague Doctor @[member="Sargon Vynea"]

After Thessa tossed the sleeping gas grenade into the entry of the garrison, Hutch counted down on his fingers to the other members of Team One, then gave the "go" sign. Blondie was first to breech the building, then the SpecOps Major followed suit with his DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System deece sweeping the interior of the outer area quickly hitting enemy targets not taken care of by the Rebels' initial greeting with his mermaid close behind. This was supposed to be a hit and run type deal. Speed would be their alley as the surprise card had already been used up.

As they moved deeper into the garrison, the Rebels first real obstacle came before them; a large sealed door, no doubt with reinforcements at the ready to take them out on the other side. Dirks motioned for the demolitions man to blow the door. He awaited with his flash bangs ready to deploy to give them cover upon entry to the next area.

"Thee… Lets work together, stay on me. This is where the ground game is gonna get interesting," Dirks said quietly to the Galan, who was standing nearby, his hazel green eyes meaning it too. She wasn't a trained soldier, damn good pilot and a scrappy fighter, but not a soldier. He was going to keep her safe this time, Force willing.

I should have been there for Thee when she went for her family…
@[member="The Wrathful One"]

Shinju looked at the Wrathful fun as they arrived and touched down, there was much to see and much to do but she spoke. Whatever was happening here only mattered while she laughed. "Come now lets feed, I think we can find some wonderful tasty delicious morsels down there." She gave more of a sadistic grin moving while the armor she wore was checked with her sabers and swords. Her eyes flicked to what soldiers she had "come now and let us tear them all apart."
[SIZE=10pt]@[member="Lucien Cordel"] @[member="Jasper Void"], @[member="Delila Castillon"], @[member="Dirks Hutchinson"], @[member="Moira Skaldi"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Hefting Jorus' shotgun, finger remained ready on the trigger. Iced-azure gaze remained alert and mildly impressed with a good amount of terror at the cyborg's prowess. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Holy kriff, glad that chick's on our team.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Pressing in close between Dirks and the cover of the wall, the Galan cut the Rendili a side-long glance. She recognized the protective glint in his gaze. Her first instinct was to be offended. She had been fine taking care of herself this long, ever since he left. Her second and stronger instinct saw the situation as tactical. On their team, she was the one with the least ground operations experience.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]The door blew, interrupting her thoughts. Face turned into Dirks’ arm on instinct as she shielded her vision from the cloud of dust and debris. "Don't get too cozy, sweetheart." She could only imagine Judah if he saw how close they were working together. Shotgun barrel raised and she quickly pulled away from the Rendili, stepping into the cloud as the flash bangs were released first. Catching a glimpse of a rather well-dressed man @Lucien Cordel in the middle of the chaos and fray, finger squeezed down on the trigger – firing one low-yield concussion shell straight at the man’s chest.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Chuck, the ysalamiri seemed to tremble in her pack as the mermaid moved forward.[/SIZE]
The doors imploded Before him blowing the barrier aside "Hold your ground" Lucien roared the troopers headed his command and began to return fire. Lucien was left dazed temporarily by the flash bang . and when he regained his facilities he noticed a bullet heading for him. Lucien was not one of the many force users gifted with the ability to stop bullets, he could tear someone's mind to smithereens but not stop bullets. As such he found himself left with two choices Firstly he could take the bullet and hope his armour weave could hold up against the bullet or he could let someone take the bullet for him.

He opted for the second option he dragged a pilot in front of him,The force of the shot still bowled both him and the trooper over and left Lucien winded but still very much alive. He pushed himself to his feet and scanned the carnage for his assailant his eyes settled on a female with rather colourful hair @[member="Thessa Kai"] . Now it was his turn He lifted his left hand and pulled a rather jagged chunk of door at the women. He hoped to impaled her on it. A little messy perhaps but it might serve to cripple the moral of the attackers so he could live with it.

The Wrathful One

Exiting the ship The Wrathful one just looked with dark glee at the very door team two was in the process of breaching. With Lucien on the other side pulling guard duty he would have been forced to defend against all three of the Rebels if not for the timely arrival of the Imperial duo. Charging down towards the battlefield she let out no war cry, but simply lifted up a long force pike towards the back of @[member="Dirks Hutchinson"]. If her charging footsteps were lost in the noise of battle this would be enough to nearly put the second team's leader down. If not it was going to be quite the enjoyable fight.

@[member="Thessa Kai"] @[member="Lucien Cordel"]
@[member="Lucien Cordel"], @[member="Thessa Kai"], @[member="Dirks Hutchinson"], @[member="Delila Castillon"], @[member="Jasper Void"], @[member="Triko"]

So the game was on, organics would perish. Because, most unfortunately, in this Galaxy people were unable to resolve their differences through debate and achieve mutual understanding and benefit from the fruits of trade and commerce. For ever since the first cavemen had decided to resolve a dispute about meat or mating rights by clubbing his fellow caveman, he who was unwilling to take up the sword died by the sword of his fellow.

Did it really have to be this way? Well, Moira would shoot anyone who thought peace in our time was possible and state with definite certainty that order could only be achieved by processing all organics.

Regardless Moira had been created with murder in mind and so she was prepared and swiftly sprang into action as the door was blown apart by a loud explosion, a barricade of soldiers facing them as the Rebels moved in through the cloud as the flashbangs detonated. The mermaid had fired the first shot as a shell sprang out of the shotgun aimed at the well dressed fellow.

In one hand, for the superior strength of an HRD allowed this, Moira held the Mark One Boltgun, perhaps the finest weapon to leave the factories of Omega Industries, which made working under someone as crude and annoying as 'Exarch' Kerrigan worth it. Loaded with a magazine of ten 30mm x 45mm explosive bolts, these rounds would explode on impact, making an attempt to deflect them with force pushes rather counterproductive. A bolt had a two metre casualty zone on impact, up to six metres anyone could be injured by either shrapnel or the blast wave. On the flip side, rate of fire and ammunition capacity was poor. In her other hand she held an anti-force user grenade of the incendiary type. Not only would any change in acceleration, such as telekinesis, cause it to explode, due to an in-built chip the grenade would only activate once it had reached a safe distance from the user.

So as the jagged chunk of door was thrown towards Thessa she took aim with her boltgun and squeezed the trigger with record reflexes, the weapon barked as one explosive bolt shot out to blast it into pieces. Some of which hit Moira, though she made no move. Instead she had already pulled the pin and tossed the anti-force user incendiary grenade she had been holding towards the forcer (Lucien Cordel), the necessary force and velocity expertly calculated, while she squeezed the trigger of the boltgun. In quick succession two explosive bolts were ejected from the weapon, the bolter thoomped as the bolts were shot towards him. There was no exultation written upon her features, no passion, in the force she was a void, for her there was only a target.
@[member="The Wrathful One"] | @[member="Moira Skaldi"] | @[member="Triko"] | @[member="Thessa Kai"] | @[member="Jasper Void"] |@[member="Dirks Hutchinson"] | @[member="Lucien Cordel"]

What the man known as @[member="The Wrathful One"] did not know was that Team Two was literally watching Team One's back, including that of @Dirk Hutchinson . While Delila wasn't very keen on the soldier, she wasn't going to let him die either. Team One was busy dealing with a Forcer with no way of breaking off to deal with the issue at hand. Grabbing the Omega Protectorate issue bolter('borrowed' when leaving their ranks..) off her back, Dells immediately fired in the direction of the tall,dark, charging man-thing. The sound of bolter explosions added in the Moira's, rocking their tiny space with fire.

It looked like her 'No explosives' rule on this assignment was quickly going out the window.
The attackers had prepared well it seemed each watching the back of the others. He watched the door he had tried to impale @[member="Thessa Kai"] obliterate. He then observed a second attacker hurl a grenade at him.He opted to attempt to dodge the grenade throwing himself backward he was by no means unscathed the fire burnt through his suit but his head was protected from the fire. His iron skin armour did little to protect against the explosive bolts which hit him in the lower back. Luckily missing his spinal cord. He had been a fool to remain in the open it seemed. This type of warfare was not his forte. He dragged himself behind a wall and spoke into his communicator "This is Lucien Cordel I am going to need reinforcements at the door and a medical evac for myself" His voice was laboured but firm and clear. Now it was time to try and turn the tables and try somthing he was good at Breaking peoples mental fortitude.

He locked onto the minds of @[member="Moira Skaldi"] and @[member="Thessa Kai"] and attempted to exploit their fears by projecting them. He was well versed in attacking, pillaging and breaking minds. However he was weak and as such he may have been less effective. He devoted most of his strength into inducing panic and delirium in the two women.
@[member="Lucien Cordel"]

Mental attacks could be an effective way to distract an opponent, perhaps paralyse and take them down. There was undoubtedly also a certain sadistic thrill when it came to seizing the mind of another, taking it apart and crushing it, making them relive their worst fears and driving them to insanity so that they might bend to you.

When it came to unleashing such an attack upon Moira there was just one problem: Moira felt nothing at all.

Quite literally. She was a void, there was no soul to stare in, just an abyss. Once she had been that time had long since passed. She was a creature of bolts and circuitry, a machine, and so his attack had no effect. There was no fear to exploit because she could not feel any, no nightmares and in any case this android did not dream of electric sheep. Given the fact that she could not sense the Force at all she would not even notice he was trying to attack her, though since she was focused on the task she might not notice the effect it could have on @[member="Thessa Kai"] before they became apparent.

So instead Moira pressed on with her attack. The Sith had dragged himself behind a wall and she followed, moving with great speed, not willing to give him pause. The boltgun barked as an explosive bolt shot out towards him, then another. Her other hand enclosed around an anti-force user grenade, this one a frag and she hurled it at him, another one with incendiary quickly following as the deadly ball of explosive travelled through the air with blast and heat, then she fired her bolter once more.
[SIZE=10pt]@Lucien Cordel @Jasper Void, @Delila Castillon[/SIZE], @Dirks Hutchinson, @Moira Skaldi

Dropping to a low crouch, scale-speckled arms flew up to protect her head as an impaling-bound object crumbled into lots of tiny pieces. She didn't stay still for long, knowing it would mean death. Small shards pelted her skin and face as she was spared from death. She managed a curt nod to the cyborg woman and pushed further forward. She had to get further up and further in. The labs wouldn't be too far.

It looked like Team 2 had their backs.

The yslamiri saved her from the brunt of Lucien's mind attack. But as she walked through the din, @[member="Daxton Bane"]'s face hovered before her, playing on the muted sense of unnatural panic. "No!" The Galan screamed and fired the shotgun round straight through the mirage, managing to hit one of the reinforcements coming down the hall.
The blue haired women had gone it seemed she had slipped the net. Lucien could not afford to waste energy holding up metal attacks on either of the two women any more. He cut of the attack just in time to see @[member="Moira Skaldi"] throw her self around the corner shooting bolts at him, this woman was relentless. He plucked a roof tile down and held it in place as a shield protecting from the bolts but leaving the tile destroyed. Lucien could only drag himself backward, the women it appeared had no soul and If he didn't act fast he would have no legs. He had a passing knowledge of sith magic and he used this to erect a weak static barrier to hold the grenades off, they exploded against the shield causing it to dissipate. Lucien was hit again by the bolts the cyborg fired after. Some of his troopers turned now and began firing on Moira. Lucien hoped this would allow him time to escape however even if he did have time his body was refusing to cooperate. He used the least of his energy to fire a torrent of sith Lightning at the cyborg. He kept up the lightning for a good few seconds and then blacked out. He could only hope he had given @Jared Ovmar and @Sargon Vynea enough time to prepare. It was then than the evac team bolted around the corner under cover fire from a few of the reinforcements they attempted to reach Lucien before Moira.
@[member="Lucien Cordel"]

As she pressed forward, the force-user apparently wavering under her onslaught, Moira came under fire from the troopers. While she was heavily armoured, blaster bolts could still damage her if she came under long enough bombardment and so the attack gave her pause as she was struck, so she swiftly turned and returned fire, her bolter thumping out rounds.

Laser fire burnt through her clothing and part of her face was burnt to such an extent that metal plates become visible as the skin was roasted, but Sith troopers were cut down as explosive bolts hit them, shrapnel would cause burns. Discarding the empty magazine Moira loaded a new one in, moving in for the kill now that her true target was once again reach, but then a torrent of lightning was shot towards her.

While Moira was fast and sought to dodge, she was nonetheless caught and shook strongly, twitching violently. But despite the energy crawling over her, burning electronics and roasting skin, she pressed on, unstoppable. Moira could obviously not sense the Force and was not really capable of anticipating attacks, but she was built to last. She twitched and shook under the effect of the lightning, the effect on her body was rather gruesome, as skin was fried to show the metal that was her true nature, but she pressed on for an attack on close range, dragging her left leg a bit since it had taken quite a salvoe of lightning, her mobility visibly impaired. Reinforcements came from around the corner but she picked up her pace, one frag grenade being hurled towards them as she moved. Rather than use the bolter, loaded with a magazine of explosive bolts unsuited at this range, against Lucien Cordel, her free hand grabbed the flame rifle she had equipped herself with and brought it up as she came in close, aiming at the blacked out Sith. She squeezed the trigger and a jot of scorching, cleansing heat erupted, a tongue of blazing fire from the weapon's nozzle as white hot heat that was intended to engulf him.

The Wrathful One

The shot from the side had been a total surprise to the Rakata, and it ripped clean across the length of her back as it passed he by. With a scream of rage the Wrathful One turned it's eyes upon the form of the redhead, and changed the direction of her change. Charging @[member="Delila Castillon"] now the Wrathful One growled through sharply pointed teeth as her enemy was approached. Spear held low towards Dells chest she thrust forward violently in attempt to impale her right through.

@[member="Delila Castillon"]
Sargon had made it down the first hall towards the shuttle bay when he heard the explosions behind him. Lucien hadn't been left with many men, and in truth if it was a full on attack at the front door he didn't know if he could hold. Stopping in mid-step the Zabrak looked back, and forth between the two ends of the hall as he made a decision. The walker would have been a tide turner against any enemy, but if Lucien didn't survive that long it wouldn't matter.

The Govenor of Bakura hadn't come to Endor expecting a fight, so he didn't have all his usual toys, but he did have shield and sword. Strapping the shield onto his arm Sargon drew out his Sith blade, and ran back to the door. The scene before him was what he feared, the Sith Master was slowly giving ground, and losing troops. Hitting his comm link to connect to @[member="Jared Ovmar"] ::Jared, I'm going to need you back at the doors seems we have an entire Rebel force here!::

With that accomplished it was time to enter the fray, and Sargon pushed forward with his shield before him as a ram. Jumping at @[member="Moira Skaldi"] when he finally broke through the ranks, he attempted to leap into her shield first. Little did he know that the weight, and strength of the woman wasn't what would be expected, and the effects wouldn't be what he expected.

((@[member="Lucien Cordel"] looks like you could use the hand))
@[member="The Wrathful One"]

Oh great, all I did was piss it off.

Delila was in between a wall and a raging...whatever it was. The being was charging with its spear, straight for her chest. Firing the bolter once more in an attempt to distract the being, it only seemed to enrage it more. Moving with the creature's motions, Dells crouched down and moved diagonally as if to try to bend out of the way. Nearly successful too -- until the spear grazed the top part of her shoulder. Blood started to stain her BDUs and pain rolled through her left shoulder.

Angry at her own failure, Delila wanted to take it out on the creature. Immediately she used her 'good arm' to slam her elbow towards its stomach/lower torso, using the motion she already started to stand up fully again.
@[member="The Wrathful One"] @[member="Delila Castillon"]

Shinju crouched low, the force in her was needing to focus or at least normally. In truth she was opening up each and every pore of her being to feed on the essence around her. Emotions, pain, the darkside and the force where is was. Then someone was shooting at her wife while a snarling scream came from deep in her throat and she was off. The force licking to energize her, the energy building as she felt it behind her eyes that burning sensation. One of the rebels she grabbed with her hand as it arced red tendrils while he screamed and she felt anger from the one attacking the Wrathful one. Her pupils dilated before screaming and throwing the man aside arcing her hand out as she sent a black blade from the palm. Just like the Yun Harla had done but slightly bigger then a dart... maybe a lawn dart of midnight black energy built on what she absorbed from around the people. The construct went forward to try and pierce her leg.

The Wrathful One

Watching the force pike tear through her shoulder's skin the Wrathful One howled in gleeful rage. Pulling her pike back the Rakata didn't have time to realign it for another blow before @[member="Delila Castillon"] caught her full on in the stomach with her elbow. Dropping her pike the Wrathful One decided to go with a different tactic, and simply fell into the woman. Moving her arms around the rebel leader, the sharp teeth of the Rakatan Empress moved to come down towards Dells face as she rose. If she wanted to fight hand to hand against a Rakatan warrior she was more then willing.

@[member="Shinjū Aÿasha"]

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