Darth Vazela
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| [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Darth Janus"] | [member="Daella Apparine"] | [member="Darth Isolda"] | [member="Darth Shara"] |
Prakith, Temple of the Dark Lord of the Sith.
Darth Vazela lifted his gaze to the heavens. Hooded in a dark garb, the secretive Sith Lord had his hands tucked into the pockets of the pants he wore underneath. His arms parted the robe slightly at either side, giving off a familiar stance to those who happened to know him. Not many then. He was taking a moment to think about past events. About the day [member="Mikhail Shorn"] had performed a similar act he was about to enact. That day, Tyrin Ardik had been dethroned and another Emperor had been selected in the form of [member="Darth Arcis"]. Peculiar then, that the same Umbaran might stand in his way on this fateful day, when the shadow emerged to confront others of a similar pedigree. After all, the One Sith of today had appeared out of no where on Coruscant.
Just like he had on Prakith.
He lowered his gaze away from the skies and began to walk. Behind him was a parked Taral-class starfighter. It was the same ship he had taken from the hangar bay of the Obscurity, which he had used as his flagship during the days of the Sith Empire. He briefly took a moment to think about the Attrition-class Star Destroyer and the Fringe Confederate he had left it with; and found himself wondering what had happened to [member="Malus"] and his crew since he had disappeared to continue his scheme. Alas, he found them to be of no consequence in the situation he found himself in. He would deal with them later.
Vazela's presence on the world was a simple thing. He had created allies in the Fringe Confederate, and whilst the unknown acts of [member="Malus"] and the subsequent destruction of the Obscurity in the Morellia system had happened, it had nothing to do with him. That was the act of the Chiss Commander he had left in charge; and any damage caused to his relations were easily repaired. He had emerged on Coruscant, before the One Sith's invasion, and through his meeting with the Jedi High Council, as well as the trial that had followed, the Sith Lord had convinced the entire Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order that served it that he had repented his former life to serve them both. The facade that followed was cemented in the eyes of the Republic's leaders and the Jedi, through the information he had leaked to them shortly before the invasion of Carida. As far the Jedi were concerned, Vilox Pazela was a former Sith Lord that became a Jedi Master; and now worked for the good of the galaxy.
And that suited him perfectly.
He couldn't exactly say he had the Fringe Confederate, Galactic Republic or Jedi Order in his pocket exactly. But to all three sides, he could be seen as a respectful ally and through an extra bit of work, he could pull their strings to the symphony he was in the process of creating. The orchestra to the music he was in the process of building was near completion. He had an idea to form the Dark Order, a sect of Dark Jedi that would live on Aza'Zoth, in order to build a shadow organization that could be used for the scheme he had in the works. But now that the One Sith had revealed themselves, he saw no reason to create such a sect when there was already one that could be taken. No doubt he would have fresh challenges in opposition to his take over, but this was the way of the Sith. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. He would prove he had the strength necessary to defeat those challengers; and the power to rule the One Sith, in his vision.
He came to a stop in the atrium of the building. He felt the presence of the unknown Dark Lord of the Sith that former allies such as Vornskr and Janus now served. He did not know much of the man, which was a credit to the realm of obscurity he had created around himself. But Vazela had done the same. Not even Kaine Zambrano, Tyrin Ardik or Daella Apparine, who knew of him since his defection to the Jedi Order, could help in terms of information. His skill set was unknown. But it was time to demonstrate his power.
Lifting the cowl of his robe off his head, allowing the excess wet to fall from his hood and onto the floor around, Darth Vazela allowed the hilt of his Lightsaber to drop from his sleeve into his hand; and then continue his march further into darkness, to slay the Dark Lord of the Sith that ruled the One Sith and take the faction for himself.
The Shadow had descended on Prakith to confront an equal enigma. Who would stand in Vazela's way?
Prakith, Temple of the Dark Lord of the Sith.

Darth Vazela lifted his gaze to the heavens. Hooded in a dark garb, the secretive Sith Lord had his hands tucked into the pockets of the pants he wore underneath. His arms parted the robe slightly at either side, giving off a familiar stance to those who happened to know him. Not many then. He was taking a moment to think about past events. About the day [member="Mikhail Shorn"] had performed a similar act he was about to enact. That day, Tyrin Ardik had been dethroned and another Emperor had been selected in the form of [member="Darth Arcis"]. Peculiar then, that the same Umbaran might stand in his way on this fateful day, when the shadow emerged to confront others of a similar pedigree. After all, the One Sith of today had appeared out of no where on Coruscant.
Just like he had on Prakith.
He lowered his gaze away from the skies and began to walk. Behind him was a parked Taral-class starfighter. It was the same ship he had taken from the hangar bay of the Obscurity, which he had used as his flagship during the days of the Sith Empire. He briefly took a moment to think about the Attrition-class Star Destroyer and the Fringe Confederate he had left it with; and found himself wondering what had happened to [member="Malus"] and his crew since he had disappeared to continue his scheme. Alas, he found them to be of no consequence in the situation he found himself in. He would deal with them later.
Vazela's presence on the world was a simple thing. He had created allies in the Fringe Confederate, and whilst the unknown acts of [member="Malus"] and the subsequent destruction of the Obscurity in the Morellia system had happened, it had nothing to do with him. That was the act of the Chiss Commander he had left in charge; and any damage caused to his relations were easily repaired. He had emerged on Coruscant, before the One Sith's invasion, and through his meeting with the Jedi High Council, as well as the trial that had followed, the Sith Lord had convinced the entire Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order that served it that he had repented his former life to serve them both. The facade that followed was cemented in the eyes of the Republic's leaders and the Jedi, through the information he had leaked to them shortly before the invasion of Carida. As far the Jedi were concerned, Vilox Pazela was a former Sith Lord that became a Jedi Master; and now worked for the good of the galaxy.
And that suited him perfectly.
He couldn't exactly say he had the Fringe Confederate, Galactic Republic or Jedi Order in his pocket exactly. But to all three sides, he could be seen as a respectful ally and through an extra bit of work, he could pull their strings to the symphony he was in the process of creating. The orchestra to the music he was in the process of building was near completion. He had an idea to form the Dark Order, a sect of Dark Jedi that would live on Aza'Zoth, in order to build a shadow organization that could be used for the scheme he had in the works. But now that the One Sith had revealed themselves, he saw no reason to create such a sect when there was already one that could be taken. No doubt he would have fresh challenges in opposition to his take over, but this was the way of the Sith. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. He would prove he had the strength necessary to defeat those challengers; and the power to rule the One Sith, in his vision.
He came to a stop in the atrium of the building. He felt the presence of the unknown Dark Lord of the Sith that former allies such as Vornskr and Janus now served. He did not know much of the man, which was a credit to the realm of obscurity he had created around himself. But Vazela had done the same. Not even Kaine Zambrano, Tyrin Ardik or Daella Apparine, who knew of him since his defection to the Jedi Order, could help in terms of information. His skill set was unknown. But it was time to demonstrate his power.
Lifting the cowl of his robe off his head, allowing the excess wet to fall from his hood and onto the floor around, Darth Vazela allowed the hilt of his Lightsaber to drop from his sleeve into his hand; and then continue his march further into darkness, to slay the Dark Lord of the Sith that ruled the One Sith and take the faction for himself.
The Shadow had descended on Prakith to confront an equal enigma. Who would stand in Vazela's way?