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On Prakith, Shadows Clash [One Sith/Ask]

| [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Darth Janus"] | [member="Daella Apparine"] | [member="Darth Isolda"] | [member="Darth Shara"] |

Prakith, Temple of the Dark Lord of the Sith.


Darth Vazela lifted his gaze to the heavens. Hooded in a dark garb, the secretive Sith Lord had his hands tucked into the pockets of the pants he wore underneath. His arms parted the robe slightly at either side, giving off a familiar stance to those who happened to know him. Not many then. He was taking a moment to think about past events. About the day [member="Mikhail Shorn"] had performed a similar act he was about to enact. That day, Tyrin Ardik had been dethroned and another Emperor had been selected in the form of [member="Darth Arcis"]. Peculiar then, that the same Umbaran might stand in his way on this fateful day, when the shadow emerged to confront others of a similar pedigree. After all, the One Sith of today had appeared out of no where on Coruscant.

Just like he had on Prakith.

He lowered his gaze away from the skies and began to walk. Behind him was a parked Taral-class starfighter. It was the same ship he had taken from the hangar bay of the Obscurity, which he had used as his flagship during the days of the Sith Empire. He briefly took a moment to think about the Attrition-class Star Destroyer and the Fringe Confederate he had left it with; and found himself wondering what had happened to [member="Malus"] and his crew since he had disappeared to continue his scheme. Alas, he found them to be of no consequence in the situation he found himself in. He would deal with them later.

Vazela's presence on the world was a simple thing. He had created allies in the Fringe Confederate, and whilst the unknown acts of [member="Malus"] and the subsequent destruction of the Obscurity in the Morellia system had happened, it had nothing to do with him. That was the act of the Chiss Commander he had left in charge; and any damage caused to his relations were easily repaired. He had emerged on Coruscant, before the One Sith's invasion, and through his meeting with the Jedi High Council, as well as the trial that had followed, the Sith Lord had convinced the entire Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order that served it that he had repented his former life to serve them both. The facade that followed was cemented in the eyes of the Republic's leaders and the Jedi, through the information he had leaked to them shortly before the invasion of Carida. As far the Jedi were concerned, Vilox Pazela was a former Sith Lord that became a Jedi Master; and now worked for the good of the galaxy.

And that suited him perfectly.

He couldn't exactly say he had the Fringe Confederate, Galactic Republic or Jedi Order in his pocket exactly. But to all three sides, he could be seen as a respectful ally and through an extra bit of work, he could pull their strings to the symphony he was in the process of creating. The orchestra to the music he was in the process of building was near completion. He had an idea to form the Dark Order, a sect of Dark Jedi that would live on Aza'Zoth, in order to build a shadow organization that could be used for the scheme he had in the works. But now that the One Sith had revealed themselves, he saw no reason to create such a sect when there was already one that could be taken. No doubt he would have fresh challenges in opposition to his take over, but this was the way of the Sith. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. He would prove he had the strength necessary to defeat those challengers; and the power to rule the One Sith, in his vision.

He came to a stop in the atrium of the building. He felt the presence of the unknown Dark Lord of the Sith that former allies such as Vornskr and Janus now served. He did not know much of the man, which was a credit to the realm of obscurity he had created around himself. But Vazela had done the same. Not even Kaine Zambrano, Tyrin Ardik or Daella Apparine, who knew of him since his defection to the Jedi Order, could help in terms of information. His skill set was unknown. But it was time to demonstrate his power.

Lifting the cowl of his robe off his head, allowing the excess wet to fall from his hood and onto the floor around, Darth Vazela allowed the hilt of his Lightsaber to drop from his sleeve into his hand; and then continue his march further into darkness, to slay the Dark Lord of the Sith that ruled the One Sith and take the faction for himself.

The Shadow had descended on Prakith to confront an equal enigma. Who would stand in Vazela's way?
[member="Vilox Pazela"]

A lone figure stood a quiet and solitary watch ahead of the approaching Sith. The tall, gaunt creature stood silently and leaned upon a metal cane with black-gloved hands. Black, leather shoes and black slacks covered the thing's legs and feet while a tunic and cloak of matching color finished the attire. A darkened hood, a cowl really, covered the thing's head and a black, wide brimmed hat perched atop the tall thing's head. In place of a face was the inhuman, eerie visage of a long-beaked bird of prey, though not one of the mortal, or sane, realm.

As the man approached, the inhuman figure simply stood its ground and tilted its head to the side, ever so slightly. When it spoke, the voice was strange sounding, as if distant, dry, dead winds blew through old, metal sound amplifiers. To those sensitive, it would appear as if the very Force refused to touch the very creature's flesh.

"... This... is an unwise decision..." was all it said.


Since the invasion of Coruscant the Dark lord had in fact moved his throne to the capital of the galaxy, something that was a well known fact even to the enemies of the One Sith.

So when Vilox came to Prakith, he found not the energies of the Dark Lord, but those of the gathered Sith who had made their permanent home here on the desert world, chief among them, Darth Shara. It was likely Shara that Vilox sensed deep within the temple itself, the massive Maelibus sitting in place in the library of a temple, reading a book that seemed far too small for his hands with an equally far too small pair of spectacles on his face.

Shara did not know about Vilox coming here, nor would he really care if he did. The young upstart would be dealt with one way or another, and the Demon Sith didn't concern himself with the likes of fools and simpletons, he had far more important matters to deal with.

Flipping another page in his book, Shara kept reading.
The ground shook as Orcus wandered into the library wearing a nightcap. A big flipper scratched at the orbalisks covering him. One was particularly itchy. He stretched and yawned, exposing rows of large, conical teeth. He glanced around with bleary, black eyes and saw Shara.

"Ah, brother," Orcus rumbled, lumbering over to sit in an oversized chair beside his fellow colossus. Orcus reached over to the chairside table and grabbed a ball of yarn and some utensils, then he began to knit.

[member="Darth Shara"]
| [member="Hion the Herglic"] | [member="Darth Shara"] | [member="Doctor Agnusdei"] |

Vazela lifted his gaze to the Doctor, not yet knowing that the Dark Lord of the Sith had moved shop. After all, for someone who kept themselves hidden, you just don't announce that you've moved worlds. "Of no consequence," he replied. He considered the figure. "Are you here to stop me or intend to step aside?"
"Neither... At least, neither precisely..." the creature said, his voice calm and dry.

The figure simply raised a hand and gestured behind itself, inviting the lone man to follow. The reasons the creature desired this were its own. Neither mask nor body language conveyed anything. At least, nothing human.

"You are here to attempt to take control of the One Sith, are you not...? To... challenge the Dark Lord?..." the masked thing inquired.

[member="Vilox Pazela"]
| [member="Doctor Agnusdei"] | [member="Darth Shara"] | [member="Hion the Herglic"] |

He studied the being closely and found him wanting. Declaration of statement without betrayal of meaning. Enticement without reason. Indeed, it took a great deal to be able to answer a question and not give an answer. But his source of luring lacked the necessary skill to manipulate events. The manipulator would not become the manipulated; and even if his deduction of the being was way off the mark, it was far more easier and thus safer to simply blend into the shadows and continue his pilgrimage to ascension.

So, it was with that, he disappeared from the beings view; and slunk away into the shadows.

Escaping Agnusdei by utilizing the dark side to dull his senses, Vazela slipped away in a blink of an eye down a staircase, towards the presence of Darth Shara and Hion the Herglic. Shara in particular was powerful enough to allow the Sith Lord to deceive himself into thinking that the Demon Sith was the Dark Lord of the Sith he came to challenge for the mantle. Lightsaber hilt in tow, Vazela continued his descent towards the Sith Lord and the fallen Jedi Knight that accompanied him, leaving the strange creature he had met at the mouth of the mountain in his wake.
Agnusdei continued walking, his shoes and cane tapping out a staccato on the floor. He had known the man would slink away and attempt to bypass him. It was the way of the young and foolish. It seemed to happen regardless of race or species or creed. Gender played no part in the source, though the methodology did change on occasion. Cultures throughout the galaxy had entire legends and stories with the sole intent to grant their youth a life line in reality, a chance to stay the course and understand the universe around.

In the young man's departure, Agnusdei saw that once again imbecility and youthful arrogance, traits that Jedi nor Sith tolerated, had once again come to the fore, leading to the loss of what could have potentially become an opportunity in its entirety.

[member="Vilox Pazela"]


“Simply divine.” Shara said looking up from his book. “You shall have to make me a pair.”

The One Sith of course encouraged extracurricular activities, Knitting, reading, sowing. All of these things were taught to the members of the One Sith. It was important to have life skills that extended beyond the force, that was why Shara was such an avid reader. He knew many things because of the books he read.

His favorite thing he had learned was camping, Shara so loved to camp.
A few bookshelves over was the Sith Lord, Kaine Zambrano, laying down on his stomach on the floor of the library. Around him were multiple containers of writing utensils made out of colored wax, most of them used down to the nub and cast aside like refuse. Kaine comically stuck his tongue out of the right side of his mouth in concentration as he meticulously colored a black and white outline of the ancient Sith Lord, Darth Bane, with one of the colored writing utensils, this one being made out of black wax. So far he had only colored the cloak and armor sections, but he was running dangerously low on black, as most of the Sith Lords in this coloring book wore some sort of black clothing. At this rate he might have to resort to bright purple for Darth Vader, and that just won't do!

"I just can't fathom how children were supposed to color inside the lines! It's impossible!"

Yes, the great Sith Lord, Emperor of Panatha, and most wanted war criminal of the Republic, couldn't keep his colors inside of the designated lines on the drawing.

| [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Darth Shara"] | [member="Hion the Herglic"] | [member="Doctor Agnusdei"] |

Vazela finished his descent along the stair case. Thoughts of leading the One Sith in his direction, in which he would enslave them in the image of the Dark Jedi who created the first Sith Order; and bringing the galaxy into another era of darkness that would make the Four Hundred Year Darkness pale in comparison, to find...

...a demon like creature reading a book; a giant whale trying to knit; and a former Sith Emperor coloring in a coloring book.​
There was only one appropirate time in an IC thread that a meme could be used in place of a paragraph, to summarize Vazela's reaction at that time.​
EDIT: Please do not circumvent the profanity filter with images.​​

Off in a corner, Darth Nephthys, creepy twin number one, was playing a rather soulful melody upon a violin. Her bright red eyes were closed, the mute completely enthralled in her piece.

However, the arrival of a new individual to the library catacombs of the citadel prompted her to pause. Bright cherry red eyes would then turn to silently stare at the being upon the stairs.

Meanwhile in the same vacinity as [member="Darth Shara"], Daella played speed hexagonal three-dimensional fairy loser holochess with a supercomputer. She was on a loss streak. At the same time, she was playing a 5 v 1 ranked match of Suncraft 3. She was the 1 and winning.

Even in the Jedi, Daella had an extreme liking to hologames. It kept her mind fresh as she looked for new ways to gain victory within the same constant rules that everyone else deals with. It also refreshed her mind by entertaining her - thus keeping her stress down and giving her the ability to think more clearly.


Shara lifted his head from his book again, his Black Beady eyes settling on Vilox for only a moment. He thought for a second, and then realized he had no idea who this young man was. That was not uncommon, the One Sith had literally thousands of members and one person walking upon Prakith wasn't really anything unusual.

"Hello." The Sith lord simply said, his eyes drifting slowly back to his book as the young man proved to be boring.

[member="Vilox Pazela"]
| [member="Darth Shara"] | [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Daella Apparine"] | [member="Darth Nephthys"] | [member="Hion the Herglic"] | [member="Doctor Agnusdei"] |

Vazela's momentary surprise dissipated as he lifted his hooded gaze to Vornskr. He watched him for a few moments, before averting his gaze away from his old ally to Hion the Herglic. He remembered reading the archives in the ruins of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, about this particular being. A former Jedi Knight said to have been possessed by the Soulsaber. Interesting.

In the background, another fallen Jedi in the form of Daella Apparine, who and which could be argued to the Republic's greatest loss on after the One Sith took Coruscant. His sulfuric, predastory eyes found Nepthys for a moment; and then finally, they fell on Shara, the Demon Sith.

"I've come to see the Dark Lord of the Sith. Where is he?"
Beside the Darth was a table with a platter of fresh cherries. Quietly, the mute girl would set down her violin while Darth Orcus answered the question. Two slender fingers would pluck a stem to bring the cherry up .

Still damp from being washed, Darth Nephthys would bring the cherry over to lick the drop off.​
There after, she would again turn to silently observe the newcomer.​

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