The Blood Hound
It wasn't her office, per se. Well, it be truthful, it wasn't her office at all. But with her sister, the Head of the Hunt, now held by Coalition forces until further developments, Scherezade found herself spending more time her, with both Baal and

But she still needed distractions. Madalena's office in the Tower was not the mess of colors that every work space Scherezade had ever inhabited was. Instead of a chaotic mess, things were neat and in place, including a frame that included a pressed pink flower, one that Scherezade had gotten for her sister on a mission to Xagobah. Scherezade sighed, and wished she could punch the wall to let some of her frustrations out. But that would mean that when she did get her sister back, there'd be more explaining to do than what she wanted to.
So she waited. And waited. And waited. And then came the time to start doing things. For some reason, Discordia had decided that Scherezade would be good to interview new potentials to the Agents of Chaos. The Scintilla, the space structure they were building and living in, was open to non-Agents as well, but the Agents themselves needed people too. The right sort of people.
Which was why they went completely public on the galactic holonet. Commercials, pop ups, pretty presenters from various species to mention how great they were, how they would bring a wonderful new future right down to everybody's laps. And surprisingly, people were signing up by the millions. Profiles were being screened. It was almost madness. Scherezade had met with some of them, and now… She glanced at the file again, unsure of whether or not her next appointment was one of those people. Sometimes deals were struck with people that other Agents thought were of interest and could be helpful.
Dang. They really wanted to entirely put this in her hands?
Scherezade took the executive chair, and waited.