Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Om... Wat? [Galactic Alliance Dominion of Omwat]

Objective: 4 Post: 3

There were so many things going on all at once as Jareb ran circles around the pirate assault ship. It's turbolasers chased behind him as he raced along it's hull and peppered it's shields with quad cannons. At the speed he was flying, he doubted the ship could hit him, but tensions were high as he knew one glance could blast his fighter into a billion tiny pieces.

Jareb was surprised to hear an imperial voice that he recognized come over the Alliance comms. He cracked a smile as he rolled away from the frigate and headed to assist. Kaine would never voice it aloud, but he was happy to hear the imperial bastard had gotten a job with the GA. The rest of his squadron had crippled the carrier and were moving to give the smuggling ship a hand as well. Jareb could see TIE's dancing around it as it fumbled awkwardly in the direction of the planet of Omwat, which was a decent distance from the skirmish.

"You're really making a habit of getting shot at aren't you Imp?" Jareb joked, remembering when the Alliance had shot down his stolen TIE. "Better be more careful than last time though. I doubt that freighter has an ejector seat." His X-Wing barreled directly overhead of Adanian's ship and soared around the far less maneuverable craft, blasting at the TIE's and breaking up their attack run once again. There was no doubt that he and the rest of Black Squadron could mop these pirates up quickly.

[member="Poy Luroon "][member="Cuan Kunn"] [member="Andanian Ategann"]
Objective 2
Preparing for Battle Meditation for all allies within this objective

[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

There was a distinct difference to the hum of wings. A specific flight-path, a winding loop of caution. Restlessness. A high hum of energy intertwined with an increased state of caution. A heightened state of alarm.

It was the dance of the honey bee in preparation of a swarm.

Jacen would flutter about her senses, the tenor of his voice a low terse drone. Her back drew straight, resting in her seat. Palms slid to rest over her thighs, and her placid gaze would meet the pacing silhouette of the Hound.

His warning for caution would fall with a resonance within the depths of Adele's mind, where threads of silk would slowly start to be woven within the depths of lavender petals.

The Iridonian did not need his emphasis to realize what exactly he meant. She felt it as well. Just the same, a dark putrid resonance at the edge of her senses, like a maw slowly laying in wait.

A deep breath filled her lungs, and she would attempt to steady herself. As long as she was here, on this ship, she was okay. She could do this.

There is no passion, there is peace.

The last sight that those glacial eyes beheld was that of the warrior, lids floating shut.

I shall, Master Voidstalker. And may the Force be with you.
Location: System of Omwat
Objective: 4
Allies: [member="Cuan Kunn"] [member="Jareb Kaine"] [member="Andanian Ategann"]
Enemies: Pirate fleet
Post: 7/20


Poy came in alongside Andanian's freighter and picked off the pursuing TIE Fighters one by one; the five closest went down without as much as a fight, since she managed to out-turn them and get on their tails before unloading her quad cannons. So, the Twi'lek turned to their leader, and she entered into a turning dogfight with him. Neither of them gave any ground, and although her X-Wing was damaged, and his TIE was giving out trails of smoke, both pilots wanted to see their engagement to the end. Poy's quad cannons hit the TIE Fighter's radar and the electronics; now he was practically flying blind. She dove right down low and then pulled back on the stick and rocketed back up underneath him - her cannons firing away and landing hits like a boxer on their opponent. The enemy craft exploded and Poy had no choice but to fly through the debris and no matter how hard she tried, it was practically impossible to dodge the flaming pieces of TIE Fighter, and pilot, from striking her Straighter.

"Frotz!!" she yelled over the comlink, as pieces of TIE Fighter banged into her X-Wing and put even more dents and holes into its fuselage. "I'm sorry baby. Momma will get you fixed up once we have finished up here..." she quietly cooed to her Starfighter, as she went back alongside the freighter and signalled to Andanian that everything had been sorted out on her end. "No more bogies on your tail stranger. You're all clear!" the Twi'lek pilot felt good about helping someone in distress, even if he did sound like an Imperial. She pulled up and flew high cover for Andanian, making sure that he was not accousted by more pirates from the fleet. "Black Leader, this is Black Five, over. All enemy craft near the YU-410 have been dispatched and vessel is currently being escorted by myself," R2-Q2 beeped and booped in the rear; he was having an adrenaline rush from the hard and fast aerial combat with the pirate fleet. He would have plenty of stories to tell his friends once they returned to base.
Location: Breaking Omwat atmosphere
Objective: 3
Allies: Jareb Kaine / Poy Luroon / Cuan Kunn
Enemies: None for now
Post 3/20

A familiar voice rang through his headset. He certainly recognized the roughneck voice of [member="Jareb Kaine"], the Alliance pilot he met at that derilect planetoid who seemed eager to put a blaaster bolt in his head when he first heard the thick imperial accent seep through his lips. "Cadet Kaine!" he grinned, the joystick of his freighter starting to tighten up as he began to regain control of his YU-410, pirate interceptors and TIE Fighters dissapearing off his scanners one by one. "Fancy meeting you here. Maybe after all of this is over, you can teach me some of your flying tricks!" the latter was more a joke. His freighter could never handle the tricks an x-wing could pull off.

With Black Squadron's help, Andanian and the x-wings peeled apart all of the hostile fighters from his starship. He wiped sweat from his brow when it was all over, his hand sweating all over the joystick. A feminine voice reassured him that all bogeys on the freighter's trail were gone and she would act as an escort to the surface. "Thanks again, miss. That was some nice flying there. Glad you're on my side now." Really, it should have been 'Glad i'm on your side now', but she was bound to see what he meant. "Like I said, i'll be sure to let command know how helpful Black Squadron was after I bring home the goodies from Omwat."

With all of Andanian's pursuers gone, he charged full thrust ahead toward the green planet in front of him, setting the starship to autopilot as he kicked his boots up onto the dashboard and sipped from a canteen of water in his coat, watching the world grow in size as he began breaking the world's atmosphere.

Now for the real mission to begin.
[member="Adele Adonai"]

Objective 2

Force be with you too, he conveyed in something analogous to a humble tone. His surface thoughts were slowly being smothered as his meditative focus turned from contemplation to action. There was no time when the fight started to think in any detail. One had to listen to the Force and trust abilities honed through experience.

The bee did not relish the fight. The lone bee very rarely stung unless backed into a corner. Lashing out was not in their nature. Yet when the hive was threatened they all laid down their lives for the greater cause. There were some bees that - when their hive was breached - would pile their bodies on top of the predator heedless for their own safety until their own body heat killed it.

Jacen paused at the door, caught by a thought. “The pilots may value your guidance whilst we're getting planetside. Stay safe.” He had a bad feeling about this.


The trio of armoured speeders pulled up next to the duracrete slab that marked the entrance to the bunker. Qorbin Fal stepped out of the lead vehicle. Two adepts wrapped in obsidian cloaks emerged from the shadows of the bunker and bowed low.

As the recruits were led out towards the bunker, he stumbled back as if he had been slapped. His face twisted in an expression of pure rage. The nearest adept stepped back away from him promptly. Even since Sullust he had become more and more volatile. Last week he had cut down an apprentice for his sloppy form with the blade.

“They are coming,” he hissed. He could sense something at the very edges of his mind. A presence he had felt at nearly every defeat heaped upon them by the Alliance.

“Where are the light ones landing?” he asked with contempt.

“The southern continent, my Lord.”

“They must have found Warrek’s operation there,” Qorbin reasoned.

“Should we tell them to hide?”

“No. Tell them to stand. They will buy us time to cover our tracks,” Qorbin snapped. He could see what they were all thinking. If he would so easily sacrifice one of his most promising students, would he think twice about doing the same to them?
[member="Jacen Voidstalker"] And all members at Objective 2
Objective 2

Stay safe.

The words would float with a distinct echo around the manifested mental chamber the Iridonian created. This is where she found her center, kneeling within a low stone mound in the center of a crystal clear lake. The shadows would blur the edges of this pool, making it seem endless and of unquestionable depths.

Meditation was the the sole anchor that had managed to ensure her seemingly tranquil state. Along with that came the constant mantra that she would recite to herself. The Jedi Code. The Jedi Tenets. Caamasi Proverbs that would remind her of maintaining a balance. A precious, precious amount of control.

Stay safe.

Jacen's parting statement unknowingly sent a small ripple across that polished mirror of the lake. In it was a remembrance of the last time she had dealt too closely with an entity of the Final Order. Her lips thinned. The weaver would pause, and the spinning of silken threads would glisten upon the pads of a delicate, bristled pad.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

She had no other choice but to believe that.

[member="Adele Adonai"]

Objective 2

A grey and brown flicker on either side was all that was visible of the urban environment they sped through at breakneck speeds. The pilot had dropped them in low to get underneath most scanners and now weaved through the high rise buildings. Jacen preferred not to think about what would happen if their pilot slipped on the controls. At this velocity he'd be a human pancake before he even realised they were off course.
Repulsors thrummed as they decelerated hard. The inertial dampeners only took the edge out of that force and he found his knuckles going white on the straps. The roller coaster was open a second later and they were disembarking, coming down on a wide airspeeder park before a massive warehouse.

The ground rushed towards the entrance quickly. A pair of stormtroopers emerged on either side of the doors, showing they were at the right place. As they raised their rifles Jacen reached out with an empty hand. Both rifles went skittering across the concrete towards the Alliance squad comprised of Jacen, a pair of padawans and a fire team of commandos. The troopers were restrained in a few seconds.

Wide doors were prised apart with a screech of protest. Inside were several kinds of darkness. Nothing was visible to the eye and a nefarious cloud seemed to block his senses through the Force. That was disconcerting.

A few hand signals from the Marshal and the group advanced inside. Jacen could see tall racking on either side and he signalled for the soldiers to keep weapons trained on all angles. His senses screamed at him to halt, but there were supposedly children being taken by this mystery cabal. There could be no turning back.


Seven crimson blades ignited simultaneously, revealing figures garbed in black cloaks. Stay safe eh? He should have burned the message into his own head.

“Form up!” he called as the figures leapt towards them.


Each of Qorbin Fal’s new recruits was now safely tucked away in their own cell within the bunker. Cultivating the cocktail of negative emotions required to fuel the dark side could be done over a prolonged period. Or, if time was short the process could be accelerated. It tended to have negative effects in the longer term, but right now he needed short term solutions.

“Master?” called a voice from behind him.

“Yes?” he replied, watching each of the recruits on a different monitor before him.

“Warrek’s enclave have signalled us. It seemed the Jedi Order underestimated their strength. They are confident of victory.”
Location: Landing on Onwat
Objective: 3
Allies: Me, Myself, and I
Enemies: None for now
Post 4/20


Andanian's YU-410 at last broke through the clouds of Omwat, the hull a bit beat on after the skirmish in the orbit around the planet, but nothing that couldn't be patched up when he returned to Sullust, hopefully then a much more trusted member of the Alliance. At least, he'd better be with all of the goodies he was about to scavenge from the surface. According to the fairly vague debriefing that he recieved on his datapad about this mission to Omwat, there were many abandoned outposts with some gear left behind that he intended to take home. A small part of him thought he should 'hide' some of the more valuable goods he picks up and sell them seperately, but he was trying to gain the Alliance's trust, not make some extra money. With enough trust, he would certainly be paid just enough to get by.

One such outpost with big brown cottages that looked like they took about half an hour to build each was close to where Andanian was planning to land. He set his freighter down nearby and grabbed a couple of empty cargo crates, kneeling down and punching a couple of buttons on a keypad built-in to make them hover for easy transportation, and brought them outside and down his starship's loading ramp, making his way over to the small outpost. He left one crate on the outskirts, using his other hand to grab his revolver - just in case- and started heading in. After a moment, he started to remember a certain girl he met on Tatooine who talked a lot about how taking the life of someone should be the last resort. Glancing at the small dial on his revolver, he noticed it was, in fact, pointing to "full-power". Making a face, he had a brief flashback of talking to her and how pretty her brown eyes were and how nice and sincere her smile was.

Bah, alright. For you, Kaile.

Reaching his other hand over, he turned the dial to "stun", and then proceeded to the first building in the outpost. He checked the corners and for any other hiding places, something he had practice doing from drills in the imperial academy, and concluded that there was nobody - or anything else - hiding in here and started to pick up some valuable-looking goods, like preserved foods and weapons, and setting them carefully into the cargo crate he brought with him.

Yet, deep down, he had a gut feeling he wasn't completely alone here.

Nubica Felidae

We are well and truly forked...

Objective: 5

"Speed," one of the men said. This was the burly one, maybe early forties in standard years. He was dressed like the other two, in a combination of mismatched uniforms, bits of salvaged armor, and a heavy blast vest. They all wore blast vests-same colors, same insignia.

Mercenaries, Nubica thought, or perhaps a gang, swoop or otherwise.

"That's what it all comes down to," the burly one continued. "Speed, nothing more."

"Garbage." This was the woman, youngest of the group and, by the looks of her, the meanest, too. All three were armed, but she had the shaft of a vibro-axe strapped to her back in addition to the heavy blaster holstered along the left side of her torso. She was blond, and perhaps because of that she reminded Nubica of someone she'd run across before. Not the same woman, of course but the memory came back all the same, as if it were yesterday.

"You remember Kaf?" the woman said. "You remember what happened to him? You remember the Flash?"

"I remember," said the other male, who was somewhere between the ages of the burly one and the woman. He was big and broad shouldered, and his scalp was shaved to reveal a tattoo of a Twi'lek female sprawled on her belly, her face near his forehead, blowing a kiss. To Nubica, watching the three reflected in the mirror, it looked like the tattoo was flirting with her!

Sor-Jan Xantha

Post 1 of 20
Objective: X - Defend outpost
Arms & Equipment: Clone Scout (Hold Out) Blaster, DC-15S Blaster Carbine, HoloBoy Advanced

If the Jedi or the Galactic Alliance thought that they were taking the war out of the boy when they'd taken custody of the time-lost Kamino soldier, then they'd neglected the fact that you could take the clone trooper out of the fight, but not the fight out of the clone trooper.

With [member="Darius"] occupied with duties to the New Jedi Order, the juvenile clone trooper was often an unaccompanied minor left to the watchful eye of droids. Of course, droids were exactly what the Fett boy had been bred to combat. He'd slipped out of the impromptu house arrest on Sullust and stolen aboard an Alliance transport headed for anywhere other than his room. Because the Alliance was all about taking the fight to the status quo of the galaxy, and Three was all about doing something to help.

The transport had brought food and medicine to this settlement. A fine word to describe a ghetto. A shantytown assembled using old cargo containers, modular shelters, and surplus military gear from the various wars that had come and gone during the Four Hundred Years Darkness. It didn't have a name. It wasn't on any map. The people here called it Knowhere. It was a lot of nothing, and everything that they had.

The young clone was again dressed in the blue-on-blue ensemble of his Clone Wars uniform. The blaster carbine was slung across his back, the youth ducking his head down at the sound of repulsorlifts moving overhead. Pirates and other criminal elements had been tormenting the people of Knowhere. Taking people as slaves, stealing what little property they had, or taking liberties with the people. As the outline of a YU-410 passed from out of the clouds, the clone trooper immediately registered the vessel as one common to criminal use.

Drawing his pistol from his belt, the young clone cadet concealed himself behind a stack of cargo containers that had rusted into permanence there along the outskirts of the outpost, forming a kind of wall or barrier of sorts. As he listened to the sounds of the ship landing, the boy edged his head to peek out from around the corners of the containers to get a glimpse of what pirates or trouble might be descending on the hapless people of Omwat and Knowhere now...

[member="Andanian Ategann"]​
Location: Knowhere
Objective: 3
Allies: Me, Myself, and I
Enemies: [member="3X744"] (?)
Post 5/20

Andanian gave a close look to the items he tossed into the cargo crate, nodding to himself at some of the rather nice, but poorly taken care of blasters. Maybe i'll keep some of that an S-5? Wow! This far from Naboo and so...dirty. He tucked the pistol into a pocket in his coat, smiling and nodding. It'll beat this ten shooter when I fix it up a bit.

A few more minutes of checking out the derilect old cottage and his crate was getting hefty and full. Fast. There was so much good stuff - so many goodies! He wanted to take it all home, but then he probably wouldn't get paid. Not that Andanian was living check-to-check, but it was important to constantly save and invest for future plans. Who knows? Maybe he could buy a nicer ship. After all, some rumors had been passing around Alliance space that the army was planning a formal invasion on a Sith world. Andanian considered volunteering. Why not add "War Veteran" to his resume? not only did it make him look more capable as a gunslinger, it made him look much more badass. Who wouldn't wanna hire one of those?

He nodded, looking over the cottage interior again and sealing the top of his crate. Just then, an aluminum can fell off of a shelf, causing Andanian to nearly jump out of his boots and whip around, his revolver trained on the far wall. When he realized nobody was actually there, he exhaled and wiped his brow, deciding the pull his shaded goggles over his eyes as he holstered his pistol and started taking his hovering crate with him back in the direction of his ship.
Location: System of Omwat
Objective: 4
Allies: Cuan Kunn Jareb Kaine
Enemies: Pirate fleet
Post: 8/20


"My pleasure spacer!" the Twi'lek said over the comlink as she watched the YU-410 entering Omwat's atmosphere. She turned her X-Wing on a dime and headed back into the fight, forming up alongside Jareb. "It seems our Imperial friend is on his way to Omwat now..." she said over the comlink, blasting away a stray TIE Fighter that ventured in her sights. "Cuan, will we be taking down the bigger ships now?" Poy asked, as she could see the pirate fleet's flagship looming up ahead of them. "If we take this down, they'll have to go back to where they came from," she lined up on another gunship and fired a single proton torpedo at the vessel; it split in half and all the crew were sucked out into space.

Taking in sustenance from her ration pack, the Twi'lek felt revitalized, and she turned on the auxiliary fuel tanks - this would give her a little bit more time to fight, before she would have to make another return trip to Illustrious for refuelling. "I'm on auxiliary fuel Cuann," she said to him, checking the fuel cell gauges in the cockpit; the two auxiliary tanks usually have her another two hours of flying time. That would be more than enough time to attack the remaining pirate vessels and clear the space around Onwat. "Once we get back, the drinks are definitely on me. I have plenty of credits and need to use them for something," she said with a chuckle, the targeting computer showing her a new target.

Sor-Jan Xantha

Post 2 of 20
Objective: X - Defend outpost
Enemies: [member="Andanian Ategann"]
Arms & Equipment: Clone Scout (Hold Out) Blaster, DC-15S Blaster Carbine, HoloBoy Advanced

Crouching low, the boy watched as a man appeared from out of the freighter.

He had containers with him. Going inside of the ramshackle cottages and loading up with items as he looted from the impoverished and the poor. Tucking his pistol back into the holster on his belt, the copper-skinned youngling slung the carbine from off his back. Laying the blaster rifle out on the ground in front of him, the boy began setting the weapon.

A tibana gas cartridge slid into the chamber. A power pack of blaster bolts snapped into the magazine. Cycling the chamber, the boy loaded a blaster bolt into the firing chamber with the safety on. While the criminal rooted around the a house, the boy brought the rifle up to his eyes as he inspected the sights on the top of the gun. He would have liked to have had the opportunity to zero the sights on a target board, so that he'd know how to adjust for particle drift. But, that would give away his position. And waste ammo.

So, instead, the boy calibrated the sights from memory with the usual variation for size, reach, and drift. It was almost certain that his first shot was going to be off target to some degree. He'd need to fine tune the setting after he saw where the shot went after he'd pulled the trigger.

As the boy finished his preparations, the man was emerging from out of the house. Flopping down on his stomach, the youngling lay in the prone shooter position as he put the man's head in the mechanical sights of the rifle and tracked his movement. The barrel of the blaster drifting with his steps.

Holding his breath, the clone pulled the trigger.
Objective Four - [member="Cuan Kunn"] @Poy Luroon [member="Jareb Kaine"] -- Starting Battle Meditation.
Objective Two - [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

It began with tug and slide of silken thread. There, as A'dele sank into the Force, she slowly began to open the mental sphere of energy she was honing into. Battle meditation dealt with being able to sense allies within her sphere of influence. A sphere that would begin with her alone.

A deep breath would fill her lungs. There she held it. After a moment, came the exhale. In and out. In and out. The beat of her heart would slow, waning to a steady beat. It was the first step of immersing oneself in their center, their focus. To simply let the Force flow inside and fill every single inch. A'dele, however, would do this slowly. Cautiously, methodically.

From the depths of the dark where she sat perched, the weaver took a shuddering breath. Easy. Slow. And with that in mind, a bristled pad would carefully reach across the din, past that glacial lake, to focus on a single flutter of wings.

Master Voidstalker.

Her mind would trace his flight path, a warrior a the ready. He arched high, then dove.

And a single thread of silk would carefully latch onto his back. In that instant, Adele took a sharp breath. Murmurs of voices and fleeting glimpses of images swept through that connection. Until finally, a shadowy form of Jacen Voidstalker would appear floating above that glacial lake. His avatar within her mind.

The first thread was set.
[member="Adele Adonai"]

Objective 2

Much in the manner he had shown [member="Quinn Byrne"], Jacen executed a simple lateral motion to take him outside the attacking line of the acolyte who came down with an overhead strike. The darksider was punished for his sloppy form. Overreaching and off balance there was no time for him to twist his body around to block with any resistance. Jacen drove both red and amber blades through robes and flesh alike.

He quickly stepped back to his original position, not wanting to leave any padawans exposed. There was a grim look of determination set on his features. The Jedi held firm but we're outnumbered three to one, or had been. That was two down now, one to a blaster bolt, one to Jacen.

Two more acolytes approached, far more weary than the first. Out of the corner of his eye Jacen saw a commando step up. As a Padawan locked blades with an acolyte, the commando lifted a blaster pistol and shot the darksider in the heart. Simple, yet effective.

His saber cut a quick arc in the air, forcing the two back. They were nervous, but he could feel his own nerves starting to rattle. There was little room to maneuver until they thinned the group. No quarter could be given.
And then, like a blanket slowly floating down in the air to cover it, that sensation was smothered.

There you are.

A feint to his right cause one to misstep; sloppy footwork punished without even landing a blow. He rounded on the other and launched into a rapid offensive routine.


Shadows crept around the recesses of the dark chamber. Some were just tricks of the light, some were his acolytes, other perhaps manifestations of his own ailing mind.

Qorbin Fal came to a halt before the brightly burning brazier. Out of the shadows stepped forth three acolytes, those chosen to lend him their strength.

With a slow motion he raised a gloved hand to his mouth. With his teeth he loosened each finger in turn, before discarding it. The dark garment became another shadow in the flickering light.

The hand was held above the brazier. His skin darkened and started to crack. Closing his eyes Qorbin focused on that sensation. It became a white hot ball in his mind. A sun into which he fed all his hatred and anger.

That insidious pretense he felt at the recesses of his mind was far less welcome than the shadows in this room. The stench of the lightside offended him greatly. With that star in the palm of his hand greatly he followed the delicate threads back to source and lashed out.
Location: Knowhere
Objective 3: Don't get shot by Boba Fett
Allies: N/A
Enemies: [member="3X744"]

The sound of a blaster bolt soaring past his head immediately made Andanian drop behind his cargo crate. He exhaled, as if he had just run a marathon. That time, it was something! He looked behind him at the new burn on the outside of the cottage. He removed his goggles from his face to get a closer look and get a better idea of which way the shot came from.

He poked his head from behind his cover and was able to make out a small, blue clothed...kid? A kid was shoo-

He had to drag himself back into cover again when he was shot at again. A kid, yeah, but the kid could probably shoot the hat off a man from fifty feet away. Andanian already felt bad that he would have to shoot back to defend himself from a child, so he definitely made sure his revolver was set to stun. For you, Kaile. He had little to no time to aim, so he popped up above his cover, braced his elbows on his cargo crate, and fired a flurry of blue stun bolts at the kid, hoping it would be enough to at least scare him off and make him go home.

What's a kid doing here, anyway? I thought this town was abandoned!

Sor-Jan Xantha

Post 3 of 20
Objective X: Swiper Stop Swiping!
Enemies: [member="Andanian Ategann"]
Arms & Equipment: Clone Scout (Hold Out) Blaster, DC-15S Blaster Carbine, HoloBoy Advanced

The shot was pulling up ten degrees.

The boy had started to correct and aim a second shot, but decided instead to move as the pirate-thief-looter-whatever went for his blaster. Flipping up on his right side, the boy slid down the slight mount of earth he'd been resting on -- using the contour of the terrain for some cover. Clumps of dirt erupted up into the air, showering dirt and rocks down as the heavy bolts slammed near him.

Wait, were those stun bolts?

Was he trying to take prisoners or slaves or whatever?

As the shoot-out erupted between the pair, a young girl screamed from the other side of the make-shift settlement. The homeless and destitute gone into hiding amid the trash in order to avoid getting rounded up by the very evils of criminal behavior they'd come here hoping to avoid. They didn't know what it had first been built for -- smuggler's hideaway or some drug runner's spice lab -- it was shelter when they hadn't had any. When they'd seen no one was living here, they'd taken advantage of the available housing.

Huddling close to the earth, the heavily dirt-stained youngling held his carbine at the ready as he peeked over the contour of the dirt mound at his target. The man had a crate of some kind. Something he'd been loading up.

Maybe if Three could take that out, the man would give up and just go away.

Switching targets, the boy pulled the carbine up, rolled to the left and tucked the barrel in to line up his shot. Zeroing in the lower left corner of the crate, the boy pulled the trigger. His hope with the shot was to take out the repulsorlift on the bottom, as well as flip the crate over so that its contents would spill out onto the ground.
Location: Knowhere
Objective: 3
Allies: Me, Myself, and I
Enemies: [member="3X744"]
Post 7/20

The scream from the other side of the town took Andanian off-guard, but it would be a good excuse to get out of this shootout that seemed to be going nowhere. Besides, if the guy shooting at him was just a kid, he didn't want that kind of thing burdening him, to shoot a kid. Just before the clone child would blow out the repulsorlift on his cargo crate, with all of the contents falling out, Andanian made a break toward the scream.

Feth me, why do I do this kind of crap?

He sprinted toward the sound, holstering his pistol. Whoever had told him this part of Omwat was derilect was totally wrong. Unless these people were also salvagers. Stingy salvagers, at that.

Nubica Felidae

We are well and truly forked...

Objective: 5

"So not speed," the woman said.

"Flash was fast," said the burly one.

"Sure, it was fast." The man with the tattoo said, finishing his drink. "It slammed right into the side of that canyon going like it was fire."

"Don't mean nothing if it won't manoeuvre," the woman said. "You want a ship like the Galaxy Eagle, or maybe... what was its name? You know the one I'm talking about?"

The burly one said, "The Black Pearl?"

"No, no.... " The woman trailed off, picking at a fingernail that, even from that distance,Nubica could see was filth-encrusted. She brightened suddenly. "The Golden Gecko! That's the one! They say she'd stop on a credit and give you change."

The tattooed one grunted and looked into his empty glass. At the bar, Nubica caught the bartender's eye, then indicated her own drink with a finger, asking for a refill. The bartender grinned.

"Defense," the tattooed one said. "You can be fast, you can be maneuverable, but sooner or later, you're gonna get hit. You can't take the hit, that's it-show's over."

"They can't hit what they can't catch," the woman said.

"They'll hit it eventually," the tattooed man persisted. "You got enough guns pointing at you, you're gonna be nothing but scrap floating in a vacuum. Doesn't matter how fast you are, doesn't matter if you twist and turn. Eventually, you're gonna get hit."

Nubica sighed. Perhaps this was just a waste of time?

Sor-Jan Xantha

Post 4 of 20
Objective X: Swiper Stop Swiping!
Enemies: [member="Andanian Ategann"]
Arms & Equipment: Clone Scout (Hold Out) Blaster, DC-15S Blaster Carbine, HoloBoy Advanced

Repulsor destroyed, check.

Crate dumped over, check.

Pirate running for the hills... not so much.

The clone's strategy appeared to be having an opposite effect, as the pirate went running further inside the shantytown rather than making a break for his ship. Clutching at the blaster carbine, the boy popped up on his knees and tried to bring the rifle up to bear on the man... but he was running and ducking, and then around the corner before the youngling could get a clear shot.

The boy was too little to go running with the blaster carbine in hand. The rifle was starting to get heavy in his skinny arms as it was. Tucking a arm into the rifle sling, the boy threw the blaster over his shoulder, allowing it to settle across his back as he took off after the criminal on foot. Sliding up against the makeshift house-cargo container, the boy drew the scout pistol from off his belt. Bringing it up, he wrapped both hands around the pressure trigger and took a breath.

Then the flipped around the corner, weapon drawn and looking for signs of the pirate...

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