Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay had left Isis with some insight into one of the infamous slavers in the Galaxy. It was a political dance that they both performed rather well, and it did well for the Free Colonies. She'll have more contracts to write up soon. Maybe one of these days she'll break down and hire an assistant.
Her ship The Free Lady was edging it's way back to Free Colonies space when an alarm rang off. Kay's pilot Captain Terrac informed her that something had struck them on their way out and attached itself. It was easily possible of a notion that they were being tracked. A brief stop would be needed. Bringing up the planets in the system he came across Varonat. It was on the edge of First Order space. Did they have a treaty together? Were they enemies or allies? As far as she knew, the First Order were what was left of the Empire. Their ideals and her own didn't match.
The climate of jungles and plains provided a good cover though. Invited or not, she ordered her pilot to take them down to what looked like a remote location so that they could find the tracker. If her K1 series droid wasn't destroyed, they could have gotten rid of it in space.
Soon they came upon the green and blue world. The population wasn't very big, so that gave them the advantage. Hopefully this would be a short visit.
Her ship The Free Lady was edging it's way back to Free Colonies space when an alarm rang off. Kay's pilot Captain Terrac informed her that something had struck them on their way out and attached itself. It was easily possible of a notion that they were being tracked. A brief stop would be needed. Bringing up the planets in the system he came across Varonat. It was on the edge of First Order space. Did they have a treaty together? Were they enemies or allies? As far as she knew, the First Order were what was left of the Empire. Their ideals and her own didn't match.
The climate of jungles and plains provided a good cover though. Invited or not, she ordered her pilot to take them down to what looked like a remote location so that they could find the tracker. If her K1 series droid wasn't destroyed, they could have gotten rid of it in space.
Soon they came upon the green and blue world. The population wasn't very big, so that gave them the advantage. Hopefully this would be a short visit.